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Add the init method to the . object
[sie/sie.git] / tool / Spec / spec / SvgDomSpec.js
1 /*SIE under the MIT Lisence\r
2  *公式ページは http://sie.osdn.jp/\r
3  */\r
4 /*\r
5  *Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Pivotal Labs\r
6 \r
7 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\r
8 a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\r
9 "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\r
10 without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\r
11 distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\r
12 permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\r
13 the following conditions:\r
14 \r
15 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\r
16 included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\r
17 \r
25  */\r
26 \r
27 describe("SMIL Animation Spec", function() {\r
28   describe("$frame object", function() {\r
29     var frame = base("$frame");\r
30     beforeEach( function() {\r
31         frame.timelines = [];\r
32         frame.isPaused = false;\r
33     } );\r
34     afterEach( function() {\r
35         frame.timelines = [];\r
36     } );\r
37     /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
38     it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
39       expect(typeof frame.setFrame).toBe("function");\r
40       expect(frame.timelines.length).toBe(0);\r
41       expect(frame.isBegin).toBeFalsy();\r
42       expect(frame.startAnimation()).toBeUndefined();\r
43       frame.setFrame();\r
44       frame.setFrame(0);\r
45       /*負の値も許される*/\r
46       frame.setFrame(-1);\r
47       \r
48       expect(frame.addLine()).toBe(false);\r
49       expect(frame.addLine({})).toBe(false);\r
50       expect(frame.addLine({\r
51         begin: 0\r
52       })).toBe(false);\r
53       expect(frame.addLine({\r
54         activeTime: 1\r
55       })).toBe(false);\r
56       \r
57       expect(frame.removeLine()).toBeUndefined();\r
58       expect(frame.removeLine({})).toBeUndefined();\r
59       \r
60       frame.setFrame(0);\r
61       expect(frame.currentFrame).toBe(0);\r
62       frame.setFrame(1);\r
63       expect(frame.currentFrame).toBe(1);\r
64       \r
65       expect(frame.isPaused).toBeFalsy();\r
66       expect(frame.pauseAnimation()).toBeUndefined();\r
67       expect(frame.isPaused).toBeTruthy();\r
68 \r
69     });\r
70     /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
71     it("should be this for the value (the valid partion)", function() {\r
72       frame.setFrame(0);\r
73       expect(frame.currentFrame).toBe(0);\r
74       frame.startTime = Date.now();\r
75       for (var i=0;i<100000;i++) {\r
76         /*負荷をかけて、時間を進める*/\r
77         1;\r
78       }\r
79       expect(frame.begin).toBe(0);\r
80       expect(frame.activeTime).toBe(Number.MAX_VALUE);\r
81       frame.begin = 10;\r
82       frame.setFrame(0);\r
83       frame.begin = -10;\r
84       frame.setFrame(0);\r
85 \r
86       expect(frame.addLine( {\r
87         begin: 0,\r
88         activeTime: 0\r
89       })).toBe(true);\r
90       expect(frame.addLine( {\r
91         begin: null,\r
92         activeTime: null\r
93       })).toBe(false);\r
94       expect(frame.addLine( {\r
95         begin: 0,\r
96         activeTime: null\r
97       })).toBe(false);\r
98       expect(frame.addLine( {\r
99         begin: null,\r
100         activeTime: 0\r
101       })).toBe(false);\r
102       \r
103       expect(frame.timelines.length).toBe(1);\r
104       var timeline = frame.timelines[0];\r
105       expect(timeline.begin).toBe(0);\r
106       expect(timeline.activeTime).toBe(0);\r
107       /*timelineの再追加*/\r
108       expect(frame.timelines[0]).toBe(timeline);\r
109       frame.addLine({begin:1, activeTime:1});\r
110       expect(frame.timelines[1]).not.toBe(timeline);\r
111       frame.addLine(timeline);\r
112       expect(frame.timelines[0]).not.toBe(timeline);\r
113       expect(frame.timelines[1]).toBe(timeline);\r
114 \r
115       timeline = frame.timelines[0];\r
116       frame.removeLine({});\r
117       expect(frame.timelines[0]).toBe(timeline);\r
118       frame.removeLine(timeline);\r
119       expect(frame.timelines[0]).not.toBe(timeline);\r
120       \r
121       frame.addLine(frame.up().mix( {\r
122         timelines: [] \r
123         } ));\r
124       expect(frame.timelines).not.toBe(frame.$1.timelines);\r
125       \r
126       frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
127       frame.addLine( {\r
128         begin: 1,\r
129         activeTime: 1\r
130       } );\r
131       frame.addLine( {\r
132         begin: 1,\r
133         activeTime: 1\r
134       } );\r
135       frame.addLine( {\r
136         begin: 1,\r
137         activeTime: 2\r
138       } );\r
139       expect(frame.timelines[2].activeTime).toBe(2);\r
140     });\r
141     /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
142     it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion)", function() {\r
143       expect(frame.addLine(12)).toBeFalsy();\r
144       /*循環参照にならず、スタック領域不足にならない*/\r
145       frame.addLine(frame);\r
146       frame.setFrame(0);\r
147     });\r
148   } );\r
149   describe("the $frame.$list object", function() {\r
150     var frame = base("$frame").$list.up("$2");\r
151     beforeEach( function() {\r
152         frame.timelines = [];\r
153         frame.isPaused = false;\r
154         frame.state = frame.WAITING;\r
155         frame.begin = 0;\r
156     } );\r
157     afterEach( function() {\r
158         frame.timelines = [];\r
159     } );\r
160     /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
161     it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
162             \r
163       expect(frame.WAITING).toBe(0);\r
164       expect(frame.BEGINNING).toBe(1);\r
165       expect(frame.PLAYING).toBe(2);\r
166       expect(frame.ENDING).toBe(3);\r
167       expect(frame.POSTWAITING).toBe(4);\r
168       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.WAITING);\r
169       \r
170       expect(frame.beginList).toEqual({\r
171               next: null,\r
172               value: Number.MAX_VALUE\r
173             });\r
174       expect(frame.endList).toEqual({\r
175               next: null,\r
176               value: Number.MAX_VALUE\r
177             });\r
178             \r
179       expect(typeof frame.getMaxList).toBe("function");\r
180       \r
181       expect(typeof frame.updateState).toBe("function");\r
182       expect(frame.updateState(0).state).toBe(frame.WAITING);\r
183       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.WAITING);\r
184       expect(frame.updateState(0).state).toBe(frame.WAITING);\r
185       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.WAITING);\r
186       expect(frame.updateState(0).state).toBe(frame.WAITING);\r
187       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.WAITING);\r
188       expect(frame.updateState(0).state).toBe(frame.WAITING);\r
189       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.WAITING);\r
190       \r
191       frame.state = 100;\r
192       expect(frame.updateState(0).state).toBe(frame.BEGINNING);\r
193       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.BEGINNING);\r
194       expect(frame.updateState().state).toBe(frame.BEGINNING);\r
195       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.BEGINNING);\r
196       \r
197       expect(frame.beginList).toEqual({\r
198           next: null,\r
199           value: Number.MAX_VALUE\r
200         });\r
201       expect(frame.endList).toEqual({\r
202           next: null,\r
203           value: Number.MAX_VALUE\r
204         });\r
205         \r
206       expect(frame.getMaxList(0, frame.beginList)).toBe(-1);\r
207       expect(frame.getMaxList(0, frame.endList)).toBe(-1);\r
208       \r
209       frame.begin = 12;\r
210       frame.init();\r
211       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.WAITING);\r
212       expect(frame.begin).toBe(0);\r
213       expect(frame.init()).toBe(frame);\r
214 \r
215     } );\r
216     /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
217     it("should be this for the value (the valid partion)", function() {\r
218       \r
219       function appendBegin(num) {\r
220         frame.state = frame.WAITING;\r
221         frame.beginList = {\r
222           value: num,\r
223           next: frame.beginList\r
224         };\r
225       };\r
226       appendBegin(0);\r
227       expect(frame.getMaxList(0, frame.beginList)).toBe(0);\r
228       expect(frame.updateState(0).state).toBe(frame.BEGINNING);\r
229       expect(frame.begin).toBe(0);\r
230       expect(frame.updateState(0).state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
231       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
232       expect(frame.updateState(0).state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
233       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
234       \r
235       frame.state = frame.WAITING;\r
236       expect(frame.getMaxList(0, frame.beginList)).toBe(0);\r
237       expect(frame.updateState(0).state).toBe(frame.BEGINNING);\r
238       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.BEGINNING);\r
239       expect(frame.updateState(1).state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
240       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
241       expect(frame.updateState(2).state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
242       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
243       expect(frame.updateState(3).state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
244       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
245       expect(frame.updateState(4).state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
246       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
247       \r
248       appendBegin(1);\r
249       expect(frame.getMaxList(1, frame.beginList)).toBe(1);\r
250       expect(frame.updateState(0).state).toBe(frame.BEGINNING);\r
251       expect(frame.updateState(0).state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
252       expect(frame.updateState(0).state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
253       expect(frame.updateState(1).state).toBe(frame.ENDING);\r
254       expect(frame.updateState(1).state).toBe(frame.BEGINNING);\r
255       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.BEGINNING);\r
256       expect(frame.updateState(1).state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
257       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
258       expect(frame.updateState(1).state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
259       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
260       expect(frame.updateState(2).state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
261       \r
262       frame.begin = 0;\r
263       frame.state = frame.WAITING;\r
264       expect(frame.updateState(0).state).toBe(frame.BEGINNING);\r
265       expect(frame.begin).toBe(0);\r
266       expect(frame.updateState(0).state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
267       expect(frame.updateState(0).state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
268       expect(frame.begin).toBe(0);\r
269       expect(frame.updateState(1).state).toBe(frame.ENDING);\r
270       expect(frame.updateState(1).state).toBe(frame.BEGINNING);\r
271       expect(frame.begin).toBe(1);\r
272       expect(frame.updateState(1).state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
273       expect(frame.updateState(1).state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
274       \r
275       function appendEnd(num) {\r
276         frame.state = frame.WAITING;\r
277         frame.begin = 0;\r
278         frame.endList = {\r
279             value: num,\r
280             next: frame.endList\r
281         };\r
282       };\r
283       appendEnd(3);\r
284       expect(frame.updateState(1).state).toBe(frame.BEGINNING);\r
285       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.BEGINNING);\r
286       expect(frame.updateState(2).state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
287       expect(frame.updateState(2).state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
288       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
289       expect(frame.updateState(3).state).toBe(frame.ENDING);\r
290       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.ENDING);\r
291       expect(frame.updateState(4).state).toBe(frame.POSTWAITING);\r
292       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.POSTWAITING);\r
293       \r
294       appendEnd(4);\r
295       expect(frame.updateState(1).state).toBe(frame.BEGINNING);\r
296       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.BEGINNING);\r
297       expect(frame.updateState(2).state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
298       expect(frame.updateState(2).state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
299       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
300       expect(frame.updateState(3).state).toBe(frame.ENDING);\r
301       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.ENDING);\r
302       expect(frame.updateState(4).state).toBe(frame.POSTWAITING);\r
303       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.POSTWAITING);\r
304       expect(frame.updateState(4).state).toBe(frame.POSTWAITING);\r
305       expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.POSTWAITING);\r
306       \r
307       appendEnd(1);\r
308       expect(frame.updateState(1).state).toBe(frame.BEGINNING);\r
309       expect(frame.updateState(1).state).toBe(frame.ENDING);\r
310       expect(frame.updateState(1).state).toBe(frame.POSTWAITING);\r
311     } );\r
312     /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
313     it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion)", function() {\r
314       expect(frame.updateState()).toBe(frame);\r
315       expect(frame.updateState(null)).toBe(frame);\r
316     });\r
317     describe("the setFrame method (override)", function() {\r
318       var frame = base("$frame").$list.up("$3");\r
319       beforeEach( function() {\r
320           frame.timelines = [];\r
321           frame.isPaused = false;\r
322           frame.state = frame.WAITING;\r
323           frame.begin = 0;\r
324       } );\r
325       afterEach( function() {\r
326           frame.timelines = [];\r
327           frame.beginList = frame.$list.beginList;\r
328           frame.endList = frame.$list.endList;\r
329           frame.currentFrame = 0;\r
330       } );\r
331       /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
332       it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
333         expect(typeof frame.setFrame).toBe("function");\r
334         expect(frame.currentFrame).toBe(0);\r
335         \r
336         frame.setFrame(0);\r
337         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.WAITING);\r
338         expect(frame.currentFrame).toBe(0);\r
339         frame.setFrame(1);\r
340         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.WAITING);\r
341         expect(frame.currentFrame).toBe(1);\r
342         \r
343         expect(typeof frame.addEvent).toBe("function");\r
344         expect(typeof frame.addBeginList).toBe("function");\r
345         expect(typeof frame.addEndList).toBe("function");\r
346         \r
347         expect(frame.addBeginList(1).value).toBe(1);\r
348         expect(frame.beginList.next.value).toBe(Number.MAX_VALUE);\r
349         expect(frame.addEndList(1).value).toBe(1);\r
350         expect(frame.endList.next.value).toBe(Number.MAX_VALUE);\r
351         \r
352 \r
353 \r
354       } );\r
355       /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
356       it("should be this for the value (the valid partion)", function() {\r
357         function appendBegin(num) {\r
358           frame.state = frame.WAITING;\r
359           frame.addBeginList(num);\r
360         };\r
361         appendBegin(0);\r
362         expect(frame.currentFrame).toBe(0);\r
363         frame.setFrame(0);\r
364         expect(frame.currentFrame).toBe(0);\r
365         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
366         frame.setFrame(1);\r
367         expect(frame.currentFrame).toBe(1);\r
368         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
369         \r
370         frame.begin = 0;\r
371         appendBegin(1);\r
372         frame.setFrame(0);\r
373         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
374         frame.setFrame(1);\r
375         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
376         frame.setFrame(2);\r
377         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
378         \r
379         function appendEnd(num) {\r
380           frame.state = frame.WAITING;\r
381           frame.begin = 0;\r
382           frame.addEndList(num);\r
383         };\r
384         \r
385         appendEnd(3);\r
386         frame.setFrame(0);\r
387         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
388         frame.setFrame(1);\r
389         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
390         frame.setFrame(2);\r
391         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
392         frame.setFrame(3);\r
393         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.POSTWAITING);\r
394         frame.setFrame(4);\r
395         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.POSTWAITING);\r
396         \r
397         appendBegin(5);\r
398         frame.setFrame(0);\r
399         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
400         frame.setFrame(1);\r
401         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
402         frame.setFrame(2);\r
403         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
404         frame.setFrame(3);\r
405         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.POSTWAITING);\r
406         frame.setFrame(4);\r
407         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.POSTWAITING);\r
408         frame.setFrame(5);\r
409         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
410         frame.setFrame(6);\r
411         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
412         \r
413         appendEnd(6);\r
414         frame.setFrame(0);\r
415         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
416         expect(frame.currentFrame).toBe(0);\r
417         frame.setFrame(1);\r
418         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
419         expect(frame.currentFrame).toBe(1);\r
420         frame.setFrame(2);\r
421         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
422         expect(frame.currentFrame).toBe(2);\r
423         frame.setFrame(3);\r
424         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.POSTWAITING);\r
425         frame.setFrame(4);\r
426         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.POSTWAITING);\r
427         frame.setFrame(5);\r
428         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
