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DialogItem class is implemented; Dialog#item and Dialog#each_item now use DialogItem...
[molby/Molby.git] / Scripts / md.rb
1 #
2 #  md.rb
3 #
4 #  Created by Toshi Nagata.
5 #  Copyright 2009 Toshi Nagata. All rights reserved.
6 #
7 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 # the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
11 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 # GNU General Public License for more details.
16 class Molecule
18   def cmd_md_sub
19     arena = self.md_arena
20     keys = arena.to_hash.keys
21         #  The read-only keys
22         read_only = [:step, :coord_frame, :transient_temperature, :average_temperature]
23         #  Sort the keys so that they are (a little more) readable
24         [:timestep, :temperature, :cutoff, :electro_cutoff, :pairlist_distance,
25          :scale14_vdw, :scale14_elect, :use_xplor_shift, :dielectric,
26          :andersen_freq, :andersen_coupling, :random_seed, :relocate_center,
27          :use_graphite, :surface_probe_radius, :surface_tension, :surface_potential_freq,
28          :gradient_convergence, :coordinate_convergence,
29          :log_file, :coord_file, :vel_file, :force_file, :debug_file, :debug_output_level,
30          :coord_output_freq, :energy_output_freq,
31          :step, :coord_frame, :transient_temperature, :average_temperature].each_with_index { |k, i|
32           keys.delete(k)
33           keys.insert(i, k)
34         }
35         #  Arrange the items in vertical direction
36         n = (keys.count + 1) / 2
37         i = 0
38         keys = keys.sort_by { |k| i += 1; (i > n ? i - n + 0.5 : i) }
39         #  Do dialog
40     hash = Dialog.run("Molecular Dynamics Advanced Settings") {
41           items = []
42           keys.each { |k|
43             enabled = !read_only.include?(k)
44             items.push(item(:text, :title=>k.to_s))
45                 it = item(:textfield, :width=>120, :value=>arena[k].to_s)
46                 if enabled
47                   set_attr(it, :tag=>k)
48                 else
49                   set_attr(it, :enabled=>false)
50                 end
51                 items.push(it)
52           }
53           layout(4, *items)
54         }
55         if hash
56           hash.keys.each { |k|
57             next if read_only.include?(k)
58             arena[k] = hash[k]
59           }
60 #         arena.prepare
61           return hash
62         else
63           return nil
64         end
65   end
67   def prepare_arena
69         #  Get the MDArena
70         arena = self.md_arena
71         if !arena.prepare(true)   #  Parameter check only
72           Dialog.run("MD Error") {
73                 layout(1,
74                   item(:text, :title=>"Some parameters are missing. Please open\nthe 'parameters' table and examine."))
75                   set_attr(1, :hidden=>true)  #  Hide the cancel button
76           }
77           return nil
78     end
80     #  Initialize some fields at first invocation
81     if !@arena_created
82           if arena.log_file == nil && self.dir != nil
83             arena.log_file = self.dir + "/" + self.name.gsub(/\.\w+$/, ".log")
84           end
85           @md_spf = 500
86           @md_nf = 200
87           @arena_created = true
88         end
90     return arena
92   end
94   def cmd_md(minimize)
96         #  Create arena
97         arena = self.prepare_arena
98     if !arena
99           return -1
100         end
102     #  Basic parameters
103         spf = @md_spf
104         nf = @md_nf
105         mol = self
106         files_save = Hash.new
107         [:log_file, :coord_file, :vel_file, :force_file, :debug_file].each { |k|
108           s = arena[k]
109           files_save[k] = s
110           if s != nil
111             arena[k] = File.basename(s)
112           end
113         }
114         title = (minimize ? "Minimize" : "Molecular Dynamics")
115         hash = Dialog.run(title) {
116           items = []
117           if !minimize
118             items.push item(:text, :title=>"Timestep (fs)")
119             items.push item(:textfield, :width=>120, :value=>arena.timestep.to_s, :tag=>"timestep")
120             items.push item(:text, :title=>"Target temperature (K)")
121             items.push item(:textfield, :width=>120, :value=>arena.temperature.to_s, :tag=>"temperature")
122           end
123           items.push item(:text, :title=>"Steps per frame")
124           items.push item(:textfield, :width=>120, :value=>arena.coord_output_freq.to_s, :tag=>"steps_per_frame")
