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[st-ro/stro.git] / npc / re / quests / eden / eden_111_120.txt
1 //===== rAthena Script =======================================
2 //= Eden Group Quests - Mission [111-120]
3 //===== By: ==================================================
4 //= Capuche
5 //===== Current Version: =====================================
6 //= 1.2
7 //===== Compatible With: =====================================
8 //= rAthena Project
9 //===== Description: =========================================
10 //= [Official Conversion]
11 //= Repeatable quests for players between BaseLevel 111 - 120.
12 //===== Additional Comments: =================================
13 //= 1.0 First version.
14 //= 1.1 Added support to Para_Team_Mark_ in Eden Group. [Ragno]
15 //= 1.2 Added use of F_HasEdenGroupMark function. [Ragno]
16 //============================================================
18 moc_para01,17,95,5      script  Mingmin#1       4_F_GENETIC,{
19         mes "[Mingmin]";
20         if (!callfunc("F_HasEdenGroupMark")) {
21                 cutin "min02",0;
22                 mes "A stranger. This place is supposed to be for Eden Group Members only.";
23                 mes "I'm in need base level ^FF0000111 - 120^000000 adventurers to help my research.";
24         }
25         else if (para_110lv01 == 0) {
26                 cutin "min02",0;
27                 mes "......";
28                 emotion e_dot;
29                 next;
30                 mes "[Mingmin]";
31                 mes "(Wow...)";
32                 next;
33                 mes "The Geneticist is muttering to herself.";
34                 next;
35                 mes "[Mingmin]";
36                 mes "...";
37                 next;
38                 mes "[Mingmin]";
39                 mes "......";
40                 next;
41                 mes "[Mingmin]";
42                 mes "^0000ffA question: Art thou my servant?^000000";
43                 next;
44                 mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
45                 mes "(What's this lady talking about?)";
46                 emotion e_dot,1;
47                 next;
48                 mes "[Mingmin]";
49                 mes "Answer me!";
50                 mes "Art thou my servant?";
51                 emotion e_dot;
52                 next;
53                 select( "I am not.", "You be trippin'?" );
54                 mes "[Mingmin]";
55                 mes "Thou art not? Splendid...because I deigned that any servant of mine would have more dignity.";
56                 emotion e_sigh;
57                 next;
58                 mes "[Mingmin]";
59                 mes "Well, non-servant...What are you looking for here?";
60                 next;
61                 if (select( "Nothing in particular.", "Quests! Who are you?" ) == 1) {
62                         mes "[Mingmin]";
63                         mes "That is acceptable, I hope ye find what ye seek.";
64                         emotion e_ok;
65                 }
66                 else {
67                         mes "[Mingmin]";
68                         mes "Oh me? I am ^E51BD8Busaner Mingmin^000000 and I'm researching monsters by request of the Eden Group.";
69                         next;
70                         mes "[Mingmin]";
71                         mes "I used to collect fungus and mold alone at my mountain lab. Since then, I joined a group looking for new monsters...";
72                         next;
73                         mes "[Mingmin]";
74                         mes "With all my experience, they actually made me a professor here at the Eden Group.";
75                         next;
76                         mes "[Mingmin]";
77                         mes "Anyways, there is a pressing task I must complete, please excuse me for a moment.";
78                         para_110lv01 = 1;
79                 }
80         }
81         else if (para_110lv01 == 1) {
82                 cutin "min02",0;
83                 mes "^0C0CF2Pop quiz hot shot: Art thou my servant?^000000";
84                 next;
85                 select("No~ I'm "+ strcharinfo(0) +" remember?");
86                 mes "[Mingmin]";
87                 mes "Oh I have met you before, living in a house full of fungus seems to cause memory loss.";
88                 emotion e_gasp;
89                 next;
90                 mes "[Mingmin]";
91                 mes "Who were you again?";
92                 emotion e_what;
93                 next;
94                 select("Eden Group requests and research");
95                 mes "[Mingmin]";
96                 mes "Ah, that I do remember.";
97                 next;
98                 mes "[Mingmin]";
99                 mes "I am collecting information on the flora and fauna of Rune Midgard for the Eden Group.";
100                 next;
101                 mes "[Mingmin]";
102                 mes "The intention is to scientifically catalog and itemize the dangers of the world. I do not like this idea personally.";
103                 next;
104                 mes "[Mingmin]";
105                 mes "Theory will only take you so far in this world.";
106                 next;
107                 mes "[Mingmin]";
108                 mes "Morever, an adventurer who travelled outside of Rune-Midgarts should be experienced enough to know themselves.";
109                 next;
110                 mes "[Mingmin]";
111                 mes "This is ^ff0000my opinion^000000 only so do not concern thyself.";
112                 next;
113                 mes "[Mingmin]";
114                 mes "Well, after all this talking I need to take a rest. My feet are rather tired.";
115                 emotion e_yawn;
116                 para_110lv01 = 2;
117         }
118         else if (para_110lv01 == 2) {
119                 cutin "min02",0;
120                 mes "Oh, "+ strcharinfo(0) +" its you... it is good you have ed, I was bored.";
121                 next;
122                 mes "[Mingmin]";
123                 mes "Where was I? I just finished talking about the Eden Group's duty to protect others from danger.";
124                 next;
125                 mes "[Mingmin]";
126                 mes "To protect more people, I think they need adventurers who have experienced things first-hand.";
127                 next;
128                 mes "[Mingmin]";
129                 mes "So we need those brave or foolhardy enough to venture out to gather info in the field.";
130                 next;
131                 select("Sounds dangerous... when can I start?");
132                 mes "[Mingmin]";
133                 mes "Talk to me in a second and we'll get going.";
134                 emotion e_yawn;
135                 para_110lv01 = 3;
136         }
137         else if (para_110lv01 == 3) {
138                 cutin "min02",0;
139                 mes "Question "+ strcharinfo(0) +"! I was practising because new servant is coming soon.";
140                 next;
141                 select("Waddya mean new servant?");
142                 mes "[Mingmin]";
143                 mes "Oh...sorry, I meant squire...";
144                 mes "I mean adventurer...";
145                 emotion e_gasp;
146                 next;
147                 mes "[Mingmin]";
148                 mes "Sorry, the fungus in my home has been getting quite rampant.";
149                 next;
150                 mes "[Mingmin]";
151                 mes "I found Rohtert is working here when I arrived with a request from Eden Group.";
152                 next;
153                 if (para_100lv02 > 100) {
154                         mes "[Mingmin]";
155                         mes "Thou has met him prior to now? I do have a history with him.";
156                 }
157                 else {
158                         mes "[Mingmin]";
159                         mes "The guy with white hair by the entrance. You should drop by if you are interested, he is managing level 100-110 adventurers.";
160                 }
161                 next;
162                 mes "[Mingmin]";
163                 mes "Anyways, he had been working here so he knows better than me. I just came by to get advice.";
164                 next;
165                 mes "[Mingmin]";
166                 mes "That was not that difficult so..";
167                 next;
168                 cutin "min01",0;
169                 mes "[Mingmin]";
170                 mes "Silly adventurers are going to come and ask me, ^ff0000'My queen, treat me like a naughty servant!'^000000";
171                 next;
172                 select("......Uh......");
173                 cutin "min02",0;
174                 mes "[Mingmin]";
175                 mes " For some reason there aren't many people lining up to assist me yet.";
176                 emotion e_dot,1;
177                 next;
178                 mes "[Mingmin]";
179                 mes "I think it requires ^ff0000bravery^000000 to take a new request.";
180                 next;
181                 mes "[Mingmin]";
182                 mes "Enough dilly-dallying, I want to make a contract with someone who really craves adventure.";
183                 next;
184                 mes "[Mingmin]";
185                 mes "Maybe "+ strcharinfo(0) +" I'll let you be my servant if you are interested in doing this Eden Group request for my research.";
186                 para_110lv01 = 4;
187         }
188         else if (para_110lv01 > 3) {
189                 cutin "min01",0;
190                 if (para_110lv01 == 5)
191                         mes "Welcome! "+ strcharinfo(0) +"...";
192                 else
193                         mes "Hello "+ strcharinfo(0) +".";
194                         next;
195                 switch( select( "Request to research monsters", "Make small-talk" ) ) {
196                         mes "[Mingmin]";
197                 case 1:
198                         if (BaseLevel < 111) {
199                                 cutin "min02",0;
200                                 mes "I think I already told you that I am looking for an adventurer with more experience for my monster research. ";
201                                 next;
202                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
203                                 mes "It is because this mission has very dangerous requests.";
204                                 next;
205                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
206                                 mes "Lets see. If you can handle all requests from rohtert standing there, then I will reconsider.";
207                                 next;
208                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
209                                 mes "I will reconsider if you turn to base level 111.";
210                         }
211                         else if (BaseLevel < 121) {
212                                 if (para_110lv01 == 4) {
213                                         cutin "min02",0;
214                                         mes "Oh, you want to help me with my research?";
215                                         next;
216                                         mes "She seems to be waiting for a ^FF0000special signal.^000000 What do you want to do?";
217                                         next;
218                                         while(select( "Make a heart with two hands.", "Dance around like a crazy person", "Wink at her", "Whistle at her." ) != 2) {
219                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
220                                                 mes "What's that for?";
221                                                 emotion e_hmm;
222                                                 next;
223                                                 mes "Hmm, she didn't go for that.";
224                                                 next;
