OSDN Git Service

[gikonavigoeson/gikonavi.git] / NewBoard.pas
1 unit NewBoard;
3 interface
5 uses
6         Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
7         Dialogs, IdAntiFreezeBase, IdAntiFreeze, IdBaseComponent, IdComponent,
8         IdTCPConnection, IdTCPClient, IdHTTP, IDException, StdCtrls, IniFiles,
9         GikoSystem, BoardGroup;
11 type
12         TNewBoardItem = record
13                 FResponseCode: Integer;
14                 FContent: string;
15         end;
17         TNewBoardDialog = class(TForm)
18                 Label1: TLabel;
19                 MessageMemo: TMemo;
20                 UpdateButton: TButton;
21         CloseButton: TButton;
22                 Indy: TIdHTTP;
23                 IdAntiFreeze: TIdAntiFreeze;
24                 StopButton: TButton;
25         BoardURLComboBox: TComboBox;
26         Label13: TLabel;
27         EditIgnoreListsButton: TButton;
28         Label2: TLabel;
29     SakuCheckBox: TCheckBox;
30                 procedure UpdateButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
31                 procedure StopButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
32                 procedure CloseButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
33                 procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
34         procedure EditIgnoreListsButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
35         procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
36         private
37                 { Private \90é\8c¾ }
38                 IgnoreLists : TStringList;
39                 FAbort: Boolean;
40                 function BoardDownload(const URL: String): TNewBoardItem;
41                 function BoardLoardFromFile(const FilePath: String): String;
42                 function UpdateURL(s: string): boolean;
43                 procedure SetIgnoreCategory(b: boolean);
44                 procedure EditIgnoreList(Sender: TObject);
45                 procedure UpdateIgnoreList(Sender: TObject);
46         function CheckDeleteItem(ini: TMemIniFile): Boolean;
47         public
48                 { Public \90é\8c¾ }
49         class procedure InitHTTPClient(client : TIdHTTP);
50         end;
52 var
53         NewBoardDialog: TNewBoardDialog;
56 implementation
58 uses Giko, IdHeaderList, MojuUtils, GikoDataModule;
60 {$R *.dfm}
62 procedure TNewBoardDialog.UpdateButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
63 var
64         Item: TNewBoardItem;
65         URL : String;
66         protocol, host, path, document, port, bookmark: String;
67     TabURLs: TStringList;
68 begin
69         try
70                 MessageMemo.Clear;
71                 GikoSys.Setting.BoardURLSelected := BoardURLComboBox.ItemIndex + 1;
72                 FAbort := False;
73                 UpdateButton.Enabled := False;
74                 StopButton.Enabled := True;
75                 CloseButton.Enabled := False;
76                 EditIgnoreListsButton.Enabled := False;
77                 URL := BoardURLComboBox.Text;
78                 GikoSys.ParseURI(URL, protocol, host, path, document, port, bookmark);
79                 if (protocol = '') then begin
80                         Item.FContent := BoardLoardFromFile(URL);
81                 end else if (AnsiPos('http', protocol) > 0) then begin
82                         Item := BoardDownload(URL);
83                 end;
84                 StopButton.Enabled := False;
85                 if FAbort then
86                         Exit;
87                 if Item.FContent <> '' then begin
88             TabURLs := TStringList.Create;
89             try
90                 GikoDM.GetTabURLs(TabURLs);
91                         if (UpdateURL(Item.FContent)) then begin
92                                 GikoForm.ReloadBBS;
93                             end;
94                 GikoDM.OpenURLs(TabURLs);
95             finally
96                         TabURLs.Free;
97             end;
98                 end else
99                         MessageMemo.Lines.Add('\83_\83E\83\93\83\8d\81[\83h\82ª\8e¸\94s\82µ\82Ü\82µ\82½[' + IntToStr(Item.FResponseCode) + ']');
100         finally
101                 UpdateButton.Enabled := True;
102                 StopButton.Enabled := False;
