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[pukiwiki/pukiwiki.git] / convert_html.php
1 <?php
2 /////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 // PukiWiki - Yet another WikiWikiWeb clone.
4 //
5 // $Id: convert_html.php,v 1.1 2003/01/27 05:44:11 panda Exp $
6 //
8 function convert_html($string)
9 {
10         global $script,$vars,$digest;
11         static $contents_id = 0;
13         $contents = new Contents(++$contents_id);
15         $string = rtrim($string);
16         $string = preg_replace("/^#freeze\n/","","$string\n");    // Åà·ë»Ø¼¨»Ò½üµî
17         $string = preg_replace("/\n\/\/[^\n]*/","", "\n$string"); // ¥³¥á¥ó¥È½üµî
18         $string = preg_replace("/\n\n+/","\n\n\n", $string);      // ¶õ¹Ô¤ÎÄ´À°
19         $string = preg_replace("/(?<=[\r\n])(?!\s)([^\n]*~)\n/", "$1\r", "\n$string");
21         $lines = split("\n", $string);
23         $digest = md5(@join('',get_source($vars['page'])));
25         $body = new Body();
26         $last =& $body->insert(new Paragraph(''));
28         foreach ($lines as $line) {
29                 if (substr($line,0,2) == '//') { //¥³¥á¥ó¥È¤Ï½èÍý¤·¤Ê¤¤
30                         continue;
31                 }
33                 $align = '';
34                 if (preg_match('/^(LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT):(.*)$/',$line,$matches)) {
35                         $last =& $last->add(new Align(strtolower($matches[1]))); // <div style="text-align:...">
36                         if ($matches[2] == '') {
37                                 continue;
38                         }
39                         $line = $matches[2];
40                 }
42                 // ¹ÔƬʸ»ú
43                 $head = substr($line,0,1);
44                      if ($line == '')  { $last =& $body;                             } // ¶õ¹Ô 
45                 else if (rtrim($line) == '----') {
46                         $last =& $body->insert(new HRule());                               } // HRule
47                 else if ($head == '*') {
48                         $last =& $body->insert(new Heading($line, $contents));             } // Heading
49                 else if ($head == '-') { $last =& $last->add(new UList($line));      } // UList
50                 else if ($head == '+') { $last =& $last->add(new OList($line));      } // OList
51                 else if ($head == ':') { $last =& $last->add(new DList($line));      } // DList
52                 else if ($head == '|') { $last =& $last->add(new Table($line));      } // Table
53                 else if ($head == ',') { $last =& $last->add(new YTable($line));     } // Table(YukiWiki¸ß´¹)
54                 else if ($head == ' ' or $head == "\t")
55                                        { $last =& $last->add(new Pre($line));        } // Pre
56                 else if ($head == '>') { $last =& $last->add(new BQuote($line));     } // BrockQuote
57                 else if ($head == '<') { $last =& bq_end($last, $line);              } // BlockQuote end
58                 else if ($head == '#') { $last =& $last->add(new Div($line));        } // Div
59                 else                   { $last =& $last->add(new Inline($line));     } // ÃÊÍî
60         }
61         $ret = $body->toArray();
62 //      $ret = inline2($ret);
63         $ret = $contents->replaceContents($ret);
65         return join("\n",$ret);
67 }
69 class Element
70 {
71         var $parent;
73         function setParent(&$parent)
74         {
75                 $this->parent =& $parent;
76         }
77 }
79 class Inline extends Element
80 { // ¥¤¥ó¥é¥¤¥óÍ×ÁÇ
81         var $text;
83         function Inline($text)
84         {
85                 if (substr($text,0,1) == '~') { // ¹ÔƬ~¡£¥Ñ¥é¥°¥é¥Õ³«»Ï
86                         $parent =& $this->parent;
87                         $this = new Paragraph(" ".substr($text,1));
88                         $this->setParent($parent);
89                 }
90                 else {
91                         $this->text = trim((preg_match("/^\n/", $text)) ? $text : inline($text));
92                 }
93         }
94         function &add(&$obj)
95         {
96                 return $this->insert($obj);
97         }
98         function &insert(&$obj)
99         {
100                 return $this->parent->add($obj);
101         }
102         function toArray()
103         {
104                 return ($this->text == '') ? array() : array(inline2($this->text));
105         }
106         function toPara($class = '')
107         {
108                 $obj = new Paragraph('',$class);
109                 $obj->insert($this);
110                 $this->setParent($obj);
111                 return $obj;
112         }
113 }
114 class Block extends Element
115 { // ¥Ö¥í¥Ã¥¯Í×ÁÇ
116         var $elements; // Í×ÁǤÎÇÛÎó
118         function Block() {
119                 $this->elements = array();
120         }
122         function &add(&$obj) // ¥¨¥ì¥á¥ó¥È¤òÄɲÃ
123         {
124                 if ($this->canContain($obj)) {