225                                         }
226                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
227                                         mes "This signal!?";
228                                         emotion e_flash;
229                                         next;
230                                         cutin "min01",0;
231                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
232                                         mes "^FF0000..................now?^000000";
233                                         emotion e_flash;
234                                         next;
235                                         select("Say nothing and nod...");
236                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
237                                         mes "......";
238                                         next;
239                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
240                                         mes "Question...! Art thou my servant?";
241                                         next;
242                                         select("Yes, my leige...");
243                                         cutin "min02",0;
244                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
245                                         mes "............";
246                                         next;
247                                         cutin "min01",0;
248                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
249                                         mes "Well, that's all settled then! Thou shalt signeth this form.";
250                                         next;
251                                         mes "[Contract]";
252                                         mes "A - adventurer shall not talk back to Busaner Mingmin and will not complain under any circumstance.";
253                                         next;
254                                         mes "[Contract]";
255                                         mes "B - adventurer shall proceed to complete the request for Busaner Mingmin as quick as humanly possible.";
256                                         next;
257                                         mes "[Contract]";
258                                         mes "C -This contract is terminated on the day that a request of the adventurer is completed.";
259                                         next;
260                                         cutin "min02",0;
261                                         mes "[Contract]";
262                                         mes "D - this contract shall be confidential except between the adventurer and Mingmin under ^FF0000penalty of death.^000000";
263                                         next;
264                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
265                                         mes "Don't worry too much. The Unions require it you know. Just sign on the line that is dotted.";
266                                         next;
267                                         if (select( "Sign the contract.", "Take time to think." ) == 2) {
268                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
269                                                 mes "You can take your time....";
270                                         }
271                                         else {
272                                                 cutin "min01",0;
273                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
274                                                 mes "Did you sign it?";
275                                                 next;
276                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
277                                                 mes "............";
278                                                 next;
279                                                 cutin "min03",0;
280                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
281                                                 mes "Haha! I feel much better now.";
282                                                 emotion e_loud;
283                                                 next;
284                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
285                                                 mes "Thank you for accepting the strange contract. Looking forward to working with thee.";
286                                                 next;
287                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
288                                                 mes "I was careful for public requests because I have to be polite to adventurers.";
289                                                 next;
290                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
291                                                 mes "I tried to be poilte . But it just doesn't suit my personality.";
292                                                 next;
293                                                 cutin "min02",0;
294                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
295                                                 mes "Thou shouldst be more careful...Did you notice something about the pen you signed with? There were ^FF0000orange shiitake mushroom spores^000000 on it.";
296                                                 next;
297                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
298                                                 mes "If the spores get in your bloodstream, you might grow mushrooms inside of your own body.";
299                                                 next;
300                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
301                                                 mes "It takes quite a long time so do thine best. I might give you the antidote if you do well.";
302                                                 next;
303                                                 cutin "min03",0;
304                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
305                                                 mes "All right we became quite familiar now. So. Shall we get start to work?";
306                                                 para_110lv01 = 5;
307                                         }
308                                 }
309                                 else if (para_110lv01 > 4) {
310                                         cutin "min01",0;
311                                         mes "We need some more information on the following monsters. Choose.";
312                                         next;
313                                         switch( select( "Glastheim related requests", "Thanatos tower related requests", "Ash Vacuum related requests", "Mingmin's personal request" ) ) {
314                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
315                                         case 1:
316                                                 mes "I heard something is going on in Glastheim. Monsters are afoot.";
317                                                 next;
318                                                 switch( select( "Raydric Research", "Khalitzberg Research", "Wanderer Research" ) ) {
319                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
320                                                 case 1:
321                                                         if (checkquest(13068,PLAYTIME) == 0)
322                                                                 mes "Raydric's research is going well. It is better off having more samples to research.!";
323                                                         else if (checkquest(13067,HUNTING) == 1) {
324                                                                 cutin "·¹À̵帯īµå",3;  //daydric_card
325                                                                 mes "You can find Raydric in the west entrance or on the 2nd floor of Glastheim.";
326                                                                 next;
327                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
328                                                                 mes "I need information and document no matter what happens. Come back to me after dealing with ^FF000030 Raydric^000000's.";
329                                                                 next;
330                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
331                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
332                                                                 mes "The experience you learn by fighting with monsters will be a good record for the research!";
333                                                         }
334                                                         else if (checkquest(13067,HUNTING) == 2) {
335                                                                 cutin "min03",0;
336                                                                 mes "How do you feel dealing with tough monsters? Good documents and good experience to you as well.";
337                                                                 callsub S_Quest,13067,13068,700000,200000;
338                                                         }
339                                                         else {
340                                                                 cutin "·¹À̵帯īµå",3;  //daydric_card
341                                                                 mes "Something is happening in Glastheim. And that clue is in Raydrics that is information I have.";
342                                                                 next;
343                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
344                                                                 mes "I need information and document no matter what happens. Come back to me after dealing with ^FF000030 Raydric^000000's.";
345                                                                 next;
346                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
347                                                                 if (select( "Take the request.", "Quit" ) == 1) {
348                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
349                                                                         mes "Please come back to me after dealing with the monsters. I need all your stories for documentation.";
350                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13068,13067;
351                                                                 }
352                                                         }
353                                                         break;
354                                                 case 2:
355                                                         if (checkquest(13070,PLAYTIME) == 0)
356                                                                 mes "Khalitzburg's research is going well. It is better off having more samples to research!";
357                                                         else if (checkquest(13069,HUNTING) == 1) {
358                                                                 cutin "½ºÄ̳ªÀÌƮīµå",3;  //skullknight_card
359                                                                 mes "Khalitzburg will be found in west entrance of Glastheim.";
360                                                                 next;
361                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
362                                                                 mes "I need information and document no matter what happens. Come back to me after dealing with ^FF000030 Khalitzburg's^000000";