103                 CloseButton.Enabled := True;
104                 EditIgnoreListsButton.Enabled := True;
105         end;
106 end;
108 procedure TNewBoardDialog.StopButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
109 begin
110         FAbort := True;
111         Indy.DisconnectSocket;
112 end;
114 procedure TNewBoardDialog.CloseButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
115 begin
116         Close;
117 end;
119 function TNewBoardDialog.BoardDownload(const URL: String): TNewBoardItem;
120 var
121         Stream: TMemoryStream;
122         s: string;
123         i: Integer;
124 begin
125     InitHTTPClient( Indy );
127         Indy.Request.UserAgent := GikoSys.GetUserAgent;
128         Indy.Request.Referer := '';
129         Indy.Request.AcceptEncoding := 'gzip';
131         Indy.Request.CacheControl := 'no-cache';
132         Indy.Request.CustomHeaders.Add('Pragma: no-cache');
134 //      s := '';
135         Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
136         try
137                 try
138                         MessageMemo.Lines.Add('\88È\89º\82Ì\8fê\8f\8a\82©\82ç\8eæ\93¾\82µ\82Ü\82·');
139                         //MessageMemo.Lines.Add(GikoSys.Setting.BoardURL2ch);
140                         MessageMemo.Lines.Add(URL);
141                         MessageMemo.Lines.Add('\83_\83E\83\93\83\8d\81[\83h\82ð\8aJ\8en\82µ\82Ü\82·');
142                         IdAntiFreeze.Active := True;
143                         try
144                                 Indy.Get(URL, Stream);
145                         finally
146                                 IdAntiFreeze.Active := False;
147                         end;
148                         Result.FContent := GikoSys.GzipDecompress(Stream, Indy.Response.ContentEncoding);
149                         MessageMemo.Lines.Add('\83_\83E\83\93\83\8d\81[\83h\82ª\8a®\97¹\82µ\82Ü\82µ\82½');
150                 except
151                         on E: EIdConnectException do begin
152                                 MessageMemo.Lines.Add('');
153                                 MessageMemo.Lines.Add('\90Ú\91±\82ª\8e¸\94s\82µ\82Ü\82µ\82½ \89ñ\90ü\82â\83v\83\8d\83L\83V\81AFW\82Ì\8fó\91Ô\82ð\92²\82×\82Ä\82­\82¾\82³\82¢');
154                                 MessageMemo.Lines.Add('FW\82ð\93ü\82ê\82Ä\82¢\82é\90l\82Í\90Ý\92è\82ð\8am\94F\82µ\82Ä\82­\82¾\82³\82¢');
155                                 MessageMemo.Lines.Add('NEC\82ÌPC\82Ì\8fê\8d\87\82ÍPC GATE\82ª\88«\82³\82ð\82µ\82Ä\82¢\82é\89Â\94\\90«\82ª\8d\82\82¢\82Å\82·');
156                                 MessageMemo.Lines.Add('Message: ' + E.Message);
157                         end;
158                         on E: Exception do begin
159                                 if FAbort then
160                                         MessageMemo.Lines.Add('\83_\83E\83\93\83\8d\81[\83h\82ð\92\86\92f\82µ\82Ü\82µ\82½')
161                                 else begin
162                                         MessageMemo.Lines.Add('\83_\83E\83\93\83\8d\81[\83h\82ª\8e¸\94s\82µ\82Ü\82µ\82½');
163                                         MessageMemo.Lines.Add('ResponseCode: ' + IntToStr(Indy.ResponseCode));
164                                         MessageMemo.Lines.Add('Message: ' + E.Message);
165                                         MessageMemo.Lines.Add('------------------------');
166                                         for i := 0 to Indy.Response.RawHeaders.Count - 1 do begin
167                                                 s := Indy.Response.RawHeaders.Names[i];
168                                                 s := s + ': ' + Indy.Response.RawHeaders.Values[s];
169                                                 MessageMemo.Lines.Add(s);
170                                         end;
171                                         MessageMemo.Lines.Add('------------------------');
172                                 end;
173                         end;
174                 end;
175                 Result.FResponseCode := Indy.ResponseCode;
176         finally
177                 Stream.Free;
178         end;
179 end;
181 function TNewBoardDialog.UpdateURL(s: string): boolean;
182 var
183         i: Integer;
184         idx: Integer;
185         idx1: Integer;
186         idx2: Integer;
187         tmp: string;
188         URL: string;