125                         return $this->insert($obj);
126                 }
127                 return $this->parent->add($obj);
128         }
129         function &insert(&$obj)
130         {
131                 $obj->setParent($this);
132                 $this->elements[] =& $obj;
133                 if (isset($obj->last) and is_object($obj->last)) {
134                         return $obj->last;
135                 }
136                 return $obj;
137         }
138         function canContain($obj)
139         {
140                 return TRUE;
141         }
142         function toArray()
143         {
144                 $arr = array();
145                 if (isset($this->elements) and count($this->elements) > 0) {
146                         foreach ($this->elements as $obj) {
147                                 array_splice($arr, count($arr), 0, $obj->toArray());
148                         }
149                 }
150                 return $arr;
151         }
152         function wrap($arr, $tag, $param = '')
153         {
154                 if (count($arr) > 0) {
155                         array_unshift($arr,"<$tag$param>");
156                         array_push($arr,"</$tag>");
157                 }
158                 return $arr;
159         }
160 }
161 class Body extends Block
162 { // Body
164         function &insert(&$obj)
165         {
166                 if (is_a($obj,'Inline')) {
167                         $obj =& $obj->toPara();
168                 }
169                 return parent::insert($obj);
170         }
171 }
172 class Paragraph extends Block
173 { // ÃÊÍî
174         var $class;
176         function Paragraph($text, $class = '')
177         {
178                 parent::Block();
179                 $this->class = $class;
180                 if ($text == '') {
181                         return;
182                 }
183                 if (substr($text,0,1) == '~') {
184                         $text = substr($text,1);
185                 }
186                 $this->elements[] =& new Inline($text);
187         }
188         function canContain($obj)
189         {
190                 return is_a($obj,'Inline');
191         }
192         function toArray()
193         {
194                 return $this->wrap(parent::toArray(), 'p', $this->class); 
195         }
196 }
198 class Heading extends Block
199 { // *
200         function Heading($text, &$contents)
201         {
202                 parent::Block();
203                 preg_match("/^(\*{1,3})\s*(.*)$/",$text,$out) or die("Heading");
204                 $this->level = strlen($out[1]) + 1;
205                 list($this->text,$this->contents_str) = $contents->getAnchor($out[2], $this->level);
206         }
207         function canContain(&$obj)
208         {
209                 return FALSE;
210         }
211         function toArray()
212         {
213                 return $this->wrap(array($this->text),'h'.$this->level, $this->contents_str);
214         }
215 }
216 class HRule extends Block
217 { // ----
218         function canContain(&$obj)
219         {
220                 return FALSE;
221         }
222         function toArray()
223         {
224                 global $hr;
226                 return array($hr);
227         }
228 }
229 class _List extends Block
230 {
231         var $level;
232         var $step, $margin, $left_margin;
234         function _List($tag, $tag2, $level, $text)
235         {
236                 parent::Block();
237                 //¥Þ¡¼¥¸¥ó¤ò¼èÆÀ
238                 $var_margin = "_{$tag}_margin";
239                 $var_left_margin = "_{$tag}_left_margin";
240                 global $$var_margin, $$var_left_margin;
241                 $this->margin = $$var_margin;
242                 $this->left_margin = $$var_left_margin;
244                 //½é´ü²½
245                 $this->tag = $tag;
246                 $this->tag2 = $tag2;
247                 $this->level = $level;
249                 if ($text != '') {
250                         $this->insert(new Inline($text));
251                 }
252         }
254         function canContain(&$obj)
255         {
256                 return is_a($obj, '_List') ? ($this->tag == $obj->tag and $this->level == $obj->level) : TRUE;
257         }
258         function setParent(&$parent)
259         {
260                 parent::setParent($parent);
261                 $this->step = $this->level;
262                 if (isset($parent->parent) and is_a($parent->parent,'_List')) {
263                         $this->step -= $parent->parent->level; 
264                 }
265         }
266         function &insert(&$obj)
267         {
268                 if (is_a($obj, get_class($this))) {
269                         for ($n = 0; $n < count($obj->elements); $n++) {
270                                 $this->last =& parent::insert($obj->elements[$n]);
271                         }
272                         return $this->last;
273                 }
274                 else {