429         frame.setFrame(6);\r
430         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.POSTWAITING);\r
431         expect(frame.currentFrame).toBe(6);\r
432         \r
433         /*負荷テスト*/\r
434         for (var i=0;i<10000;++i) {\r
435           frame.setFrame(i);\r
436         }\r
437         \r
438         frame.beginList = base("$frame").$listbeginList;\r
439         frame.endList = base("$frame").$list.endList;\r
440         frame.state = frame.WAITING;\r
441         frame.begin = 0;\r
442         var obj = { name: "", value: 0};\r
443         frame.addEvent("begin", function(evt) { obj.name = "a";});\r
444         frame.beginList = {\r
445             value: 0,\r
446             next: frame.beginList\r
447         };\r
448         frame.setFrame(0);\r
449         expect(frame.currentFrame).toBe(0);\r
450         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
451         expect(obj.name).toBe("a");\r
452         frame.addEvent("play", function(evt) { obj.name = "b";});\r
453         frame.setFrame(1);\r
454         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
455         expect(obj.name).toBe("b");\r
456         frame.addEvent("end", function(evt) { obj.value = 1;});\r
457         frame.endList = {\r
458             value: 0,\r
459             next: frame.endList\r
460         };\r
461         frame.setFrame(0);\r
462         expect(frame.currentFrame).toBe(0);\r
463         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.POSTWAITING);\r
464         expect(obj.value).toBe(1);\r
465         var t = 0;\r
466         frame.addEvent("begin", function(evt) {\r
467           expect(evt.state).toBe(frame.BEGINNING);\r
468           t = 1;\r
469         });\r
470         frame.addEvent("end", function(evt) {\r
471           expect(evt.state).toBe(frame.ENDING);\r
472           t = 2;\r
473         });\r
474         frame.addEvent("play", function(evt) {\r
475           expect(evt.state).toBe(frame.PLAYING);\r
476           t = 3;\r
477         });\r
478         frame.setFrame(0);\r
479         expect(t).toBe(2);\r
480         \r
481         t=0;\r
482         frame.begin = 0;\r
483         frame.state = frame.WAITING;\r
484         expect(frame.getMaxList(12, frame.endList)).toBe(0);\r
485         frame.setFrame(12);\r
486         expect(frame.state).toBe(frame.POSTWAITING);\r
487         expect(t).toBe(2);\r
488         \r
489         /*addBeginListメソッドのチェックなど*/\r
490         expect(frame.addBeginList(1).value).toBe(1);\r
491         expect(frame.addBeginList(0).value).toBe(0);\r
492         expect(frame.beginList.next.value).toBe(1);\r
493         expect(frame.addBeginList(2).value).toBe(2);\r
494         expect(frame.beginList.next.value).toBe(0);\r
495         \r
496         expect(frame.addEndList(1).value).toBe(1);\r
497         expect(frame.addEndList(0).value).toBe(0);\r
498         expect(frame.endList.next.value).toBe(1);\r
499         expect(frame.addEndList(2).value).toBe(2);\r
500         expect(frame.endList.next.value).toBe(0);\r
501       } );\r
502     } );\r
503   } );\r
504   describe("$begin object", function() {\r
505     var begin = base("$frame").$begin.up();\r
506     /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
507     it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
508       expect(begin.string).toBe("");\r
509       expect(begin.isResolved).toBeFalsy();\r
510       expect(begin.eventTarget).toBe(document.documentElement);\r
511       expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(0);\r
512       expect(begin.repeat).toBe(0);\r
513       expect(begin.accessKey).toBe("");\r
514     } );\r
515     /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
516     it("should be this for the value (the valid partion)", function() {\r
517       begin.string = " hoge ";\r
518       expect(begin.string).toBe(" hoge ");\r
519       var $list = begin.$list;\r
520       expect(begin.$list).toBe($list);\r
521       expect(begin.updateList().$list).not.toBe($list);\r
522     } );\r
523     /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
524     it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion)", function() {\r
525     } );\r
526     \r
527     describe("A trim method in $begin object", function() {\r
528       /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
529       beforeEach( function() {\r
530         begin.string = "";\r
531       } );\r
532       it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
533         delete begin.string;\r
534         expect(begin.trim(" ")).toBe("");\r
535         expect( function() {\r
536           begin.trim();\r
537         } ).toThrow();\r
538       } );\r
539       /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
540       it("should be this for the value (the valid partion)", function() {\r
541         expect(begin.trim(" hoge ")).toBe("hoge");\r
542         expect(begin.trim(" h o g e ")).toBe("hoge");\r
543         expect(begin.trim(" h  o  g     e ")).toBe("hoge");\r
544         expect(begin.trim("   h  o  g    12 +  e   ")).toBe("hog12+e");\r
545       } );\r
546       /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
547       it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion)", function() {\r
548         expect( function() {\r
549           begin.trim(1);\r
550         } ).toThrow();\r
551         expect( function() {\r
552           begin.trim({});\r
553         } ).toThrow();\r
554       } );\r
555     } );\r
556 \r
557     describe("An offset method in $begin object", function() {\r
558       beforeEach( function() {\r
559         begin.string = "";\r
560       } );\r
561       /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
562       it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
563         expect(begin.offset(begin.trim(" "))).toBe(0);\r
564         expect(begin.offset(begin.trim(" 0 "))).toBe(0);\r
565         expect(begin.offset(begin.trim("+0ms"))).toBe(0);\r
566         expect(begin.offset(begin.trim("-0ms"))).toBe(0);\r
567         expect(begin.offset(begin.trim("1ms"))).toBe(1);\r
568         expect(begin.offset(begin.trim("-1ms"))).toBe(-1);\r
569 \r
570         expect(begin.offset("+0s")).toBe(0);\r
571         expect(begin.offset("-0s")).toBe(0);\r
572         expect(begin.offset("1s")).toBe(1000);\r
573         expect(begin.offset("-1s")).toBe(-1000);\r
574 \r
575         expect(begin.offset("+0min")).toBe(0);\r
576         expect(begin.offset("-0min")).toBe(0);\r
577         expect(begin.offset("1min")).toBe(60000);\r
578         expect(begin.offset("-1min")).toBe(-60000);\r
579 \r
580         expect(begin.offset("+0h")).toBe(0);\r
581         expect(begin.offset("-0h")).toBe(0);\r
582         expect(begin.offset("1h")).toBe(60*60*1000);\r
583         expect(begin.offset("-1h")).toBe(-3600000);\r
584 \r
585         expect(begin.offset("00:0")).toBe(0);\r
586         expect(begin.offset("00:00:0.0")).toBe(0);\r
587         expect(begin.offset("-00:0")).toBe(0);\r
588         expect(begin.offset("-00:00:0.0")).toBe(0);\r
589         expect(begin.offset("00:1")).toBe(1000);\r
590         expect(begin.offset("-00:1")).toBe(-1000);\r
591         expect(begin.offset("00:00:1")).toBe(1000);\r
592         expect(begin.offset("-00:00:1")).toBe(-1000);\r
593 \r
594         expect(begin.offset()).toBe(0);\r
595       } );\r
596       /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
597       it("should be this for the value (the valid partion)", function() {\r
598         expect(begin.offset(begin.trim(" + 0 ms"))).toBe(0);\r
599         expect(begin.offset(begin.trim(" -1m s "))).toBe(-1);\r
600         expect(begin.offset(begin.trim("1000ms"))).toBe(1000);\r
601         expect(begin.offset(begin.trim(" -1212ms"))).toBe(-1212);\r
602 \r
603         expect(begin.offset("+100s")).toBe(100 * 1000);\r
604         expect(begin.offset("-121s")).toBe(-121 * 1000);\r
605         expect(begin.offset("1.25s")).toBe(1.25 * 1000);\r
606         expect(begin.offset("-0.20s")).toBe(-0.20 * 1000);\r
607         expect(begin.offset(".20s")).toBe(0.20 * 1000);\r
608 \r
609         expect(begin.offset("+100min")).toBe(100 * 60000);\r
610         expect(begin.offset("-121min")).toBe(-121 * 60000);\r
611         expect(begin.offset("1.25min")).toBe(1.25 * 60000);\r
612         expect(begin.offset("-0.20min")).toBe(-0.20 * 60000);\r
613         expect(begin.offset(".20min")).toBe(0.20 * 60000);\r
614 \r
615         expect(begin.offset("+100h")).toBe(100 * 3600000);\r
616         expect(begin.offset("-121h")).toBe(-121 * 3600000);\r
617         expect(begin.offset("1.25h")).toBe(1.25 * 3600000);\r
618         expect(begin.offset("-0.20h")).toBe(-0.20 * 3600000);\r
619         expect(begin.offset(".20h")).toBe(0.20 * 3600000);\r
620 \r
621         expect(begin.offset("01:0")).toBe(60000);\r
622         expect(begin.offset("-01:0")).toBe(-60000);\r
623         expect(begin.offset("00:00:1")).toBe(1000);\r
624         expect(begin.offset("-00:00:1")).toBe(-1000);\r
625         expect(begin.offset("00:01:0")).toBe(60000);\r
626         expect(begin.offset("-00:01:0")).toBe(-60000);\r
627         expect(begin.offset("01:00:0")).toBe(3600000);\r
628         expect(begin.offset("-01:00:0")).toBe(-3600000);\r
629         expect(begin.offset("00:10")).toBe(10000);\r
630         expect(begin.offset("00:0.01")).toBe(10);\r
631         expect(begin.offset("01:0.01")).toBe(60010);\r
632         expect(begin.offset("10:0")).toBe(600000);\r
633         expect(begin.offset("-00:10")).toBe(-10000);\r
634         expect(begin.offset("-00:0.01")).toBe(-10);\r
635         expect(begin.offset("-01:0.01")).toBe(-60010);\r
636         expect(begin.offset("-10:0")).toBe(-600000);\r
637         expect(begin.offset("00:00:20")).toBe(20000);\r
638         expect(begin.offset("00:11:20")).toBe(11*60*1000 + 20000);\r
639         expect(begin.offset("12:11:20")).toBe(12*60*60*1000 + 11*60*1000 + 20000);\r
640         expect(begin.offset("-10:0")).toBe(-600000);\r
641         expect(begin.offset("-01:01:0.1")).toBe(-1*60*60*1000 - 60000 - 100);\r
642       } );\r
643       /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
644       it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion)", function() {\r
645         expect(begin.offset(begin.trim(" h  o  g     1e "))).toBe(0);\r
646         expect(begin.offset("ms")).toBe(0);\r
647         expect(begin.offset(".s")).toBe(0);\r
648         expect(begin.offset("10:")).toBe(0);\r
649         expect(begin.offset("::")).toBe(0);\r
650         expect(begin.offset("-:0")).toBe(0);\r
651         expect(begin.offset("-::0")).toBe(0);\r
652       } );\r
653     } );\r
654     describe("An event method in $begin object", function() {\r
655       /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
656       it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
657         var evt = begin.event();\r
658         expect(evt.id).toBe("");\r
659         expect(evt.event).toBe("");\r
660         evt = begin.event("");\r
661         expect(evt.id).toBe("");\r
662         expect(evt.event).toBe("");\r
663         evt = begin.event(".");\r
664         expect(evt.id).toBe("");\r
665         expect(evt.event).toBe("");\r
666 \r
667         evt = begin.event("a");\r
668         expect(evt.id).toBe("");\r
669         expect(evt.event).toBe("a");\r
670         evt = begin.event("a.b");\r
671         expect(evt.id).toBe("a");\r
672         expect(evt.event).toBe("b");\r
673       } );\r
674       /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
675       it("should be this for the value (the valid partion)", function() {\r
676         var evt = begin.event("id.event");\r
677         expect(evt.id).toBe("id");\r
678         expect(evt.event).toBe("event");\r
679         evt = begin.event("event");\r
680         expect(evt.id).toBe("");\r
681         expect(evt.event).toBe("event");\r
682         \r
683         evt = begin.event("event+0s");\r
684         expect(evt.id).toBe("");\r
685         expect(evt.event).toBe("event");\r
686         evt = begin.event("event-0s");\r
687         expect(evt.id).toBe("");\r
688         expect(evt.event).toBe("event");\r
689       } );\r
690       /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
691       it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion)", function() {\r
692         evt = begin.event("...");\r
693         expect(evt.id).toBe("");\r
694         expect(evt.event).toBe("");\r
695         evt = begin.event(".event");\r
696         expect(evt.id).toBe("");\r
697         expect(evt.event).toBe("");\r
698         evt = begin.event("id.");\r
699         expect(evt.id).toBe("");\r
700         expect(evt.event).toBe("");\r
701       } );\r
702     } );\r
703     \r
704     describe("An parse method in $begin object", function() {\r
705        beforeEach( function() {\r
706         begin.string = "";\r
707       } );\r
708       /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
709       it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
710         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
711         expect(begin.isResolved).toBeTruthy();\r
712         begin.string="+0";\r
713         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
714         begin.string = "+1";\r
715         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(1000*begin.fpms);\r
716         begin.string = " ";\r
717         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
718         begin.string = "1";\r
719         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(1000*begin.fpms);\r
720         begin.string = "+0ms";\r
721         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
722         begin.string = "-0ms";\r
723         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
724         begin.string = "-0ms;-0ms";\r
725         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
726         begin.string = "-0ms;1";\r
727         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(1000*begin.fpms);\r
728         \r
729         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(0);\r
730         begin.string = "click";\r
731         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
732         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(0);\r
733         expect(begin.repeat).toBe(0);\r
734         expect(begin.accessKey).toBe("");\r
735         begin.string = "id.click";\r
736         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
737         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(0);\r
738         expect(begin.repeat).toBe(0);\r
739         expect(begin.accessKey).toBe("");\r
740         \r
741         begin.string = "repeat";\r
742         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
743         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(0);\r
744         expect(begin.repeat).toBe(0);\r
745         expect(begin.accessKey).toBe("");\r
746         begin.string = "repeat(1)";\r
747         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
748         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(0);\r
749         expect(begin.repeat).toBe(1);\r
750         expect(begin.accessKey).toBe("");\r
751         \r
752         begin.string = "accessKey(a)";\r
753         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
754         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(0);\r
755         expect(begin.repeat).toBe(0);\r
756         expect(begin.accessKey).toBe("a");\r
757       } );\r
758       /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
759       it("should be this for the value (the valid partion)", function() {\r
760         begin.string = " 1 0 0 m s";\r
761         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(Math.floor(100*begin.fpms));\r
762 \r
763         begin.string = "1ms";\r
764         begin.isResolved = false;\r
765         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(Math.floor(1*begin.fpms));\r
766         expect(begin.isResolved).toBeTruthy();\r
767         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(0);\r
768 \r
769         begin.string="click+0";\r
770         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
771         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(0);\r
772         expect(begin.isResolved).toBeFalsy();\r
773         begin.string = "click+1";\r
774         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(1000*begin.fpms);\r
775         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(1000*begin.fpms);\r
776         begin.string = " click ";\r
777         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
778         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(0);\r
779         begin.string = "click+0ms";\r
780         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
781         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(0);\r
782         expect(begin.isResolved).toBeFalsy();\r
783         begin.string = "click-0ms";\r
784         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
785         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(0);\r
786         begin.string = "click+100ms";\r
787         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(Math.floor(100*begin.fpms));\r
788         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(Math.floor(100*begin.fpms));\r
789         begin.string = "click-100ms";\r
790         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(Math.floor(-100*begin.fpms));\r
791         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(Math.floor(-100*begin.fpms));\r
792 \r
793         begin.string="id.click+0";\r
794         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
795         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(0);\r
796         expect(begin.isResolved).toBeFalsy();\r
797         begin.string = "id.click+1";\r
798         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(1000*begin.fpms);\r
799         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(1000*begin.fpms);\r
800         expect(begin.isResolved).toBeFalsy();\r
801         begin.string = " id . click ";\r
802         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
803         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(0);\r
804         expect(begin.isResolved).toBeFalsy();\r
805         begin.string = "id.click+0ms";\r
806         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
807         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(0);\r
808         begin.string = "id.click-0ms";\r
809         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
810         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(0);\r
811         begin.string = "id.click+100ms";\r
812         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(Math.floor(100*begin.fpms));\r
813         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(Math.floor(100*begin.fpms));\r
814         begin.string = "id.click-100ms";\r
815         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(Math.floor(-100*begin.fpms));\r
816         expect(begin.eventOffset).toBe(Math.floor(-100*begin.fpms));\r