189         Title: string;
190         cate: string;
191         Board: TBoard;
192         Change: Boolean;
193         Ignore: Boolean;
194         ini: TMemIniFile;
195         oldURLs : TStringList;
196         newURLs : TStringList;
197     SakuIdx: Integer;
198 begin
199         Change := False;
200         MessageMemo.Lines.Add('\90V\94Â\81A\94ÂURL\95Ï\8dX\83`\83F\83b\83N\82ð\8aJ\8en\82µ\82Ü\82·');
201         MessageMemo.Lines.Add('');
202         s := CustomStringReplace(s, '<B>', '<b>', true);
203         s := CustomStringReplace(s, '<BR>', '<br>', true);
204         s := CustomStringReplace(s, '</B>', '</b>', true);
205         s := CustomStringReplace(s, '<A HREF', '<a href', true);
206         s := CustomStringReplace(s, '</A', '</a', true);
207         cate := '';
209         oldURLs := TStringList.Create;
210         newURLs := TStringList.Create;
212         try
214                 GikoSys.ForceDirectoriesEx(GikoSys.GetConfigDir);
215                 ini := TMemIniFile.Create(GikoSys.GetBoardFileName);
216                 try
217                         //
218                         //\8dí\8f\9c\83I\83v\83V\83\87\83\93\82ª\91I\91ð\82³\82ê\82Ä\82¢\82é\8fê\8d\87\82Í\83N\83\8a\83A
220                         ini.Clear;
222                         while True do begin
223                                 idx1 := AnsiPos('<b>', s);
224                                 idx2 := AnsiPos('<a', s);
225                                 if (idx1 = 0) and (idx2 = 0) then Break;
227                                 if idx1 < idx2 then begin
228                                         //<br>
229                                         idx := AnsiPos('</b>', s);
230                                         if idx = 0 then begin
231                                                 s := Copy(s, idx1 + 4, Length(s));
232                                                 continue;
233                                         end;
234                                         tmp := Copy(s, idx1, (idx - idx1) + 4);
235                                         tmp := CustomStringReplace(tmp, '<b>', '');
236                                         tmp := CustomStringReplace(tmp, '</b>', '');
237                                         Ignore := false;
238                                         for i := 0 to IgnoreLists.Count - 1 do begin
239                                                 if tmp = Trim(IgnoreLists[i]) then begin
240                                                         cate := '';
241                                                         s := Copy(s, idx + 5, Length(s));
242                                                         Ignore := True;
243                                                         break;
244                                                 end;
245                                         end;
246                                         if Ignore then
247                                                 Continue;
248                                         {
249                                         if (tmp = '\82¨\82·\82·\82ß') or
250                                                  (tmp = '\93Á\95Ê\8aé\89æ') or
251                                                  (tmp = '\82Ü\82¿\82a\82a\82r') or
252                                                  (tmp = '\83`\83\83\83b\83g') or
253                                                  (tmp = '\82¨\8aG\82©\82«') or
254                                                  (tmp = '\89^\89c\88Ä\93à') or
255                                                  (tmp = '\83c\81[\83\8b\97Þ') or
256                                                  (tmp = '\91¼\82Ì\83T\83C\83g') then begin
257                                                 cate := '';
258                                                 s := Copy(s, idx + 5, Length(s));
259                                                 Continue;
260                                         end;
261                                         }
262                                         s := Copy(s, idx + 5, Length(s));
263                                         cate := tmp;
264                                 end else begin
265                                         //<a href=
266                                         if cate = '' then begin