275                         $obj =& new ListElement($obj, $this->level, $this->tag2); // wrap
276                 }
277                 $this->last =& $obj;
278                 return parent::insert($obj);
279         }
280         function toArray($param='')
281         {
282                 global $_list_left_margin, $_list_margin, $_list_pad_str;
284                 $margin = $_list_margin * $this->step;
285                 if ($this->level == $this->step) {
286                         $margin += $_list_left_margin;
287                 }
288                 $style = sprintf($_list_pad_str,$this->level,$margin,$margin);
289                 return $this->wrap(Block::toArray(),$this->tag,$style.$param);
290         }
291 }
292 class ListElement extends Block
293 {
294         function ListElement($obj,$level,$head)
295         {
296                 parent::Block();
297                 $this->level = $level;
298                 $this->head = $head;
299                 $this->insert($obj);
300         }
301         function canContain(&$obj)
302         {
303                 return !(is_a($obj, '_List') and ($obj->level <= $this->level));
304         }
305         function toArray()
306         {
307                 return $this->wrap(parent::toArray(), $this->head);
308         }
309 }
310 class UList extends _List
311 { // -
312         function UList($text)
313         {
314                 preg_match("/^(\-{1,3})([\n]?.*)$/",$text,$out) or die("UList $text");
315                 parent::_List('ul', 'li', strlen($out[1]), $out[2]);
316         }
317 }
318 class OList extends _List
319 { // +
320         function OList($text)
321         {
322                 preg_match("/^(\+{1,3})(.*)$/",$text,$out) or die("OList");
323                 parent::_List('ol', 'li', strlen($out[1]), $out[2]);
324         }
325 }
326 class DList extends _List
327 { // :
328         function DList($text)
329         {
330                 if (!preg_match("/^(:{1,3})(.*)\|(.*)$/",$text,$out)) {
331                         $this = new Inline($text);
332                         return;
333                 }
334                 parent::_List('dl', 'dd', strlen($out[1]), $out[3]);
335                 if ($out[2] != '') {
336                         array_unshift($this->elements,new Inline("\n".'<dt>'.inline($out[2]).'</dt>'));
337                 }
338         }
339 }
340 class BQuote extends Block
341 { // >
342         function BQuote($text)
343         {
344                 parent::Block();
345                 preg_match("/^(\>{1,3})(.*)$/",$text,$out) or die("BQuote");
346                 $this->level = strlen($out[1]);
347                 $this->text = $out[2];
348                 $this->insert(new Paragraph($this->text, ' class="quotation"'));
349         }
350         function canContain(&$obj)
351         {
352                 if (!is_a($obj, get_class($this))) {
353                         return TRUE;
354                 }
355                 return ($this->level <= $obj->level);
356         }
357         function &insert(&$obj)
358         {
359                 if (is_a($obj, 'BQuote') and $obj->level == $this->level) {
360                         $obj =& $obj->elements[0];
361                 }
362                 else if (is_a($obj,'Inline')) {
363                         $obj = $obj->toPara('quotation');
364                 }
365                 $this->last =& $obj;
366                 return parent::insert($obj);
367         }
368         function toArray()
369         {
370                 return $this->wrap(parent::toArray(),'blockquote');
371         }
372 }
373 function &bq_end(&$last, $text)
374 {
375         preg_match("/^(\<{1,3})(.*)$/",$text,$out) or die("bq_end");
376         $level = strlen($out[1]);
377         $parent =& $last;
378         while (is_object($parent)) {
379                 if (is_a($parent,'BQuote') and $parent->level == $level) {
380                         return $parent->parent->insert(new Inline($out[2]));
381                 }
382                 $parent =& $parent->parent;
383         }
384         return $last->insert(new Inline($text));
385 }
386 class Table extends Block
387 { // |
388         var $col;
390         function Table($text)
391         {
392                 parent::Block();
393                 if (!preg_match("/^\|(.+)\|([hHfFcC]?)$/",$text,$out)) {
394                         $this = new Inline($text);
395                         return;
396                 }
397                 $this->elements = array();
398                 $cells = explode('|',$out[1]);
399                 $this->level = count($cells);
400                 $char = strtolower($out[2]);
401                 if ($char == 'c') {
402                         $this->col =& new Col($cells);
403                 }
404                 else {
405                         $this->insert(new Row($cells,($char == 'h' ? 0 : ($char == 'f' ? 1 : 2))));
406                 }
407         }
408         function canContain(&$obj)
409         {