363                                                                 next;
364                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
365                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
366                                                                 mes "The experience you learn by fighting with monsters will be a good record for the research!";
367                                                         }
368                                                         else if (checkquest(13069,HUNTING) == 2) {
369                                                                 cutin "min03",0;
370                                                                 mes "How do you feel of dealing with tough monsters? Good documents and good experience to you as well.";
371                                                                 callsub S_Quest,13069,13070,700000,200000;
372                                                         }
373                                                         else {
374                                                                 cutin "½ºÄ̳ªÀÌƮīµå",3;  //skullknight_card
375                                                                 mes "Maybe Khalitzburg is linked to what is happening in glastheim so lets research it.";
376                                                                 next;
377                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
378                                                                 mes "I need information and document no matter what happens. Come back to me after dealing with ^FF000030 Khalitzburg's^000000";
379                                                                 next;
380                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
381                                                                 if (select( "Take the request.", "Quit" ) == 1) {
382                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
383                                                                         mes "Please tell me the story after dealing with them one by one. They will be important documents...";
384                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13070,13069;
385                                                                 }
386                                                         }
387                                                         break;
388                                                 case 3:
389                                                         if (checkquest(13072,PLAYTIME) == 0)
390                                                                 mes "Wanderer's research is going well. It is better off having more samples to research!";
391                                                         else if (checkquest(13071,HUNTING) == 1) {
392                                                                 cutin "¹èȸÇÏ´ÂÀÚÄ«µå",3;  //wander_man_card
393                                                                 mes "Wanderer will be found if you enter from the north entrance and go to big entrance in the middle of the road in Glastheim.";
394                                                                 next;
395                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
396                                                                 mes "I need information and documents no matter what happens. How about dealing with ^FF000030 Wanderers^000000.";
397                                                                 next;
398                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
399                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
400                                                                 mes "The experience you learn by fighting with monsters will be a good record for the research!";
401                                                         }
402                                                         else if (checkquest(13071,HUNTING) == 2) {
403                                                                 cutin "min03",0;
404                                                                 mes "How do you feel of dealing with tough monsters? Good documents and good experience to you as well.";
405                                                                 callsub S_Quest,13071,13072,700000,200000;
406                                                         }
407                                                         else {
408                                                                 cutin "¹èȸÇÏ´ÂÀÚÄ«µå",3;  //wander_man_card
409                                                                 mes "Wanderer is the representative of Glastheim. It is dangerous but cool!";
410                                                                 next;
411                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
412                                                                 mes "It will be a good research. Come back after dealing with ^FF000030 Wanderers^000000.";
413                                                                 next;
414                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
415                                                                 if (select( "Take the request.", "Quit" ) == 1) {
416                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
417                                                                         mes "Please tell me the story after dealing with them one by one. They will be important documents...";
418                                                                         emotion e_no1;
419                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13072,13071;
420                                                                 }
421                                                         }
422                                                 }
423                                                 break;
424                                         case 2:
425                                                 mes "We need to research monsters in Thanatos tower.";
426                                                 next;
427                                                 switch( select( "Ancient Mimic research", "Deathword research", "Owl Baron research", "Bloody Page research" ) ) {
428                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
429                                                 case 1:
430                                                         if (checkquest(13074,PLAYTIME) == 0)
431                                                                 mes "Ancient mimic research is going well. It is better off having more samples for the research!";
432                                                         else if (checkquest(13073,HUNTING) == 1) {
433                                                                 cutin "¿¡ÀμÇÆ®¹Ì¹Í",3;  //ancient_mimic_card
434                                                                 mes "It is not far if you move from Juno or Hugel to Thanatos or Abyss lake.";
435                                                                 next;
436                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
437                                                                 mes "Do not complain! It will be a good experience for you!";
438                                                                 next;
439                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
440                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
441                                                                 mes "The experience you learn by fighting with monsters will be a good record to research!";
442                                                         }
443                                                         else if (checkquest(13073,HUNTING) == 2) {
444                                                                 cutin "min02",0;
445                                                                 mes "You did good work today!";
446                                                                 callsub S_Quest,13073,13074,700000,300000;
447                                                         }
448                                                         else {
449                                                                 cutin "¿¡ÀμÇÆ®¹Ì¹Í",3;  //ancient_mimic_card
450                                                                 mes "You will see them often at thanatos tower or abyss lake. They are not generous with their drops but that is not important to finishing this request.";
451                                                                 next;
452                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
453                                                                 mes "I can not find any connection in two areas but they keep coming up so it is worth researching. Come back after taking care of ^FF000030 ancient mimic^000000.";
454                                                                 next;
455                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
456                                                                 if (select( "Take the request.", "Quit" ) == 1) {
457                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
458                                                                         mes "If you possibly get a good drop from them, you know right? Do not forget about me!";
459                                                                         emotion e_flash;
460                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13074,13073;
461                                                                 }
462                                                         }
463                                                         break;
464                                                 case 2:
465                                                         if (checkquest(13076,PLAYTIME) == 0)
466                                                                 mes "Deathword's research is going well. It is better off having more samples for the research!";
467                                                         else if (checkquest(13075,HUNTING) == 1) {
468                                                                 mes "Thanatos tower will be more dangerous than you thought. You might want to organize a party before going there.";
469                                                                 next;
470                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
471                                                                 mes "I want to research this so take this request please!";
472                                                                 next;
473                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
474                                                                 mes "I will give you a reward...";
475                                                         }
476                                                         else if (checkquest(13075,HUNTING) == 2) {
477                                                                 cutin "min03",0;
478                                                                 mes "Thank you so much. This will be great research.";
479                                                                 callsub S_Quest,13075,13076,700000,300000;
480                                                         }
481                                                         else {
482                                                                 mes "That is the reason why I chose Thanatos tower to research. Do not be surprised. This one is an old book that became a monster!";
483                                                                 next;