125           items.push item(:text, :title=>"Number of frames")
126           items.push item(:textfield, :width=>120, :value=>nf.to_s, :tag=>"number_of_frames")
127           items.push item(:text, :title=>"Log file")
128           items.push item(:textfield, :width=>120, :value=>(arena.log_file || ""), :tag=>"log_file")
129           items.push item(:button, :title=>"Advanced...",
130                      :action=>proc { |item1|
131                            if mol.cmd_md_sub
132                              if !minimize
133                                set_value("timestep", arena[:timestep].to_s)
134                                    set_value("temperature", arena[:temperature].to_s)
135                                  end
136                                  set_value("log_file", arena[:log_file])
137                            end
138                          }
139                         )
140           layout(2, *items)
141         }
142         dirstr = (self.dir || document_home)
143         if hash
144           arena[:log_file] = hash[:log_file]
145         end
146         [:log_file, :coord_file, :vel_file, :force_file, :debug_file].each { |k|
147           if hash
148             s = arena[k]
149             if s != nil && s != ""
150               arena[k] = dirstr + "/" + s
151                 else
152                   arena[k] = nil
153                 end
154           else
155             arena[k] = files_save[k]
156       end
157         }
158         if !hash
159           return -1
160         end
161         if !minimize
162           arena.temperature = Float(hash["temperature"])
163           arena.timestep = Float(hash["timestep"])
164         end
165         arena.coord_output_freq = Integer(hash["steps_per_frame"])
166         arena.energy_output_freq = arena.coord_output_freq
167         return Integer(hash["number_of_frames"])
168   end
170   def cmd_define_unit_cell
171     mol = self
172     hash = Dialog.run("Define Unit Cell") {
173           @mol = mol
174           def set_box_value(item1)
175             h = Hash.new
176                 ["o0", "o1", "o2", "a0", "a1", "a2", "b0", "b1", "b2", "c0", "c1", "c2"].each { |k|
177                   begin
178                     s = value(k)
179                         if s == nil || s == ""
180                           h[k] = 0.0
181                         else
182                       h[k] = Float(eval(s))
183                           set_value(k, h[k].to_s)
184                         end
185                   rescue
186                     mes = "Cannot evaluate #{value(k)}: " + $!.to_s
187                         Dialog.run("Value Error") {
188                           layout(1, item(:text, :title=>mes))
189                           set_attr(1, :hidden=>true)
190                         }
191                         return nil
192                   end
193                 }
194                 ax = Vector3D[h["a0"], h["a1"], h["a2"]]
195                 bx = Vector3D[h["b0"], h["b1"], h["b2"]]
196                 cx = Vector3D[h["c0"], h["c1"], h["c2"]]
197                 ox = Vector3D[h["o0"], h["o1"], h["o2"]]
198                 @mol.set_box(ax, bx, cx, ox)
199                 return @mol
200           end
201           def action(item1)
202             if item1[:index] == 0
203                   if !set_box_value(item1)
204                     return  #  Cannot set box: dialog is not dismissed
205                   end
206                 end
207                 super
208           end
209           box = @mol.box
210           layout(4,
211             item(:text, :title=>"Unit cell:"),
212                 -1, -1, -1,
213             item(:text, :title=>"origin"),
214                 item(:textfield, :width=>140, :tag=>"o0", :value=>(box ? box[3].x.to_s : "")),
215                 item(:textfield, :width=>140, :tag=>"o1", :value=>(box ? box[3].y.to_s : "")),
216                 item(:textfield, :width=>140, :tag=>"o2", :value=>(box ? box[3].z.to_s : "")),
217             item(:text, :title=>"a-axis"),
218                 item(:textfield, :width=>140, :tag=>"a0", :value=>(box ? box[0].x.to_s : "")),
219                 item(:textfield, :width=>140, :tag=>"a1", :value=>(box ? box[0].y.to_s : "")),
220                 item(:textfield, :width=>140, :tag=>"a2", :value=>(box ? box[0].z.to_s : "")),
221             item(:text, :title=>"b-axis"),
222                 item(:textfield, :width=>140, :tag=>"b0", :value=>(box ? box[1].x.to_s : "")),