267                                                 s := Copy(s, idx2 + 2, Length(s));
268                                         end else begin
269                                                 idx := AnsiPos('</a>', s);
270                                                 tmp := Copy(s, idx2, (idx - idx2) + 4);
271                                                 tmp := CustomStringReplace(tmp, '<a href=', '');
272                                                 tmp := CustomStringReplace(tmp, '</a>', '');
273                         tmp := CustomStringReplace(tmp, 'TARGET=_blank', '');
274                                                 i := AnsiPos('>', tmp);
275                                                 if i <> 0 then begin
276                                                         URL := Trim(Copy(tmp, 1, i - 1));
277                                                         Title := Copy(tmp, i + 1, Length(tmp));
278                             if (SakuCheckBox.Checked = True) and (Title = '\8dí\8f\9c\97v\90¿') then begin
279                                 SakuIdx := Pos('.2ch.net/saku/', URL);
280                                 if (SakuIdx > 0) then
281                                     URL := Copy(URL, 1, SakuIdx - 1) + '.2ch.net/saku2ch/';
282                             end;
283                             // BBSs\82ª\8bó\91Î\8dô
284                             if Length(BBSs) = 0 then begin
285                                 Board := nil;
286                             end else begin
287                                 Board := BBSs[ 0 ].FindBoardFromTitleAndCategory(cate, Title);
288                             end;
289                             if Board = nil then begin
290                                 MessageMemo.Lines.Add('\90V\94Â\92Ç\89Á\81u' + Title + '(' + URL + ')\81v');
291                                 ini.WriteString(cate, Title, URL);
292                                 Change := True;
293                             end else begin
294                                 if Board.URL <> URL then begin
295                                         MessageMemo.Lines.Add('URL\95Ï\8dX\81u' + Board.Title + '(' + URL +')\81v');
296                                     ini.WriteString(cate, Title, URL);
297                                     oldURLs.Add(Board.URL);
298                                     newURLs.Add(URL);
299                                     Change := True;
300                                 end else begin
301                                         ini.WriteString(cate, Title, URL);
302                                 end;
303                             end;
304                                                 end else begin
305                                                         s := Copy(s, idx2 + 2, Length(s));
306                                                         Continue;
307                                                 end;
308                                                 s := Copy(s, idx + 5, Length(s));
309                                         end;
310                                 end;
311                         end;
312             // \83J\83e\83S\83\8a/\94Â\82ª\8c¸\82Á\82½\82¾\82¯\82¾\82ÆChange\83t\83\89\83O\82ª\82½\82½\82È\82¢\82Æ\82«\82Ì\91Î\8dô
313             if not Change then begin
314                 Change := CheckDeleteItem(ini);
315             end;
316                 finally
317                         if Change then
318                                 ini.UpdateFile;
319                         ini.Free;
320                 end;
321                 MessageMemo.Lines.Add('');
322             if Change then begin
323             GikoForm.FavoritesURLReplace(oldURLs, newURLs);
324             GikoForm.RoundListURLReplace(oldURLs, newURLs);
325             GikoForm.TabFileURLReplace(oldURLs, newURLs);
326                         MessageMemo.Lines.Add('\90V\94Â\81A\94ÂURL\95Ï\8dX\83`\83F\83b\83N\82ª\8a®\97¹\82µ\82Ü\82µ\82½');
327                         MessageMemo.Lines.Add('\81u\95Â\82\82é\81v\83{\83^\83\93\82ð\89\9f\82µ\82Ä\82­\82¾\82³\82¢');
328                 end else
329                         MessageMemo.Lines.Add('\90V\94Â\81A\94ÂURL\95Ï\8dX\82Í \82 \82è\82Ü\82¹\82ñ\82Å\82µ\82½');
330     finally