817       } );\r
818       /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
819       it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion)", function() {\r
820         begin.string = "ms";\r
821         begin.isResolved = false;\r
822         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(0);\r
823         expect(begin.isResolved).toBeFalsy();\r
824         \r
825         begin.isResolved = true;\r
826         begin.string = "indefinite";\r
827         expect(begin.parse().begin).toBe(Math.floor( Number.MAX_VALUE * begin.fpms));\r
828         expect(begin.isResolved).toBeFalsy();\r
829       } );\r
830     } );\r
831   } );\r
832   describe("A $end object", function() {\r
833     var end = base("$frame").$begin.$end.up();\r
834     end.startTime = 0;\r
835     beforeEach( function() {\r
836       end.string = "";\r
837       end.startTime = Date.now();\r
838       end.setFrame(0);\r
839     } );\r
840     /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
841     it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
842       expect(end.up().call()).toBeNull();\r
843       end.string = "0";\r
844       expect(end.up().call()).toBe(0);\r
845       end.string = "hoge";\r
846       expect(end.up().call()).toBe("indefinite");\r
847       \r
848     } );\r
849     /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
850     it("should be this for the value (the valid partion)", function() {\r
851       end.string = "hoge+0";\r
852       expect(end.up().call()).toBe("indefinite");\r
853       end.string = "12ms";\r
854       expect(end.up().call()).toBe(Math.floor(12*end.fpms));\r
855       end.string = "hoge+12ms";\r
856       expect(end.up().call()).toBe("indefinite");\r
857 \r
858     } );\r
859     /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
860     it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion)", function() {\r
861       end.string = null;\r
862       expect(end.up().call()).toBeNull();\r
863     } );\r
864   } );\r
865   describe("A $activate object", function() {\r
866     var act = base("$frame").$begin.$activate.up();\r
867      beforeEach( function() {\r
868       act.dur = "indefinite";\r
869       act.begin = 0;\r
870       act.repeatCount = null;\r
871       act.repeatDur = null;\r
872       act.end = act.$begin.$end;\r
873       act.simpleDur = base("$frame").$begin.$activate.simpleDur;\r
874     } );\r
875     /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
876     it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
877       expect(act.dur).toBe("indefinite");\r
878       expect(typeof act.resolvedTime).toBe("function");\r
879       expect(act.end).toBe(act.$begin.$end);\r
880       expect(act.repeatCount).toBeNull();\r
881       expect(act.repeatDur).toBeNull();\r
882       expect(act.simpleDur()).toBeNull();\r
883       expect(act.min).toBe("0");\r
884       expect(act.max).toBe("indefinite");\r
885 \r
886       act.up("$a");\r
887       expect(act.$a.call()).toBeNull();\r
888       expect(act.$a.end).toBeNull();\r
889     } );\r
890     /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
891     it("should be this for the value (the valid partion)", function() {\r
892       expect(act.resolvedTime()).not.toBe(0);\r
893 \r
894       /*Activate Duration = dur*/\r
895       act.up("$b");\r
896       act.$b.dur = "132ms";\r
897       var abc = act.$b.call();\r
898       expect(abc).toBe(Math.floor(132*act.fpms));\r
899       expect(abc).toBe(act.$b.simpleDur);\r
900       act.dur = null;\r
901       expect(act.up().call()).toBeNull();\r
902 \r
903       act.up("$c");\r
904       act.$c.mix( {\r
905         dur: "10",\r
906         simpleDur: act.simpleDur,
907         repeatCount: null,\r
908         repeatDur: null\r
909       } );\r
910       expect(act.$c.call()).toBe(Math.floor(10000*act.fpms));\r
911       expect(act.$c.call()).toBe(act.$c.simpleDur);\r
912       act.$c.mix( {\r
913         dur: "15",\r
914         simpleDur: act.simpleDur,
915         repeatCount: null,\r
916         repeatDur: null\r
917       } );\r
918       expect(act.$c.call()).toBe(Math.floor(15000*act.fpms));\r
919 \r
920       /*AD = repeatCount*dur*/\r
921       act.$c.mix( {\r
922         dur: "10",\r
923         simpleDur: act.simpleDur,
924         repeatCount: 2,\r
925         repeatDur: null\r
926       } );\r
927       act.$c.call();\r
928       expect(act.$c.simpleDur).toBe(Math.floor(10000*act.fpms));\r
929       act.$c.mix( {\r
930         dur: "10",\r
931         simpleDur: act.simpleDur,
932         repeatCount: 1,\r
933         repeatDur: null\r
934       } );\r
935       expect(act.$c.call()).toBe(Math.floor(10000*act.fpms));\r
936       expect(act.$c.simpleDur).toBe(Math.floor(10000*act.fpms));\r
937 \r
938       /*AD = repeatDur*/\r
939       act.$c.mix( {\r
940         dur: "indefinite",\r
941         simpleDur: act.simpleDur,
942         repeatCount: 2,\r
943         repeatDur: "15"\r
944       } );\r
945       act.$c.call();\r
946       expect(act.$c.simpleDur).toBeNull();\r
947       act.$c.mix( {\r
948         dur: "indefinite",\r
949         simpleDur: act.simpleDur,
950         repeatCount: 2,\r
951         repeatDur: "10"\r
952       } );\r
953       expect(act.$c.call()).toBe(Math.floor(10000*act.fpms));\r
954       expect(act.$c.simpleDur).toBeNull();\r
955       act.$c.mix( {\r
956         dur: "10",\r
957         simpleDur: act.simpleDur,
958         repeatCount: null,\r
959         repeatDur: "15"\r
960       } );\r
961       act.$c.call();\r
962       expect(act.$c.simpleDur).toBe(Math.floor(10000*act.fpms));\r
963       act.$c.mix( {\r
964         dur: "10",\r
965         simpleDur: act.simpleDur,
966         repeatCount: null,\r
967         repeatDur: "11"\r
968       } );\r
969       expect(act.$c.call()).toBe(Math.floor(11000*act.fpms));\r
970       expect(act.$c.simpleDur).toBe(Math.floor(10000*act.fpms));\r
971       \r
972       /*AD = Min(repeatCount*d, repeatDur)*/\r
973       act.$c.mix( {\r
974         dur: "10",\r
975         simpleDur: act.simpleDur,
976         repeatCount: 2,\r
977         repeatDur: "15"\r
978       } );\r
979       act.$c.call();\r
980       expect(act.$c.simpleDur).toBe(Math.floor(10000*act.fpms));\r
981       act.$c.mix( {\r
982         dur: "10",\r
983         simpleDur: act.simpleDur,
984         repeatCount: 1,\r
985         repeatDur: "15"\r
986       } );\r
987       expect(act.$c.call()).toBe(Math.floor(10000*act.fpms));\r
988       expect(act.$c.simpleDur).toBe(Math.floor(10000*act.fpms));\r
989       act.$c.mix( {\r
990         dur: "11",\r
991         simpleDur: act.simpleDur,
992         repeatCount: 1,\r
993         repeatDur: "9"\r
994       } );\r
995       expect(act.$c.call()).toBe(Math.floor(9000*act.fpms));\r
996       expect(act.$c.simpleDur).toBe(Math.floor(11000*act.fpms));\r
997 \r
998       /*AD = repeatDur,*/\r
999       act.$c.mix( {\r
1000         end: null,\r
1001         dur: "10",\r
1002         simpleDur: act.simpleDur,
1003         repeatCount: null,\r
1004         repeatDur: "15"\r
1005       } );\r
1006       expect(act.$c.call()).toBe(Math.floor(15000*act.fpms));\r
1007       expect(act.$c.simpleDur).toBe(Math.floor(10000*act.fpms));\r
1008       act.$c.mix( {\r
1009         dur: "indefinite",\r
1010         simpleDur: act.simpleDur,
1011         repeatCount: 2,\r
1012         repeatDur: "10"\r
1013       } );\r
1014       expect(act.$c.call()).toBe(Math.floor(10000*act.fpms));\r
1015       expect(act.$c.simpleDur).toBeNull();\r
1016 \r
1017       act.end.string = null;\r
1018       act.up("$cd").mix( {\r
1019         dur: "10",\r
1020         end: act.end,\r
1021         repeatCount: 2\r
1022       } );\r
1023       expect(act.$cd.call()).toBe(Math.floor(10000*act.fpms) * 2);\r
1024       \r
1025       act.$cd.end = act.end;\r
1026       act.$cd.repeatCount = null;\r
1027       act.$cd.repeatDur = "12";\r
1028       expect(act.$cd.call()).toBe(Math.floor(12000*act.fpms));\r
1029       \r
1030       act.up("$d").mix( {\r
1031         min: "2",\r
1032         max: "3",\r
1033         dur: "1",\r
1034         simpleDur: act.simpleDur\r
1035       } );\r
1036       expect(act.$d.call()).toBe(Math.floor(2000*act.fpms));\r
1037       act.up("$d").mix( {\r
1038         min: "1",\r
1039         max: "2",\r
1040         dur: "12",\r
1041         simpleDur: act.simpleDur\r
1042       } );\r
1043       expect(act.$d.call()).toBe(Math.floor(2000*act.fpms));\r
1044       \r
1045       /*endで0が指定されている場合*/\r
1046       act.begin = 0;\r
1047       act.end = 0;\r
1048       act.repeatDur = null;\r
1049       act.repeatCount = "indefinite";\r
1050       act.dur = "1";\r
1051       expect(act.call()).toBeNull();\r
1052       act.repeatCount = null;\r
1053       act.repeatDur = "indefinite";\r
1054       act.dur = "1";\r
1055       expect(act.call()).toBeNull();\r
1056       act.repeatDur = "indefinite";\r
1057       act.repeatCount = "indefinite";\r
1058       act.dur = "1";\r
1059       expect(act.call()).toBeNull();\r
1060     } );\r
1061     /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
1062     it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion)", function() {\r
1063       /*min > max*/\r
1064       act.up("$d").mix( {\r
1065         min: "3",\r
1066         max: "2",\r
1067         dur: "1",\r
1068         simpleDur: act.simpleDur\r
1069       } );\r
1070       expect(act.$d.call()).toBe(Math.floor(1000*act.fpms));\r
1071       \r
1072       act.repeatDur = null;\r
1073       act.repeatCount = "indefinite";\r
1074       act.dur = "1";\r
1075       expect(act.call()).toBeNull();\r
1076       act.repeatCount = null;\r
1077       act.repeatDur = "indefinite";\r
1078       act.dur = "1";\r
1079       expect(act.call()).toBeNull();\r
1080       act.repeatDur = "indefinite";\r
1081       act.repeatCount = "indefinite";\r
1082       act.dur = "1";\r
1083       expect(act.call()).toBeNull();\r
1084     } );\r
1085   } );\r
1086   describe("A $from object", function() {\r
1087     var from = base("$from");\r
1088      beforeEach( function() {\r
1089        from = base("$from").up();\r
1090        from.from = from.from.up();\r
1091        from.string = "";\r
1092      } );\r
1093     /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
1094     it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
1095       expect(from.string).toBe("");\r
1096       expect(from.numList()).toEqual([]);\r
1097       expect(from.strList()).toBeNull();\r
1098 \r
1099       from.string = "0";\r
1100       expect(from.numList()[0]).toBe(0);\r
1101       expect(from.strList()).toBeNull();\r
1102       \r
1103       from.string = " 0 ";\r
1104       expect(from.numList()[0]).toBe(0);\r
1105       expect(from.strList().join("")).toBe("  ");\r
1106 \r
1107       from.string = "a";\r
1108       expect(from.numList()).toEqual([]);\r
1109       expect(from.strList()[0]).toBe("a");\r
1110       \r
1111       /*前後の空白を除去する処理をしない。なぜなら、文字列リストの空白は保持するのが望ましいから\r
1112        * 文字列リストの空白を除去した例: "M 20 20 M M" -> "M20 20 MM"となってしまう*/\r
1113       \r
1114       from.string = null;\r
1115       expect( function() {\r
1116         from.numList();\r
1117       } ).toThrow();\r
1118       expect( function() {\r
1119         from.strList();\r
1120       } ).toThrow();\r
1121       \r
1122       expect(from.additive[0]).toBe(0);\r
1123       expect(from.accumulate[0]).toBe(0);\r
1124     } );\r
1125     /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
1126     it("should be this for the value (the valid partion)", function() {\r
1127       from.string = "0a";\r
1128       expect(from.numList()[0]).toBe(0);\r
1129       expect(from.strList()[0]).toBe("a");\r
1130 \r
1131       from.string = "a0";\r
1132       expect(from.numList()[0]).toBe(0);\r
1133       expect(from.strList()[0]).toBe("a");\r
1134 \r
1135       from.string = "0.1";\r
1136       expect(from.numList()[0]).toBe(0.1);\r
1137       expect(from.strList()).toBeNull();\r
1138 \r
1139       from.string = "+0.1";\r
1140       expect(from.numList()[0]).toBe(0.1);\r
1141       expect(from.strList()).toBeNull();\r
1142 \r
1143       from.string = "-0.1";\r
1144       expect(from.numList()[0]).toBe(-0.1);\r
1145       expect(from.strList()).toBeNull();\r
1146 \r
1147       from.string = "1e-1";\r
1148       expect(from.numList()[0]).toBe(1e-1);\r
1149       expect(from.strList()).toBeNull();\r
1150 \r
1151       from.string = "1E-1";\r
1152       expect(from.numList()[0]).toBe(1E-1);\r
1153       expect(from.strList()).toBeNull();\r
1154 \r
1155       from.string = "0,0";\r
1156       expect(from.numList().toString()).toBe("0,0");\r
1157       expect(from.strList().join("")).toBe(",");\r
1158 \r
1159       from.string = "a00a";\r
1160       expect(from.numList()[0]).toBe(0);\r
1161       expect(from.strList().join("")).toBe("aa");\r
1162 \r
1163       from.string = "a0b0a";\r
1164       expect(from.numList().toString()).toBe("0,0");\r
1165       expect(from.strList().join("")).toBe("aba");\r
1166 \r
1167       from.string = "0b0a";\r
1168       expect(from.numList().toString()).toBe("0,0");\r
1169       expect(from.strList().join("")).toBe("ba");\r
1170 \r
1171       from.string = "0b-1.0a";\r
1172       expect(from.numList()[1]).toBe(-1);\r
1173       expect(from.strList().join("")).toBe("ba");\r
1174 \r
1175       expect(from.up().call()).toBe(from.$1.numList);\r
1176       expect(from.$1.numList[1]).toBe(-1);\r
1177       expect(from.$1.strList.join("")).toBe("ba");\r
1178 \r
1179       from.string = "あ 0b-1.0a12";\r
1180       expect(from.numList()[1]).toBe(-1);\r
1181       expect(from.strList().join("")).toBe("あ ba12");\r
1182 \r
1183       from.string = "0b-1.0a0";\r
1184       expect(from.numList().join(",")).toBe("0,-1,0");\r
1185       expect(from.strList().join("")).toBe("ba");\r
1186 \r
1187       from.string = "0b .1a";\r
1188       expect(from.numList()[1]).toBe(0.1);\r
1189       expect(from.strList().join("")).toBe("b a");\r
1190     } );\r
1191     /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
1192     it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion)", function() {\r
1193       from.string = NaN;\r
1194       expect(function(){\r
1195         from.numList();\r
1196       } ).toThrow();\r
1197       expect(function(){\r
1198         from.strList();\r
1199       } ).toThrow();      \r
1200       \r
1201       from.string = "currentColor";\r
1202       expect(from.numList()).toEqual([]);\r
1203       expect(from.strList()[0]).toBe("currentColor");\r
1204 \r
1205       from.string = "eE";\r
1206       expect(from.numList()).toEqual([]);\r
1207       expect(from.strList()[0]).toBe("eE");\r
1208       expect(from.strList()[0]).toBe("eE");\r
1209     } )\r
1210   } );\r
1211   describe("A $to object", function() {\r
1212     var from = base("$from");\r
1213      beforeEach( function() {\r
1214        from = base("$from").up();\r
1215        from.up("$to");\r
1216        from.string = "";\r
1217      } );\r
1218     /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
1219     it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
1220       expect(from.$to instanceof from.constructor).toBeTruthy();\r
1221       expect(from.up().call()).toBe(from.$1.numList);\r
1222       expect(from.$to.up().call()).toBe(from.$to.$1.numList);\r
1223     } );\r
1224     /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
1225     it("should be this for the value (the valid partion)", function() {\r
1226       from.up("$to");\r
1227       from.$to.from = from;\r
1228       from.$to.string = "12cm-7";\r
1229       expect(from.$to.numList().join(",")).toBe("12,-7");\r
1230       expect(from.$to.strList().toString()).toBe("cm");\r
1231       \r
1232       from.string = "7cm+8";\r
1233       from.$to.call();\r
1234       expect(from.call()).toBe(from.numList);\r
1235       expect(from.$to.numList.join(",")).toBe("12,-7");\r
1236       expect(from.$to.strList.join("")).toBe("cm");\r
1237       expect(from.numList.join(",")).toBe("7,8");\r
1238       expect(from.strList.join("")).toBe("cm");\r
1239       expect(from.$to.from).toBe(from.numList);\r
1240 \r
1241     } );\r
1242     /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
1243     it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion)", function() {\r
1244       from.call();\r
1245       from.up("$to").mix( function() {\r
1246         this.string = "12cm";\r
1247         this.call();\r
1248         var arr = [];\r
1249         arr.string = this.string;\r
1250         expect(this.numList).toEqual(arr);\r
1251         expect(this.strList).toBeNull();\r
1252       } );\r
1253     } );\r
1254     \r
1255     describe("An advance method", function() {\r
1256       var from = base("$from");\r
1257        beforeEach( function() {\r
1258          from = base("$from").up();\r
1259          from.string = "";\r
1260          from.up("$to");\r
1261          from.$to.from = from;\r
1262        } );\r
1263       /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
1264       it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
1265         expect(from.advance()).toBe("");\r
1266         expect(from.$to.advance()).toBe("");\r
1267         expect(from.$to.advance(0)).toBe("");\r
1268         expect(from.$to.advance(1)).toBe("");\r
1269         expect(function(){\r
1270           from.$to.advance(1.01);\r
1271         }).toThrow("An Invalid Number Error");\r
1272         expect(function(){\r
1273           from.$to.advance(-0.01);\r
1274         }).toThrow("An Invalid Number Error");\r
1275         \r
1276         var arr = [];\r
1277         \r
1278         from = base("$from").up();\r
1279         from.up("$to");\r
1280         from.$to.from = from;\r
1281         arr.string = from.string = "0";\r
1282         from.$to.string = "1";\r
1283         expect(from.$to.call()).toBe(from.$to.numList);\r
1284         expect(from.$to.numList[0]).toBe(1);\r
1285         expect(from.$to.strList).toBeNull();\r
1286         expect(from.numList[0]).toBe(0);\r
1287         expect(from.strList).toBeNull();\r
1288         expect(from.advance(0)).toBe("");\r
1289         expect(from.$to.from).toBe(from.numList);\r
1290         expect(from.$to.advance(0)).toBe("0");       \r
1291         expect(from.call()).toBe(from.numList);\r
1292         \r
1293         from = base("$from").up();\r
1294         f(from.up(), "inline", "block");\r
1295         f(from.up(), " inline", " block ");\r
1296         function f(from, inline, block) {\r
1297           from.up("$to");\r
1298           from.$to.from = from;\r
1299           from.string = inline;\r
1300           arr.string = from.$to.string = block;\r
1301           expect(from.$to.call()).toBe(from.$to.numList);\r
1302           expect(from.$to.numList).toEqual(arr);\r
1303           expect(from.$to.strList).toEqual([block]);\r
1304           arr.string = from.string;\r
1305           expect(from.numList).toEqual(arr);\r
1306           expect(from.strList).toEqual([inline]);\r
1307           expect(from.advance(0)).toBe("");\r
1308           expect(from.$to.from).toBe(from.numList);\r
1309           expect(from.$to.advance(0)).toBe("inline");\r