223                 item(:textfield, :width=>140, :tag=>"b1", :value=>(box ? box[1].y.to_s : "")),
224                 item(:textfield, :width=>140, :tag=>"b2", :value=>(box ? box[1].z.to_s : "")),
225             item(:text, :title=>"c-axis"),
226                 item(:textfield, :width=>140, :tag=>"c0", :value=>(box ? box[2].x.to_s : "")),
227                 item(:textfield, :width=>140, :tag=>"c1", :value=>(box ? box[2].y.to_s : "")),
228                 item(:textfield, :width=>140, :tag=>"c2", :value=>(box ? box[2].z.to_s : "")),
229                 item(:button, :title=>"Set", :action=>:set_box_value),
230                 item(:text, :title=>"(Ruby expressions are allowed as the values)"),
231                 -1, -1)
232         }
233   end
235   def cmd_show_periodic_image
236     mol = self
237     hash = Dialog.run("Show Periodic Image") {
238           @mol = mol
239           def set_periodic_image(n)
240             a = []
241             ["amin", "amax", "bmin", "bmax", "cmin", "cmax"].each_with_index { |k, i|
242                   s = value(k)
243                   if s == nil || s == ""
244                     a[i] = 0
245                   else
246                     a[i] = Integer(s)
247                   end
248                 }
249             @mol.show_periodic_image(a)
250           end
251           def action(item1)
252             if item1[:index] == 0
253                   set_periodic_image(item1)
254                 end
255                 super
256           end
257           pimage = @mol.show_periodic_image
258           layout(4,
259             item(:text, :title=>"Show Periodic Image:"),
260                 -1, -1, -1,
261                 item(:text, :title=>"a-axis"),
262                 item(:textfield, :width=>80, :tag=>"amin", :value=>pimage[0].to_s),
263                 item(:text, :title=>"to"),
264                 item(:textfield, :width=>80, :tag=>"amax", :value=>pimage[1].to_s),
265                 item(:text, :title=>"b-axis"),
266                 item(:textfield, :width=>80, :tag=>"bmin", :value=>pimage[2].to_s),
267                 item(:text, :title=>"to"),
268                 item(:textfield, :width=>80, :tag=>"bmax", :value=>pimage[3].to_s),
269                 item(:text, :title=>"c-axis"),
270                 item(:textfield, :width=>80, :tag=>"cmin", :value=>pimage[4].to_s),
271                 item(:text, :title=>"to"),
272                 item(:textfield, :width=>80, :tag=>"cmax", :value=>pimage[5].to_s),
273                 item(:button, :title=>"Set", :action=>:set_periodic_image))
274         }
275   end
277   def cmd_pressure_control
279     if box == nil
280           Dialog.run("Pressure Control Error") {
281                 layout(1,
282                   item(:text, :title=>"Unit cell is not defined. Please open 'Unit Cell...' \nfrom the MM/MD menu and set up the unit cell."))
283                 set_attr(1, :hidden=>true)  #  Hide the cancel button
284           }
285           return nil
286         end
288         #  Create arena
289         arena = self.prepare_arena
290     if !arena
291           return nil
292         end
293     mol = self
295         #  Create pressure arena
296         if arena.pressure_freq == nil
297           arena.pressure_freq = 20   #  This assignment will automatically create pressure arena
298         end
300         hash = Dialog.run("Pressure Control") {
301           @mol = mol
302           layout(2,
303             item(:text, :title=>"Frequency"),
304                 item(:textfield, :width=>100, :tag=>"freq", :value=>arena.pressure_freq.to_s),
305                 item(:text, :title=>"Coupling"),
306                 item(:textfield, :width=>100, :tag=>"coupling", :value=>arena.pressure_coupling.to_s),
307             item(:text, :title=>"Pressure a"),
308                 item(:textfield, :width=>100, :tag=>"pa", :value=>arena.pressure[0].to_s),
309             item(:text, :title=>"Pressure b"),
310                 item(:textfield, :width=>100, :tag=>"pb", :value=>arena.pressure[1].to_s),
311             item(:text, :title=>"Pressure c"),
312                 item(:textfield, :width=>100, :tag=>"pc", :value=>arena.pressure[2].to_s),
313             item(:text, :title=>"Cell flexibility a"),
314                 item(:textfield, :width=>100, :tag=>"fa", :value=>arena.pressure_cell_flexibility[0].to_s),
315             item(:text, :title=>"Cell flexibility b"),
316                 item(:textfield, :width=>100, :tag=>"fb", :value=>arena.pressure_cell_flexibility[1].to_s),
317             item(:text, :title=>"Cell flexibility c"),