484                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
485                                                                 mes "I want to research the background of those creatures. Please check ^FF000030 Deathwords^000000.";
486                                                                 next;
487                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
488                                                                 if (select( "Take the request.", "Quit" ) == 1) {
489                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
490                                                                         mes "Please take care of them one by one. Those books contain precious history of Rune Midgard so I want to research them.";
491                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13076,13075;
492                                                                 }
493                                                         }
494                                                         break;
495                                                 case 3:
496                                                         if (checkquest(13078,PLAYTIME) == 0)
497                                                                 mes "Owl Baron's research is going well. It is better off having more samples for the research!";
498                                                         else if (checkquest(13077,HUNTING) == 1) {
499                                                                 cutin "¾Æ¿ï¹Ù·ÐÄ«µå",3;  //owl_baron_card
500                                                                 mes "You can meet it if you climb the tower according to the rumors. For me, well I've never been up there.";
501                                                                 next;
502                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
503                                                                 mes "The guy with blue hat went to the top but I didn't bother to follow.";
504                                                                 next;
505                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
506                                                                 mes "Anyways, There will be enough reward for sure.";
507                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
508                                                         }
509                                                         else if (checkquest(13077,HUNTING) == 2) {
510                                                                 cutin "min03",0;
511                                                                 mes "Safely back!? Eden Group will be happy.";
512                                                                 callsub S_Quest,13077,13078,700000,300000;
513                                                         }
514                                                         else {
515                                                                 cutin "¾Æ¿ï¹Ù·ÐÄ«µå",3;  //owl_baron_card
516                                                                 mes "Personally I have no interest in this monster but it was requested from the Eden Group.";
517                                                                 next;
518                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
519                                                                 mes "Please take care of ^FF000020 Owl Barons^000000. It will help other adventurers to explore Thanatos tower.";
520                                                                 next;
521                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
522                                                                 if (select( "Take the request.", "Quit" ) == 1) {
523                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
524                                                                         mes "It does not mean I am not going to research them. The more documents the better research.";
525                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13078,13077;
526                                                                 }
527                                                         }
528                                                         break;
529                                                 case 4:
530                                                         if (checkquest(13080,PLAYTIME) == 0) {
531                                                                 cutin "min03",0;
532                                                                 mes "I like old books! Okay I need to analyze this. Bloody Pages! Please bring more tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Anytime!";
533                                                         }
534                                                         else if (isbegin_quest(13079) == 1) {
535                                                                 if (countitem(7449) > 19) {// Bloody_Page
536                                                                         cutin "min03",0;
537                                                                         mes "Wow. It is so curious. It is exciting!";
538                                                                         delitem 7449,20;
539                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13079,13080,700000,300000;
540                                                                 }
541                                                                 else {
542                                                                         cutin "µ¥½º¿öµå",3;  //deathword_card
543                                                                         mes "3rd floor of thanatos has Deathword monsers that drop these bloody pages.";
544                                                                         next;
545                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
546                                                                         mes "I think if thou shalt collect 20 of these it should be enough for my research. It's barbaric, but it is a job!";
547                                                                         next;
548                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
549                                                                         mes "There will be enough reward for sure.";
550                                                                         cutin "min01",0;
551                                                                 }
552                                                         }
553                                                         else {
554                                                                 cutin "µ¥½º¿öµå",3;  //deathword_card
555                                                                 mes "The fact that I decided to travel to Thanatos has the reason. Haha, I heard that I can get Bloody Pages from Deathword monsters.";
556                                                                 next;
557                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
558                                                                 mes "I know they're gross and bloody but just imagine the centuries of stories preserved in those pages...";
559                                                                 next;
560                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
561                                                                 mes "Can you please get me 20 ^FF0000Bloody Pages^000000? I will be happy if there is one useful bookshelf we can use when you bring them back.";
562                                                                 next;
563                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
564                                                                 if (select( "Take the request.", "Quit" ) == 1) {
565                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
566                                                                         mes "Please, I really want to research this.";
567                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13080,13079;
568                                                                 }
569                                                         }
570                                                 }
571                                                 break;
572                                         case 3:
573                                                 mes "The research for Ash Vacuum is just beginning. So there are still many thing to study!";
574                                                 next;
575                                                 switch( select( "Dark Pinguicula research", "Nepenthes research", "Naga research", "Centipede Larva research", "Cornus research", "We know the magic power of the horn we saw that day." ) ) {
576                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
577                                                 case 1:
578                                                         if (checkquest(13082,PLAYTIME) == 0)
579                                                                 mes "Pinguicula dark's research is ongoing. Please come back to me next time.!";
580                                                         else if (checkquest(13081,HUNTING) == 1) {
581                                                                 cutin "ÇɱÍŧ¶ó´ÙÅ©Ä«µå",3;  //pinguicula_dark_card
582                                                                 mes "I think this research is easy. They are not too dangerous from the initial reports I've received.";
583                                                                 next;
584                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
585                                                                 mes "It is north west from the Allied Forces Camp. It is not that far so hurry up.";
586                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
587                                                         }
588                                                         else if (checkquest(13081,HUNTING) == 2) {
589                                                                 cutin "min03",0;
590                                                                 mes "Good job! keep helping my research. I still have so much to do.";
591                                                                 callsub S_Quest,13081,13082,700000,180000;
592                                                         }
593                                                         else {
594                                                                 cutin "ÇɱÍŧ¶ó´ÙÅ©Ä«µå",3;  //pinguicula_dark_card
595                                                                 mes "It is the monster living northwest of the Allied Forces Camp. I am not interested in going myself but the request was already paid for and I may as well research them.";
596                                                                 next;
597                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
598                                                                 mes "Hunt ^FF000030 Dark Pinguicula^000000. Battling it will provide some good research materials.";
599                                                                 next;
600                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
601                                                                 if (select( "Take the request.", "Quit" ) == 1) {
602                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
603                                                                         mes "Be careful and safe.";