1310           expect(from.$to.advance(1)).toBe("block");\r
1311           expect(from.call()).toBe(from.numList);\r
1312         }\r
1313       } );\r
1314       /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
1315       it("should be this for the value (the valid partion)", function() {\r
1316         var deg = 3;\r
1317         \r
1318         from.string = "0s";\r
1319         from.$to.string = "1s";\r
1320         expect(from.$to.call()).toBe(from.$to.numList);\r
1321         expect(from.$to.numList[0]).toBe(1);\r
1322         expect(from.$to.strList[0]).toBe("");\r
1323         expect(from.numList[0]).toBe(0);\r
1324         expect(from.strList[0]).toBe("");\r
1325         expect(from.advance(0)).toBe("");\r
1326         expect(from.$to.from).toBe(from.numList);\r
1327         expect(from.$to.advance(0)).toBe("0s");\r
1328         from.$to.degit = deg;\r
1329         for (var i=0;i<1;i+=0.01) {\r
1330           expect(from.$to.advance(i)).toBe(i.toFixed(deg)+"s");\r
1331         }\r
1332         expect(from.call()).toBe(from.numList);\r
1333         \r
1334         from = base("$from").up();\r
1335         from.up("$to");\r
1336         from.string = "a0S";\r
1337         from.$to.string = "a1S";\r
1338         from.$to.from = from;\r
1339         expect(from.$to.call()).toBe(from.$to.numList);\r
1340         expect(from.$to.numList[0]).toBe(1);\r
1341         expect(from.$to.strList[0]).toBe("a");\r
1342         expect(from.numList[0]).toBe(0);\r
1343         expect(from.strList[0]).toBe("a");\r
1344         expect(from.advance(0)).toBe("");\r
1345         expect(from.$to.from).toBe(from.numList);\r
1346         expect(from.$to.advance(0)).toBe("a0S");\r
1347 \r
1348         from.$to.degit = deg;\r
1349         for (var i=0;i<1;i+=0.01) {\r
1350           expect(from.$to.advance(i)).toBe("a" +i.toFixed(deg)+ "S");\r
1351         }\r
1352         expect(from.call()).toBe(from.numList);\r
1353         \r
1354         from = base("$from").up();\r
1355         f(from.up(), "a-10s1.5", "a10s-3");\r
1356         f(from.up(), " a-10s1.5", " a10s-3 ");\r
1357         function f(from, fromString, toString) {\r
1358           from.up("$to");\r
1359           from.string = fromString;\r
1360           from.$to.string = toString;\r
1361           from.$to.from = from;\r
1362           from.$to.call();\r
1363           from.$to.degit = 1;\r
1364           expect(from.$to.advance(0)).toBe("a-10.0s1.5");\r
1365           expect(from.$to.advance(0.4)).toBe("a-2.0s-0.3");\r
1366           expect(from.$to.advance(1)).toBe("a10.0s-3.0");\r
1367 \r
1368           from.$to.additive[0] = 1;\r
1369           from.$to.accumulate[1] = 2;\r
1370           expect(from.$to.advance(0.4)).toBe("a-1.0s1.7");\r
1371           from.$to.additive[0] = 0.5;\r
1372           from.$to.accumulate[1] = 0.8;\r
1373           expect(from.$to.advance(1)).toBe("a10.5s-2.2");\r
1374         }\r
1375       } );\r
1376       /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
1377       it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion)", function() {\r
1378         expect(function(){\r
1379           from.$to.advance(10);\r
1380         }).toThrow("An Invalid Number Error");\r
1381         expect(function(){\r
1382           from.$to.advance(-10);\r
1383         }).toThrow("An Invalid Number Error");\r
1384       } );\r
1385     } )\r
1386   } );\r
1387   describe("A distance method", function() {\r
1388       var from = base("$from");\r
1389        beforeEach( function() {\r
1390          from = base("$from").up();\r
1391          from.string = "";\r
1392          from.up("$to");\r
1393        } );\r
1394       /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
1395       it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
1396         expect(from.distance()).toBe(0)\r
1397         expect(from.$to.distance()).toBe(0);\r
1398         \r
1399         from.string = "0";\r
1400         from.$to.string = "1";\r
1401         expect(from.distance()).toBe(0);\r
1402         expect(from.$to.distance(from)).toBe(1);\r
1403       } );\r
1404       /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
1405       it("should be this for the value (the valid partion)", function() {\r
1406         from.string = "s 0 s 12";\r
1407         from.$to.string = "s 0 s 0";\r
1408         expect(from.distance()).toBe(0);\r
1409         expect(from.$to.distance(from)).toBe(12);\r
1410         expect(from.$to.distance(from)).toBe(12);\r
1411         expect(from.$to.distance(from.call())).toBe(12);\r
1412   \r
1413         from = base("$from").up();\r
1414         from.up("$to");\r
1415         from.string = "rgb(1, 0, 0)";\r
1416         from.$to.string = "rgb(0, 0, 1)";\r
1417         expect(from.distance()).toBe(0);\r
1418         expect(from.$to.distance(from)).toBe(Math.sqrt(2));\r
1419       } );\r
1420       /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
1421       it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion)", function() {\r
1422         from.string = "s";\r
1423         from.$to.string = "s";\r
1424         expect(from.$to.distance(from)).toBe(0);\r
1425       } );\r
1426   } );\r
1427   describe("A setAdditive method", function() {\r
1428       var from = base("$from");\r
1429        beforeEach( function() {\r
1430          from = base("$from").up();\r
1431          from.string = "";\r
1432          from.up("$to");\r
1433        } );\r
1434       /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
1435       it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
1436         expect(from.setAdditive()).toBe(0);\r
1437         expect(from.setAdditive("")).toBe(0);\r
1438         expect(from.additive).toEqual([0]);\r
1439         var arr = [1];\r
1440         arr.string = "1";\r
1441         expect(from.setAdditive("1")).toEqual(arr);\r
1442         expect(from.additive).toEqual(arr);\r
1443       } );\r
1444       /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
1445       it("should be this for the value (the valid partion)", function() {\r
1446         var arr = [1, 2, 3];\r
1447         arr.string = "1 2, 3";\r
1448         expect(from.setAdditive("1 2, 3")).toEqual(arr);\r
1449         expect(from.additive).toEqual(arr);\r
1450       } );\r
1451       /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
1452       it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion)", function() {\r
1453       } );\r
1454   } );\r
1455   describe("A setAccumulate method", function() {\r
1456       var from = base("$from");\r
1457        beforeEach( function() {\r
1458          from = base("$from").up();\r
1459          from.string = "0 1";\r
1460          from.up("$to");\r
1461          from.call();\r
1462        } );\r
1463       /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
1464       it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
1465         expect(from.setAccumulate()).toBe(0);\r
1466         expect(from.setAccumulate(0)).toBe(0);\r
1467         expect(from.accumulate).toEqual([0, 0]);\r
1468         expect(from.setAccumulate(1)).toEqual([0, 1]);\r
1469         expect(from.accumulate).toEqual([0, 1]);\r
1470       } );\r
1471       /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
1472       it("should be this for the value (the valid partion)", function() {\r
1473         expect(from.setAccumulate(2)).toEqual([0, 2]);\r
1474         expect(from.accumulate).toEqual([0, 2]);\r
1475       } );\r
1476       /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
1477       it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion)", function() {\r
1478         expect(from.setAccumulate(NaN)).toEqual(0);\r
1479       } );\r
1480   } );\r
1481   describe("A $calcMode object", function() {\r
1482     var calc = base("$calcMode"),\r
1483         to = calc.to,\r
1484         from;\r
1485      beforeEach( function() {\r
1486        calc = base("$calcMode").up();\r
1487        calc.to = base("$from").up().mix( {string: "1"} );\r
1488        from = calc.to.from = base("$from").up().mix( {string: "0"} );\r
1489      } );\r
1490     /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
1491     it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
1492       expect(calc.mode).toBe("linear");\r
1493       expect(calc.keyTime).toBe(1);\r
1494       expect(calc.keySplines).toBeNull();\r
1495       expect(calc.string).toBe("");\r
1496 \r
1497       expect(calc.call()(0)).toBe("0");\r
1498       expect(calc.keyTime).toBe(1);\r
1499       expect(calc.call()(1)).toBe("1");\r
1500       \r
1501       calc.keyTime = 0;\r
1502       expect(calc.call()(1)).toBe("0");\r
1503       \r
1504       /*paced mode*/\r
1505       calc.mode = "paced";\r
1506       expect(calc.norm).toBe(1);\r
1507       calc.to.from = from;\r
1508       expect(calc.call()(0)).toBe("0");\r
1509       expect(calc.keyTime).toBe(1);\r
1510       calc.to.from = from;\r
1511       expect(calc.call()(1)).toBe("1");\r
1512       \r
1513       calc.keyTime = 0;\r
1514       calc.to.from = from;\r
1515       expect(calc.call()(1)).toBe("1");\r
1516       \r
1517       /*discrete mode*/\r
1518       calc.mode = "discrete";\r
1519       calc.to.from = from;\r
1520       calc.keyTime = 1;\r
1521       expect(calc.call()(0)).toBe("0");\r
1522       expect(calc.call()(1)).toBe("1");\r
1523     } );\r
1524     /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
1525     it("should be this for the value (the valid partion)", function() {\r
1526       calc.mode = "linear";\r
1527       calc.keyTime = 0.5;\r
1528       calc.to.degit = 1;\r
1529       expect(calc.call()(0.2)).toBe("0.4");\r
1530       expect(calc.call()(0.3)).toBe("0.6");\r
1531       /*もう一度確かめる*/\r
1532       expect(calc.call()(0.2)).toBe("0.4");\r
1533       \r
1534       calc = base("$calcMode").up();\r
1535       calc.keyTime = 0.2;\r
1536       calc.to = base("$from").up();\r
1537       calc.to.from = base("$from").up();    \r
1538       calc.to.from.string = "0s";\r
1539       calc.to.string = "1s";\r
1540       calc.to.degit = 1;\r
1541       expect(calc.call()(0.1)).toBe("0.5s");\r
1542 \r
1543       calc = base("$calcMode").up();\r
1544       calc.keyTime = 0.5;\r
1545       calc.to = base("$from").up();\r
1546       calc.to.from = base("$from").up();    \r
1547       calc.to.from.string = "rgb(100, 20, 32)";\r
1548       calc.to.string = "rgb(0, 10, 50)";\r
1549       expect(calc.call()(0.25)).toBe("rgb(50, 15, 41)");\r
1550       \r
1551       /*paced mode*/\r
1552       calc.to = base("$from").up();\r
1553       calc.to.from = base("$from").up();    \r
1554       calc.mode = "paced";\r
1555       calc.norm = 100;\r
1556       calc.to.from.string = "0s";\r
1557       calc.to.string = "20s";\r
1558       calc.to.degit = 1;\r
1559       expect(calc.call()(0.1)).toBe("10.0s");\r
1560       expect(calc.keyTime).toBe(0.2);\r
1561 \r
1562       calc.to = base("$from").up();\r
1563       calc.to.from = base("$from").up();    \r
1564       calc.mode = "paced";\r
1565       calc.norm = 100;\r
1566       calc.to.from.string = "rgb(0, 0, 20)";\r
1567       calc.to.string = "rgb(0, 0, 0)";\r
1568       expect(calc.call()(0.1)).toBe("rgb(0, 0, 10)");\r
1569       expect(calc.keyTime).toBe(0.2);\r
1570       \r
1571       /*discrete mode*/\r
1572       calc.to = base("$from").up();\r
1573       calc.to.from = base("$from").up();    \r
1574       calc.mode = "discrete";\r
1575       calc.keyTime = 0.5;\r
1576       calc.to.degit = 1;\r
1577       calc.to.string = "1";\r
1578       calc.to.from.string = "0.5";\r
1579       expect(calc.call()(0.2)).toBe("0.5");\r
1580       expect(calc.call()(0.3)).toBe("0.5");\r
1581       /*もう一度確かめる*/\r
1582       expect(calc.call()(0.2)).toBe("0.5");\r
1583       \r
1584       calc.to = base("$from").up();\r
1585       calc.to.from = base("$from").up();    \r
1586       calc.mode = "discrete";\r
1587       calc.keyTime = 0.5;\r
1588       calc.to.degit = 1;\r
1589       calc.to.string = "block";\r
1590       calc.to.from.string = "inline";\r
1591       expect(calc.call()(0.2)).toBe("inline");\r
1592       expect(calc.call()(0.3)).toBe("inline");\r
1593       \r
1594       calc.to = base("$from").up();\r
1595       calc.to.from = base("$from").up();    \r
1596       calc.mode = "linear";\r
1597       calc.keyTime = 1;\r
1598       calc.to.degit = 1;\r
1599       calc.to.string = "1 1";\r
1600       calc.to.from.string = "0.0 1";\r
1601       expect(calc.call()(0.2)).toBe("0.2 1.0");\r
1602       expect(calc.call()(0.3)).toBe("0.3 1.0");\r
1603     } );\r
1604     /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
1605     it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion)", function() {\r
1606       calc.keyTime = null;\r
1607       expect(calc.call()(1)).toBe(calc.string);\r
1608       \r
1609       calc.keyTime = void 0;\r
1610       expect(calc.call()(1)).toBe(calc.string);\r
1611       \r
1612       calc.keyTime = 1/0;\r
1613       expect(calc.call()(1)).toBe(calc.string);\r
1614 \r
1615       expect(calc.call()()).toBe(calc.string);\r
1616 \r
1617       calc = base("$calcMode").up();\r
1618       calc.mode = "paced";\r
1619       calc.to.from = from;\r
1620       expect(calc.call()()).toBe(calc.string);\r
1621       \r
1622       calc = base("$calcMode").up();\r
1623       calc.mode = "discrete";\r
1624       expect(calc.call()()).toBe(calc.string);\r
1625     } );\r
1626     \r
1627     /*splineモードの境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
1628     it("should be this for the value  (spline mode limit value analysis)", function() {\r
1629       /*3次ベジェ曲線の数式はこのページを参考にした http://opentype.jp/fontguide_doc3.htm*/\r
1630       var x = 0,\r
1631           y = 0,\r
1632           bezier = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) {\r
1633             return function (t) {\r
1634               x = (x4-3*(x3-x2)-x1)*t*t*t + 3*(x3-2*x2+x1)*t*t + 3*(x2-x1)*t + x1;\r
1635               y = (y4-3*(y3-y2)-y1)*t*t*t + 3*(y3-2*y2+y1)*t*t + 3*(y2-y1)*t + y1;\r
1636               return y;\r
1637             };\r
1638           };\r
1639       expect(calc.keySplines).toBeNull();\r
1640       calc.mode = "spline";\r
1641       expect( calc.call()("undef")).toBe(Math.PI);\r
1642       calc.keySplines = [0, 0, 1, 1];\r
1643       calc.to.degit = 1;\r
1644       calc.to.from = from;\r
1645       expect(calc.call()(0)).toBe(bezier(0,0, 0,0, 1,1, 1,1)(0)+".0");\r
1646       calc.to.from = from;\r
1647       expect(calc.call()(1)).toBe(bezier(0,0, 0,0, 1,1, 1,1)(1)+".0");\r
1648       calc.to.from = from;\r
1649       expect(calc.call()(0.5)).toBe(bezier(0,0, 0,0, 1,1, 1,1)(0.5)+"");\r
1650       \r
1651       df(0,0, 0,0, 1,1, 1,1, 0.1);\r
1652       df(0,0, 0,0, 1,1, 1,1, 0.5);\r
1653       df(0,0, 0,0, 1,1, 1,1, 0.8);\r
1654       df(0,0, 0,0, 1,1, 1,1, 0.9);\r
1655       df(0,0, 0.75,0, 0,0.75, 1,1, 0.1);\r
1656       df(0,0, 0.75,0, 0,0.75, 1,1, 0.5);\r
1657       df(0,0, 0.75,0, 0,0.75, 1,1, 0.8);\r
1658       df(0,0, 0.75,0, 0,0.75, 1,1, 0.9);\r
1659       function df (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, t) {\r
1660       /*自作のニュートン法*/\r
1661         var a = y4-3*(y3-y2)-y1,\r
1662             b = 3*(y3-2*y2+y1),\r
1663             c = 3*(y2-y1),\r
1664             d = y1 - bezier.apply(null, arguments)(t);\r
1665         expect(Math.abs(Math.qubicnewton(a, b, c, d, t) - t)).toBeLessThan(1e-5);\r
1666       };\r
1667     } );\r
1668     /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
1669     it("should be this for the value (the valid partion on a spline mode )", function() {\r
1670       var x = 0,\r
1671           y = 0,\r
1672           bezier = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) {\r
1673             return function (t) {\r
1674               return {\r
1675                   x: (x4-3*(x3-x2)-x1)*t*t*t + 3*(x3-2*x2+x1)*t*t + 3*(x2-x1)*t + x1,\r
1676                   y: (y4-3*(y3-y2)-y1)*t*t*t + 3*(y3-2*y2+y1)*t*t + 3*(y2-y1)*t + y1\r
1677                 };\r
1678             };\r
1679           };\r
1680       calc.mode = "spline";\r
1681       calc.keySplines = [0, 0.5, 0.5, 1];\r
1682       calc.to.degit = 1;\r
1683       var b = bezier(0,0, 0,0.5, 0.5,1, 1,1);\r
1684       expect(calc.call()(0)).toBe(b(0).y+".0");\r
1685       calc.to.from = from;\r
1686       expect(calc.call()(1)).toBe(b(1).y+".0");\r
1687       calc.to.from = from;\r
1688       expect(calc.call()( b(0.5).x )).toBe(b(0.5).y.toFixed(1));\r
1689       \r
1690       var ff = function(k) {\r
1691         calc.keySplines = k;\r
1692         calc.to.degit = 10;\r
1693         var b = bezier(0,0, k[0],k[1], k[2],k[3], 1,1),\r
1694             epsilon = 1e-5; //誤差\r
1695         expect(calc.call()(0)).toBe(b(0).y.toFixed(10));\r
1696         calc.to.from = from;\r
1697         expect(calc.call()(1)).toBe(b(1).y.toFixed(10));\r
1698         calc.to.from = from;\r
1699         b = b(Math.random());\r
1700         expect(Math.abs(calc.call()(b.x) - b.y.toFixed(10))).toBeLessThan(epsilon);\r
1701       };\r
1702       for (var i=0;i<10000;++i) {\r
1703         var rand = [Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random()].sort(function(a,b){return a-b;});\r
1704         ff(rand);\r
1705       }\r
1706     } );\r
1707     /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
1708     it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion on a spline mode )", function() {\r
1709       calc.mode = "spline";\r
1710       calc.keySplines = [0, NaN, 1, 1];\r
1711       calc.to.degit = 1;\r
1712       calc.to.from = from;\r
1713       expect( calc.up().call()("undef")).toBe(Math.PI);\r
1714 \r
1715       \r
1716       calc.keySplines = [0, 0, 1, 2];\r
1717       calc.to.degit = 1;\r
1718       calc.to.from = from;\r
1719       expect( calc.up().call()("undef")).toBe(Math.PI);\r
1720       \r
1721       calc.keySplines = null;\r
1722       calc.to.degit = 1;\r
1723       calc.to.from = from;\r
1724       expect( calc.up().call()("undef")).toBe(Math.PI);\r
1725     } );\r
1726   } );\r
1727   describe("A $attribute object", function() {\r
1728     describe("A push method", function() {\r
1729       var attr, s;\r
1730       beforeEach( function() {\r
1731         attr = base("$calcMode").$attribute.up("width");\r
1732         base("$frame").timelines.length = 0;\r
1733         s = document.createElementNS("http:///www.w3.org/2000/svg", "animate");\r
1734       } );\r
1735       afterEach( function() {\r
1736         attr.isCSS = false;\r
1737       } );\r
1738       /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
1739       it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
1740         expect(attr.element).toBeNull();\r
1741         expect(attr.push()).toBeNull();\r
1742         expect(attr.element).toBeNull();\r
1743         expect(attr.isCSS).toBeFalsy();\r
1744         expect(base("$frame").timelines.length).toBe(0);\r
1745         \r
1746         expect(attr.push(s)).toBeNull();\r
1747         expect(attr.element).toBeNull();\r
1748         expect(base("$frame").timelines.length).toBe(0);\r
1749         expect(attr.hasAttrValues()).toBeFalsy();\r
1750         \r
