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[gikonavigoeson/gikonavi.git] / BrowserRecord.pas
1 unit BrowserRecord;
3 interface
5 uses
6         Windows, OleCtrls, ActiveX,
7 {$IF Defined(DELPRO) }
8         SHDocVw,
9         MSHTML,
10 {$ELSE}
11         SHDocVw_TLB,
12         MSHTML_TLB,
13 {$IFEND}
14         BoardGroup, HTMLDocumentEvent;
16 type
17         TBrowserRecord = class( TObject )
18         private
19                 FBrowser        : TWebBrowser;
20                 FEvent: THTMLDocumentEventSink; ///< \83u\83\89\83E\83U\83h\83L\83\85\83\81\83\93\83g\83C\83x\83\93\83g
21                 FThread         : TThreadItem;
22                 FLastSize       : Integer;
23                 FRepaint        : Boolean;
24                 //FMovement     : string;                                                       ///< \83X\83N\83\8d\81[\83\8b\90æ\83A\83\93\83J\81[
25         public
26                 destructor      Destroy; override;
27                 property        Event : THTMLDocumentEventSink read FEvent write FEvent;
28                 property        Browser : TWebBrowser   read FBrowser   write FBrowser;
29                 property        Thread  : TThreadItem   read FThread    write FThread;
30                 property        LastSize        : Integer               read FLastSize  write FLastSize;
31                 property        Repaint         : Boolean               read FRepaint   write FRepaint;
32                 //property      Movement        : string                read FMovement  write FMovement;
33                 procedure       Move(const AName: string);
34                 procedure       IDAnchorPopup(Abody :string);
35         procedure OpenFindDialog;
36         end;
37         // BrowserRecord\82É\82Â\82¢\82Ä\82¢\82éFBrowser\82ð\8aO\82·
38         procedure ReleaseBrowser( BRecord: TBrowserRecord);
40 implementation
42 uses
43         Forms, SysUtils;
45 // *************************************************************************
46 //! BrowserRecord\82É\82Â\82¢\82Ä\82¢\82éFBrowser\82ð\8aO\82·
47 // *************************************************************************
48 procedure ReleaseBrowser( BRecord: TBrowserRecord);
49 begin
50         if BRecord <> nil then begin
51                 BRecord.Browser := nil;
52                 if BRecord.Event <> nil then begin
53                         BRecord.Event.Free;
54                         BRecord.Event := nil;
55                 end;
56                 BRecord.Repaint := true;
57         end;
58 end;
59 // *************************************************************************
60 //! BrowserRecord\82Ì\83f\83X\83g\83\89\83N\83^
61 // *************************************************************************
62 destructor      TBrowserRecord.Destroy;
63 var
64         doc :OleVariant;
65 begin
66         if Self.FEvent <> nil then
67                 Self.FEvent.Free;
68         if Self.FBrowser <> nil then begin
69                 if Self.Thread <> nil then begin
70                         //\83^\83u\82Ì\95\9c\8c³\82Å\95\9c\8c³\82³\82ê\82½\83X\83\8c\82Í\81A\95`\89æ\82³\82ê\82Ä\82¢\82È\82¢\82Æ\82«\82ª\82 \82é\82Ì\82Å
71                         //\82»\82Ì\82Æ\82«\82Ì\83X\83N\83\8d\81[\83\8b\97Ê\82ð\95Û\91\82µ\82Ä\82µ\82Ü\82¤\82Æ\83g\83b\83v\82É\96ß\82Á\82Ä\82µ\82Ü\82¤\81B
72                         if Self.FBrowser.OleObject.Document.documentElement.innerText <> '' then begin
73                                 doc := Idispatch( olevariant(Self.FBrowser.ControlInterface).Document) as IHTMLDocument2;
74                                 Self.Thread.ScrollTop := doc.Body.ScrollTop;
75                         end;
76                 end;
77                 ShowWindow(Self.FBrowser.Handle, SW_HIDE);
78         end;
80 end;
81 // *************************************************************************
82 //! \83u\83\89\83E\83U\82ð\83X\83N\83\8d\81[\83\8b\82³\82¹\82é
83 // *************************************************************************
84 procedure TBrowserRecord.Move(const AName: string);
85 var
86         top: Integer;
87         item: OleVariant;
88 begin
89         //\83u\83\89\83E\83U\82ª\95t\82¢\82Ä\82é\82Æ\82«\82¾\82¯\8f\88\97\9d\82·\82é
90         if (Self.Browser <> nil) then begin
91                 //\83u\83\89\83E\83U\82ª\83f\81[\83^\82Ì\93Ç\82Ý\8d\9e\82Ý\92\86\82Ì\8e\9e\82Í\93Ç\82Ý\8d\9e\82Ý\82ð\91Ò\82Â
92                 while (Self.Browser.ReadyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE) and
93                                         (Self.Browser.ReadyState <> READYSTATE_INTERACTIVE) do begin
94                         Sleep(1);
95                         Application.ProcessMessages;
96                 end;
98                 try
99                         top := 0;