604                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13082,13081;
605                                                                 }
606                                                         }
607                                                         break;
608                                                 case 2:
609                                                         if (checkquest(13084,PLAYTIME) == 0)
610                                                                 mes "Nepenthes's research is still ongoing. Please come back to me next time!";
611                                                         else if (checkquest(13083,HUNTING) == 1) {
612                                                                 cutin "³×Ææµ¥½ºÄ«µå",3;  //nepenthes_card
613                                                                 mes "It could be a simple request or tough request. Try to find friends if you are in trouble. That is adventure too!";
614                                                                 next;
615                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
616                                                                 mes "It is east of the Allied Forces Camp. It is not that far so hurry up.";
617                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
618                                                         }
619                                                         else if (checkquest(13083,HUNTING) == 2) {
620                                                                 cutin "min03",0;
621                                                                 mes "Good job! Keep assisting with my research. I still have so much to do.";
622                                                                 callsub S_Quest,13083,13084,700000,180000;
623                                                         }
624                                                         else {
625                                                                 cutin "³×Ææµ¥½ºÄ«µå",3;  //nepenthes_card
626                                                                 mes "Do you know the monster name as mandragora? There is similar monster to the east of the expedition station. I am sure it will be related for researching monsters.";
627                                                                 next;
628                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
629                                                                 mes "Why don't you hunt 30 ^FF0000Nepenthes^000000? Their vines crawl up everywhere so be careful.";
630                                                                 next;
631                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
632                                                                 if (select( "Take the request.", "Quit" ) == 1) {
633                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
634                                                                         mes "The request like this satisfies me and the Eden Group. Be careful though.";
635                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13084,13083;
636                                                                 }
637                                                         }
638                                                         break;
639                                                 case 3:
640                                                         if (checkquest(13086,PLAYTIME) == 0)
641                                                                 mes "Naga's research is still ongoing. Please come back to me next time.";
642                                                         else if (checkquest(13085,HUNTING) == 1) {
643                                                                 cutin "³ª°¡Ä«µå",3;  //naga_card
644                                                                 mes "You take care of those addicted to magic powers, I have no interest.";
645                                                                 next;
646                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
647                                                                 mes "Please take care of 30 Naga monsters northwest of the expedition station.";
648                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
649                                                         }
650                                                         else if (checkquest(13085,HUNTING) == 2) {
651                                                                 cutin "min03",0;
652                                                                 mes "Good. Keep helping my research. I have too many to check out.";
653                                                                 callsub S_Quest,13085,13086,700000,180000;
654                                                         }
655                                                         else {
656                                                                 cutin "³ª°¡Ä«µå",3;  //naga_card
657                                                                 mes "Please take care of 30 ^FF0000Naga^000000 monsters northwest of the expedition station.";
658                                                                 next;
659                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
660                                                                 mes "I have no interest in it but it bothers my time to research the other monsters that I actually want to study. So I want the number of them to be reduced.";
661                                                                 next;
662                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
663                                                                 if (select( "Take the request.", "Quit" ) == 1) {
664                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
665                                                                         mes "Please do your best. This request is also important to unlock additional research.";
666                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13086,13085;
667                                                                 }
668                                                         }
669                                                         break;
670                                                 case 4:
671                                                         if (checkquest(13088,PLAYTIME) == 0)
672                                                                 mes "I'm still researching the Centipede Larva. Please come and help me next time.";
673                                                         else if (checkquest(13087,HUNTING) == 1) {
674                                                                 cutin "¼¾Æ¼Æäµ¥À¯ÃæÄ«µå",3;  //centipede_larva_card
675                                                                 mes "Oh... No Lets take a deep breath. For me, I want to exterminate more than 20 for research.";
676                                                                 next;
677                                                                 emotion e_sob;
678                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
679                                                                 mes "Be careful. And they're east of the expedition station.";
680                                                                 cutin "min02",0;
681                                                         }
682                                                         else if (checkquest(13087,HUNTING) == 2) {
683                                                                 cutin "min02",0;
684                                                                 mes "Oh. Okay. You do not need to explain.";
685                                                                 emotion e_otl;
686                                                                 callsub S_Quest,13087,13088,700000,180000;
687                                                         }
688                                                         else {
689                                                                 cutin "¼¾Æ¼Æäµ¥À¯ÃæÄ«µå",3;  //centipede_larva_card
690                                                                 mes "Yuck! It is very disgusting. Look at me. It is so creepy I wanted to survey it because I was interested in Nepenthes. But I hate bugs with lots of legs...";
691                                                                 next;
692                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
693                                                                 mes "Come back after 20 ^FF0000Centipede Larva^000000 are exterminated. Can you imagine how big they became? Just the thought makes my skin crawl.";
694                                                                 next;
695                                                                 cutin "min02",0;
696                                                                 if (select( "Take the request.", "Quit" ) == 1) {
697                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
698                                                                         mes "I'm sorry that I didn't do it myself. I'm not ashamed to admit that it's too disgusting for me.";
699                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13088,13087;
700                                                                 }
701                                                         }
702                                                         break;
703                                                 case 5:
704                                                         if (checkquest(13090,PLAYTIME) == 0)
705                                                                 mes "Cornus's research is still ongoing. Please research for other adventurers.";
706                                                         else if (checkquest(13089,HUNTING) == 1) {
707                                                                 cutin "ÄÚ¸£´©½ºÄ«µå",3;  //cornus_card
708                                                                 mes "I need to research those flying horse creatures so please help me out.";
709                                                                 next;
710                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
711                                                                 mes "Of course, It will help your adventurers too in some way I suppose.";
712                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
713                                                         }
714                                                         else if (checkquest(13089,HUNTING) == 2) {
715                                                                 cutin "min03",0;
716                                                                 mes "How was it ? Is that monster easy for adventurers to get?";
717                                                                 callsub S_Quest,13089,13090,700000,180000;
718                                                         }
719                                                         else {
720                                                                 cutin "ÄÚ¸£´©½ºÄ«µå",3;  //cornus_card
721                                                                 mes "I found the monster that satisfies my research needs and helps adventurers to gain experience from the Eden Group. It is not weak or fierce monster either.";
722                                                                 next;
723                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