1751         var p = document.createElement("g");\r
1752         p.appendChild(s);\r
1753         expect(attr.push(s)).toBeNull();\r
1754         expect(attr.element).toBe(p);\r
1755         expect(base("$frame").timelines.length).toBe(0);\r
1756         \r
1757         s.setAttribute("end", "0");\r
1758         check("from", 1);\r
1759         check("to", 2);\r
1760         check("by", 3);\r
1761         check("values", 4);\r
1762         function check(attrName, num) {\r
1763           s.setAttribute(attrName, "1");\r
1764           expect(s.hasAttributeNS(null, attrName)).toBeTruthy();\r
1765           var fr = attr.push(s);\r
1766           expect(attr.element).toBe(p);\r
1767           var timelines = base("$frame").timelines;\r
1768           expect(timelines.length).toBe(num);\r
1769           var line = timelines[num-1];\r
1770           expect(line).not.toBe(fr);\r
1771           var act = fr.$activate;\r
1772           expect(act.dur).toBeNull();\r
1773           expect(act.repeatCount).toBeNull();\r
1774           expect(act.repeatDur).toBeNull();\r
1775           expect(act.min).toBe("0");\r
1776           expect(act.max).toBe("indefinite");\r
1777           expect(act.simpleDur).toBeNull();\r
1778           expect(attr.hasAttrValues()).toBeTruthy();\r
1779           \r
1780           s.removeAttribute(attrName);\r
1781           expect(s.hasAttributeNS(null, attrName)).toBeFalsy();\r
1782           attr.push(s);\r
1783           expect(attr.element).toBe(p);\r
1784           expect(timelines.length).toBe(num);\r
1785         };\r
1786           \r
1787         /*targetElement属性のサポート*/\r
1788         var p2 = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");\r
1789         document.documentElement.appendChild(p2);\r
1790         p2.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "p23");\r
1791         s.setAttributeNS(null, "targetElement", "p23");\r
1792         attr.push(s);\r
1793         expect(attr.element).toBe(p2);\r
1794         \r
1795         /*ハイパーリンクのサポート*/\r
1796         var p3 = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "a");\r
1797         document.documentElement.appendChild(p3);\r
1798         p3.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "p34");\r
1799         s.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "xlink:href", "#p34");\r
1800         attr.push(s);\r
1801         expect(attr.element).toBe(p3);\r
1802         \r
1803         /*attributeType属性のサポート*/\r
1804         s.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeType", "CSS");\r
1805         s.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "a;b;c");\r
1806         attr.push(s);\r
1807         expect(attr.isCSS).toBeTruthy();\r
1808       } );\r
1809       /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
1810       it("should be this for the value (the valid partion )", function() {\r
1811         s.setAttribute("from", "1");\r
1812         var p = document.createElement("g");\r
1813         p.appendChild(s);\r
1814         var values = [ "0",\r
1815                       "0", null, null, null, \r
1816                       "0", "indefinite", null\r
1817                     ];\r
1818         values[7] = 0;\r
1819         check2("dur", "0");\r
1820         check2("begin", "0");\r
1821         values[0] = "1";\r
1822         check2("begin", "1");\r
1823         values[2] = 0;\r
1824         check2("end", "0");\r
1825         values[3] = "0";\r
1826         check2("repeatCount", "0");\r
1827         values[4] = "0";\r
1828         check2("repeatDur", "0");\r
1829         values[5] = "0";\r
1830         check2("min", "0");\r
1831         values[6] = "0";\r
1832         check2("max", "0");\r
1833         values[0] = "12";\r
1834         check2("begin", "12");\r
1835         values[7] = 1000 * base("$frame").fpms;\r
1836         values[1] = "1";\r
1837         check2("dur", "1");\r
1838         function check2(attrName, value) {\r
1839           s.setAttribute(attrName, value);\r
1840           expect(s.hasAttributeNS(null, attrName)).toBeTruthy();\r
1841           var fr = attr.push(s);\r
1842           expect(attr.element).toBe(p);\r
1843           var timelines = base("$frame").timelines;\r
1844           var line = timelines[timelines.length-1];\r
1845           expect(fr.string).toBe(values[0]);\r
1846           var act = fr.$activate;\r
1847           expect(act.dur).toBe(values[1]);\r
1848           expect(act.repeatCount).toBe(values[3]);\r
1849           expect(act.repeatDur).toBe(values[4]);\r
1850           expect(act.min).toBe(values[5]);\r
1851           expect(act.max).toBe(values[6]);\r
1852           expect(act.simpleDur).toBe(values[7]);\r
1853         };\r
1854         \r
1855                 \r
1856         var p4 = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");\r
1857         document.documentElement.appendChild(p4);\r
1858         p4.appendChild(s);\r
1859         p4.setAttributeNS(null, "style", "display: none");\r
1860         attr.push(s);\r
1861         expect(attr.setAttribute()).toBeUndefined();\r
1862         expect(attr.setAttribute("block")).toBeUndefined();\r
1863         expect(p4.hasAttributeNS(null, "display")).toBeFalsy();\r
1864         expect(attr.isCSS).toBeFalsy();\r
1865         \r
1866         s.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "display");\r
1867         attr.push(s);\r
1868         expect(attr.setAttribute("block")).toBeUndefined();\r
1869         expect(p4.hasAttributeNS(null, "display")).toBeFalsy();\r
1870         expect(attr.isCSS).toBeTruthy();\r
1871         expect(p4.style.getPropertyValue("display")).toBe("block");\r
1872         \r
1873         p4 = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");\r
1874         document.documentElement.appendChild(p4);\r
1875         p4.appendChild(s);\r
1876         p4.setAttributeNS(null, "style", "display: none");\r
1877         attr.push(s);\r
1878         expect(attr.setAttribute("block")).toBeUndefined();\r
1879         expect(p4.hasAttributeNS(null, "display")).toBeFalsy();\r
1880         expect(p4.style.getPropertyValue("display")).toBe("block");\r
1881         expect(attr.removeAttribute()).toBeUndefined();\r
1882         expect(p4.hasAttributeNS(null, "display")).toBeFalsy();\r
1883         expect(p4.style.getPropertyValue("display")).toBe("none");\r
1884         \r
1885         /*attributeType属性のサポート*/\r
1886         s.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "a;b;c");\r
1887         s.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "display");\r
1888         attr.isCSS = false;\r
1889         attr.push(s);\r
1890         expect(attr.isCSS).toBeTruthy();\r
1891       } );\r
1892       /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
1893       it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion )", function() {\r
1894         var p = document.createElement("g");\r
1895         p.appendChild(s);\r
1896         \r
1897         s.setAttributeNS(null, "begin", "1");\r
1898         attr.push(s);\r
1899         var timelines = base("$frame").timelines;\r
1900         expect(timelines.length).toBe(0);\r
1901         s.setAttributeNS(null, "from", "0");\r
1902         attr.push(s);\r
1903         expect(timelines.length).toBe(1);\r
1904         expect(attr.push(12)).toBeNull();\r
1905       } );\r
1906     } );\r
1907     describe("A setValues method", function() {\r
1908       var attr, s;\r
1909       beforeEach( function() {\r
1910         attr = base("$calcMode").$attribute.up("width");\r
1911         base("$frame").timelines.length = 0;\r
1912         s = document.createElement("animate");\r
1913       } );\r
1914       /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
1915       it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
1916         expect(attr.$from).not.toBeUndefined();\r
1917         expect(attr.setValues()).toBeNull();\r
1918         expect(attr.setValues("")).toBeNull();\r
1919 \r
1920         expect(attr.setValues("0;1")[0].to.string).toBe("1");\r
1921         expect(attr.setValues("0;1")[0].to.from.string).toBe("0");\r
1922         expect(attr.setValues("0;1", "0", "1", "1")[0].to.from.string).toBe("0");\r
1923         expect(attr.setValues("0;1", null, "1", "0")[0].to.from.string).toBe("0"); \r
1924                \r
1925         /*from-to アニメーション*/\r
1926         expect(attr.setValues(null, "0", "1")[0].to.string).toBe("1");\r
1927         expect(attr.setValues(null, "0", "1")[0].to.from.string).toBe("0");\r
1928         \r
1929         /*from-by アニメーション*/\r
1930         expect(attr.setValues(null, "1", null, "1")[0].to.string).toBe("1");\r
1931         expect(attr.setValues(null, "1", null, "1")[0].to.from[0]).toBe(1);\r
1932         expect(attr.setValues(null, "1", null, "1")[0].to.numList[0]).toBe(2);\r
1933         \r
1934         /*fromなしto アニメーション*/\r
1935         expect(attr.setValues(null, null, "1")[0].to.string).toBe("1");\r
1936         expect(attr.setValues(null, null, "1")[0].to.from.string).toBe("0");\r
1937         var aset = attr.setValues(null, null, "1")[0].to;\r
1938         aset.call();\r
1939         expect(aset.from[0]).toBe(0);\r
1940         \r
1941         /*fromなしby アニメーション*/\r
1942         expect(attr.setValues(null, null, null, "1")[0].to.string).toBe("1");\r
1943         expect(attr.setValues(null, null, null, "1")[0].to.from[0]).toBe(0);\r
1944         var aset = attr.setValues(null, null, null, "1")[0].to;\r
1945         aset.call();\r
1946         expect(aset.from[0]).toBe(0);\r
1947       } );\r
1948       /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
1949       it("should be this for the value (the valid partion on a spline mode )", function() {\r
1950         attr.$from.degit = 1;\r
1951         var setv = attr.setValues("0;1")[0].call();\r
1952         expect(setv(0.5)).toBe("0.5");\r
1953         expect(setv(1)).toBe("1.0");\r
1954         \r
1955         setv = attr.setValues(" 0;1; 2 ")[0].call();\r
1956         expect(setv(0.5)).toBe("0.5");\r
1957         expect(setv(1)).toBe("1.0");\r
1958         setv = attr.setValues("0;1;2")[1].call();\r
1959         expect(setv(0.4)).toBe("1.4");\r
1960         expect(setv(1)).toBe("2.0");\r
1961         \r
1962         attr.$from.degit = 2;\r
1963         setv = attr.setValues("1;1;1;1 ;1;15.1")[4].call();\r
1964         expect(setv(0.5)).toBe("8.05");\r
1965         expect(setv(1)).toBe("15.10");\r
1966         \r
1967         var v = attr.setValues("1;1;2;1;1;15.1");\r
1968         setv = v[4].mix( {\r
1969          keyTime: 0.1\r
1970         } ).call();\r
1971         expect(setv(0.05)).toBe("8.05");\r
1972         expect(setv(0.1)).toBe("15.10");\r
1973         setv = v[3].mix( {\r
1974          keyTime: 0.1\r
1975         } ).call();\r
1976         expect(setv(0.01)).toBe("1.00");\r
1977         expect(setv(0.1)).toBe("1.00");\r
1978         setv = v[2].mix( {\r
1979          keyTime: 0.5\r
1980         } ).call();\r
1981         expect(setv(0.25)).toBe("1.50");\r
1982         expect(setv(0.5)).toBe("1.00");\r
1983       } );\r
1984       /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
1985       it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion on a spline mode )", function() {\r
1986         attr.$from.degit = 1;\r
1987         expect(attr.setValues("")).toBeNull();\r
1988         expect(attr.setValues(null, null, null, null)).toBeNull();\r
1989       } );\r
1990     } );\r
1991     describe("A setKey method", function() {\r
1992       var attr, s;\r
1993       beforeEach( function() {\r
1994         attr = base("$calcMode").$attribute.up("width");\r
1995         base("$frame").timelines.length = 0;\r
1996         s = document.createElement("animate");\r
1997         document.createElement("g").appendChild(s);\r
1998       } );\r
1999       /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
2000       it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
2001         expect(attr.setKey(s)).toBeNull();\r
2002         \r
2003         s.setAttributeNS(null, "from", "0");\r
2004         attr.setKey(s);\r
2005         s.setAttributeNS(null, "to", "0");\r
2006         expect(attr.setKey(s)[0].to.from.string).toBe("0");\r
2007         expect(attr.setKey(s)[0].to.string).toBe("0");\r
2008         s.setAttributeNS(null, "by", "0");\r
2009         attr.setKey(s);\r
2010         s.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "0;2");\r
2011         expect(attr.setKey(s)[0].to.from.string).toBe("0");\r
2012         expect(attr.setKey(s)[0].to.string).toBe("2");\r
2013         \r
2014         s.setAttributeNS(null, "keyTimes", "0;0.1");\r
2015         expect(attr.setKey(s)[0].keyTime).toBe(0.1);\r
2016         \r
2017         s.setAttributeNS(null, "keySplines", "0,0.1,0.3,0.4");\r
2018         expect(attr.setKey(s)[0].keySplines[0]).toBe(0);\r
2019         expect(attr.setKey(s)[0].keySplines[1]).toBe(0.1);\r
2020         expect(attr.setKey(s)[0].keySplines[2]).toBe(0.3);\r
2021         expect(attr.setKey(s)[0].keySplines[3]).toBe(0.4);\r
2022         \r
2023         s.setAttributeNS(null, "keySplines", "0 0.1 0.3 0.4");\r
2024         expect(attr.setKey(s)[0].keySplines[0]).toBe(0);\r
2025         expect(attr.setKey(s)[0].keySplines[1]).toBe(0.1);\r
2026         expect(attr.setKey(s)[0].keySplines[2]).toBe(0.3);\r
2027         expect(attr.setKey(s)[0].keySplines[3]).toBe(0.4);\r
2028       } );\r
2029       /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
2030       it("should be this for the value (the valid partion on a spline mode )", function() {\r
2031         s.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "0;2;12;30");\r
2032         expect(attr.setKey(s)[0].keyTime.toFixed(3)).toBe("0.333");\r
2033         s.setAttributeNS(null, "keyTimes", "0;0.1;0.2;1");\r
2034         expect(attr.setKey(s)[0].keyTime).toBe(0.1);\r
2035         expect(attr.setKey(s)[1].keyTime).toBe(0.1);\r
2036         expect(attr.setKey(s)[2].keyTime).toBe(0.8);\r
2037         s.setAttributeNS(null, "values", " 0; 2;12 ;30 ");\r
2038         s.setAttributeNS(null, "keyTimes", " 0; 0.1; 0.2 ; 1 ");\r
2039         expect(attr.setKey(s)[0].keyTime).toBe(0.1);\r
2040         expect(attr.setKey(s)[1].keyTime).toBe(0.1);\r
2041         expect(attr.setKey(s)[2].keyTime).toBe(0.8);\r
2042         \r
2043         s.setAttributeNS(null, "keyTimes", " 0; .1; .2 ; 1 ");\r
2044         expect(attr.setKey(s)[0].keyTime).toBe(0.1);\r
2045         expect(attr.setKey(s)[1].keyTime).toBe(0.1);\r
2046         expect(attr.setKey(s)[2].keyTime).toBe(0.8);\r
2047         \r
2048         s.setAttributeNS(null, "keySplines", " 0,0.1,0.3,1; 0.1,0.4,0.5,0.7; 0.2,0.2,0.1  , 1 ;");\r
2049         f(0, 0,0.1,0.3,1);\r
2050         f(1, 0.1,0.4,0.5,0.7);\r
2051         f(2, 0.2,0.2,0.1,1);\r
2052         \r
2053         s.setAttributeNS(null, "keySplines", " 0,.1,.3,1; .1,.4, .5,.7; .2,  .2, .1  , 1 ;");\r
2054         f(0, 0,0.1,0.3,1);\r
2055         f(1, 0.1,0.4,0.5,0.7);\r
2056         f(2, 0.2,0.2,0.1,1);\r
2057         \r
2058         s.setAttributeNS(null, "keySplines", " 0 .1 .333,1; .1 .4  .5 .7; .2   .2  .1    1 ;");\r
2059         f(0, 0,0.1,0.333,1);\r
2060         f(1, 0.1,0.4,0.5,0.7);\r
2061         f(2, 0.2,0.2,0.1,1);\r
2062         function f (i, a, b, c, d) {\r
2063           var splines = attr.setKey(s)[i].keySplines;\r
2064           expect(splines[0]).toBe(a);\r
2065           expect(splines[1]).toBe(b);\r
2066           expect(splines[2]).toBe(c);\r
2067           expect(splines[3]).toBe(d);\r
2068         };\r
2069       } );\r
2070       /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
2071       it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion on a spline mode )", function() {\r
2072         s.setAttributeNS(null, "keyTimes", "0;0.1;0.2;1");\r
2073         expect(attr.setKey(s)).toBeNull();\r
2074         s.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "0;2;12");\r
2075         expect(attr.setKey(s)).toBeNull();\r
2076         s.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "0;2;12;20");\r
2077         s.setAttributeNS(null, "keyTimes", "0;0.1;0.2");\r
2078         expect(attr.setKey(s)).toBeNull();\r
2079       } );\r
2080     } );\r
2081   } );\r
2082   describe("A $setElement object", function() {\r
2083     describe("A timeline property", function() {\r
2084       var $set, ele, frame;\r
2085       beforeEach( function() {\r
2086         $set = base("$calcMode").$attribute.$setElement.up();\r
2087         var p = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");\r
2088         ele = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "set");\r
2089         p.appendChild(ele);\r
2090         frame = base("$frame");\r
2091       } );\r
2092       /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
2093       it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
2094         expect($set.timeline).toBe(frame.$begin);\r
2095         \r
2096         $set.init();\r
2097         expect($set.timeline).toBe(frame.$begin);\r
2098         expect($set.element).toBeNull();\r
2099       } );\r
2100     } );\r
2101     \r
2102       describe("An init method", function() {\r
2103       var $set, ele, frame;\r
2104       beforeEach( function() {\r
2105         $set = base("$calcMode").$attribute.$setElement.up();\r
2106         var p = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");\r
2107         ele = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "set");\r
2108         p.appendChild(ele);\r
2109         frame = base("$frame");\r
2110       } );\r
2111       /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
2112       it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
2113         expect($set.to).toBe("");\r
2114         expect($set.attrName).toBe("");\r
2115         expect($set.defaultValue).toBe("");\r
2116         expect($set.isDefault).toBeFalsy();\r
2117         expect($set.attrNameSpace).toBeNull();\r
2118         $set.init();\r
2119         expect($set.timeline).toBe(frame.$begin);\r
2120         $set.init(ele);\r
2121         expect($set.to).toBe("");\r
2122         expect($set.attrName).toBe("");\r
2123         expect($set.isDefault).toBeFalsy();\r
2124         expect($set.attrNameSpace).toBeNull();\r
2125         expect($set.timeline).toBe(frame.$begin);\r
2126       } );\r
2127       /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
2128       it("should be this for the value (the valid partion  )", function() {\r
2129         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "to", "t1");\r
2130         $set.init(ele);\r
2131         expect($set.to).toBe("t1");\r
2132         expect($set.attrName).toBe("");\r
2133         expect($set.defaultValue).toBe("");\r
2134 \r
2135         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "tt1");\r
2136         $set.init(ele);\r
2137         expect($set.to).toBe("t1");\r
2138         expect($set.attrName).toBe("tt1");\r
2139         expect($set.defaultValue).toBe("");\r
2140 \r
2141         ele.parentNode.setAttributeNS(null, "tt1", "undef");\r
2142         $set.init(ele);\r
2143         expect($set.defaultValue).toBe("undef");\r
2144         expect($set.isDefault).toBeTruthy();\r
