OSDN Git Service

[ring-lang-081/ring.git] / docs / en / en-level2.tmx
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE tmx SYSTEM "tmx14.dtd">
3 <tmx version="1.4">
4   <header creationtool="OmegaT" o-tmf="OmegaT TMX" adminlang="EN-US" datatype="plaintext" creationtoolversion="4.3.0_0_e0e1b4cc" segtype="sentence" srclang="EN"/>
5   <body>
6 <!-- Default translations -->
7     <tu>
8       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
9         <seg># Declartive Programming (Nested Structures)</seg>
10       </tuv>
11       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200211T104405Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200211T104405Z">
12         <seg># Declarative Programming (Nested Structures)</seg>
13       </tuv>
14     </tu>
15     <tu>
16       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
17         <seg>(28) Form Designer - Nice Aliginment for Toolbox Icons.</seg>
18       </tuv>
19       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T083007Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T083007Z">
20         <seg>(28) Form Designer - Nice Alignment for Toolbox Icons.</seg>
21       </tuv>
22     </tu>
23     <tu>
24       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
25         <seg>* Error (E5) : The file type is not correct - the VM expect a ring object file</seg>
26       </tuv>
27       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200203T000111Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200203T000111Z">
28         <seg>* Error (E5) : The file type is not correct - the VM expect a Ring Object File</seg>
29       </tuv>
30     </tu>
31     <tu>
32       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
33         <seg>* In RingQt for Android, The Ring Object File (ringo) will be executed directly from resources.</seg>
34       </tuv>
35       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200203T000448Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200203T000448Z">
36         <seg>* In RingQt for Android, The Ring Object File (*.ringo) will be executed directly from resources.</seg>
37       </tuv>
38     </tu>
39     <tu>
40       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
41         <seg>* RingQt for Android : Better code for executing the ring object file (ringo)</seg>
42       </tuv>
43       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200203T000433Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200203T000002Z">
44         <seg>* RingQt for Android : Better code for executing the Ring Object File (*.ringo)</seg>
45       </tuv>
46     </tu>
47     <tu>
48       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
49         <seg>* To generate code that wraps a C function, we just write the C function prototype</seg>
50       </tuv>
51       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200211T101030Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200211T101030Z">
52         <seg>* To generate code that wraps a C function, we just write the C function prototype.</seg>
53       </tuv>
54     </tu>
55     <tu>
56       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
57         <seg>* Writen in ANSI C (The code is generated + Looks identical to Handwritten Code)</seg>
58       </tuv>
59       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T090858Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T090858Z">
60         <seg>* Written in ANSI C (The code is generated + Looks identical to Handwritten Code)</seg>
61       </tuv>
62     </tu>
63     <tu>
64       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
65         <seg>, IsVowel (Japan)</seg>
66       </tuv>
67       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T091657Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T091657Z">
68         <seg>, isVowel (Japan)</seg>
69       </tuv>
70     </tu>
71     <tu>
72       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
73         <seg>..</seg>
74       </tuv>
75       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200211T101242Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200211T101242Z">
76         <seg>Get Parameters Values..</seg>
77       </tuv>
78     </tu>
79     <tu>
80       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
81         <seg>After modifing the configuration file, You will need to generate the code, You can learn from</seg>
82       </tuv>
83       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T063748Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T063748Z">
84         <seg>After modifying the configuration file, You will need to generate the code, You can learn from</seg>
85       </tuv>
86     </tu>
87     <tu>
88       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
89         <seg>Also using Ring object file remove the loading time required for compiling the application.</seg>
90       </tuv>
91       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200203T000410Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200203T000410Z">
92         <seg>Also using Ring Object File remove the loading time required for compiling the application.</seg>
93       </tuv>
94     </tu>
95     <tu>
96       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
97         <seg>At first the Ring compiler will be used to generate the Ring object file (*.ringo)</seg>
98       </tuv>
99       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200203T000042Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200203T000042Z">
100         <seg>At first the Ring compiler will be used to generate the Ring Object File (*.ringo)</seg>
101       </tuv>
102     </tu>
103     <tu>
104       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
105         <seg>Click on "Enviroment Variables..."</seg>
106       </tuv>
107       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200203T002236Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200203T002236Z">
108         <seg>Click on "Environment Variables..."</seg>
109       </tuv>
110     </tu>
111     <tu>
112       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
113         <seg>Even the language keywords can be overwritten to serve one's own keywords in any human language not only english.</seg>
114       </tuv>
115       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T091750Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T091750Z">
116         <seg>Even the language keywords can be overwritten to serve one's own keywords in any human language not only English.</seg>
117       </tuv>
118     </tu>
119     <tu>
120       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
121         <seg>Hello it is me             # What a beatiful programming world!</seg>
122       </tuv>