318                 item(:textfield, :width=>100, :tag=>"fc", :value=>arena.pressure_cell_flexibility[2].to_s),
319             item(:text, :title=>"Cell flexibility bc"),
320                 item(:textfield, :width=>100, :tag=>"fbc", :value=>arena.pressure_cell_flexibility[3].to_s),
321             item(:text, :title=>"Cell flexibility ca"),
322                 item(:textfield, :width=>100, :tag=>"fca", :value=>arena.pressure_cell_flexibility[4].to_s),
323             item(:text, :title=>"Cell flexibility ab"),
324                 item(:textfield, :width=>100, :tag=>"fab", :value=>arena.pressure_cell_flexibility[5].to_s),
325             item(:text, :title=>"Cell flexibility origin"),
326                 item(:textfield, :width=>100, :tag=>"forig", :value=>arena.pressure_cell_flexibility[6].to_s),
327             item(:text, :title=>"Cell flexibility orientation"),
328                 item(:textfield, :width=>100, :tag=>"forient", :value=>arena.pressure_cell_flexibility[7].to_s),
329             item(:text, :title=>"Fluctuate cell origin"),
330                 item(:textfield, :width=>100, :tag=>"orig", :value=>arena.pressure_fluctuate_cell_origin.to_s),
331             item(:text, :title=>"Fluctuate cell orientation"),
332                 item(:textfield, :width=>100, :tag=>"orient", :value=>arena.pressure_fluctuate_cell_orientation.to_s))
333     }
334         if hash
335           arena.pressure_freq = hash["freq"]
336           arena.pressure_coupling = hash["coupling"]
337           arena.pressure = [hash["pa"], hash["pb"], hash["pc"]]
338           arena.pressure_cell_flexibility = [hash["fa"], hash["fb"], hash["fc"], hash["fbc"], hash["fca"], hash["fab"], hash["forig"], hash["forient"]]
339           arena.pressure_fluctuate_cell_origin = hash["orig"]
340           arena.pressure_fluctuate_cell_orientation = hash["orient"]
341         end
342   end
344   def ambertools_dialog(tool)
345         ante_dir = get_global_settings("antechamber.ante_dir")
346         log_dir = get_global_settings("antechamber.log_dir")
347         if !ante_dir
348           ante_dir = ($platform == "mac" ? "/Applications/amber10" : ($platform == "win" ? "c:/opt/amber10" : ""))
349         end
350         if !log_dir
351           log_dir = document_home + "/amber10"
352         end
353         if $platform == "win"
354           suffix = ".exe"
355         else
356           suffix = ""
357         end
358         log_level = (get_global_settings("antechamber.log_level") || "none")
359     hash = Dialog.run("Run " + tool.capitalize) {
360           @toolname = tool + suffix
361       def valid_antechamber_dir(s)
362             FileTest.exist?(s + "/" + @toolname)
363           end
364           def action(item1)
365             n = item1[:index]
366             if n == 4
367                   if valid_antechamber_dir(item1[:value])
368                     set_attr(0, :enabled=>true)
369                   end
370                 elsif n == 0 || n == 1
371                   #  Settings are stored in the global settings (even if Cancel is pressed)
372                   self.each_item { |item2|
373                     if (tag = item2[:tag])
374                           value = item2[:value]
375                   v = [["log_none", "none"], ["log_error_only", "error_only"], ["log_keep_latest", "latest"], ["log_all", "all"]].assoc(tag)
376                           if v 
377                             next if value != 1
378                             tag = "log_level"
379                                 value = v[1]
380                           end
381                           set_global_settings("antechamber.#{tag}", value)
382                         end
383                   }
384                 end
385                 super
386           end
387           layout(2,
388 =begin
389                 item(:text, :title=>"Ambertools directory:"),
390                 [ item(:button, :title=>"Choose...",
391                         :action=>proc { |n|
392                         #  print "action method called\n"
393                           dir = Dialog.open_panel(nil, nil, nil, true)
394                           if dir
395                                 if valid_antechamber_dir(dir)
396                                   set_value("ante_dir", dir)
397                           set_attr(0, :enabled=>true)
398                                 else
399                                   Dialog.run {
400                                     layout(1,
401                                           item(:text, :title=>"Cannot find #{tool} in #{dir}."))