100                         item := OleVariant( Self.Browser.Document as IHTMLDocument2)
101                                         .anchors.item(OleVariant(AName));
102                         item.focus();
103                         repeat
104                                 top := top + item.offsetTop;
105                                 item := item.offsetParent;
106                         until AnsiCompareText(item.tagName, 'body' ) = 0;
107                         OleVariant(Self.Browser.Document as IHTMLDocument2).body.scrollTop := top;
108                 except
109                 end;
110         end;
111 end;
112 //ID\83A\83\93\83J\81[\92Ç\89Á
113 procedure TBrowserRecord.IDAnchorPopup(Abody :string);
114 const
115         OUTER_HTML = '<p id="idSearch"></p>';
116         HIDDEN = 'hidden';
117 var
118         firstElement: IHTMLElement;
119         document: IHTMLDocument2;
120         docAll: IHTMLElementCollection;
121         doc : Variant;
122         nCSS : string;
123 begin
124         if Self.Browser <> nil then begin
125                 try
126                         document := Self.Browser.Document as IHTMLDocument2;
128                         if Assigned(document) then begin
129                                 docAll := document.all;
130                                 firstElement := docAll.item('idSearch', 0) as IHTMLElement;
131                                 if (Assigned(firstElement)) then begin
132                                         if Length(Abody) > 0 then begin
133                                                 doc := Idispatch( olevariant(Self.Browser.ControlInterface).Document) as IHTMLDocument2;
134                                                 nCSS := '<p id="idSearch" style="position:absolute;top:' + IntToStr(doc.Body.ScrollTop + 10) + 'px;right:5px;' //
135                                                         + 'background-color:window; border:outset 1px infobackground; z-index:10; overflow-y:auto; border-top:none">'
136                                                         + Abody + '</p>';
137                                                 firstElement.outerHTML := nCSS;
138                                                 firstElement.style.visibility := 'visible';
139                                         end else begin
140                                                 firstElement.outerHTML := OUTER_HTML;
141                                                 firstElement.style.visibility := HIDDEN;
142                                         end;
143                                 end else if (Assigned(firstElement)) then begin
144                                         firstElement.outerHTML := OUTER_HTML;
145                                         firstElement.style.visibility := HIDDEN;
146                                 end;
147                         end;
148                 except
149                 end;
150         end;
151 end;
152 {
153 \brief \8c\9f\8dõ\83_\83C\83A\83\8d\83O\8cÄ\82Ñ\8fo\82µ
154 }
155 procedure TBrowserRecord.OpenFindDialog();
156 const
157         CGID_WebBrowser: TGUID = '{ED016940-BD5B-11cf-BA4E-00C04FD70816}';
158         HTMLID_FIND = 1;
159 var
160         CmdTarget : IOleCommandTarget;
161         vaIn, vaOut: OleVariant;
162         PtrGUID: PGUID;
163 begin
164         if (Self.Browser <> nil) and (Self.Browser.Document <> nil) then begin
165                 //\83u\83\89\83E\83U\82ª\83f\81[\83^\82Ì\93Ç\82Ý\8d\9e\82Ý\92\86\82Ì\8e\9e\82Í\93Ç\82Ý\8d\9e\82Ý\82ð\91Ò\82Â
166                 while (Self.Browser.ReadyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE) and
167                                         (Self.Browser.ReadyState <> READYSTATE_INTERACTIVE) do begin
168                         Sleep(1);
169                         Application.ProcessMessages;
170                 end;
171         vaIn  := 0;
172         vaOut := 0;
173                 New(PtrGUID);
174                 PtrGUID^ := CGID_WebBrowser;
175         try
176                 try
177                         if Self.Browser.Document
178                     .QueryInterface(IOleCommandTarget, CmdTarget)
179                     = S_OK then begin
180                             if CmdTarget <> nil then begin
181                                     try
182                                             CmdTarget.Exec(PtrGUID, HTMLID_FIND, 0, vaIn, vaOut);
183                                         finally
184                                                 CmdTarget._Release;
185                                         end;
186                                 end;
187                 end;
188                     except
189                     end;
190         finally
191                 Dispose(PtrGUID);
192         end;
193         end;
194 end;
196 end.