OSDN Git Service

[tpi/lychee.git] / doc / schema.xsd
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\r
2 <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="schema.xsl"?>\r
3 <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">\r
4  <xs:element name="libraries" type="tLibraries">\r
5   <xs:annotation>\r
6    <xs:documentation>Root element.</xs:documentation>\r
7   </xs:annotation>\r
8  </xs:element>\r
9 \r
10  <xs:complexType name="tLibraries">\r
11   <xs:sequence>\r
12    <xs:element ref="library" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />\r
13   </xs:sequence>\r
14  </xs:complexType>\r
15 \r
16  <xs:attributeGroup name="gList">\r
17   <xs:annotation>\r
18    <xs:documentation>\r
19     Attributes to parse standard output.\r
20     Suffix:\r
21         line-s : Start line to parse.\r
22         line-e : End line to parse. Default is the value of line-s.\r
23         line-c : The number of line used for each file.\r
24         s      : Start position of string to get.\r
25         c      : Length of string to get. Default is until the end of line.\r
26         l      : Line of string to get.\r
27         f      : Format of string to get(strftime format).\r
28    </xs:documentation>\r
29   </xs:annotation>\r
30   <xs:attribute name="list-line-s"      type="xs:string" />\r
31   <xs:attribute name="list-line-e"      type="xs:string" />\r
32   <xs:attribute name="list-line-c"      type="xs:int" default="1" />\r
33   <xs:attribute name="list-fname-s"     type="xs:int" />\r
34   <xs:attribute name="list-fname-c"     type="xs:int" />\r
35   <xs:attribute name="list-fname-l"     type="xs:int" default="1" />\r
36   <xs:attribute name="list-usize-s"     type="xs:int" />\r
37   <xs:attribute name="list-usize-c"     type="xs:int" />\r
38   <xs:attribute name="list-usize-l"     type="xs:int" default="1" />\r
39   <xs:attribute name="list-psize-s"     type="xs:int" />\r
40   <xs:attribute name="list-psize-c"     type="xs:int" />\r
41   <xs:attribute name="list-psize-l"     type="xs:int" default="1" />\r
42   <xs:attribute name="list-date-s"      type="xs:int" />\r
43   <xs:attribute name="list-date-c"      type="xs:int" />\r
44   <xs:attribute name="list-date-l"      type="xs:int" default="1" />\r
45   <xs:attribute name="list-date-f"      type="xs:string" />\r
46  </xs:attributeGroup>\r
47 \r
48  <xs:simpleType name="tCmdLine">\r
49   <xs:annotation>\r
50    <xs:documentation>\r
51     Command line with some special variables.\r
52     Constant:\r
53             %%  : %\r
54     Variable:\r
55             %90 : Archive name.\r
56             %92 : Response file name.\r
57             %93 : Target files.\r
58         Create/Add:\r
59             %91 : Base directory.\r
60             %94 : Compression level.\r
61             %95 : Recovery Record.\r
62             %96 : Comment.\r
63         Extract/Sfx:\r
64             %91 : Destination directory.\r
65     Valiable/If:\r
66             %a0 : Enable pathes.\r
67         Create/Add:\r
68             %a1 : Make SFX.\r
69             %a2 : Solid compression.\r
70             %a3 : Multimedia optimization.\r
71             %a4 : Encrypt header.\r
72             %a5 : Enable Password.(Use # for actual string)\r
73             %a6 : Enable Keyfile. (Use # for actual string)\r
74             %a7 : Split size.     (Use # for actual size)\r
75    </xs:documentation>\r
76   </xs:annotation>\r
77   <xs:restriction base="xs:string" />\r
78  </xs:simpleType>\r
79 \r
80  <xs:attributeGroup name="gCmdLine">\r
81   <xs:annotation>\r
82    <xs:documentation>\r
83     Attributes to set command line.\r
84     Suffix:\r
85         (none)  : Command line sent to library.\r
86         alt     : Command line sent to alternative library.\r
87         disabled: Ignored.\r
88    </xs:documentation>\r
89   </xs:annotation>\r
90   <xs:attribute name="list"             type="tCmdLine" />\r
91   <xs:attribute name="list-alt"         type="tCmdLine" />\r
92   <xs:attribute name="create"           type="tCmdLine" />\r
93   <xs:attribute name="create-alt"       type="tCmdLine" />\r
94   <xs:attribute name="create-disabled"  type="tCmdLine" />\r
95   <xs:attribute name="add"              type="tCmdLine" />\r
96   <xs:attribute name="add-alt"          type="tCmdLine" />\r
97   <xs:attribute name="add-disabled"     type="tCmdLine" />\r
98   <xs:attribute name="extract"          type="tCmdLine" />\r
99   <xs:attribute name="extract-alt"      type="tCmdLine" />\r
