OSDN Git Service

BugTrack2/375 Layout login form with table, and i18n messages
[pukiwiki/pukiwiki.git] / plugin / loginform.inc.php
1 <?php
3 // PukiWiki - Yet another WikiWikiWeb clone
4 // Copyright (C) 2015 PukiWiki Development Team
5 // License: GPL v2 or (at your option) any later version
6 //
7 // "Login form" plugin
9 function plugin_loginform_inline()
10 {
11         $logout_param = '?plugin=basicauthlogout';
12         return '<a href="' . htmlsc(get_script_uri() . $logout_param) . '">Log out</a>';
13 }
15 function plugin_loginform_convert()
16 {
17         return '<div>' . plugin_basicauthlogout_inline() . '</div>';
18 }
20 function plugin_loginform_action()
21 {
22         global $auth_user, $auth_type, $_loginform_messages;
23         $page = $_GET['page'];
24         $pcmd = $_GET['pcmd'];
25         $url_after_login = $_GET['url_after_login'];
26         $page_after_login = $page;
27         if (!$url_after_login) {
28                 $page_after_login = $page;
29         }
30         $action_url = get_script_uri() . '?plugin=loginform'
31                 . '&page=' . rawurlencode($page)
32                 . ($url_after_login ? '&url_after_login=' . rawurlencode($url_after_login) : '')
33                 . ($page_after_login ? '&page_after_login=' . rawurlencode($page_after_login) : '');
34         $username = $_POST['username'];
35         $password = $_POST['password'];
36         if ($username && $password && form_auth($username, $password)) {
37                 // Sign in successfully completed
38                 form_auth_redirect($url_after_login, $page_after_login);
39                 return;
40         }
41         if ($pcmd === 'logout') {
42                 // logout
43                 switch ($auth_type) {
44                         case AUTH_TYPE_BASIC:
45                                 header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Please cancel to log out"');
46                                 header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
47                                 break;
48                         case AUTH_TYPE_FORM:
49                         case AUTH_TYPE_EXTERNAL:
50                         default:
51                                 session_destroy();
52                                 break;
53                 }
54                 $auth_user = '';
55                 return array(
56                         'msg' => 'Log out',
57                         'body' => 'Logged out completely<br>'
58                                 . '<a href="'. get_script_uri() . '?' . pagename_urlencode($page) . '">'
59                                 . $page . '</a>'
60                 );
61         } else {
62                 // login
63                 $action_url_html = htmlsc($action_url);
64                 $username_html = htmlsc($username);
65                 $username_label_html = htmlsc($_loginform_messages['username']);
66                 $password_label_html = htmlsc($_loginform_messages['password']);
67                 $login_label_html = htmlsc($_loginform_messages['login']);
68                 $body = <<< EOT
69 <style>
70   .loginformcontainer {
71     text-align: center;
72   }
73   .loginform table {
74     margin-top: 1em;
75         margin-left: auto;
76         margin-right: auto;
77   }
78   .loginform tbody td {
79     padding: .5em;
80   }
81   .loginform .label {
82     text-align: right;
83   }
84   .loginform .login-button-container {
85     text-align: right;
86   }
87   .loginform .loginbutton {
88     margin-top: 1em;
89   }
90 </style>
91 <div class="loginformcontainer">
92 <form name="loginform" class="loginform" action="$action_url_html" method="post">
93 <div>
94 <table style="border:0">
95   <tbody>
96   <tr>
97     <td class="label"><label for="_plugin_loginform_username">$username_label_html</label></td>
98     <td><input type="text" name="username" value="$username_html" id="_plugin_loginform_username"></td>
99   </tr>
100   <tr>
101   <td class="label"><label for="_plugin_loginform_password">$password_label_html</label></td>
102   <td><input type="password" name="password" id="_plugin_loginform_password"></td>
103   </tr>
104   <tr>
105     <td></td>
106     <td class="login-button-container"><input type="submit" value="$login_label_html" class="loginbutton"></td>
107   </tr>
108   </tbody>
109 </table>
110 </div>
111 <div>
112 </div>
113 </form>
114 </div>
115 <script><!--
116 window.addEventListener && window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
117   var f = window.document.forms.loginform;
118                                 console.log(f);
119                                 console.log(f.username);
120                                 console.log(f.password);
121   if (f && f.username && f.password) {
122     if (f.username.value) {
123      f.password.focus && f.password.focus();
124         } else {
125      f.username.focus && f.username.focus();
126         }
127   }
128 });
129 //-->
130 </script>
131 EOT;
132                 return array(
133                         'msg' => $_loginform_messages['login'],
134                         'body' => $body,
135                         );
136         }
137 }