123       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T091113Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T091113Z">
124         <seg>Hello it is me             # What a beautiful programming world!</seg>
125       </tuv>
126     </tu>
127     <tu>
128       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
129         <seg>More beautiful Code</seg>
130       </tuv>
131       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200211T104634Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200211T104634Z">
132         <seg>More Beautiful Code</seg>
133       </tuv>
134     </tu>
135     <tu>
136       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
137         <seg>Next, another part of the configutaiton file, it's important because we can learn from it how to add</seg>
138       </tuv>
139       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T062822Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T062822Z">
140         <seg>Next, another part of the configuration file, it's important because we can learn from it how to add</seg>
141       </tuv>
142     </tu>
143     <tu>
144       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
145         <seg>One shoud understand its foundation before she can shape an opinion worth considering.</seg>
146       </tuv>
147       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T091717Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T091717Z">
148         <seg>One should understand its foundation before she can shape an opinion worth considering.</seg>
149       </tuv>
150     </tu>
151     <tu>
152       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
153         <seg>Ring is a distruption, a big intellectual step forward but also a beautiful reincarnation of several legacy ideas and best practices from other old languages like Basic, Lisp and others.</seg>
154       </tuv>
155       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T091756Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T091756Z">
156         <seg>Ring is a disruption, a big intellectual step forward but also a beautiful reincarnation of several legacy ideas and best practices from other old languages like Basic, Lisp and others.</seg>
157       </tuv>
158     </tu>
159     <tu>
160       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
161         <seg>So the Garabage Collector will manage these C pointers.</seg>
162       </tuv>
163       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T063717Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T063717Z">
164         <seg>So the Garbage Collector will manage these C pointers.</seg>
165       </tuv>
166     </tu>
167     <tu>
168       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
169         <seg>The best way to assesing the power of Ring is to looking into it and reflecting about the number of problems it is capable to solve."</seg>
170       </tuv>
171       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T091821Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T091821Z">
172         <seg>The best way to assessing the power of Ring is to looking into it and reflecting about the number of problems it is capable to solve."</seg>
173       </tuv>
174     </tu>
175     <tu>
176       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
177         <seg>The default type for constant is Number</seg>
178       </tuv>
179       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T062746Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T062746Z">
180         <seg>The default type for constant is Number.</seg>
181       </tuv>
182     </tu>
183     <tu>
184       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
185         <seg>The function operator takes two paramters, the first represent the operator</seg>
186       </tuv>
187       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200211T101510Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200211T101510Z">
188         <seg>The function operator takes two parameters, the first represent the operator</seg>
189       </tuv>
190     </tu>
191     <tu>
192       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
193         <seg>The library provideds classes for Lists and String where the index starts from 0.</seg>
194       </tuv>
195       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T082913Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T082913Z">
196         <seg>The library provides classes for Lists and String where the index starts from 0.</seg>
197       </tuv>
198     </tu>
199     <tu>
200       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
201         <seg>The next features enable us to build and use declartive programming environment using nested structures on the top of object oriented</seg>
202       </tuv>
203       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200211T104342Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200211T104342Z">
204         <seg>The next features enable us to build and use declarative programming environment using nested structures on the top of object oriented</seg>
205       </tuv>
206     </tu>
207     <tu>
208       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
209         <seg>The promise of visual programming is to empower people, enhance understandability and invite business users to the arena of software development more intutively.</seg>
210       </tuv>
211       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T091811Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T091811Z">
212         <seg>The promise of visual programming is to empower people, enhance understandability and invite business users to the arena of software development more intuitively.</seg>
213       </tuv>
214     </tu>
215     <tu>
216       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
217         <seg>There are several innovations outthere with a clear commitment from its designer to simplicity, flexibility and learnability.</seg>
218       </tuv>
219       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T091734Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T091727Z">
220         <seg>There are several innovations out-there with a clear commitment from its designer to simplicity, flexibility and learn-ability.</seg>
221       </tuv>
222     </tu>
223     <tu>
224       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
225         <seg>This is useful to separate the extension configuraition file to many files</seg>
226       </tuv>
227       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T063659Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T063659Z">
228         <seg>This is useful to separate the extension configuration file to many files</seg>
229       </tuv>
230     </tu>
231     <tu>
232       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