100   <xs:attribute name="extract-disabled" type="tCmdLine" />\r
101   <xs:attribute name="delete"           type="tCmdLine" />\r
102   <xs:attribute name="delete-alt"       type="tCmdLine" />\r
103   <xs:attribute name="delete-disabled"  type="tCmdLine" />\r
104   <xs:attribute name="update"           type="tCmdLine" />\r
105   <xs:attribute name="update-alt"       type="tCmdLine" />\r
106   <xs:attribute name="update-disabled"  type="tCmdLine" />\r
107   <xs:attribute name="test"             type="tCmdLine" />\r
108   <xs:attribute name="test-alt"         type="tCmdLine" />\r
109   <xs:attribute name="test-disabled"    type="tCmdLine" />\r
110   <xs:attribute name="repair"           type="tCmdLine" />\r
111   <xs:attribute name="repair-alt"       type="tCmdLine" />\r
112   <xs:attribute name="repair-disabled"  type="tCmdLine" />\r
113   <xs:attribute name="move"             type="tCmdLine" />\r
114   <xs:attribute name="move-alt"         type="tCmdLine" />\r
115   <xs:attribute name="move-disabled"    type="tCmdLine" />\r
116   <xs:attribute name="sfx"              type="tCmdLine" />\r
117   <xs:attribute name="sfx-alt"          type="tCmdLine" />\r
118   <xs:attribute name="sfx-disabled"     type="tCmdLine" />\r
119   <xs:attribute name="unsfx"            type="tCmdLine" />\r
120   <xs:attribute name="unsfx-alt"        type="tCmdLine" />\r
121   <xs:attribute name="unsfx-disabled"   type="tCmdLine" />\r
122  </xs:attributeGroup>\r
123 \r
124  <xs:simpleType name="tSuffix">\r
125   <xs:annotation>\r
126    <xs:documentation>Semicolon-separated extension list.</xs:documentation>\r
127   </xs:annotation>\r
128   <xs:restriction base="xs:string">\r
129    <xs:pattern value="[^;]*(;[^;]+)*" />\r
130   </xs:restriction>\r
131  </xs:simpleType>\r
132 \r
133  <xs:element name="library" type="tLibrary">\r
134   <xs:annotation>\r
135    <xs:documentation>Library setting.</xs:documentation>\r
136   </xs:annotation>\r
137  </xs:element>\r
138 \r
139  <xs:complexType name="tLibrary">\r
140   <xs:attribute name="typename"         type="xs:string" use="required">\r
141    <xs:annotation>\r
142     <xs:documentation>Name of format.</xs:documentation>\r
143    </xs:annotation>\r
144   </xs:attribute>\r
145   <xs:attribute name="name"             type="xs:string" use="required">\r
146    <xs:annotation>\r
147     <xs:documentation>Name of library.</xs:documentation>\r
148    </xs:annotation>\r
149   </xs:attribute>\r
150   <xs:attribute name="name-alt"         type="xs:string">\r
151    <xs:annotation>\r
152     <xs:documentation>Name of alternative library.</xs:documentation>\r
153    </xs:annotation>\r
154   </xs:attribute>\r
155   <xs:attribute name="prefix"           type="xs:string">\r
156    <xs:annotation>\r
157     <xs:documentation>API prefix of the library.</xs:documentation>\r
158    </xs:annotation>\r
159   </xs:attribute>\r
160   <xs:attribute name="prefix-alt"       type="xs:string" />\r
161   <xs:attribute name="suffix"           type="tSuffix" />\r
162   <xs:attribute name="unicode"          type="xs:boolean" default="0">\r
163    <xs:annotation>\r
164     <xs:documentation>True when the library supports Unicode.</xs:documentation>\r
165    </xs:annotation>\r
166   </xs:attribute>\r
167   <xs:attribute name="unicode-alt"      type="xs:boolean" default="0" />\r
168   <xs:attribute name="archive"          type="xs:boolean" default="1">\r
169    <xs:annotation>\r
170     <xs:documentation>True when the format can store multiple files.</xs:documentation>\r
171    </xs:annotation>\r
172   </xs:attribute>\r
173   <xs:attribute name="quote-resp"       type="xs:boolean" default="1">\r
174    <xs:annotation>\r
175     <xs:documentation>True when quotation of the filename is needed in responce file.</xs:documentation>\r
176    </xs:annotation>\r
177   </xs:attribute>\r
178 \r
179   <xs:attribute name="disable"          type="xs:boolean" default="0" />\r
180   <xs:attribute name="disable-win"      type="xs:boolean" default="0" />\r
181   <xs:attribute name="disable-lin"      type="xs:boolean" default="0" />\r
182 \r
183   <xs:attribute name="level-min"        type="xs:int" />\r
184   <xs:attribute name="level-max"        type="xs:int" />\r
185   <xs:attribute name="rr-min"           type="xs:int" />\r
186   <xs:attribute name="rr-max"           type="xs:int" />\r
187 \r
188   <xs:attributeGroup ref="gList" />\r
189   <xs:attributeGroup ref="gCmdLine" />\r
190  </xs:complexType>\r
191 </xs:schema>\r