402                                   }
403                                   set_attr(0, :enabled=>false)
404                                 end
405                           end
406                         }
407                   ), {:align=>:right} ],
408                 item(:textfield, :width=>360, :height=>40, :tag=>"ante_dir", :value=>ante_dir),
409                 -1,
410 =end
411                 item(:checkbox, :title=>"Optimize structure and calculate charges (may be slow)", :tag=>"calc_charge", :value=>(get_global_settings("antechamber.calc_charge") || 0),
412                   :action=>proc { |item1| set_attr("nc", :enabled=>(item1[:value] != 0)) } ),
413                 -1,
414                 item(:text, :title=>"      Net Molecular Charge:"),
415                 item(:textfield, :width=>"80", :tag=>"nc", :value=>(get_global_settings("antechamber.nc") || "0")),
416                 item(:checkbox, :title=>"Use the residue information", :tag=>"use_residue", :value=>(get_global_settings("antechamber.use_residue") || 0)),
417                 -1,
418                 item(:line),
419                 -1,
420                 item(:text, :title=>"Log directory:"),
421                 [ item(:button, :title=>"Choose...",
422                         :action=>proc { |item1|
423                           dir = Dialog.open_panel(nil, nil, nil, true)
424                           if dir
425                                 set_value("log_dir", dir)
426                           end
427                         }
428                   ), {:align=>:right} ],
429                 item(:textfield, :width=>360, :height=>40, :tag=>"log_dir", :value=>log_dir),
430                 -1,
431                 item(:text, :title=>"Log handling"),
432                 -1,
433                 layout(1,
434                   item(:radio, :title=>"Do not keep logs", :tag=>"log_none", :value=>(log_level == "none" ? 1 : 0)),
435                   item(:radio, :title=>"Keep only when error occurred", :tag=>"log_error_only", :value=>(log_level == "error_only" ? 1 : 0)),
436                   layout(3,
437                     item(:radio, :title=>"Keep latest ", :tag=>"log_keep_latest", :value=>(log_level == "latest" ? 1 : 0)),
438                     item(:textfield, :width=>80, :tag=>"log_keep_number", :value=>(get_global_settings("antechamber.log_keep_number") || "10")),
439                     item(:text, :title=>"logs"),
440                     {:margin=>0, :padding=>0}),
441                   item(:radio, :title=>"Keep All", :tag=>"log_all", :value=>(log_level == "all" ? 1 : 0)),
442                   {:margin=>0, :padding=>0}
443                 ),
444                 -1
445           )
446           set_attr("nc", :enabled=>(attr("calc_charge", :value) == "1"))
447     }
448         #  The hash values are set in the action() method
449 #       print "retval = #{hash ? 1 : 0}\n"
450         return (hash ? 1 : 0)
451   end
453   def create_ante_log_dir(name, key)
454     log_dir = get_global_settings("antechamber.log_dir")
455         msg = ""
456         begin
457           if !FileTest.directory?(log_dir)
458             Dir.mkdir(log_dir) rescue ((msg = "Cannot create directory #{log_dir}") && raise)
459           end
460           n = 1
461           while FileTest.exist?(dname = log_dir + "/#{name}_#{key}.#{n}")
462             n += 1
463           end
464           Dir.mkdir(dname) rescue ((msg = "Cannot create directory #{dname}") && raise)
465           return dname
466         rescue
467           error_message_box(msg + ": " + $!.to_s)
468           return
469         end
470   end
472   def clean_ante_log_dir(nkeep)
473     def rm_recursive(f)
474           if FileTest.directory?(f)
475             Dir.entries(f).each { |file|
476                   next if file == "." || file == ".."
477                   rm_recursive(f + "/" + file)
478                 }
479                 Dir.rmdir(f)
480           else
481             File.delete(f)
482           end
483         end
484     log_dir = get_global_settings("antechamber.log_dir")
485         cwd = Dir.pwd
486         count = 0
487         begin
488           Dir.chdir(log_dir)
489           #  Get subdirectories and sort by last modified time
490           dirs = Dir.entries(log_dir).reject! { |x|
491             !FileTest.directory?(x) || x == "." || x == ".."
492           }.sort_by { |x| 
493             File.mtime(x)
494           }
495           dirs[0..-(nkeep + 1)].each { |d|
496             rm_recursive(d)
497                 count += 1
498           }
499         rescue
500           error_message_box $!.to_s
501           Dir.chdir(cwd)
502           return
503         end
504         Dir.chdir(cwd)
505         return count
506   end
508   def cmd_antechamber
509     return ambertools_dialog("antechamber")
510   end
512   def import_ac(acfile)
513     open(acfile, "r") { |fp|
514           while (s = fp.gets)
515             next if s !~ /^ATOM/
516                 s.chomp!
