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"https://svn.sourceforge.jp/svnroot/ea2ddl" にプロジェクト "ea2ddl-dao" を共用
[ea2ddl/ea2ddl.git] / ea2ddl-dao / src / main / java / jp / sourceforge / ea2ddl / dao / cbean / bs / BsTOcfCB.java
1 package jp.sourceforge.ea2ddl.dao.cbean.bs;\r
2 \r
3 import java.util.Map;\r
4 \r
5 import jp.sourceforge.ea2ddl.dao.allcommon.cbean.AbstractConditionBean;\r
6 import jp.sourceforge.ea2ddl.dao.allcommon.cbean.ConditionBean;\r
7 import jp.sourceforge.ea2ddl.dao.allcommon.cbean.ConditionQuery;\r
8 import jp.sourceforge.ea2ddl.dao.allcommon.cbean.SubQuery;\r
9 import jp.sourceforge.ea2ddl.dao.allcommon.cbean.UnionQuery;\r
10 import jp.sourceforge.ea2ddl.dao.cbean.*;\r
11 import jp.sourceforge.ea2ddl.dao.cbean.cq.*;\r
12 \r
13 /**\r
14  * The base condition-bean of t_ocf.\r
15  * @author DBFlute(AutoGenerator)\r
16  */
17 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")\r
18 public class BsTOcfCB extends AbstractConditionBean {\r
19 \r
20     // ===================================================================================\r
21     //                                                                           Attribute\r
22     //                                                                           =========\r
23     protected TOcfCQ _conditionQuery;\r
24 \r
25     // ===================================================================================\r
26     //                                                                          Table Name\r
27     //                                                                          ==========\r
28     public String getTableDbName() {\r
29         return "t_ocf";\r
30     }\r
31 \r
32     public String getTableSqlName() {\r
33         return "t_ocf";\r
34     }\r
35 \r
36     // ===================================================================================\r
37     //                                                                      PrimaryKey Map\r
38     //                                                                      ==============\r
39     public void acceptPrimaryKeyMap(Map<String, ? extends Object> primaryKeyMap) {\r
40 \r
41         String msg = "This table has no primary-keys: " + getTableDbName();\r
42         throw new IllegalStateException(msg);\r
43 \r
44     }\r
45 \r
46     // ===================================================================================\r
47     //                                                                     OrderBy Setting\r
48     //                                                                     ===============\r
49     public ConditionBean addOrderBy_PK_Asc() {\r
50         String msg = "This table has no primary-keys: " + getTableDbName();\r
51         throw new IllegalStateException(msg);\r
52     }\r
53 \r
54     public ConditionBean addOrderBy_PK_Desc() {\r
55         String msg = "This table has no primary-keys: " + getTableDbName();\r
56         throw new IllegalStateException(msg);\r
57     }\r
58 \r
59     // ===================================================================================\r
60     //                                                                               Query\r
61     //                                                                               =====\r
62     public TOcfCQ query() {\r
63         return getConditionQuery();\r
64     }\r
65 \r
66     public TOcfCQ getConditionQuery() {\r
67         if (_conditionQuery == null) {\r
68             _conditionQuery = new TOcfCQ(null, getSqlClause(), getSqlClause().getLocalTableAliasName(), 0);\r
69         }\r
70         return _conditionQuery;\r
71     }\r
72 \r
73     public ConditionQuery getConditionQueryAsInterface() {\r
74         return getConditionQuery();\r
75     }\r
76 \r
77     // ===================================================================================\r
78     //                                                                               Union\r
79     //                                                                               =====\r
80     /**\r
81      * Set up 'union'.\r
82      * <pre>\r
83      * cb.query().union(new UnionQuery&lt;TOcfCB&gt;() {\r
84      *     public void query(TOcfCB unionCB) {\r
85      *         unionCB.query().setXxx...\r
86      *     }\r
87      * });\r
88      * </pre>\r
89      * @param unionQuery The query of 'union'. (NotNull)\r
90      */\r
91     public void union(UnionQuery<TOcfCB> unionQuery) {\r
92         final TOcfCB cb = new TOcfCB(); cb.xsetupForUnion(); unionQuery.query(cb);\r
93         final TOcfCQ cq = cb.query(); query().xsetUnionQuery(cq);\r
94     }\r
95 \r
96     /**\r
97      * Set up 'union all'.\r
98      * <pre>\r
99      * cb.query().unionAll(new UnionQuery&lt;TOcfCB&gt;() {\r
100      *     public void query(TOcfCB unionCB) {\r
101      *         unionCB.query().setXxx...\r
102      *     }\r
103      * });\r
104      * </pre>\r
105      * @param unionQuery The query of 'union'. (NotNull)\r
106      */\r
107     public void unionAll(UnionQuery<TOcfCB> unionQuery) {\r
108         final TOcfCB cb = new TOcfCB(); cb.xsetupForUnion(); unionQuery.query(cb);\r
109         final TOcfCQ cq = cb.query(); query().xsetUnionAllQuery(cq);\r
110     }\r
111     \r
112     /**\r
113      * @param unionQuery The query of 'union'. (NotNull)\r
114      * @deprecated Sorry! Please use union(UnionQuery<TOcfCB> unionQuery).\r
115      */\r
116     public void union(TOcfCQ unionQuery) {\r
117         query().xsetUnionQuery(unionQuery);\r
118     }\r
119 \r
120     /**\r
121      * @param unionQuery The query of 'union'. (NotNull)\r
122      * @deprecated Sorry! Please use unionAll(UnionQuery<TOcfCB> unionQuery).\r
123      */\r
124     public void unionAll(TOcfCQ unionQuery) {\r
125         query().xsetUnionAllQuery(unionQuery);\r
126     }\r
127 \r
128     public boolean hasUnionQueryOrUnionAllQuery() {\r
129         return query().hasUnionQueryOrUnionAllQuery();\r
130     }\r
131 \r
132     // ===================================================================================\r
133     //                                                                        Setup Select\r
134     //                                                                        ============\r
135 \r
136     // [DBFlute-0.7.4]\r
137     // ===================================================================================\r
138     //                                                                             Specify\r
139     //                                                                             =======\r
140     protected Specification _specification;\r
141     public Specification specify() {\r
142         if (_specification == null) { _specification = new Specification(this, new SpQyCall<TOcfCQ>() {\r
143             public boolean has() { return true; } public TOcfCQ qy() { return query(); } }, _forDeriveReferrer); } return _specification;\r
144     }\r
145     public static class Specification extends AbstractSpecification<TOcfCQ> {\r
146         protected SpQyCall<TOcfCQ> _myQyCall;\r
147         public Specification(ConditionBean baseCB, SpQyCall<TOcfCQ> qyCall, boolean forDeriveReferrer) { super(baseCB, qyCall, forDeriveReferrer); _myQyCall = qyCall; }\r
148         public void columnObjecttype() { doColumn("ObjectType"); }\r
149         public void columnComplexityweight() { doColumn("ComplexityWeight"); }\r
150         protected void doSpecifyRequiredColumn() {\r
151         }\r
152         protected String getTableDbName() { return "t_ocf"; }\r
153     }\r
154 \r
155     // Very Internal (for Suppressing Warn about 'Not Use Import')\r
156     protected String getConditionBeanClassNameInternally() { return TOcfCB.class.getName(); }\r
157     protected String getConditionQueryClassNameInternally() { return TOcfCQ.class.getName(); }\r
158     protected String getSubQueryClassNameInternally() { return SubQuery.class.getName(); }\r
159 }\r