OSDN Git Service

Merge pull request #543 from xoppa/3dapi
[mikumikustudio/libgdx-mikumikustudio.git] / build-template.xml
1 <!-- \r
2 template Ant build file for all projects that should go into the distribution. \r
3 Fill out the properties at the beginning of the project definition.\r
4 \r
5 The following things have to be set from the outside:\r
6 \r
7 property name="jar" value="jar-name-without-suffix" -> the name of the resulting jar file\r
8 property name="distDir" value="dist-directory" -> the output directory for the resulting jar\r
9 path id="classpath" -> the filesets defining the classpath needed to compile the project\r
10 zipfileset id="jarfiles" -> the jar files to be merged with the project's classes\r
11 -->\r
12 <project name="template" default="all" basedir=".">\r
13         <!-- default values -->\r
14         <path id="src">\r
15                 <pathelement location="src"/>\r
16         </path>\r
17         <path id="classpath"/>\r
18         <property name="jni" value="jni"/>\r
19         <property name="target" value="target" />\r
20         <property name="libs" value="libs" />\r
21         <zipfileset id="jarfiles" dir="." excludes="**"/>\r
22         <fileset id="resourcefiles" dir="." excludes="**"/>\r
23         \r
24         <!-- clean output directories, create libs directory -->        \r
25         <target name="clean">           \r
26                 <mkdir dir="${libs}" />\r
27                 <delete dir="${target}" />\r
28         </target>\r
29 \r
30         <!-- init task, creates all necessary directories -->\r
31         <target name="init" depends="clean">            \r
32                 <mkdir dir="${target}" />\r
33                 <mkdir dir="${target}/java" />\r
34                 <!-- need to copy jni headers for gdx-jnigen -->\r
35                 <copy failonerror="false" todir="${target}/java">\r
36                         <fileset dir="src">\r
37                                 <include name="**/*.h"/>\r
38                                 <include name="**/*.template"/>\r
39                         </fileset>\r
40                 </copy>\r
41                 <copy failonerror="false" todir="${target}/java">\r
42                         <fileset dir="src">\r
43                                 <include name="**/*.gwt.xml"/>\r
44                         </fileset>\r
45                 </copy>\r
46         </target>\r
47 \r
48         <!-- compiles the java code -->\r
49         <target name="compile" depends="init">\r
50                 <javac debug="on" encoding="utf-8" source="1.6" target="1.6" destdir="${target}/java" includeantruntime="false">\r
51                         <src>\r
52                                 <path refid="src"/>\r
53                         </src>\r
54                         <classpath>\r
55                                 <path refid="classpath"/>\r
56                                 <fileset file="${libs}/*.jar">\r
57                                         <exclude name="*-natives.jar"/>\r
58                                 </fileset>\r
59                         </classpath>\r
60                         <exclude name="**/gwt/emu/java/lang/System.java"/>\r
61                 </javac>\r
62         </target>\r
63 \r
64 \r
65         <!-- compile native code if available -->\r
66         <target name="check-natives">\r
67                 <condition property="natives-present">\r
68                         <and>\r
69                                 <available file="${jni}/build.xml"/>\r
70                                 <istrue value="${build-natives}"/>\r
71                         </and>\r
72                 </condition>\r
73         </target>\r
74         \r
75         <target name="compile-natives" depends="init, check-natives" if="natives-present">\r
76                 <mkdir dir="${libs}/android32" />\r
77                 <mkdir dir="${libs}/armeabi" />\r
78                 <mkdir dir="${libs}/armeabi-v7a" />\r
79         <mkdir dir="${libs}/x86" />\r
80                 <mkdir dir="${libs}/linux32" />\r
81                 <mkdir dir="${libs}/linux64" />\r
82                 <mkdir dir="${libs}/macosx32" />\r
83                 <mkdir dir="${libs}/windows32" />\r
84                 <mkdir dir="${libs}/windows64" />\r
85                 <mkdir dir="${libs}/ios32"/>\r
86                 <echo message="compiling natives code"/>\r
87                 <ant antfile="build.xml" target="clean" dir="${jni}"/>\r
88                 <ant antfile="build.xml" target="all" dir="${jni}"/>\r
89                 <!-- copy shared libs for android -->\r
90                 <copy failonerror="false" todir="${distDir}/armeabi">\r
91                         <fileset dir="${libs}/armeabi">\r
92                                 <include name="**/*.so"/>\r
93                         </fileset>\r
94                 </copy>\r
95                 <copy failonerror="false" todir="${distDir}/armeabi-v7a">\r
96                         <fileset dir="${libs}/armeabi-v7a">\r
97                                 <include name="**/*.so"/>\r
98                         </fileset>\r
99                 </copy>\r
100         <copy failonerror="false" todir="${distDir}/x86">\r
101                         <fileset dir="${libs}/x86">\r
102                                 <include name="**/*.so"/>\r
103                         </fileset>\r
104                 </copy>\r
105         </target>\r
106         \r
107         <!-- create source and class jar -->\r
108         <target name="all" depends="compile,compile-natives">\r
109                 <!-- source jar -->\r
110                 <mkdir dir="${distDir}/sources" />\r
111                 \r
112                 <!-- FIXME doesn't work for bullet, as this only takes the src/ folder -->\r
113                 <jar destfile="${distDir}/sources/${jar}-sources.jar" basedir="src"/>                   \r
114                 \r
115                 <!-- copy shared libs for desktop -->\r
116                 <copy failonerror="false" todir="${distDir}">\r
117                         <fileset dir="${libs}">\r
118                                 <include name="**/*-natives.jar"/>\r
119                                 <exclude name="**/test-natives.jar"/>\r
120                         </fileset>\r
121                 </copy>\r
122                 \r
123                 <!-- copy shared libs for android -->\r
124                 <copy failonerror="false" todir="${distDir}/armeabi">\r
125                         <fileset dir="${libs}/armeabi">\r
126                                 <include name="**/*.so"/>\r
127                         </fileset>\r
128                 </copy>\r
129                 <copy failonerror="false" todir="${distDir}/armeabi-v7a">\r
130                         <fileset dir="${libs}/armeabi-v7a">\r
131                                 <include name="**/*.so"/>\r
132                         </fileset>\r
133                 </copy>\r
134         <copy failonerror="false" todir="${distDir}/x86">\r
135                         <fileset dir="${libs}/x86">\r
136                                 <include name="**/*.so"/>\r
137                         </fileset>\r
138                 </copy>\r
139                 \r
140                 <!-- class jar -->\r
141                 <jar destfile="${distDir}/${jar}.jar">\r
142                         <fileset dir="${target}/java"/>\r
143                         <fileset refid="resourcefiles"/>\r
144                         <!-- merge dependencies found in libs/ folder, exclude native, debug and android/gwt jars -->\r
145                         <zipgroupfileset file="${libs}/*.jar">\r
146                                 <exclude name="*-natives.jar"/>\r
147                                 <exclude name="*-debug.jar"/>\r
148                                 <exclude name="android-*.jar"/>\r
149                                 <exclude name="gwt*.jar"/>\r
150                         </zipgroupfileset>\r
151                         <!-- merge dependencies specified in parent build.xml -->\r
152                         <zipfileset refid="jarfiles"/>\r
153                 </jar>\r
154         </target>\r
155 </project>\r