517                 idx = Integer(s[4..11]) - 1
518                 charge = Float(s[54..63])
519                 type = s[72..-1]
520                 type.gsub!(/ /, "")
521                 ap = atoms[idx]
522                 ap.charge = charge
523                 ap.atom_type = type
524           end
525         }
526   end
528   def import_sqmout(file)
529     open(file, "r") { |fp|
530           while (s = fp.gets)
531             next if s !~ /Final Structure/
532                 s = fp.gets
533                 s = fp.gets
534                 s = fp.gets
535                 idx = 0
536                 while (s = fp.gets)
537                   break if s !~ /QMMM/
538                   a = s.split
539                   r = Vector3D[Float(a[4]), Float(a[5]), Float(a[6])]
540                   atoms[idx].r = r
541                   idx += 1
542                 end
543                 break
544           end
545         }
546   end
548   def import_frcmod(file)
549     self.md_arena.prepare(true)  #  Clean up existing parameters
550         par = self.parameter
551     open(file, "r") { |fp|
552           wtable = Hash.new
553           state = 0
554           while (s = fp.gets)
555             s.chomp!
556                 case s
557                 when /^MASS/
558                   state = 1
559                   next
560                 when /^BOND/
561                   state = 2
562                   next
563                 when /^ANGLE/
564                   state = 3
565                   next
566                 when /^DIHE/
567                   state = 4
568                   next
569                 when /^IMPR/
570                   state = 5
571                   next
572                 when /^NONB/
573                   state = 6
574                   next
575                 when ""
576                   state = 0
577                   next
578                 else
579                   case state
580                   when 1
581                         name, weight = s.split
582                         wtable[name] = Float(weight)
583                   when 2
584                     types, k, r0, com = s.split(nil, 4)
585                     pp = par.bonds.lookup(types, :local, :missing) || par.bonds.insert
586                         pp.atom_types = types
587                         pp.k = k
588                         pp.r0 = r0
589                         pp.comment = com
590                   when 3
591                     types, k, a0, com = s.split(nil, 4)
592                         pp = par.angles.lookup(types, :local, :missing) || par.angles.insert
593                         pp.atom_types = types
594                         pp.k = k
595                         pp.a0 = a0
596                         pp.comment = com
597                   when 4
598                     types, n, k, phi0, period, com = s.split(nil, 6)
599                         pp = par.dihedrals.lookup(types, :local, :missing) || par.dihedrals.insert
600                         pp.atom_types = types
601                         pp.mult = 1
602                         pp.k = k
603                         pp.phi0 = phi0
604                         pp.period = Float(period).round
605                         pp.comment = com
606                   when 5
607                     types, k, phi0, period, com = s.split(nil, 5)
608                         pp = par.impropers.lookup(types, :local, :missing) || par.impropers.insert
609                         pp.atom_types = types
610                         pp.mult = 1
611                         pp.k = k
612                         pp.phi0 = phi0
613                         pp.period = Float(period).round
614                         pp.comment = com
615                   when 6
616                     name, r_eq, eps, com = s.split(nil, 4)
617                         pp = par.vdws.lookup(name, :local, :missing) || par.vdws.insert
618                         pp.atom_type = name
619                         pp.r_eq = r_eq
620                         pp.r_eq14 = r_eq
621                         pp.eps = eps
622                         pp.eps14 = eps
623                         if wtable[name]
624                           pp.weight = wtable[name]
625                         end
626                         pp.comment = com
627                   end
628                 end
629           end
630     }
631   end
633   def count_elements
634     elements = []
635         each_atom { |ap|
636           if (p = elements.assoc(ap.atomic_number))