2145 \r
2146         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "font-size");\r
2147         ele.parentNode.style.setProperty("font-size", "12px");\r
2148         $set.init(ele);\r
2149         expect($set.defaultValue).toBe("12px");\r
2150         expect($set.isDefault).toBeFalsy();\r
2151         \r
2152         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "xlink:href");\r
2153         $set.init(ele);\r
2154         expect($set.to).toBe("t1");\r
2155         expect($set.attrName).toBe("xlink:href");\r
2156         expect($set.defaultValue).toBe("");\r
2157         ele.parentNode.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "xlink:href", "undef");\r
2158         $set.init(ele);\r
2159         expect($set.attrNameSpace).toBe("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink");\r
2160       } );\r
2161       /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
2162       it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion on a spline mode )", function() {\r
2163         $set.init(null);\r
2164         expect($set.to).toBe("");\r
2165         expect($set.attrName).toBe("");\r
2166         expect($set.defaultValue).toBe("");\r
2167 \r
2168         $set.init(12);\r
2169         expect($set.to).toBe("");\r
2170         expect($set.attrName).toBe("");\r
2171         expect($set.defaultValue).toBe("");\r
2172       } );\r
2173     } );\r
2174     describe("Frame Set", function() {\r
2175       var $set, ele, frame;\r
2176       beforeEach( function() {\r
2177         $set = base("$calcMode").$attribute.$setElement.up();\r
2178         var p = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");\r
2179         ele = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "set");\r
2180         p.appendChild(ele);\r
2181         frame = base("$frame");\r
2182         frame.timelines.length = 0; //配列の初期化\r
2183         frame.startTime = Date.now();\r
2184         frame.setFrame(0);\r
2185       } );\r
2186       afterEach( function() {\r
2187         $set.isCSS = false;\r
2188       } );\r
2189       /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
2190       it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
2191         expect($set.isEnd).toBeFalsy();\r
2192         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "dur", "1s");\r
2193         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "fill");\r
2194         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "to", "red");\r
2195         $set.init(ele);\r
2196         /*テストしやすくするために、CSSではなくXML属性として扱う*/\r
2197         $set.isCSS = false;\r
2198         expect($set.timeline).not.toBe(frame.$begin);\r
2199         frame.setFrame(0);\r
2200         expect(ele.parentNode.getAttributeNS(null, "fill")).toBe("red");\r
2201         \r
2202         var line = $set.timeline;\r
2203         expect(line.$list.state).toBe(line.$list.PLAYING);\r
2204         frame.setFrame(24);\r
2205         expect(line.$list.state).toBe(line.$list.POSTWAITING);\r
2206         expect(ele.parentNode.hasAttributeNS(null, "fill")).toBeFalsy();\r
2207       } );\r
2208       /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
2209       it("should be this for the value (the valid partion)", function() {\r
2210         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "begin", "1s");\r
2211         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "dur", "1s");\r
2212         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "fill");\r
2213         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "to", "red");\r
2214         $set.init(ele);\r
2215         /*テストしやすくするために、CSSではなくXML属性として扱う*/\r
2216         $set.isCSS = false;\r
2217         var f = function(num) {\r
2218           frame.setFrame(num);\r
2219           expect(ele.parentNode.getAttributeNS(null, "fill") || null).toBeNull();\r
2220         }\r
2221         f(0);\r
2222         f(1);\r
2223         f(23);\r
2224         frame.setFrame(24);\r
2225         expect(ele.parentNode.getAttributeNS(null, "fill")).toBe("red");\r
2226         frame.setFrame(25);\r
2227         expect(ele.parentNode.getAttributeNS(null, "fill")).toBe("red");\r
2228         f(48);\r
2229         f(49);\r
2230         \r
2231         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "freeze");\r
2232         $set.init(ele);\r
2233         $set.isCSS = false;\r
2234         f(0);\r
2235         f(1);\r
2236         f(23);\r
2237         frame.setFrame(24);\r
2238         expect(ele.parentNode.getAttributeNS(null, "fill")).toBe("red");\r
2239         frame.setFrame(25);\r
2240         expect(ele.parentNode.getAttributeNS(null, "fill")).toBe("red");\r
2241         frame.setFrame(48);\r
2242         expect(ele.parentNode.getAttributeNS(null, "fill") || null).toBe("red");\r
2243         frame.setFrame(49);\r
2244         expect(ele.parentNode.getAttributeNS(null, "fill") || null).toBe("red");\r
2245         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "begin", "1s");\r
2246         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "fill");\r
2247         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "to", "red");\r
2248         /*eleにはdur属性やendなどが設定されていなくとも、アニメーションが有効*/\r
2249         $set.init(ele);\r
2250         $set.isCSS = false;\r
2251         var f = function(num) {\r
2252           frame.setFrame(num);\r
2253           expect(ele.parentNode.getAttributeNS(null, "fill") || null).toBe("red");\r
2254         }\r
2255         f(0);\r
2256         f(1);\r
2257         f(23);\r
2258         f(24);\r
2259         f(25);\r
2260         f(48);      } );\r
2261       /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
2262       it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion)", function() {\r
2263 \r
2264       } );\r
2265     } );\r
2266   } );\r
2267     describe("A $animateElement object", function() {\r
2268       describe("An init method", function() {\r
2269         var $animate, ele, frame;\r
2270         beforeEach( function() {\r
2271           $animate = base("$calcMode").$attribute.$setElement.$animateElement.up();\r
2272           var p = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");\r
2273           ele = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "animate");\r
2274           p.appendChild(ele);\r
2275           frame = base("$frame");\r
2276           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2277           frame.startTime = Date.now();\r
2278           frame.setFrame(0);\r
2279         } );\r
2280         /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
2281         it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
2282           $animate.init();\r
2283           \r
2284           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "begin", "1s");\r
2285           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "dur", "1s");\r
2286           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "d");\r
2287           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "from", "M20 0 L20 30");\r
2288           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "to", "M20 20 L10 30");\r
2289           $animate.init(ele);\r
2290           expect($animate.isCSS).toBeFalsy();\r
2291           frame.setFrame(0);\r
2292           var p = ele.parentNode;\r
2293           /*getAttributeNSメソッドは、IE11では空文字列を返す(DOM 2に準拠)のに対して、\r
2294            * 他のブラウザではnullを返すため、その対策をする*/\r
2295           expect(p.getAttributeNS(null, "d") || null).toBeNull();\r
2296           \r
2297           function f(fr, result) {\r
2298             frame.setFrame(fr);\r
2299             expect(p.getAttributeNS(null, "d") || "").toBe(result);\r
2300           };\r
2301           \r
2302           f(24, "M20.0 0.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2303           f(36, "M20.0 10.0 L15.0 30.0");\r
2304           f(48, "");\r
2305                     \r
2306           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "freeze");\r
2307           $animate.init(ele);\r
2308           f(24, "M20.0 0.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2309           f(36, "M20.0 10.0 L15.0 30.0");\r
2310           f(48, "M20.0 20.0 L10.0 30.0");\r
2311           \r
2312           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2313           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "calcMode", "discrete");\r
2314           $animate.init(ele);\r
2315           expect($animate.isCSS).toBeFalsy();\r
2316           expect($animate.mode).toBe("discrete");\r
2317           f(24, "M20.0 0.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2318           f(25, "M20.0 0.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2319           f(37, "M20.0 20.0 L10.0 30.0");\r
2320           f(48, "M20.0 20.0 L10.0 30.0");\r
2321           \r
2322           [ ["display", "inline", "none"],\r
2323             ["visibility", "hidden", "visible"],\r
2324             ["stroke-linecap", "round", "square"],\r
2325             ["font-style", "italic", "normal"]\r
2326           ].forEach( function(attr) {\r
2327             var attrName = attr[0],\r
2328                 from = attr[1],\r
2329                 to = attr[2];\r
2330             function g(fr, result) {\r
2331               frame.setFrame(fr);\r
2332               expect(p.style.getPropertyValue(attrName) || p.getAttribute(attrName) || "").toBe(result);\r
2333             };\r
2334 \r
2335             \r
2336             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "from", from);\r
2337             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "to", to);\r
2338             frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2339             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "calcMode", "linear");\r
2340             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", attrName);\r
2341             $animate.init(ele);\r
2342             expect($animate.mode).toBe("discrete");\r
2343             g(24, from);\r
2344             g(25, from);\r
2345             g(37, to);\r
2346             g(48, to);\r
2347           } );\r
2348         } );\r
2349         /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
2350         it("should be this for the value (the valid partion )", function() {\r
2351           /*24FPSが前提*/\r
2352           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "begin", "0s");\r
2353           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "dur", "100s");\r
2354           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "d");\r
2355           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "freeze");\r
2356           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "from", "M20 0 L20 30");\r
2357           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "to", "M20 2400 L20 30");\r
2358           $animate.init(ele);\r
2359           \r
2360           var p = ele.parentNode;\r
2361           expect(p.getAttributeNS(null, "d") || null).toBeNull();\r
2362           \r
2363           function f(fr, result) {\r
2364             frame.setFrame(fr);\r
2365             expect(p.getAttributeNS(null, "d")).toBe(result);\r
2366           };\r
2367           \r
2368           for (var i=0;i<2400;++i) {\r
2369             f(i, "M20.0 " +i+ ".0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2370           }\r
2371           f(2401, "M20.0 2400.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2372           \r
2373           \r
2374           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2375           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "begin", "0s");\r
2376           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "dur", "1s");\r
2377           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "repeatDur", "2s");\r
2378           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "d");\r
2379           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "freeze");\r
2380           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "from", "M20 0 L20 30");\r
2381           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "to", "M20 24 L20 30");\r
2382           $animate.init(ele);\r
2383           f(23, "M20.0 23.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2384           f(24, "M20.0 0.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2385           f(25, "M20.0 1.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2386           f(48, "M20.0 24.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2387 \r
2388           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2389           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "begin", "0s");\r
2390           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "dur", "2s");\r
2391           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "d");\r
2392           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "freeze");\r
2393           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "M20 0 L20 30;M20 24 L20 30;M20 26.4 L20 30");\r
2394           $animate.init(ele);\r
2395           f(0, "M20.0 0.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2396           f(1, "M20.0 1.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2397           f(24, "M20.0 24.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2398           f(25, "M20.0 24.1 L20.0 30.0");\r
2399           f(47, "M20.0 26.3 L20.0 30.0");\r
2400           f(48, "M20.0 26.4 L20.0 30.0");\r
2401           f(49, "M20.0 26.4 L20.0 30.0");\r
2402           f(50, "M20.0 26.4 L20.0 30.0");\r
2403           \r
2404           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2405           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "begin", "0s");\r
2406           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "end", "2s");\r
2407           ele.removeAttributeNS(null, "dur"); //単純継続時間が設定されていない場合\r
2408           ele.removeAttributeNS(null, "repeatDur");\r
2409           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "d");\r
2410           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "freeze");\r
2411           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "M20 0 L20 30;M20 24 L20 30;M20 26.4 L20 30");\r
2412           $animate.init(ele);\r
2413           f(0, "M20.0 0.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2414           f(1, "M20.0 0.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2415           f(24, "M20.0 0.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2416           f(25, "M20.0 0.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2417           f(47, "M20.0 0.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2418           f(48, "M20.0 0.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2419           f(49, "M20.0 0.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2420           f(50, "M20.0 0.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2421           \r
2422           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2423           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "dur", "2s");\r
2424           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "remove");\r
2425           var attrValue = p.getAttributeNS(null, "d");\r
2426           $animate.init(ele);\r
2427           f(48, attrValue);\r
2428           \r
2429           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2430           p.removeAttributeNS(null, "d");\r
2431           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "freeze");\r
2432           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "keyTimes", "0;0.1;1");\r
2433           $animate.init(ele);\r
2434           f(1, "M20.0 5.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2435           f(48, "M20.0 26.4 L20.0 30.0");\r
2436           \r
2437           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2438           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "freeze");\r
2439           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "calcMode", "discrete");\r
2440           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "keyTimes", "0;0.5;0.6");\r
2441           $animate.init(ele);\r
2442           f(1, "M20.0 0.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2443           f(4, "M20.0 0.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2444           /*本来は24フレーム目で、変化するはずだが、不具合があるため、そうならない\r
2445            * 修正の余地あり*/\r
2446           f(24, "M20.0 24.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2447           f(25, "M20.0 24.0 L20.0 30.0");\r
2448           f(29, "M20.0 26.4 L20.0 30.0");\r
2449           f(48, "M20.0 26.4 L20.0 30.0");\r
2450           \r
2451           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2452           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "calcMode", "spline");\r
2453           ele.removeAttributeNS(null, "keyTimes");\r
2454           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "keySplines", "0,0,1,1;0,0,1,1;.75,0,0,.75");\r
2455           ele.removeAttributeNS(null, "end");\r
2456           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "dur", "9s");\r
2457           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "210;177;121;10");\r
2458           $animate.init(ele);\r
2459           f(0, "210.0");\r
2460           f(72, "177.0");\r
2461           f(144, "121.0");\r
2462           f(216, "10.0");\r
2463           f(300, "10.0");\r
2464           \r
2465           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2466           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "calcMode", "spline");\r
2467           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "keyTimes", "0;.25;.5;1");\r
2468           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "keySplines", "0,0,1,1;0,0,1,1;1,0,0,1");\r
2469           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "dur", "8s");\r
2470           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "300;255;180;30");\r
2471           $animate.init(ele);\r
2472           f(0, "300.0");\r
2473           f(48, "255.0");\r
2474           f(96, "180.0");\r
2475           f(192, "30.0");\r
2476           f(300, "30.0");\r
2477           \r
2478           /*開始時刻が未解決の場合*/\r
2479           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2480           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "begin", "click");\r
2481           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "calcMode", "spline");\r
2482           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "keyTimes", "0;.25;.5;1");\r
2483           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "keySplines", "0,0,1,1;0,0,1,1;1,0,0,1");\r
2484           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "dur", "8s");\r
2485           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "300;255;180;30");\r
2486           ele.parentNode.setAttributeNS(null, "d", "300");\r
2487           $animate.init(ele);\r
2488           f(0, "300");\r
2489           f(48, "300");\r
2490           f(96, "300");\r
2491           f(192, "300");\r
2492           f(300, "300");\r
2493           \r
