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[vem/WITs.git] / get_coo.html
1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
3 <head>
4         <meta charset="utf-8">
5         <link rel="stylesheet" href="CSS/bootstrap-grid.css">
6         <link rel="stylesheet" href="CSS/get_coordinate.css">
7         <title>WITs-coordinate</title>
8 </head>
9 <body onLoad="main()">
10         <header>
11                 <a href="./index.html">Go to WITs-home</a>
12                 <h2>Get coordinate</h2>
13         </header>
14         <main>
16                 <div class="container">
17                         <div class="row">
18                                 <div class="col-md-6" id="coordinate_canvas_block">
19                                         <h2>Display</h2>
20                                         <div id="current_coordinate">
21                                                 [Mouse over in canvas]
22                                         </div>
23                                         <form name="image_form" onSubmit="return false;">
24                                                 <!--Microscope magnification ×<input type="number" name="magnification_microscope" value="1"><br>-->
25                                                 length of pixel <input type="number" name="pixel_length" placeholder="is none" step="0.001">
26                                                 <select id="order1">
27                                                 <option value="3">mm</option>
28                                                 <option value="6">μm</option>
29                                                 <option value="9">nm</option>
30                                                 <option value="10">Å</option>
31                                         </select>       
32                                         </form>
33                                         <canvas id="coordinate_canvas"></canvas>
34                                         <div id="manipulation_area">
35                                                 <h2>Manipulate Display</h2>
36                                                 <form name="form1" onSubmit="return false;">
37                                                         <input type="file" name="image" accept="image/*" onChange="loadFile(this.files)">
38                                                         <p>
39                                                         Scaling × <input type="number" name="magnification" value="1.00" min="1.00" step="0.01" style="width: 50px;" onChange="scaling()"><br>
40                                                         Move x <input type="number" name="movex" value="0" onChange="moving()"><br>
41                                                         Move y <input type="number" name="movey" value="0" onChange="moving()"><br>
42                                                         <input type="button" name="reset" value="Reset manipulation" onClick="reseting()"><br>
43                                                 </p>
44                                         </form>
45                                 </div>
46                                 </div>
47                                 <div class="col-md-6">
48                                         <div id="table_area">
49                                         <h2>Coordinate list</h2>
50                                         <form name="list_form" onSubmit="return false;">
51                                                 <font>-CSV format Upload-</font>
52                                                 <input type="file" value="Upload" onChange="upload_csv(this.files)">
53                                                         <br>
54                                                         <font>-STAR format Upload-</font>
55                                                 <input type="file" value="Upload" onChange="upload_star(this.files)">
56                                                 <br>
57                                                 <font>unit [</font>
58                                                 <select id="order2">
59                                                         <option value="3">mm</option>
60                                                         <option value="6">μm</option>
61                                                         <option value="9">nm</option>
62                                                         <option value="10">Å</option>
63                                                 </select>
64                                                 <font>]</font>
65                                                 <input type="button" value="All clear" onClick="all_clear()">
66                                         </form>
67                                         <div id="table">
68                                                 <table id="coordinate_table"> 
69                                                         <thead id="coordinate_table_thead">
70                                                                 <tr>
71                                                                         <th id="number">No.</th>
72                                                                         <th id="coordinate_x">x</th>
73                                                                         <th id="coordinate_y">y</th>
74                                                                         <th id="coordinate_z">z</th>
75                                                                         <th id="button">button</th>
76                                                                 </tr>
77                                                         </thead>
78                                                         <tbody id="coordinate_table_tbody">
79                                                         </tbody>
80                                                 </table>
81                                         </div>
82                                         <form name="download_form" onSubmit="return false;">
83                                                 <font>-CSV format Download-</font><br>
84                                                 <input type="text" id="filename" placeholder="filename" >.txt&nbsp;
85                                                 <input type="button" value="Download" onClick="download()">
86                                                         <a id="download_link"></a><br>
87                                                         <font>-STAR format Download-</font><br>
88                                                 <input type="text" id="filename_star" placeholder="filename" >.txt&nbsp;
89                                                 <input type="button" value="Download" onClick="download_star()">
90                                                 <a id="download_link_star"></a>
91                                             </form>
92                                     </div>
93                         </div>
94                 </div>
95         </div>
96         </main>
97         <footer>
98                 <p></p>
99         </footer>
100         <!--script-->
101         <script type="text/javascript" src="JS/coordinate.js"></script>
102 </body> 
103 </html>