410                 return is_a($obj, 'Table') and $obj->level == $this->level;
411         }
412         function &insert(&$obj)
413         {
414                 if (is_a($obj, 'Table')) {
415                         if (isset($obj->col) and is_object($obj->col)) {
416                                 $this->col = $obj->col;
417                                 return $this;
418                         }
419                         $obj =& $obj->elements[0];
420                         $last = count($this->elements) - 1;
421                         for ($n = 0; $n < count($obj->elements); $n++) {
422                                 if ($obj->elements[$n] != '~') {
423                                         continue;
424                                 }
425                                 $obj->type = $this->elements[$last]->type;
426                                 for ($m = $last; $m >= 0; $m--) {
427                                         if ($this->elements[$m]->elements[$n] == '~') {
428                                                 continue;
429                                         }
430                                         $this->elements[$m]->row[$n]++;
431                                         break;
432                                 }
433                         }
434                 }
435                 $this->elements[] = $obj;
436                 return $this;
437         }
438         function toArray()
439         {
440                 $col = NULL;
441                 if (isset($this->col) and is_object($this->col)) {
442                         $col =& $this->col;
443                 }
444                 $arr = $col ? $this->col->toArray() : array();
445                 $part = array(0=>'thead',1=>'tfoot',2=>'tbody');
446                 foreach ($part as $type=>$str) {
447                         $tmp = array();
448                         foreach ($this->elements as $row) {
449                                 if ($row->type != $type) {
450                                         continue;
451                                 }
452                                 $tmp = array_merge($tmp,$row->toArray($col));
453                         }
454                         if (count($tmp) > 0) {
455                                 $arr = array_merge($arr,$this->wrap($tmp,$str));
456                         }
457                 }
458                 if (count($arr) > 0) {
459                         array_unshift($arr, '<div class="ie5">','<table class="style_table" cellspacing="1" border="0">');
460                         array_push($arr,'</table>','</div>');
461                 }
462                 return $arr;
463         }
464 }
465 class Row extends Block
466 {
467         var $col,$row,$type;
469         function Row($cells,$type='')
470         {
471                 parent::Block();
472                 $this->elements = $cells;
473                 $this->type = $type;
474                 $span = 1;
475                 for ($n = 0; $n < count($cells); $n++) {
476                         $this->row[$n] = 1;
477                         if ($cells[$n] == '>') {
478                                 $this->col[$n] = 0;
479                                 $span++;
480                         }
481                         else {
482                                 $this->col[$n] = $span;
483                                 $span = 1;
484                         }
485                 }
486         }
487         function toArray($obj)
488         {
489                 $cells = array();
490                 for ($n = 0; $n < count($this->elements); $n++) {
491                         $cell = $this->elements[$n];
492                         if ($cell == '>' or $cell == '~') {
493                                 continue;
494                         }
495                         $row = $col = '';
496                         if ($this->row[$n] > 1) {
497                                 $row = " rowspan=\"{$this->row[$n]}\"";
498                         }
499                         if ($this->col[$n] > 1) {
500                                 $col = " colspan=\"{$this->col[$n]}\"";
501                         }
502                         $align = $width = '';
503                         if (is_object($obj)) {
504                                 $align = $obj->align[$n];
505                                 if ($this->col[$n] == 1) {
506                                         $width = $obj->width[$n];
507                                 }
508                         }
509                         if (preg_match("/^(LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT):(.*)$/",$cell,$out)) {
510                                 $align = strtolower($out[1]);
511                                 $cell = $out[2];
512                         }
513                         if (preg_match('/^~(.+)$/',$cell,$matches)) {
514                                 $tag = 'th'; $cell = $matches[1];
515                         }
516                         else {