2494           ( function(attrName) {\r
2495             function g(fr, result) {\r
2496               frame.setFrame(fr);\r
2497               expect(p.style.getPropertyValue(attrName)).toBe(result);\r
2498             };\r
2499 \r
2500             frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2501             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "begin", "0s");\r
2502             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "calcMode", "linear");\r
2503             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", attrName);\r
2504             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "keyTimes", "0;.25;.5;1");\r
2505             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "keySplines", "0,0,1,1;0,0,1,1;1,0,0,1");\r
2506             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "dur", "8s");\r
2507             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "inline;block;inline;block");\r
2508             $animate.init(ele);\r
2509             expect($animate.mode).toBe("discrete");\r
2510             g(0, "inline");\r
2511             g(48, "block");\r
2512             g(96, "inline");\r
2513             g(192, "block");\r
2514             g(300, "block");\r
2515             \r
2516             frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2517             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "begin", "click");\r
2518             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "calcMode", "linear");\r
2519             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", attrName);\r
2520             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "keyTimes", "0;.25;.5;1");\r
2521             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "keySplines", "0,0,1,1;0,0,1,1;1,0,0,1");\r
2522             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "dur", "8s");\r
2523             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "inline;block;inline;block");\r
2524             $animate.init(ele);\r
2525             var evt = ele.ownerDocument.createEvent("MouseEvents");\r
2526             evt.initMouseEvent("click",true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false,0, p);\r
2527             p.dispatchEvent(evt);\r
2528             var cur = base("$frame").currentFrame;\r
2529             expect($animate.mode).toBe("discrete");\r
2530             g(cur+0, "inline");\r
2531             g(cur+48, "block");\r
2532             g(cur+96, "inline");\r
2533             g(cur+192, "block");\r
2534             g(cur+300, "block");\r
2535           } )("display");\r
2536         } );\r
2537         /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
2538         it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion )", function() {\r
2539           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "begin", "0s");\r
2540           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "dur", "100s");\r
2541           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "d");\r
2542           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "freeze");\r
2543           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "from", "M20 0 L20 30");\r
2544           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "to", "M20 2400 L20 30");\r
2545           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "keyTimes", "0;0.1;1");\r
2546           $animate.init(ele);\r
2547           \r
2548           var p = ele.parentNode;\r
2549           expect(p.getAttributeNS(null, "d") || null).toBeNull();\r
2550           \r
2551           function f(fr, result) {\r
2552             frame.setFrame(fr);\r
2553             expect(p.getAttributeNS(null, "d") || null).toBe(result);\r
2554           };\r
2555           f(0, null);\r
2556           f(1, null);\r
2557           \r
2558            frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2559           /*keyTimes属性のリストの個数がvaluesリストと合致しない*/\r
2560           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "keyTimes", "0;0.1;0.5;1");\r
2561           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "M20 0 L20 30;M20 24 L20 30;M20 26.4 L20 30");\r
2562           $animate.init(ele);\r
2563           f(0, null);\r
2564           f(1, null);\r
2565           \r
2566           /*keyTimes属性が0から始まっていない*/\r
2567           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2568           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "keyTimes", "0.1;0.3;1");\r
2569           ff("linear");\r
2570           ff("splines");\r
2571           ff("discrete");\r
2572           function ff(mode) {\r
2573             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "calcMode", mode);\r
2574             $animate.init(ele);\r
2575             f(0, null);\r
2576             f(1, null);\r
2577           }\r
2578           \r
2579           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2580           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "calcMode", "spline");\r
2581           $animate.init(ele);\r
2582           expect($animate.mode).toBe("spline");\r
2583           f(0, null);\r
2584           f(0.2, null);\r
2585           f(1, null); \r
2586         } );\r
2587       } );\r
2588       describe("RGB Color", function() {\r
2589         var $animate, ele, frame, f;\r
2590         beforeEach( function() {\r
2591           $animate = base("$calcMode").$attribute.$setElement.$animateElement.up();\r
2592           var p = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");\r
2593           ele = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "animate");\r
2594           p.appendChild(ele);\r
2595           frame = base("$frame");\r
2596           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2597           \r
2598           f = function (fr, result, attr) {\r
2599             frame.setFrame(fr);\r
2600             expect(p.style.getPropertyValue(attr).replace(/\s/g, "")).toBe(result.replace(/\s/g, ""));\r
2601           };\r
2602         } );\r
2603         /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
2604         it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
2605           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "begin", "0s");\r
2606           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "dur", "1s");\r
2607           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "fill");\r
2608           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "remove");\r
2609           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "from", "rgb(0, 0, 0)");\r
2610           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "to", "rgb(10, 10, 1)");\r
2611           $animate.init(ele);\r
2612           \r
2613           f(0, "rgb(0, 0, 0)", "fill");\r
2614           f(23, "rgb(10, 10, 1)", "fill");\r
2615           \r
2616           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2617           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "stroke");\r
2618           $animate.init(ele);\r
2619           f(0, "rgb(0, 0, 0)", "stroke");\r
2620           f(23, "rgb(10, 10, 1)", "stroke");\r
2621 \r
2622           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2623           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "stop-color");\r
2624           $animate.init(ele);\r
2625           f(0, "rgb(0,0,0)", "stop-color");\r
2626           f(23, "rgb(10,10,1)", "stop-color");\r
2627 \r
2628           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2629           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "color");\r
2630           $animate.init(ele);\r
2631           f(0, "rgb(0,0,0)", "color");\r
2632           f(23, "rgb(10,10,1)", "color");\r
2633         } );\r
2634         /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
2635         it("should be this for the value (the valid partion )", function() {\r
2636           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "begin", "0s");\r
2637           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "dur", "1s");\r
2638           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "fill");\r
2639           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "remove");\r
2640           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "rgb(0, 0, 0);rgb(24, 2.4, 1)");\r
2641           $animate.init(ele);\r
2642           \r
2643           f(0, "rgb(0, 0, 0)", "fill");\r
2644           f(1, "rgb(1, 0, 0)", "fill");\r
2645           f(23, "rgb(23, 2, 1)", "fill");\r
2646 \r
2647           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2648           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "#00083C;#18203C");\r
2649           $animate.init(ele);\r
2650           /*rgb形式に変換*/\r
2651           \r
2652           f(0, "rgb(0, 8, 60)", "fill");\r
2653           f(1, "rgb(1, 9, 60)", "fill");\r
2654           f(23, "rgb(23, 31, 60)", "fill");\r
2655           \r
2656           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2657           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "freeze");\r
2658           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "black;white");\r
2659           $animate.init(ele);\r
2660           /*色キーワードをrgb形式に変換*/\r
2661           \r
2662           f(0, "rgb(0, 0, 0)", "fill");\r
2663           f(12, "rgb(128, 128, 128)", "fill");\r
2664           f(24, "rgb(255, 255, 255)", "fill");\r
2665         } );\r
2666         /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
2667         it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion )", function() {\r
2668           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "begin", "0s");\r
2669           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "dur", "1s");\r
2670           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "fi");\r
2671           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "remove");\r
2672           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "#00083C;#00107C");\r
2673           $animate.init(ele);\r
2674           /*rgb形式に変換しない*/\r
2675           \r
2676           function f (fr, result, attr) {\r
2677             frame.setFrame(fr);\r
2678             expect(ele.parentNode.getAttributeNS(null,attr)).toBe(result);\r
2679           };\r
2680           f(0, "#83.0C", "fi");\r
2681           f(1, "#84.0C", "fi");\r
2682           f(23, "#106.0C", "fi");   \r
2683         } );\r
2684       } );\r
2685     describe("$frame.$svgEvent object", function() {\r
2686       var frame = base("$frame").$svgEvent,\r
2687           p, ele;\r
2688       base("$frame").pauseAnimation();\r
2689       beforeEach( function() {\r
2690         base("$frame").pauseAnimation();\r
2691         frame = frame.up().mix( {isResolved: true} );\r
2692         frame.first = null;\r
2693         /*firstプロパティとtimelinesプロパティは$frameオブジェクトのフレーム進行に\r
2694          * 影響を受けるため、新たに初期化しておく*/\r
2695         base("$frame").timelines = frame.timelines = [];\r
2696         frame.lastTimeLine = null;\r
2697         p = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");\r
2698         ele = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "animate");\r
2699         p.appendChild(ele);\r
2700       } );\r
2701       /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
2702       it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
2703         base("$frame").pauseAnimation();\r
2704         frame.lastTimeLine = null;\r
2705         expect(frame.lastTimeLine).toBeNull();\r
2706         expect(frame.first).toBeNull();\r
2707         frame.setTimeTable();\r
2708         expect(frame.first).toBeNull();\r
2709         frame.addLine( base("$frame").$begin.up().mix({\r
2710           isResolved: true,\r
2711           timelines: [],\r
2712           begin: 0,\r
2713           activeTime: 0,\r
2714           target: ele\r
2715         }) );\r
2716         frame.setTimeTable();\r
2717         expect(frame.first).toEqual(\r
2718           { frame: 0,\r
2719             eventType: "begin",\r
2720             target: ele,\r
2721           \r
2722             next: { frame: 0,\r
2723               eventType: "end",\r
2724               target: ele,\r
2725               next: null\r
2726             }\r
2727           }\r
2728         );\r
2729       } );\r
2730       /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
2731       it("should be this for the value (the valid partion )", function() {\r
2732         base("$frame").pauseAnimation();\r
2733         frame.addLine( base("$frame").$begin.up().mix({\r
2734           isResolved: true,\r
2735           timelines: [],\r
2736           begin: 0,\r
2737           activeTime: 0,\r
2738           target: ele\r
2739         }) );\r
2740         frame.setTimeTable();\r
2741         frame.setTimeTable();\r
2742         expect(frame.first).toEqual(\r
2743           { frame: 0,\r
2744             eventType: "begin",\r
2745             target: ele,\r
2746           \r
2747             next: { frame: 0,\r
2748               eventType: "end",\r
2749               target: ele,\r
2750               next: null\r
2751             }\r
2752           }\r
2753         );\r
2754         frame.setTimeTable();\r
2755         frame.setTimeTable();\r
2756         expect(frame.first).toEqual(\r
2757           { frame: 0,\r
2758             eventType: "begin",\r
2759             target: ele,\r
2760           \r
2761             next: { frame: 0,\r
2762               eventType: "end",\r
2763               target: ele,\r
2764               next: null\r
2765             }\r
2766           }\r
2767         );\r
2768         \r
2769         var isFiredBeginEvent = false;\r
2770         ele.addEventListener("beginEvent", function(evt) {\r
2771           isFiredBeginEvent = true;\r
2772           expect(evt.target).toBe(ele);\r
2773         } );\r
2774         ele.addEventListener("endEvent", function(evt) {\r
2775           expect(evt.target).toBe(ele);\r
2776           expect(isFiredBeginEvent).toBeTruthy();\r
2777         } );\r
2778         frame.setFrame(0);\r
2779         expect(frame.first).toBeNull();\r
2780         frame.setFrame(0);\r
2781         expect(frame.first).toBeNull();\r
2782         \r
2783         frame.timelines = [];\r
2784         frame.addLine( base("$frame").$begin.up().mix({\r
2785           isResolved: true,\r
2786           timelines: [],\r
2787           begin: 0,\r
2788           activeTime: 10,\r
2789           target: ele\r
2790         }) );\r
2791         frame.setTimeTable();\r
2792         var a = { frame: 0,\r
2793             eventType: "begin",\r
2794             target: ele,\r
2795           \r
2796             next: { frame: 10,\r
2797               eventType: "end",\r
2798               target: ele,\r
2799               next: null\r
2800             }\r
2801           };\r
2802         expect(frame.first).toEqual(a);\r
2803         \r
2804         frame.addLine( base("$frame").$begin.up().mix({\r
2805           isResolved: true,\r
2806           timelines: [],\r
2807           begin: 1,\r
2808           simpleDuration: 9,\r
2809           activeTime: 11,\r
2810           target: ele\r
2811         }) );\r
2812         frame.setTimeTable();\r
2813         a.next.next = { frame: 1,\r
2814             eventType: "begin",\r
2815             target: ele,\r
2816           \r
2817             next: {\r
2818               frame: 10,\r
2819               eventType: "repeat",\r
2820               count: 1,\r
2821               target: ele,\r
2822             \r
2823               next: { frame: 12,\r
2824                 eventType: "end",\r
2825                 target: ele,\r
2826                 next: null\r
2827               }\r
2828             }\r
2829           };\r
2830         expect(frame.first).toEqual(a);\r
2831         frame.setFrame(11);\r
2832         expect(frame.first).toEqual( {frame: 12,\r
2833                 eventType: "end",\r
2834                 target: ele,\r
2835                 next: null\r
2836               } );\r
2837               \r
2838         frame.timelines = [];\r
2839         frame.first = null;\r
2840         frame.addLine( base("$frame").$begin.up().mix({\r
2841           isResolved: true,\r
2842           timelines: [],\r
2843           begin: 1,\r
2844           simpleDuration: 4,\r
2845           activeTime: 10,\r
2846           target: ele\r
2847         }) );\r
2848         frame.setTimeTable();\r
2849         a =  { frame: 1,\r
2850             eventType: "begin",\r
2851             target: ele,\r
2852           \r
2853             next: {\r
2854               frame: 5,\r
2855               eventType: "repeat",\r
2856               count: 1,\r
2857               target: ele,\r
2858             \r
2859               next: {\r
2860                 frame: 9,\r
2861                 eventType: "repeat",\r
2862                 count: 2,\r
2863                 target: ele,\r
2864               \r
2865                 next: { frame: 11,\r
2866                   eventType: "end",\r
2867                   target: ele,\r
2868                   next: null\r
2869                 }\r
2870               }\r
2871             }\r
2872           };\r
2873         expect(frame.first).toEqual(a);\r
2874         frame.setFrame(0);\r
2875         expect(frame.first).toEqual(a);\r
2876         frame.setFrame(1);\r
2877         a = a.next;\r
2878         expect(frame.first).toEqual(a);\r
2879         frame.setFrame(5);\r
2880         expect(frame.first).toEqual(a.next);\r
2881 \r
2882         ele.addEventListener("repeatEvent", function(evt) {\r
2883           expect(evt.target).toBe(ele);\r
2884         } );\r
2885         frame.timelines = [];\r
2886         frame.first = null;\r
2887         frame.addLine( base("$frame").$begin.up().mix({\r
2888           isResolved: true,\r
2889           timelines: [],\r
2890           begin: 1,\r
2891           simpleDuration: 4,\r
2892           activeTime: 15,\r
2893           target: ele\r
2894         }) );\r
2895         frame.setFrame(9);\r
2896         expect(frame.first).toEqual({\r
2897                 frame: 13,\r
2898                 eventType: "repeat",\r
2899                 count: 3,\r
2900                 target: ele,\r
2901               \r
2902                 next: { frame: 16,\r
2903                   eventType: "end",\r
2904                   target: ele,\r
2905                   next: null\r
2906                 }\r
2907               } );\r
2908       } );\r
2909       afterEach( function() {\r
2910         base("$frame").startAnimation();\r
2911       } );\r
2912     } );\r
2913     describe("A $animateTransformElemenet object", function() {\r
2914       describe("An init method", function() {\r
2915         var $animate, ele, frame, p;\r
2916         beforeEach( function() {\r
2917           $animate = base("$calcMode").$attribute.$setElement.$animateElement.$animateTransformElement.up();\r
2918           /*ここでは、データ量を削るため、degitsプロパティを小数点以下1桁に設定*/\r
2919           $animate.degits = 1;\r
2920           p = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");\r