637             p[1] += 1
638           else
639             elements.push [ap.atomic_number, 1]
640           end
641         }
642         elements.sort_by { |p| p[0] }
643   end
645   def cmd_run_resp
646     if natoms == 0
647           error_message_box "Molecule is empty"
648           return
649         elsif nelpots == 0
650           error_message_box "No ESP information is loaded"
651           return
652         end
653         return unless ambertools_dialog("resp")
654         nc = get_global_settings("antechamber.nc")
655         ante_dir = get_global_settings("antechamber.ante_dir")
657         #  Create the temporary directory
658         dname = create_ante_log_dir((self.path ? File.basename(self.path, ".*") : self.name), "rs")
659         return unless dname
660         cwd = Dir.pwd
661         Dir.chdir(dname)
663         if true
664           eq = search_equivalent_atoms
665           #  search for methyl (and methylene??) hydrogens
666           methyl = []
667           each_atom { |ap|
668             if ap.element == "C" && ap.connects.length == 4
669                   hs = ap.connects.select { |n| atoms[n].element == "H" }
670                   if hs.length == 3
671                     mc = hs.min
672                     hs.each { |n| methyl[n] = mc }  #  methyl hydrogens
673                         methyl[ap.index] = -1           #  methyl carbon
674                   end
675                 end
676           }
677           for i in [1,2]
678             open("resp.input#{i}", "w") { |fp|
679                   fp.print " #{self.name} \n"
680                   fp.print " &cntrl\n"
681                   fp.print " ioutput=1, IQOPT=#{i}, nmol=1, ihfree=1, irstrnt=1, qwt=#{i*0.0005},\n"
682                   fp.print " &end\n"
683                   fp.print "  1.0\n"
684                   fp.print " #{self.name} \n"
685                   fp.printf "%4d%5d\n", nc, self.natoms
686                   each_atom { |ap|
687                     idx = ap.index
688                         if i == 1
689                           n = (methyl[idx] ? 0 : eq[idx] + 1)
690                           n = 0 if n == idx + 1
691                         else
692                           n = (methyl[idx] ? methyl[idx] + 1 : -1)
693                           n = 0 if n == idx + 1
694                         end
695                         fp.printf "%4d%5d\n", ap.atomic_number, n
696                   }
697                   fp.print "\n\n\n\n\n\n"
698                 }
699           end
700         else
701       #  Export as an antechamber format
702           c = count_elements
703           formula = c.map { |p| Parameter.builtin.elements[p[0]].name + p[1].to_s }.join(" ")
704           open("respgen_in.ac", "w") { |fp|
705             fp.printf("CHARGE %9.2f ( %d )\n", nc, nc)
706             fp.printf("Formula: #{formula}\n")
707             each_atom { |ap|
708               fp.printf("ATOM %6d  %-4s%-3s%6d%12.3f%8.3f%8.3f%10.6f%8s\n", ap.index + 1, ap.name, ap.res_name, ap.res_seq, ap.r.x, ap.r.y, ap.r.z, ap.charge, ap.atom_type)
709             }
710             bonds.each_with_index { |b, i|
711               fp.printf("BOND%5d%5d%5d%5d  %5s%5s\n", i + 1, b[0] + 1, b[1] + 1, 0, atoms[b[0]].name, atoms[b[1]].name)
712             }
713           }
715           #  Create resp input by respgen
716           if !system("#{ante_dir}/respgen -i respgen_in.ac -o resp.input1 -f resp1") \
717           || !system("#{ante_dir}/respgen -i respgen_in.ac -o resp.input2 -f resp2")
718             error_message_box("Cannot run respgen.")
719             Dir.chdir(cwd)
720             return
721           end
722         end
724         #  Create ESP file
725         a2b = 1.8897259885   #  angstrom to bohr
726         open("resp.esp", "w") { |fp|
727           fp.printf("%5d%5d%5d\n", natoms, nelpots, nc)
728           each_atom { |ap|
729             fp.printf("                %16.7E%16.7E%16.7E\n", ap.r.x * a2b, ap.r.y * a2b, ap.r.z * a2b)
730           }
731           nelpots.times { |i|
732             pos, esp = elpot(i)
733             fp.printf("%16.7E%16.7E%16.7E%16.7E\n", esp, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
734           }
735           fp.print "\n\n"
736         }
738     #  Run resp
739         if !system("#{ante_dir}/resp -O -i resp.input1 -o resp.output1 -e resp.esp -t qout_stage1") \
740         || !system("#{ante_dir}/resp -O -i resp.input2 -o resp.output2 -e resp.esp -q qout_stage1 -t qout_stage2")
741           error_message_box("Cannot run resp.")
