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[ea2ddl/ea2ddl.git] / ea2ddl-dao / src / main / java / jp / sourceforge / ea2ddl / dao / cbean / cq / ciq / TOperationCIQ.java
1 package jp.sourceforge.ea2ddl.dao.cbean.cq.ciq;\r
2 \r
3 import jp.sourceforge.ea2ddl.dao.allcommon.cbean.*;\r
4 import jp.sourceforge.ea2ddl.dao.allcommon.cbean.ckey.*;\r
5 import jp.sourceforge.ea2ddl.dao.allcommon.cbean.coption.ConditionOption;\r
6 import jp.sourceforge.ea2ddl.dao.allcommon.cbean.cvalue.ConditionValue;\r
7 import jp.sourceforge.ea2ddl.dao.allcommon.cbean.sqlclause.SqlClause;\r
8 import jp.sourceforge.ea2ddl.dao.cbean.cq.bs.*;\r
9 import jp.sourceforge.ea2ddl.dao.cbean.cq.*;\r
10 \r
11 /**\r
12  * The condition-inline-query of t_operation.\r
13  * @author DBFlute(AutoGenerator)\r
14  */
15 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")\r
16 public class TOperationCIQ extends AbstractBsTOperationCQ {\r
17 \r
18     // ===================================================================================\r
19     //                                                                           Attribute\r
20     //                                                                           =========\r
21     protected BsTOperationCQ _myCQ;\r
22 \r
23     // ===================================================================================\r
24     //                                                                         Constructor\r
25     //                                                                         ===========\r
26     public TOperationCIQ(ConditionQuery childQuery, SqlClause sqlClause, String aliasName, int nestLevel, BsTOperationCQ myCQ) {\r
27         super(childQuery, sqlClause, aliasName, nestLevel);\r
28         _myCQ = myCQ;\r
29         _foreignPropertyName = _myCQ.getForeignPropertyName();// Accept foreign property name.\r
30         _relationPath = _myCQ.getRelationPath();// Accept relation path.\r
31     }\r
32 \r
33     // ===================================================================================\r
34     //                                                             Override about Register\r
35     //                                                             =======================\r
36     @Override\r
37     protected void reflectRelationOnUnionQuery(ConditionQuery baseQueryAsSuper, ConditionQuery unionQueryAsSuper) {\r
38         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("InlineQuery must not need UNION method: " + baseQueryAsSuper + " : " + unionQueryAsSuper);\r
39     }\r
40 \r
41     @Override\r
42     protected void setupConditionValueAndRegisterWhereClause(ConditionKey key, Object value, ConditionValue cvalue\r
43                                                              , String colName, String capPropName, String uncapPropName) {\r
44         registerInlineQuery(key, value, cvalue, colName, capPropName, uncapPropName);\r
45     }\r
46 \r
47     @Override\r
48     protected void setupConditionValueAndRegisterWhereClause(ConditionKey key, Object value, ConditionValue cvalue\r
49                                                              , String colName, String capPropName, String uncapPropName, ConditionOption option) {\r
50         registerInlineQuery(key, value, cvalue, colName, capPropName, uncapPropName, option);\r
51     }\r
52 \r
53     @Override\r
54     protected void registerWhereClause(String whereClause) {\r
55         registerInlineWhereClause(whereClause);\r
56     }\r
57 \r
58     @Override\r
59     protected String getInScopeSubQueryRealColumnName(String columnName) {\r
60         if (_onClauseInline) {\r
61             throw new UnsupportedOperationException("InScopeSubQuery of on-clause is unsupported");\r
62         }\r
63         return _onClauseInline ? getRealAliasName() + "." + columnName : columnName;\r
64     }\r
65 \r
66     @Override\r
67     protected void registerExistsSubQuery(ConditionQuery subQuery\r
68                                  , String columnName, String relatedColumnName, String propertyName) {\r
69         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Sorry! ExistsSubQuery at inline view is unsupported. So please use InScopeSubQyery.");\r
70     }\r
71 \r
72     // ===================================================================================\r
73     //                                                                Override about Query\r
74     //                                                                ====================\r
75     protected ConditionValue getCValueOperationid() {\r
76         return _myCQ.getOperationid();\r
77     }\r
78     protected ConditionValue getCValueObjectId() {\r
79         return _myCQ.getObjectId();\r
80     }\r
81     protected ConditionValue getCValueName() {\r
82         return _myCQ.getName();\r
83     }\r
84     protected ConditionValue getCValueScope() {\r
85         return _myCQ.getScope();\r
86     }\r
87     protected ConditionValue getCValueType() {\r
88         return _myCQ.getType();\r
89     }\r
90     protected ConditionValue getCValueReturnarray() {\r
91         return _myCQ.getReturnarray();\r
92     }\r
93     protected ConditionValue getCValueStereotype() {\r
94         return _myCQ.getStereotype();\r
95     }\r
96     protected ConditionValue getCValueIsstatic() {\r
97         return _myCQ.getIsstatic();\r
98     }\r
99     protected ConditionValue getCValueConcurrency() {\r
100         return _myCQ.getConcurrency();\r
101     }\r
102     protected ConditionValue getCValueNotes() {\r
103         return _myCQ.getNotes();\r
104     }\r
105     protected ConditionValue getCValueBehaviour() {\r
106         return _myCQ.getBehaviour();\r
107     }\r
108     protected ConditionValue getCValueGenoption() {\r
109         return _myCQ.getGenoption();\r
110     }\r
111     protected ConditionValue getCValuePos() {\r
112         return _myCQ.getPos();\r
113     }\r
114     protected ConditionValue getCValueStyle() {\r
115         return _myCQ.getStyle();\r
116     }\r
117     protected ConditionValue getCValuePure() {\r
118         return _myCQ.getPure();\r
119     }\r
120     protected ConditionValue getCValueClassifier() {\r
121         return _myCQ.getClassifier();\r
122     }\r
123     protected ConditionValue getCValueCode() {\r
124         return _myCQ.getCode();\r
125     }\r
126     protected ConditionValue getCValueIsroot() {\r
127         return _myCQ.getIsroot();\r
128     }\r
129     protected ConditionValue getCValueIsleaf() {\r
130         return _myCQ.getIsleaf();\r
131     }\r
132     protected ConditionValue getCValueIsquery() {\r
133         return _myCQ.getIsquery();\r
134     }\r
135     protected ConditionValue getCValueStateflags() {\r
136         return _myCQ.getStateflags();\r
137     }\r
138     protected ConditionValue getCValueEaGuid() {\r
139         return _myCQ.getEaGuid();\r
140     }\r
141     protected ConditionValue getCValueStyleex() {\r
142         return _myCQ.getStyleex();\r
143     }\r
144 \r
145     protected String getConditionQueryClassNameInternally() { return TOperationCQ.class.getName(); }\r
146 }\r