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mrcImagePyramid 修正 part2
[eos/base.git] / src / Tools / mrcImage / mrcImageSuperResolution / src / mrcImageSuperResolution.html
1 <HTML>
2 <HEAD>
3 <TITLE>mrcImageSuperResolution</TITLE>
4 </HEAD>
5 <BODY>
6 <H1>mrcImageSuperResolution</H1>
7 <H2>Usage</H2>
8 <PRE>
9 Usage: mrcImageSuperResolution
10 Options:
11     [-I[nput]            InOriginal          (NULL      ).as(inFile              ) ] :Essential :Input: Original 
12     [-i[nput]            InPrevious          (NULL      ).as(inFile              ) ] :Essential :Input: Previous 
13     [-i[nput]c[ounter]   FFTInCount          (NULL      ).as(inFile              ) ] :Optional  :Input: CounterforWeight FourierSpace 
14     [-o[utput]           Out                 (NULL      ).as(outFile             ) ] :Essential :Output: Next    
15     [-t[ime]             t                   (1         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :Number of time: Iteration(Real Space)
16     [-fromp[oint]1       x00                 (0         ).as(Integer             ) 
17                          y00                 (0         ).as(Integer             ) 
18                          z00                 (0         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :First value near origin of coordinates: x00[pixel] y00[pixel] z00[pixel] 
19     [-top[oint]1         x01                 (2         ).as(Integer             ) 
20                          y01                 (2         ).as(Integer             ) 
21                          z01                 (2         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :target value: x01[pixel] y01[pixel] z01[pixel] 
22     [-fromp[oint]2       x10                 (0         ).as(Integer             ) 
23                          y10                 (0         ).as(Integer             ) 
24                          z10                 (0         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :First value far from origin of coordinates: x10[pixel] y10[pixel] z10[pixel] 
25     [-top[oint]2         x11                 (0         ).as(Integer             ) 
26                          y11                 (0         ).as(Integer             ) 
27                          z11                 (0         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :target value: x11[pixel] y11[pixel] z11[pixel] 
28     [-c[onfig]           configFile          (NULL      ).as(inFile              ) ] :Optional  :ConfigurationFile
29     [-m[ode]             mode                (0         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Essential :RealSpaceCalculating
30     [-LabelingMode       labelingmode        (0         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :LabelingMode
31     [-max[value]         max                 (800       ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :Density Max value:Support Constraint() 
32     [-min[value]         min                 (200       ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :Density Min value:Support Constraint() 
33     [-sh[ape]            shape               (0         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :Shape:0(Rectangule),1(Globe)
34     [-h[alf]v[alue]p[oint]hvp                 (0.0       ).as(Real                ) ] :Optional  :Half value point(/[A])
35     [-Inverse                                                                      ] :Optional  :Inverse
36     [-nM[olecule]        nMolecule           (1         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :Number of Molecule
37     [-M[olecularWeight]  MolecularWeight     (80000     ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :MolecularWeight
38     [-D[ensity]          Density             (1.35      ).as(Real                ) ] :Optional  :Density(g/cm3)
39     [-counter            incounter           (3.0       ).as(Real                ) ] :Optional  :Counter(Fourier Space)
40     [-d[elta]Density     deltaDens           (100.0     ).as(Real                ) ] :Optional  :Delta (Convergence)
41     [-d[elta]Area        deltaArea           (100.0     ).as(Real                ) ] :Optional  :Area (Convergence)
42     [-sub[traction]      sub                 (0.2       ).as(Real                ) ] :Optional  :Subtraction(Convergence)
43     [-ratio              ratio               (0.3       ).as(Real                ) ] :Optional  :Ratio(Convergence)
44     [-t[ime]max          tmax                (1000      ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :Time Max(Convergence)
45     [-w[eight]d[elta]    WeightDelta         (0.1       ).as(Real                ) ] :Optional  :WeightDelta(Fourier Space)
46     [-w[eight]m[ax]      WeightMax           (2         ).as(Integer             ) ] :Optional  :WeightMax(Fourier Space)
47     [-Subtraction                                                                  ] :Optional  :Subtraction(Real Space)
48 ----- Additional Usage -----
49 -m Option
50      1 : AreaAndLocation
51      2 : Density
52      3 : AreaAndLocationandDensity
53     +4 : Convergence(Option)
54    +16 : NonnegativeMode(before RealSpaceConstraint)
55    +32 : Binarization(before RealSpaceConstraint)
56    +64 : Labeling
57   +128 : SixOrientation
58   +256 : LowpassfilterMode(-hvp is required)
59   +512 : CounterMode(-ic is required)
60 -----------------------------------------------------
61 -Inverse
62 If high density means the location of protein, -Inverse is required for volume calculation.
63 -wm and -wd
64 weight = counter / (weightmax + counter)
65 weightmax -> 0 (weightdelt by weightdelta) 
66 -LabelinMode 
67      0 : TheLargestLabelingSearch 
68      1 : SomeVolumeLabelingSearch 
69 -Subtraction
70 Real Space Constraint for desolving edge problem
72 </PRE>
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