724                                                                 mes "I believe that Adventurers will handle Cornus in the future, so go out and deal with ^FF000030 Cornus^000000 so I can research that viability.";
725                                                                 next;
726                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
727                                                                 if (select( "Take the request.", "Quit" ) == 1) {
728                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
729                                                                         mes "This could be a revolution for Eden Group Adventurers. Be positive with this request please.";
730                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13090,13089;
731                                                                 }
732                                                         }
733                                                         break;
734                                                 case 6:
735                                                         if (checkquest(13092,PLAYTIME) == 0)
736                                                                 mes "I'm still researching the Mystic Horns you brought. Quite interesting. I can beat blue hat soon.";
737                                                         else if (isbegin_quest(13091) == 1) {
738                                                                 if (countitem(6023) > 19) {// Mystic_Horn
739                                                                         cutin "min03",0;
740                                                                         mes "Yes this one! It is worth doing. Thank you for taking this request.";
741                                                                         emotion e_thx;
742                                                                         delitem 6023,20;
743                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13091,13092,700000,180000;
744                                                                 }
745                                                                 else {
746                                                                         cutin "ÄÚ¸£´©½ºÄ«µå",3;  //cornus_card
747                                                                         mes "I am still researching but I hope to extract magic power from magical touched things.";
748                                                                         next;
749                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
750                                                                         mes "It will be useful for me and adventurers, right?";
751                                                                         cutin "min01",0;
752                                                                 }
753                                                         }
754                                                         else {
755                                                                 cutin "ÄÚ¸£´©½ºÄ«µå",3;  //cornus_card
756                                                                 mes "This is why I accepted the request for this from Eden Group. Find 20 ^FF0000Mystic Horn^000000 from the Cornus monsters.";
757                                                                 next;
758                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
759                                                                 mes "I think I can use this horn for good things. It is easy to get. I will let you know later.";
760                                                                 next;
761                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
762                                                                 if (select( "Take the request.", "Quit" ) == 1) {
763                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
764                                                                         mes "Ye gain experience and I get research material. Good deal right? Excellent!";
765                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13092,13091;
766                                                                 }
767                                                         }
768                                                 }
769                                                 break;
770                                         case 4:
771                                                 mes "This request is for my personal research. I research for Eden Group and they support me to hire people assisting my research.";
772                                                 next;
773                                                 switch( select( "Ancient Mummy research", "Geffenia survey", "Juperos survey", "Fragment and Rusty Screw collecting." ) ) {
774                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
775                                                 case 1:
776                                                         if (checkquest(13094,PLAYTIME) == 0)
777                                                                 mes "Ancient Mummy's research is still ongoing.";
778                                                         else if (checkquest(13093,HUNTING) == 1) {
779                                                                 cutin "¿¡ÀμÇÆ®¹ÌÀ̶óÄ«µå",3;  //ancient_mummy_card
780                                                                 mes "If I finish researching, the first thing I'm going to do is eat a 10 year aged strawberry pudding...";
781                                                                 next;
782                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
783                                                                 mes "To finish my research I need you to hunt some Ancient Mummy.";
784                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
785                                                         }
786                                                         else if (checkquest(13093,HUNTING) == 2) {
787                                                                 cutin "min03",0;
788                                                                 mes "Did a good job. Fantastic strawberry pudding is not easy to make. Trust me. I will let thee taste it someday soon.";
789                                                                 callsub S_Quest,13093,13094,700000,200000;
790                                                         }
791                                                         else {
792                                                                 cutin "¿¡ÀμÇÆ®¹ÌÀ̶óÄ«µå",3;  //ancient_mummy_card
793                                                                 mes "Things are supposed to go bad. Most of them but people want to keep and preserve food for a long time. ";
794                                                                 next;
795                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
796                                                                 mes "Have you even seen the bandage that Ancient Mummy are wound up in? They last even for centuries at a time.";
797                                                                 next;
798                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
799                                                                 mes "I guess it is rotten but we can make big money if this research goes well. Preservatives can make a strawberry pudding that does not go bad with time.";
800                                                                 next;
801                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
802                                                                 if (select( "Take the request.", "Quit" ) == 1) {
803                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
804                                                                         mes "This research is necessary so that I can make my strawberry pudding.";
805                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13094,13093;
806                                                                 }
807                                                         }
808                                                         break;
809                                                 case 2:
810                                                         if (checkquest(13096,PLAYTIME) == 0)
811                                                                 mes "Geffenia's research has just started. It is beginning so go slowly. Lets research.";
812                                                         else if (checkquest(13095,HUNTING) == 1) {
813                                                                 cutin "¼­Å¥¹ö½ºÄ«µå",3;  //succubus_card
814                                                                 mes "I do not expect a lot because it is very dangerous and not easy to access.";
815                                                                 next;
816                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
817                                                                 mes "This request is attempting to an adventurer who used to enjoy it. Simple! Fun! Worthy experience!";
818                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
819                                                         }
820                                                         else if (checkquest(13095,HUNTING) == 2) {
821                                                                 cutin "min03",0;
822                                                                 mes "You are more talented than I thought. If you found a tact, I will request to you for next time as well. This research is up to you.";
823                                                                 callsub S_Quest,13095,13096,700000,200000;
824                                                         }
825                                                         else {
826                                                                 cutin "ÀÎÅ¥¹ö½ºÄ«µå",3;  //incubus_card
827                                                                 mes "This is pre-survey for precious research because Geffenia is easy to access.";
828                                                                 next;
829                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
830                                                                 mes "The request starts from how to find a way in. Please take a look what kind of monsters are in there. first of all, start by hunting ^FF000010^000000 Incubus, Succubus and Violy. Then lets research the details later.";
831                                                                 next;
832                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
833                                                                 if (select( "Take the request.", "Quit" ) == 1) {
834                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
835                                                                         mes "Try to start from Geffen fountain, if you want more information.";
836                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13096,13095;
837                                                                 }
838                                                         }
839                                                         break;
840                                                 case 3:
841                                                         if (checkquest(13098,PLAYTIME) == 0)
842                                                                 mes "They all look the same for me.     I should research harder.";