742           Dir.chdir(cwd)
743           return 
744         end
746         #  Import resp output
747         open("punch", "r") { |fp|
748           while (s = fp.gets)
749             next unless s =~ /Point charges/ && s =~ /after optimization/
750                 s = fp.gets
751                 i = 0
752                 while (s = fp.gets)
753                   ary = s.split
754                   break if ary.count == 0
755                   if Integer(ary[1]) != atoms[i].atomic_number
756                     error_message_box(sprintf("The atom %d has inconsistent atomic number (%d in mol, %d in resp output)", i, atoms[i].atomic_number, ary[1]))
757                         Dir.chdir(cwd)
758                         return
759                   end
760                   atoms[i].charge = Float(ary[3])
761                   i += 1
762                 end
763                 break
764           end
765     }
766         Dir.chdir(cwd)
767         return true
768   end
770   def cmd_gamess_resp
771         if natoms == 0
772           error_message_box "Molecule is empty"
773           return
774         end
775         mol = self;
776         Dialog.run("#{name}:GAMESS/RESP", nil, nil) {
777           layout(1,
778             item(:text, :title=>"Step 1:\nCreate GAMESS input for ESP calculation"),
779                 [item(:button, :title=>"Create GAMESS Input...",
780                   :action=>proc { |item1|
781                     esp_save = get_global_settings("gamess.esp")
782                         set_global_settings("gamess.esp", 1)
783                         mol.cmd_create_gamess_input
784                         set_global_settings("gamess.esp", esp_save)
785                   }),
786                   {:align=>:right}],
787                 item(:line),
788                 item(:text, :title=>"Step 2:\nImport GAMESS .dat file"),
789                 [item(:button, :title=>"Import GAMESS dat...",
790                   :action=>proc { |item1|
791                     fname = Dialog.open_panel("Select GAMESS .dat file", nil, "*.dat")
792                         if fname
793                           errmsg = nil
794                           begin
795                             mol.loaddat(fname)
796                                 errmsg = "Cannot find ESP results in the dat file." if mol.nelpots == 0
797                           rescue
798                             errmsg = "Error reading the dat file."
799                           end
800                           if errmsg
801                             message_box(errmsg + "\nYou may want to try another .dat file.", "GAMESS Import Error", :ok, :warning)
802                           else
803                             set_attr("resp", :enabled=>true)
804                           end
805                         end
806                   }),
807                   {:align=>:right}],
808                 item(:line),
809                 item(:text, :title=>"Step 3:\nRun RESP for charge fitting"),
810                 [item(:button, :title=>"Run RESP...", :tag=>"resp",
811                   :action=>proc { |item1|
812                     if mol.cmd_run_resp
813                           if get_global_settings("antechamber.log_level") == "latest"
814                             mol.clean_ante_log_dir(Integer(get_global_settings("antechamber.log_keep_number")))
815                           end
816                           action(item(0))
817                         end
818                   }),
819                   {:align=>:right}],
820                 item(:line),
821                 [item(:button, :title=>"Close", :action=>proc { |item1| action(item(1)) }),
822                   {:align=>:center}]
823           )
824           if mol.nelpots == 0
825             set_attr("resp", :enabled=>false)
826           end
827         }
828   end
830   def cmd_edit_local_parameter_in_mainview(ptype, names, types, value, params)
831     #  The parameters are given as space separated strings
832         #  e.g. "1.862 200.000"
833         case ptype
834         when "bond"
835           k = ["r0", "k"]
836           pen = self.parameter.bonds
837         when "angle"
838           k = ["a0", "k"]
839           pen = self.parameter.angles
840         when "dihedral"
841           k = ["k", "period", "phi0"]
842           pen = self.parameter.dihedrals
843         when "improper"
844           k = ["k", "period", "phi0"]
845           pen = self.parameter.impropers
846         else
847           return
848         end
849         p = params.split
850         hash = Dialog.run("Edit local parameter") {
851       layout(1,
852             item(:text, :title=>"Edit #{ptype} parameter for #{names} (#{types})"),
853                 item(:text, :title=>"(Current value = #{value})"),
854             layout(4,
855               [item(:text, :title=>"types"), {:align=>:center}],
856               [item(:text, :title=>k[0]), {:align=>:center}],
857               [item(:text, :title=>k[1]), {:align=>:center}],
858               (k[2] ? [item(:text, :title=>k[2]), {:align=>:center}] : -1),
860                   item(:textfield, :width=>100, :value=>types, :tag=>"types"),
861                   item(:textfield, :width=>100, :value=>p[0], :tag=>k[0]),
862                   item(:textfield, :width=>100, :value=>p[1], :tag=>k[1]),
863                   (k[2] ? item(:textfield, :width=>100, :value=>p[2], :tag=>k[2]) : -1)
864                 )
865           )
866         }
867         if hash
868           pref = pen.lookup(hash["types"], :create, :local, :missing, :nobasetype, :nowildcard)
869           raise "Cannot create new #{ptype} parameter" if !pref
870           k.each { |key| pref.set_attr(key, hash[key]) }
871           self.md_arena.prepare(true)  #  Check parameter only
872           return 1
873         else
874           return 0
875         end
876   end
878 end