331         oldURLs.Free;
332         newURLs.Free;
333         end;
334         Result := Change;
335 end;
336 //! \8dí\8f\9c\83J\83e\83S\83\8a/\94Â\83`\83F\83b\83N
337 function TNewBoardDialog.CheckDeleteItem(ini: TMemIniFile): Boolean;
338 var
339         URL: string;
340         Title: string;
341         orgini: TMemIniFile;
342     orgStrings, newStrings: TStringList;
343     i: Integer;
344 begin
345     orgini := TMemIniFile.Create(GikoSys.GetBoardFileName);
346     orgStrings := TStringList.Create;
347     newStrings := TStringList.Create;
348     try
349         ini.ReadSections(newStrings);
350         orgini.ReadSections(orgStrings);
351         if (newStrings.Count <> orgStrings.Count) then begin
352             //\83J\83e\83S\83\8a\92Ç\89Á\82Í\81A\94Â\82ª\92Ç\89Á\82É\82È\82é\82Ì\82Å\83`\83F\83b\83N\82µ\82È\82­\82Ä\82à\82¢\82¢
353             //\83J\83e\83S\83\8a\82Ì\8dí\8f\9c\83`\83F\83b\83N
354             for i := 0 to orgStrings.Count - 1 do begin
355                 if (newStrings.IndexOf(orgStrings[i]) = -1) then begin
356                     MessageMemo.Lines.Add('\83J\83e\83S\83\8a\8dí\8f\9c\81u' + orgStrings[i] + '\81v');
357                 end;
358             end;
359             Result := True;
360         end else begin
361             // \94Â\82Ì\90\94\83`\83F\83b\83N
362             ini.GetStrings(newStrings);
363             orgini.GetStrings(orgStrings);
364             if (newStrings.Count <> orgStrings.Count) then begin
365                 // \94Â\82Ì\8dí\8f\9c\83`\83F\83b\83N
366                 for i := 0 to orgStrings.Count - 1 do begin
367                     if (newStrings.IndexOf(orgStrings[i]) = -1) then begin
368                         Title := Copy(orgStrings[i], 1 , AnsiPos('=',orgStrings[i]) - 1);
369                         URL := Copy(orgStrings[i],
370                             AnsiPos('=',orgStrings[i]) + 1, Length(orgStrings[i]));
371                         MessageMemo.Lines.Add('\94Â\8dí\8f\9c\81u' + Title + '(' + URL +')\81v');
372                     end;
373                 end;
374                 Result := True;
375             end;
376         end;
377     finally
378         orgStrings.Free;
379         newStrings.Free;
380         orgini.Free;
381     end;
382 end;
383 procedure TNewBoardDialog.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
384 var
385     CenterForm: TCustomForm;
386 begin
387     CenterForm := TCustomForm(Owner);
388     if Assigned(CenterForm) then begin
389         Left := ((CenterForm.Width - Width) div 2) + CenterForm.Left;
390         Top := ((CenterForm.Height - Height) div 2) + CenterForm.Top;
391     end else begin
392         Left := (Screen.Width - Width) div 2;
393         Top := (Screen.Height - Height) div 2;
394     end;
396         StopButton.Enabled := False;
397         BoardURLComboBox.Clear;
398         BoardURLComboBox.Items.AddStrings(GikoSys.Setting.BoardURLs);
399         try
400                 BoardURLComboBox.ItemIndex := GikoSys.Setting.BoardURLSelected - 1;
401         except
402                 BoardURLComboBox.ItemIndex := 0;
403         end;
404         SetIgnoreCategory(false);
406     SakuCheckBox.Checked := GikoSys.Setting.SakuBoard;
407 end;
408 //\94Â\8dX\90V\82Ì\8f\9c\8aO\83J\83e\83S\83\8a\83\8a\83X\83g\82Ì\93o\98^
409 {['\82¨\82·\82·\82ß', '\93Á\95Ê\8aé\89æ', '\82Ü\82¿\82a\82a\82r', '\83`\83\83\83b\83g', '\82¨\8aG\82©\82«', '\89^\89c\88Ä\93à', '\83c\81[\83\8b\97Þ', '\91¼\82Ì\83T\83C\83g']}
410 procedure TNewBoardDialog.SetIgnoreCategory(b: boolean);
411 begin
412         IgnoreLists := TStringList.Create;
413         if not( FileExists(GikoSys.Setting.GetIgnoreFileName) ) or ( b )then begin
414                 IgnoreLists.Add('\82¨\82·\82·\82ß');
415                 IgnoreLists.Add('\93Á\95Ê\8aé\89æ');
416                 IgnoreLists.Add('\82Ü\82¿\82a\82a\82r');
417                 IgnoreLists.Add('\83`\83\83\83b\83g');
418                 IgnoreLists.Add('\82¨\8aG\82©\82«');
419                 IgnoreLists.Add('\89^\89c\88Ä\93à');
420                 IgnoreLists.Add('\83c\81[\83\8b\97Þ');
421                 IgnoreLists.Add('\91¼\82Ì\83T\83C\83g');
422         end else begin
423                 try
424                         IgnoreLists.LoadFromFile(GikoSys.Setting.GetIgnoreFileName);
425                 except