233         <seg>To build th executable file for Windows, Linux or macOS</seg>
234       </tuv>
235       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T155709Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T155709Z">
236         <seg>To build the executable file for Windows, Linux or macOS</seg>
237       </tuv>
238     </tu>
239     <tu>
240       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
241         <seg>We can get paramters values using the next functions</seg>
242       </tuv>
243       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T154625Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T154625Z">
244         <seg>We can get parameters values using the next functions</seg>
245       </tuv>
246     </tu>
247     <tu>
248       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
249         <seg>We can see this configuration file as a complete example about using the code generator</seg>
250       </tuv>
251       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T063453Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T063453Z">
252         <seg>We can see this configuration file as a complete example about using the code generator.</seg>
253       </tuv>
254     </tu>
255     <tu>
256       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
257         <seg>You can determine the pointer name before the strucuture member name.</seg>
258       </tuv>
259       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T062212Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T062212Z">
260         <seg>You can determine the pointer name before the structure member name.</seg>
261       </tuv>
262     </tu>
263     <tu>
264       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
265         <seg>before using &lt;constant&gt; and &lt;/constant&gt; we can use &lt;runcode&gt; and &lt;/runcode&gt;</seg>
266       </tuv>
267       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T062947Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T062947Z">
268         <seg>Before using &lt;constant&gt; and &lt;/constant&gt; we can use &lt;runcode&gt; and &lt;/runcode&gt;</seg>
269       </tuv>
270     </tu>
271     <tu>
272       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
273         <seg>filename.exe               (Will ge generated by the Visual C/C++ Linker)</seg>
274       </tuv>
275       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T155533Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T155533Z">
276         <seg>filename.exe               (Will be generated by the Visual C/C++ Linker)</seg>
277       </tuv>
278     </tu>
279     <tu>
280       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
281         <seg>if we are using C_CONSTANT_TYPE_POINTER    then we will need the second global variable</seg>
282       </tuv>
283       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T063247Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T063052Z">
284         <seg>If we are using C_CONSTANT_TYPE_POINTER then we will need the second global variable</seg>
285       </tuv>
286     </tu>
287     <tu>
288       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
289         <seg>note:: the behaviour of this function can be changed by the Ring code</seg>
290       </tuv>
291       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T154517Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T154517Z">
292         <seg>note:: the behavior of this function can be changed by the Ring code</seg>
293       </tuv>
294     </tu>
295     <tu>
296       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
297         <seg>pair: Declarative Programming; More Beatiful Code</seg>
298       </tuv>
299       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200211T104553Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200211T104553Z">
300         <seg>pair: Declarative Programming; More Beautiful Code</seg>
301       </tuv>
302     </tu>
303     <tu>
304       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
305         <seg>since we write the variable name direcly without () we can write point instead of point() and the method getpoint()</seg>
306       </tuv>
307       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200211T105000Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200211T105000Z">
308         <seg>since we write the variable name directly without () we can write point instead of point() and the method getpoint()</seg>
309       </tuv>
310     </tu>
311     <tu>
312       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
313         <seg>the screen but we can control it using the Mouse and/or the Keyborad</seg>
314       </tuv>
315       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T061048Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T061048Z">
316         <seg>the screen but we can control it using the Mouse and/or the Keyboard</seg>
317       </tuv>
318     </tu>
319     <tu>
320       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
321         <seg>then call the ring_state_runcode() function to execut Ring code using the same state.</seg>
322       </tuv>
323       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T160607Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T160607Z">
324         <seg>then call the ring_state_runcode() function to execute Ring code using the same state.</seg>
325       </tuv>
326     </tu>
327     <tu>
328       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
329         <seg>using &lt;filter&gt; and &lt;/filter&gt; we can include/exclude parts of the configuration file</seg>
330       </tuv>
331       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T062708Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T062708Z">
332         <seg>Using &lt;filter&gt; and &lt;/filter&gt; we can include/exclude parts of the configuration file</seg>
333       </tuv>
334     </tu>
335     <tu>
336       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
337         <seg>when the code generator take this file as input</seg>
338       </tuv>
339       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200202T062920Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200202T062920Z">
340         <seg>When the code generator take this file as input</seg>
341       </tuv>
342     </tu>
343     <tu>
344       <tuv xml:lang="EN">
345         <seg>you get one Ring object file for the complete project (many source code files).</seg>
346       </tuv>
347       <tuv xml:lang="EN-US" changeid="isVowel" changedate="20200203T000326Z" creationid="isVowel" creationdate="20200203T000326Z">
348         <seg>you get one Ring Object File for the complete project (many source code files).</seg>
349       </tuv>
350     </tu>
351 <!-- Alternative translations -->
352   </body>
353 </tmx>