843                                                         else if (checkquest(13097,HUNTING) == 1) {
844                                                                 cutin "º£³ªÅõ",3;  //venatu_card
845                                                                 mes "There is one more reason why many adventurers are sent to Juperos and that is my real request.";
846                                                                 next;
847                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
848                                                                 mes "If you go to Juperos? I wish you to take a request about ^FF0000Venatus^000000.";
849                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
850                                                         }
851                                                         else if (checkquest(13097,HUNTING) == 2) {
852                                                                 cutin "min03",0;
853                                                                 mes "You are not confused? I still do not know yet. What is the difference? Anyway good job.";
854                                                                 emotion e_loud;
855                                                                 callsub S_Quest,13097,13098,700000,300000;
856                                                         }
857                                                         else {
858                                                                 cutin "º£³ªÅõ",3;  //venatu_card
859                                                                 mes "The remains of ancient, Juperos is mysterious. There are lots of ^FF0000secrets^000000. But this is yet again a simple monster research survey.";
860                                                                 next;
861                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
862                                                                 mes "The monster ^FF0000Venatu^000000 in juperos has 4 types of colors. Which means there are four types of monsters.";
863                                                                 next;
864                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
865                                                                 mes "I thought they are the same because they look the same. Is it only me? I can not distinguish. Hunt 30 of each Green, Orange and Blue ones just to be sure.";
866                                                                 next;
867                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
868                                                                 if (select( "Take the request.", "Quit" ) == 1) {
869                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
870                                                                         mes "It wil not be easy to be alone. But looking for a fellow for adventure is what an adventurer does.";
871                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13098,13097;
872                                                                 }
873                                                         }
874                                                         break;
875                                                 case 4:
876                                                         if (checkquest(13100,PLAYTIME) == 0)
877                                                                 mes "I will make anything better than you imagine.";
878                                                         else if (isbegin_quest(13099) == 1) {
879                                                                 if (countitem(7094) > 9 && countitem(7317) > 19) {
880                                                                         cutin "min03",0;
881                                                                         mes "Thank you. You will appreciate me if my research is completed.";
882                                                                         emotion e_loud;
883                                                                         delitem 7094,10;// Mystery_Piece
884                                                                         delitem 7317,20;// Screw
885                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13099,13100,700000,200000;
886                                                                 }
887                                                                 else {
888                                                                         cutin "º£³ªÅõ",3;  //venatu_card
889                                                                         mes "You can find ^FF0000Fragment and Rusty Screw^000000 in juperos everywhere. Most of the monsters have it.";
890                                                                         next;
891                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
892                                                                         mes "I know it is not easy but I wish thee to take this request. Please.";
893                                                                         cutin "min01",0;
894                                                                 }
895                                                         }
896                                                         else {
897                                                                 cutin "º£³ªÅõ",3;  //venatu_card
898                                                                 mes "Juperos is intense and mysterious. When he showed up, It seems like it is not Midgard.";
899                                                                 next;
900                                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
901                                                                 mes "It is core research. I need to know who he is. That will be amazing. Can you bring me 10 ^FF0000Fragment^000000 and 20 ^FF0000Rusty Screw^000000?";
902                                                                 next;
903                                                                 cutin "min01",0;
904                                                                 if (select( "Take the request.", "Quit" ) == 1) {
905                                                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
906                                                                         mes "I do not know how many drops you can carry but I want as many as you can. May I ask you to bring 10 ^FF0000Fragment^000000 and 20 ^FF0000Rusty Screw^000000?";
907                                                                         callsub S_Quest,13100,13099;
908                                                                 }
909                                                         }
910                                                 }
911                                         }
912                                 }
913                         }
914                         else if (para_110lv01 < 5) {
915                                 mes "The request for researching monsters seem to easy for you.";
916                                 next;
917                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
918                                 mes "There is nothing I can do because these are the rules of the Eden Group.";
919                                 next;
920                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
921                                 mes "There is someone who strongly wishes you to solve your request.";
922                         }
923                         else {
924                                 cutin "min01",0;
925                                 mes "Contract is terminated. "+ strcharinfo(0) +" reward for completed research. ^FF0000I will delete incompleted research from your quest list.^000000";
926                                 para_110lv01 = 6;
927                                 next;
928                                 callsub S_Hunting,
929                                         13067,200000,"Raydric",
930                                         13069,200000,"Khalitzburg",
931                                         13071,200000,"Wanderer",
932                                         13073,300000,"Ancient Mimic",
933                                         13075,300000,"Deathword",
934                                         13077,300000,"Owl Baron";
935                                 callsub S_Gathering,13079,300000,"Bloody Page",7449,20;
936                                 callsub S_Hunting,
937                                         13081,180000,"Dark Pinguicula",
938                                         13083,180000,"Nepenthes",
939                                         13085,180000,"Naga",
940                                         13087,180000,"Centipede Larva",
941                                         13089,180000,"Cornus";
942                                 callsub S_Gathering,13091,180000,"Mystic Horn",6023,20;
943                                 callsub S_Hunting,
944                                         13093,200000,"Ancient Mummy",
945                                         13095,200000,"Geffenia expedition",
946                                         13097,300000,"Juperos";
947                                 callsub S_Gathering,13099,200000,"Fragments and Rusty Screws",7094,10,7317,20;
948                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
949                                 mes "It is a little bit inconvenient. I will read to you politely ^FF0000again^000000 in public.";
950                                 next;
951                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
952                                 mes "Anyway "+ strcharinfo(0) +" thank you for helping me start my research.";
953                                 next;
954                                 cutin "min03",0;
955                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
956                                 mes "Do not worry, I will treat you like a slave if we meet outside of Eden Group or if you tell anyone I was nice to you.";
957                                 emotion e_loud;
958                                 next;
959                                 cutin "min01",0;
960                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
961                                 mes "Just because I'm being nice now doesn't mean we're automatically friends though.";
962                         }
963                         break;
964                 case 2:
965                         if (para_110lv01 == 5)
966                                 mes "Do you want to know something? I am busy researching.";
967                         else
968                                 mes "It is fine day for researching. It is always fun to talk to someone of sufficient intelligence.";
969                         while(1) {
970                                 next;
971                                 switch( select( "^0000ffFriends^000000 story", "Something to research", "Orange beard gluey mushroom...", "Finish conversation" ) ) {
972                                         mes "[Mingmin]";
973                                 case 1:
974                                         if (para_110lv01 < 5) {
975                                                 cutin "min02",0;
976                                                 mes "I found a familiar face since I arrived to Eden Group with this request. ^ff0000Rohtert^000000 is the one.";
977                                                 next;
978                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