426                         IgnoreLists.Free;
427                         SetIgnoreCategory(true);
428                 end;
429         end;
430 end;
432 procedure TNewBoardDialog.EditIgnoreListsButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
433 begin
434         EditIgnoreList(Sender);
435         EditIgnoreListsButton.OnClick := UpdateIgnoreList;
436 end;
437 procedure TNewBoardDialog.EditIgnoreList(Sender: TObject);
438 var
439         i: Integer;
440 begin
441         EditIgnoreListsButton.Caption := '\8f\9c\8aO\83J\83e\83S\83\8a\81[\8dX\90V';
442         Label2.Caption := '\8ae\82P\8ds\82É\83J\83e\83S\83\8a\96¼\82ð\8bL\93ü\82µ\82Ä\82­\82¾\82³\82¢\81B\81i\89ü\8ds\82ÍCtrl+Enter\81j';
443         UpdateButton.Enabled := false;
444         //MessageMemo.ReadOnly := false;
445         MessageMemo.Clear;
446         for i := 0 to IgnoreLists.Count - 1 do
447                 MessageMemo.Lines.Add(IgnoreLists[i]);
448 end;
449 procedure TNewBoardDialog.UpdateIgnoreList(Sender: TObject);
450 var
451         i: Integer;
452 begin
453         Label2.Caption := '';
454     UpdateButton.Enabled := true;
455         EditIgnoreListsButton.Caption := '\8f\9c\8aO\83J\83e\83S\83\8a\81[\95Ò\8fW';
456         IgnoreLists.Clear;
457         for i := 0 to MessageMemo.Lines.Count - 1 do
458                 IgnoreLists.Add(MessageMemo.Lines[i]);
459         IgnoreLists.SaveToFile(GikoSys.Setting.GetIgnoreFileName);
460         IgnoreLists.Free;
461         SetIgnoreCategory(false);
462         //MessageMemo.ReadOnly := true;
463         MessageMemo.Clear;
464         EditIgnoreListsButton.OnClick := EditIgnoreListsButtonClick;
465 end;
467 procedure TNewBoardDialog.FormClose(Sender: TObject;
468   var Action: TCloseAction);
469 begin
470     GikoSys.Setting.SakuBoard := SakuCheckBox.Checked;
471         IgnoreLists.Free;
472 end;
473 //! \83\8d\81[\83J\83\8b\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ð\83\8d\81[\83h\82·\82é
474 function TNewBoardDialog.BoardLoardFromFile(const FilePath: String): String;
475 var
476         html : TStringList;
477 begin
478         Result := '';
479         // \83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ª\91\8dÝ\82µ\82Ä\82¢\82é\82©\83`\83F\83b\83N
480         if (FileExists(FilePath)) then begin
481                 html := TStringList.Create();
482                 try
483                         html.LoadFromFile(FilePath);
484                         Result := html.Text;
485                 finally
486                         html.Free;
487                 end;
488         end;
489 end;
491 class procedure TNewBoardDialog.InitHTTPClient(client : TIdHTTP);
492 begin
493         client.Request.Clear;
494     client.Request.CustomHeaders.Clear;
495         client.Request.UserAgent := GikoSys.GetUserAgent;
496         client.RecvBufferSize := Gikosys.Setting.RecvBufferSize;
497         client.ProxyParams.BasicAuthentication := False;
498         client.ReadTimeout := GikoSys.Setting.ReadTimeOut;
499     client.ConnectTimeout := GikoSys.Setting.ReadTimeOut;
501         if GikoSys.Setting.ReadProxy then begin
502                 if GikoSys.Setting.ProxyProtocol then
503                         client.ProtocolVersion := pv1_1
504                 else
505                         client.ProtocolVersion := pv1_0;
506                 client.ProxyParams.ProxyServer := GikoSys.Setting.ReadProxyAddress;
507                 client.ProxyParams.ProxyPort := GikoSys.Setting.ReadProxyPort;
508                 client.ProxyParams.ProxyUsername := GikoSys.Setting.ReadProxyUserID;
509                 client.ProxyParams.ProxyPassword := GikoSys.Setting.ReadProxyPassword;
510                 if GikoSys.Setting.ReadProxyUserID <> '' then
511                         client.ProxyParams.BasicAuthentication := True;
512         end else begin
513                 if GikoSys.Setting.Protocol then
514                         client.ProtocolVersion := pv1_1
515                 else
516                         client.ProtocolVersion := pv1_0;
517                 client.ProxyParams.ProxyServer := '';
518                 client.ProxyParams.ProxyPort := 80;
519                 client.ProxyParams.ProxyUsername := '';
520                 client.ProxyParams.ProxyPassword := '';
521         end;
522 end;
523 end.