517                                 $tag = 'td';
518                         }
519                         $style = $width == '' ? '' : 'width:'.$width.'px;';
520                         $style.= $align == '' ? '' : 'text-align:'.$align.';';
521                         $style = $style == '' ? '' : ' style="'.$style.'"';
522                         $cells[] = "<$tag class=\"style_$tag\"$style$row$col>".inline2(inline($cell))."</$tag>";
523                 }
524                 return $this->wrap($cells,'tr');
525         }
526 }
527 class Col extends Row
528 {
529         var $width,$align;
531         function Col($cells)
532         {
533                 parent::Row($cells);
534                 $align = $width = '';
535                 for ($n = count($this->elements) - 1; $n >= 0; $n--) {
536                         if ($cells[$n] == '') {
537                                 $align = $width = '';
538                         }
539                         else if ($cells[$n] != '>') {
540                                 if (preg_match("/^(LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT):(.*)$/",$cells[$n],$out)) {
541                                         $align = strtolower($out[1]);
542                                         $cell = $out[2];
543                                 }
544                                 $width = htmlspecialchars($cell);
545                         }
546                         $this->align[$n] = $align;
547                         $this->width[$n] = $width;
548                 }
549         }
550         function toArray()
551         {
552                 $cells = array();
553                 for ($n = 0; $n < count($this->elements); $n++) {
554                         $cell = $this->elements[$n];
555                         if ($cell == '>') {
556                                 continue;
557                         }
558                         $span = " span=\"{$this->col[$n]}\"";
559                         $align = $this->align[$n] == '' ? '' : ' align="'.$this->align[$n].'"';
560                         $width = $this->width[$n] == '' ? '' : ' width="'.$this->width[$n].'"';
561                         $cells[] = "<colgroup$span$align$width></colgroup>";
562                 }
563                 return $cells;
564         }
565 }
566 class YTable extends Block
567 { // ,
568         var $col;
570         function YTable($text)
571         {
572                 parent::Block();
573                 if (!preg_match_all('/("[^"]*(?:""[^"]*)*"|[^,]*),/',"$text,",$out)) {
574                         $this = new Inline($text);
575                         return;
576                 }
577                 array_shift($out[1]);
578                 $_value = array();
579                 foreach ($out[1] as $val) {
580                         $_value[] = preg_match('/^"(.*)"$/',$val,$matches) ? str_replace('""','"',$matches[1]) : $val;
581                 }
582                 $align = array();
583                 $value = array();
584                 foreach($_value as $val) {
585                         if (preg_match('/^(\s+)?(.+?)(\s+)?$/',$val,$matches)) {
586                                 $align[] =($matches[1] != '') ?
587                                         ((array_key_exists(3,$matches) and $matches[3] != '') ? ' style="text-align:center"' : ' style="text-align:right"') : '';
588                                 $value[] = $matches[2];
589                         }
590                         else {
591                                 $align[] = '';
592                                 $value[] = $val;
593                         }
594                 }
595                 $this->col = count($value);
596                 $colspan = array();
597                 foreach ($value as $val) {
598                         $colspan[] = ($val == '==') ? 0 : 1;
599                 }
600                 $str = '';
601                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($value); $i++) {
602                         if ($colspan[$i]) {
603                                 while ($i + $colspan[$i] < count($value) and $value[$i + $colspan[$i]] == '==') {
604                                         $colspan[$i]++;
605                                 }
606                                 $colspan[$i] = ($colspan[$i] > 1) ? " colspan=\"{$colspan[$i]}\"" : '';
607                                 $str .= "<td class=\"style_td\"{$align[$i]}{$colspan[$i]}>".inline2(inline($value[$i])).'</td>';
608                         }
609                 }
610                 $this->elements[] = $str;
611         }
612         function canContain(&$obj)
613         {
614                 return is_a($obj, 'YTable') and $obj->col == $this->col;
615         }
616         function &insert(&$obj)
617         {
618                 $this->elements[] = $obj->elements[0];
619                 return $this;
620         }
621         function toArray()
622         {
623                 $arr = array();