979                                                 mes "I used to join clubs that researched rare monsters. I heard it became a guild and anyway I met him there.";
980                                                 next;
981                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
982                                                 mes "I look younger but I am like his sister. There was so many things that happened in that club. However, I shouldn't go on and on about it. I might tell you later when we have time.";
983                                         }
984                                         else if (para_110lv01 == 5) {
985                                                 cutin "min03",0;
986                                                 mes "I found a familiar face since I arrived to Eden Group with this request. Do you see the guy ^FF0000Rohtert^000000 with white hair near the entrance?";
987                                                 next;
988                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
989                                                 mes "Now that he's grown up... well he used to follow me calling me his sister. By the way where is the blue hat guy who used to stick to him like glue. Did they have a fight?";
990                                                 next;
991                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
992                                                 mes "That blue hat guy... He used to annoy me even at the club. If I see him again I just might smack him...";
993                                         }
994                                         else {
995                                                 cutin "min02",0;
996                                                 mes "I used to talk to Rohtert from time to time while researching. There was a lot of things to talk about ever since I left the guild.";
997                                                 next;
998                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
999                                                 mes "I think the guild is still around since there were so many members even when I was there.";
1000                                                 next;
1001                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
1002                                                 mes "I even heard that blue hat guy made himself a guild master. Imagine that fool being a master oh ho ho ho.";
1003                                         }
1004                                         continue;
1005                                 case 2:
1006                                         if (para_110lv01 < 5) {
1007                                                 cutin "min01",0;
1008                                                 mes "I research monsters. Especially their features, personality, spleens, locations and relationship with other monsters. Etc.";
1009                                         }
1010                                         else if (para_110lv01 == 5) {
1011                                                 cutin "min03",0;
1012                                                 mes "Researching these magic items there is more to it than just having them in your possession.";
1013                                                 next;
1014                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
1015                                                 mes "My plan so far is like this. Extracted magic from the Mystic Horn is compressed by the Fragments and Screws. Then I will input the ancient information which was written in the Bloody Pages.";
1016                                                 next;
1017                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
1018                                                 mes "I'm hoping to create some type of small hand-held storage device.";
1019                                                 next;
1020                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
1021                                                 mes "I wil be rich if I complete this research! I am sure.";
1022                                         }
1023                                         else {
1024                                                 cutin "min01",0;
1025                                                 mes "Well do you remember my personal research I mentioned before? It is not easy even I tried to develop...";
1026                                                 next;
1027                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
1028                                                 mes "I tried to make a magic device that you can hold in your hand.";
1029                                                 next;
1030                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
1031                                                 mes "No. I can not give up for this. I will make it.";
1032                                         }
1033                                         continue;
1034                                 case 3:
1035                                         if (para_110lv01 < 5) {
1036                                                 cutin "min02",0;
1037                                                 mes "Orange mushroom? I do not know.";
1038                                         }
1039                                         else if (para_110lv01 == 5) {
1040                                                 cutin "min01",0;
1041                                                 mes "Do not worry. Ok, maybe worry because mushrooms could be growing in your body. I will get rid of it if you help me to research. It will be dangerous if it takes longer time.";
1042                                         }
1043                                         else {
1044                                                 cutin "min02",0;
1045                                                 mes "... orange shiitake gluey mushroom?";
1046                                                 next;
1047                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
1048                                                 mes "Let me see. It might be dangerous.";
1049                                                 next;
1050                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
1051                                                 mes "You helped me to research so let me help you! I will get rid of your mushroom spore infection.";
1052                                                 next;
1053                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
1054                                                 mes "......";
1055                                                 next;
1056                                                 cutin "min03",0;
1057                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
1058                                                 mes "...hee hee...";
1059                                                 emotion e_heh;
1060                                                 next;
1061                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
1062                                                 mes "Hmmph, You are so naive. Did you believe it? Sticky.. some kind of mushroom is growing in your body? Hahaha";
1063                                                 next;
1064                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
1065                                                 mes "It was just a joke. A little joke between friends.";
1066                                                 next;
1067                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
1068                                                 mes "I am sorry if you are upset. You made it too easy...";
1069                                                 next;
1070                                                 emotion e_heh;
1071                                                 mes "[Mingmin]";
1072                                                 mes "You are funnier than I thought. Do not worry. That mushroom does not exist.";
1073                                         }
1074                                         continue;
1075                                 case 4:
1076                                         if (para_110lv01 == 5) {
1077                                                 cutin "min01",0;
1078                                                 mes "Please help me there are so many things to research.";
1079                                         }
1080                                         else {
1081                                                 cutin "min02",0;
1082                                                 mes "I hope you have a good time";
1083                                         }
1084                                 }
1085                                 break;
1086                         }
1087                 }
1088         }
1089         close2;
1090         cutin "",255;
1091         end;
1093 S_Quest:
1094         if (isbegin_quest(getarg(0)))
1095                 erasequest getarg(0);
1096         setquest getarg(1);
1097         if (getarg(2,0))
1098                 getexp getarg(2),getarg(3);
1099         return;
1100 S_Hunting:
1101         .@total = getargcount();
1102         for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@total; .@i += 3 ) {
1103                 .@quest_id = getarg(.@i);
1104                 switch( checkquest(.@quest_id,HUNTING) ) {
1105                 case -1:
1106                         if (checkquest(.@quest_id+1) > -1)
1107                                 erasequest (.@quest_id+1);
1108                         continue;
1109                 case 2:
1110                         mes "[Mingmin]";
1111                         mes "You finished researching about "+ getarg(.@i+2) +". Thank you.";
1112                         getexp 700000,getarg(.@i+1);
1113                         break;
1114                 case 0:
1115                 case 1:
1116                         mes "[Mingmin]";
1117                         mes "I will delete "+ getarg(.@i+2) +" research from request list.";
1118                 }
1119                 erasequest .@quest_id;
1120                 next;
1121         }
1122         return;
1123 S_Gathering:
1124         .@quest_id = getarg(0);
1125         if (isbegin_quest(.@quest_id) > 0) {
1126                 if (getarg(5,0))
1127                         .@count_item2 = countitem(getarg(5));
1128                 mes "[Mingmin]";
1129                 if (countitem(getarg(3)) >= getarg(4) && .@count_item2 >= getarg(6,0)) {
1130                         if (.@count_item2)
1131                                 mes "You finished researching about "+ getitemname(getarg(3)) +" and "+ getitemname(getarg(5)) +". Thank you.";
1132                         else
1133                                 mes "You finished researching about "+ getitemname(getarg(3)) +". Thank you.";
1134                         delitem getarg(3),getarg(4);
1135                         if (getarg(5,0))
1136                                 delitem getarg(5),getarg(6);
1137                         getexp 700000,getarg(1);
1138                 }
1139                 else {
1140                         if (getarg(5,0))
1141                                 mes "I will delete "+  getitemname(getarg(3)) +" and "+ getitemname(getarg(5)) +" research from request list.";
1142                         else
1143                                 mes "I will delete "+  getitemname(getarg(3)) +" research from request list.";
1144                 }
1145                 erasequest .@quest_id;
1146                 next;
1147         }
1148         else if (isbegin_quest(.@quest_id+1) > 0)
1149                 erasequest (.@quest_id+1);
1150         return;
1151 }