624                 foreach ($this->elements as $str) {
625                         $arr[] = '<tr class="style_tr">';
626                         $arr[] = $str;
627                         $arr[] = '</tr>';
628                 }
629                 array_unshift($arr, '<div class="ie5">','<table class="style_table" cellspacing="1" border="0">');
630                 array_push($arr,'</table>','</div>');
631                 return $arr;
632         }
633 }
634 class Pre extends Block
635 { // ' '
637         function Pre($text)
638         {
639                 parent::Block();
640                 $tab = 8;
641                 while (preg_match('/^([^\t]*)(\t+)(.+)$/',$text,$m)) {
642                         $text = $m[1].str_repeat(' ',strlen($m[2]) * $tab - strlen($m[1]) % $tab).$m[3];
643                 }
644                 $this->elements[] = htmlspecialchars($text,ENT_NOQUOTES);
645         }
646         function canContain(&$obj)
647         {
648                 return is_a($obj, 'Pre');
649         }
650         function &insert(&$obj)
651         {
652                 $this->elements[] = $obj->elements[0];
653                 return $this;
654         }
655         function toArray()
656         {
657                 return $this->wrap($this->elements,'pre');
658         }
659 }
660 class Div extends Block
661 { // #
662         var $text;
664         function Div($text)
665         {
666                 parent::Block();
667                 $this->text = $text;
668         }
669         function canContain(&$obj)
670         {
671                 return FALSE;
672         }
673         function toArray()
674         {
675                 if (preg_match("/^\#([^\(]+)(.*)$/",$this->text,$out) and exist_plugin_convert($out[1])) {
676                         if ($out[2]) {
677                                 $_plugin = preg_replace("/^\#([^\(]+)\((.*)\)$/ex","do_plugin_convert('$1','$2')",$this->text);
678                         }
679                         else {
680                                 $_plugin = preg_replace("/^\#([^\(]+)$/ex","do_plugin_convert('$1','$2')",$this->text);
681                         }
682                         $text = "\t$_plugin";
683                 }
684                 else {
685                         $text = '<p>'.htmlspecialchars($this->text).'</p>';
686                 }
687                 return array($text);
688         }
689 }
690 class Align extends Body
692         var $align;
694         function Align($align)
695         {
696                 $this->align = $align;
697         }
698         function toArray()
699         {
700                 $arr = parent::toArray();
701                 if (count($arr)) {
702                         if (preg_match('/^(.+)style="(.+)$/',$arr[0],$matches)) {
703                                 $arr[0] = $matches[1].'style="text-align:'.$this->align.'; '.$matches[2];
704                         }
705                         else {
706                                 $arr[0] = preg_replace('/(<[a-z]+)/', '$1 style="text-align:'.$this->align.';"',$arr[0]);
707                         }
708                 }
709                 return $arr;
710         }
711 }
712 //¸«½Ð¤·¤Î°ìÍ÷´Ø·¸
713 class Contents
714 {
715         var $id,$count,$top,$contents,$last;
716         function Contents($id)
717         {
718                 global $top;
719                 $this->id = $id;
720                 $this->count = 0;
721                 $this->top = "<a href=\"#contents_$id\">$top</a>";
722                 $this->contents =& new Block();
723                 $this->last =& $this->contents;
724         }
725         function getAnchor($text,$level)
726         {
727                 $content_str = "content_{$this->id}_{$this->count}";
728                 $this->last =& $this->last->add(new Contents_UList($text,$this->id,$level,$content_str));
729                 $this->count++;
730                 return array(inline2(inline($text)).$this->top," id=\"{$content_str}\"");
731         }
732         function replaceContents($text)
733         {
734                 global $strip_link_wall;
736                 $contents  = "<a id=\"contents_{$this->id}\"></a>";
737                 $contents .= join("\n",$this->contents->toArray());
738                 if($strip_link_wall) {
739                         $contents = preg_replace("/\[\[([^\]]+)\]\]/","$1",$contents);
740                 }
741                 return preg_replace("/^<p>#contents<\/p>/",$contents,$text);
742         }
743 }
744 class Contents_UList extends _List
745 { // -
746         function Contents_UList($text,$id,$level,$content_str)
747         {
748                 $this->id = $id;
749                 // ¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¤Î¥ê¥Õ¥©¡¼¥à
750                 $text = "\n<a href=\"#{$content_str}\">".
751                         strip_htmltag(make_user_rules(inline($text,TRUE))).'</a>';
752                 parent::_List('ul', 'li', --$level, $text);
753         }
754 }
755 ?>