2921           ele = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "animateTransform");\r
2922           p.appendChild(ele);\r
2923           frame = base("$frame");\r
2924           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
2925           frame.startTime = Date.now();\r
2926           frame.setFrame(0);\r
2927         } );\r
2928         afterEach( function() {\r
2929           $animate.numberOfList = -1;\r
2930         } );\r
2931         /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
2932         it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
2933           expect($animate.numberOfList).toBe(-1);\r
2934           expect($animate.type).toBe("translate");\r
2935           expect(p.__transformList).toBeUndefined();\r
2936           expect($animate.isCSS).toBeFalsy();\r
2937           expect($animate.isSum).toBeFalsy();\r
2938           expect($animate.attrName).toBe("transform");\r
2939           \r
2940           $animate.init();\r
2941           expect($animate.numberOfList).toBe(-1);\r
2942           expect(p.__transformList).toBeUndefined();\r
2943           expect($animate.isCSS).toBeFalsy();\r
2944           expect($animate.type).toBe("translate");\r
2945           expect($animate.attrName).toBe("transform");\r
2946           \r
2947           $animate.init(p);\r
2948           expect($animate.numberOfList).toBe(-1);\r
2949           expect(p.__transformList).toBeUndefined();\r
2950           expect($animate.isCSS).toBeFalsy();\r
2951           expect($animate.type).toBe("translate");\r
2952           expect($animate.attrName).toBe("transform");\r
2953           \r
2954           $animate.init(ele);\r
2955           expect($animate.numberOfList).toBe(-1);\r
2956           expect(p.__transformList).toEqual([]);\r
2957           expect($animate.isCSS).toBeFalsy();\r
2958           expect($animate.type).toBe("translate");\r
2959           expect($animate.attrName).toBe("transform");\r
2960           \r
2961           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "0;1");\r
2962           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "");\r
2963           $animate.init(ele);\r
2964           expect($animate.isCSS).toBeFalsy();\r
2965           expect($animate.type).toBe("translate");\r
2966           expect($animate.type).toBe("translate");\r
2967           expect($animate.numberOfList).toBe(0);\r
2968           expect(p.__transformList).toEqual([ {isPlaying: false,\r
2969                                                value: "translate(0)",\r
2970                                                isSum: false,\r
2971                                                isRemove: true\r
2972                                               } ]);\r
2973           \r
2974           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "type", "translate");\r
2975           $animate.init(ele);\r
2976           expect($animate.numberOfList).toBe(0);\r
2977           expect($animate.isCSS).toBeFalsy();\r
2978           expect($animate.type).toBe("translate");\r
2979           expect(p.__transformList).toEqual([ {isPlaying: false,\r
2980                                                value: "translate(0)",\r
2981                                                isSum: false,\r
2982                                                isRemove: true\r
2983                                               } ]);\r
2984           $animate.tocall(0);\r
2985           expect(p.__transformList[0].isPlaying).toBeTruthy();\r
2986           \r
2987           ele.parentNode.appendChild(ele.cloneNode(true));\r
2988           $animate.numberOfList = -1;\r
2989           $animate.init(ele.parentNode.lastChild);\r
2990           expect($animate.numberOfList).toBe(1);\r
2991           expect(p.__transformList[0].isPlaying).toBeTruthy();\r
2992           expect(p.__transformList[1].isPlaying).toBeFalsy();\r
2993 \r
2994           expect($animate.type).toBe("translate");\r
2995           $animate.tocall(0);\r
2996           expect(p.__transformList[0].isPlaying).toBeTruthy();\r
2997           expect(p.__transformList[1].isPlaying).toBeTruthy();\r
2998           $animate._setEndFrame(1);\r
2999           expect(p.__transformList[0].isPlaying).toBeTruthy();\r
3000           expect(p.__transformList[1].isPlaying).toBeTruthy();\r
3001           \r
3002           delete p.__transformList;\r
3003           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "type", "scale");\r
3004           $animate.numberOfList = -1;\r
3005           $animate.init(ele);\r
3006           expect($animate.numberOfList).toBe(0);\r
3007           expect(p.__transformList).toEqual([ {isPlaying: false,\r
3008                                                value: "translate(0)",\r
3009                                                isSum: false,\r
3010                                                isRemove: true\r
3011                                               } ]);\r
3012           expect($animate.type).toBe("scale");\r
3013 \r
3014           delete p.__transformList;\r
3015           $animate.numberOfList = -1;\r
3016           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "additive", "sum");\r
3017           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "freeze");\r
3018           $animate.init(ele);\r
3019           expect($animate.isSum).toBeTruthy();\r
3020           expect(p.__transformList).toEqual([ {isPlaying: false,\r
3021                                                value: "translate(0)",\r
3022                                                isSum: true,\r
3023                                                isRemove: false\r
3024                                               } ]);\r
3025           delete p.__transformList;\r
3026           $animate.numberOfList = -1;\r
3027           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "additive", "replace");\r
3028           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "remove");\r
3029           $animate.init(ele);\r
3030           expect(p.__transformList).toEqual([ {isPlaying: false,\r
3031                                                value: "translate(0)",\r
3032                                                isSum: false,\r
3033                                                isRemove: true\r
3034                                               } ]);\r
3035         } );\r
3036         /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
3037         it("should be this for the value (the valid partion )", function() {\r
3038           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "type", "scale");\r
3039           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "0;1");\r
3040           $animate.init(ele);\r
3041           expect($animate.isCSS).toBeFalsy();\r
3042           expect($animate.numberOfList).toBe(0);\r
3043           expect($animate.tocall(0)).toBe("scale(0.0)");\r
3044           expect($animate.tocall(0.5)).toBe("scale(0.5)");\r
3045           expect($animate.tocall(0.9)).toBe("scale(0.9)");\r
3046           expect($animate.tocall(1)).toBe("scale(1.0)");\r
3047 \r
3048           ele.parentNode.appendChild(ele.cloneNode(true));\r
3049           $animate.numberOfList = -1;\r
3050           $animate.init(ele.parentNode.lastChild);\r
3051           expect($animate.numberOfList).toBe(1);\r
3052           expect($animate.tocall(0)).toBe("scale(0.0)");\r
3053           expect($animate.tocall(1)).toBe("scale(1.0)");\r
3054           \r
3055           ele.parentNode.appendChild(ele.cloneNode(true));\r
3056           $animate.up("$a").numberOfList = -1;\r
3057           ele.parentNode.setAttribute("transform", "matrix(0 0 0 0 0 0)");\r
3058           $animate.$a.init(ele.parentNode.lastChild);\r
3059           expect($animate.$a.numberOfList).toBe(2);\r
3060           expect($animate.$a.isDefault).toBeTruthy();\r
3061           expect($animate.$a.defaultValue).toBe("matrix(0 0 0 0 0 0)");\r
3062           expect($animate.$a.tocall(0)).toBe("scale(0.0)");\r
3063           expect($animate.$a.tocall(1)).toBe("scale(1.0)");\r
3064           $animate.defaultValue = $animate.$a.defaultValue;\r
3065           expect($animate.$a.tocall(0.1)).toBe("scale(0.1)");\r
3066           \r
3067           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "additive", "sum");\r
3068           var parentNode = ele.parentNode;\r
3069           parentNode.appendChild(ele.cloneNode(true));\r
3070           parentNode.__transformList = [];\r
3071           /*additive属性のsumとreplaceの混合を避けるため、eleを削除*/\r
3072           parentNode.removeChild(ele);\r
3073           $animate.numberOfList = -1;\r
3074           $animate.init(parentNode.lastChild);\r
3075           expect($animate.numberOfList).toBe(0);\r
3076           expect($animate.tocall(0)).toBe("matrix(0 0 0 0 0 0) scale(0.0)");\r
3077           expect($animate.tocall(1)).toBe("matrix(0 0 0 0 0 0) scale(1.0)");\r
3078           \r
3079           parentNode.appendChild(ele.cloneNode(true));\r
3080           $animate.up("$a").numberOfList = -1;\r
3081           parentNode.__transformList = [];\r
3082           parentNode.setAttribute("transform", "matrix(0 0 0 0 0 0)");\r
3083           $animate.$a.init(parentNode.lastChild);\r
3084           expect($animate.$a.numberOfList).toBe(0);\r
3085           expect($animate.$a.isDefault).toBeTruthy();\r
3086           expect($animate.$a.defaultValue).toBe("matrix(0 0 0 0 0 0)");\r
3087           expect($animate.$a.tocall(0)).toBe("matrix(0 0 0 0 0 0) scale(0.0)");\r
3088           expect($animate.$a.tocall(1)).toBe("matrix(0 0 0 0 0 0) scale(1.0)");\r
3089           $animate.defaultValue = $animate.$a.defaultValue;\r
3090           expect($animate.tocall(0.1)).toBe("matrix(0 0 0 0 0 0) scale(0.1)");\r
3091           \r
3092           ele.removeAttributeNS(null, "additive");\r
3093           ad("replace", "sum", "scale(0.0) translate(0)", "scale(0.0) scale(0.0)",\r
3094            "scale(1.0) scale(0.0)", "scale(1.0) scale(1.0)");\r
3095           ad("sum", "replace", "matrix(0 0 0 0 0 0) scale(0.0)", "scale(0.0)",\r
3096            "scale(0.0)", "scale(1.0)");\r
3097           function ad(first, second, a, b, c, d) {\r
3098             /*子要素を全部消す*/\r
3099             while (parentNode.firstChild) {\r
3100               parentNode.removeChild(parentNode.firstChild);\r
3101             }\r
3102             \r
3103             /*additive属性のreplaceとsumの混合*/\r
3104             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "additive", first);\r
3105             parentNode.appendChild(ele.cloneNode(true));\r
3106             ele.setAttributeNS(null, "additive", second);\r
3107             parentNode.appendChild(ele.cloneNode(true));\r
3108             parentNode.__transformList = [];\r
3109             $animate.numberOfList = -1;\r
3110             parentNode.setAttribute("transform", "matrix(0 0 0 0 0 0)");\r
3111             $animate.up("$first").init(parentNode.firstChild);\r
3112             $animate.up("$second").init(parentNode.lastChild);\r
3113             expect($animate.$first.numberOfList).toBe(0);\r
3114             expect($animate.$second.numberOfList).toBe(1);\r
3115             expect($animate.$first.tocall(0)).toBe(a);\r
3116             expect($animate.$second.tocall(0)).toBe(b);\r
3117             expect($animate.$first.tocall(1)).toBe(c);\r
3118             expect($animate.$second.tocall(1)).toBe(d);\r
3119           };\r
3120         } );\r
3121         /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
3122         it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion )", function() {\r
3123           $animate.init(ele);\r
3124           ele.parentNode.__transformList = null;\r
3125           expect( function () {\r
3126             $animate.tocall(0);\r
3127           } ).toThrow();\r
3128           \r
3129           $animate.numberOfList = -1;\r
3130           $animate.init(ele);\r
3131           $animate.numberOfList = -1;\r
3132           expect( function () {\r
3133             $animate.tocall(0);\r
3134           } ).toThrow();\r
3135         } );\r
3136       } );\r
3137     } );\r
3138     describe("A $motionElement object", function() {\r
3139       describe("An init method", function() {\r
3140         var $animate, ele, frame, p;\r
3141         beforeEach( function() {\r
3142           $animate = base("$calcMode").$attribute.$setElement.$animateElement.$animateTransformElement.$motionElement.up();\r
3143           /*ここでは、データ量を削るため、degitsプロパティを小数点以下1桁に設定*/\r
3144           $animate.degits = 1;\r
3145           p = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");\r
3146           ele = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "animateMotion");\r
3147           p.appendChild(ele);\r
3148           frame = base("$frame");\r
3149           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
3150           frame.startTime = Date.now();\r
3151           frame.setFrame(0);\r
3152         } );\r
3153         afterEach( function() {\r
3154           $animate.numberOfList = -1;\r
3155           delete $animate.element;\r
3156           p.__transformList = null;\r
3157         } );\r
3158         /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
3159         it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
3160           expect($animate.type).toBe("translate");\r
3161           expect($animate.mode).toBe("paced");\r
3162           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "type", "scale");\r
3163           expect($animate.rotate).toBe("0");\r
3164           $animate.init(ele);\r
3165           expect($animate.type).toBe("translate");\r
3166           expect($animate.mode).toBe("paced");\r
3167           expect($animate.rotate).toBe("0");\r
3168           \r
3169           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "values", "0,0;1,0");\r
3170           $animate.up("$a").init(ele);\r
3171           expect($animate.$a.tocall(0)).toBe("translate(0.0,0.0)");\r
3172           expect($animate.$a.tocall(0.5)).toBe("translate(0.5,0.0)");\r
3173           expect($animate.$a.tocall(1)).toBe("translate(1.0,0.0)");\r
3174           \r
3175           var ec = ele.cloneNode(true);\r
3176           p.appendChild(ec);\r
3177           ec.removeAttributeNS(null, "values");\r
3178           ec.setAttributeNS(null, "from", "0,0");\r
3179           ec.setAttributeNS(null, "to", "1,0");\r
3180           $animate.up("$a").init(ec);\r
3181           expect($animate.$a.tocall(0)).toBe("translate(0.0,0.0)");\r
3182           expect($animate.$a.tocall(0.5)).toBe("translate(0.5,0.0)");\r
3183           expect($animate.$a.tocall(1)).toBe("translate(1.0,0.0)");\r
3184         } );\r
3185         /*無効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the invalid partion)*/\r
3186         it("should be this for the value (the invalid partion )", function() {\r
3187           $animate.init();\r
3188         } );\r
3189       } );\r
3190       describe("A hasAttrValues method", function() {\r
3191         var $animate, ele, frame, p;\r
3192         beforeEach( function() {\r
3193           $animate = base("$calcMode").$attribute.$setElement.$animateElement.$animateTransformElement.$motionElement.up();\r
3194           /*ここでは、データ量を削るため、degitsプロパティを小数点以下1桁に設定*/\r
3195           $animate.degits = 1;\r
3196           p = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");\r
3197           ele = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "animateMotion");\r
3198           p.appendChild(ele);\r
3199           frame = base("$frame");\r
3200           frame.timelines.length = 0;\r
3201           frame.startTime = Date.now();\r
3202           frame.setFrame(0);\r
3203         } );\r
3204         afterEach( function() {\r
3205           $animate.numberOfList = -1;\r
3206           delete $animate.element;\r
3207           p.__transformList = null;\r
3208         } );\r
3209         /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
3210         it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
3211                     \r
3212           expect($animate.up("$a").hasAttrValues()).toBeFalsy();\r
3213           $animate.up("$a").init(ele);\r
3214           expect($animate.$a.hasAttrValues()).toBeFalsy();\r
3215           \r
3216           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "path", "M");\r
3217           expect($animate.$a.hasAttrValues()).toBeTruthy();\r
3218           $animate.$animateTransformElement.up("$b").init(ele);\r
3219           expect($animate.$animateTransformElement.$b.hasAttrValues()).toBeFalsy();\r
3220         } );\r
3221       } );\r
3222     } );\r
3223     describe("Event", function() {\r
3224       var $animate, ele, frame, p;\r
3225       beforeEach( function() {\r
3226         \r
3227         $animate = base("$calcMode").$attribute.$setElement.$animateElement.up();\r
3228         p = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");\r
3229         ele = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "animate");\r
3230         p.appendChild(ele);\r
3231         frame = base("$frame");\r
3232         frame.pauseAnimation();\r
3233         frame.timelines.length = 0; //配列の初期化\r
3234         frame.setFrame(0);\r
3235       } );\r
3236       /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
3237       it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
3238         ele.addEventListener("beginEvent", function(evt) {\r
3239           expect(evt.target).toBe(ele);\r
3240         } );\r
3241         var evt = ele.ownerDocument.createEvent("MouseEvents");\r
3242         evt.initMouseEvent("beginEvent",true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false,0, ele);\r
3243         ele.dispatchEvent(evt);\r
3244         \r
3245         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "begin", "mousedown");\r
3246         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "dur", "1s");\r
3247         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "fill");\r
3248         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "freeze");\r
3249         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "from", "rgb(0,0,0)");\r
3250         ele.setAttributeNS(null, "to", "rgb(10,10,1)");\r
3251         $animate.init(ele);\r
3252         $animate.isCSS = false;\r
3253         expect(p.getAttributeNS(null, "fill") || null).toBeNull();\r
3254         evt = ele.ownerDocument.createEvent("MouseEvents");\r
3255         evt.initMouseEvent("beginEvent",true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false,0, ele);\r
3256         p.dispatchEvent(evt);\r
3257         expect(p.getAttributeNS(null, "fill") || null).toBeNull();\r
3258         \r
3259         evt = ele.ownerDocument.createEvent("MouseEvents");\r
3260         evt.initMouseEvent("mousedown",true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false,0, p);\r
3261         frame.setFrame(frame.currentFrame);\r
3262         expect($animate.isEnd).toBeFalsy();\r
3263         p.dispatchEvent(evt);\r
3264         frame.setFrame(frame.currentFrame + 1);\r
3265         frame.setFrame(frame.currentFrame + 24);\r
3266         expect(evt.target.getAttributeNS(null, "fill") || null).toBe("rgb(10, 10, 1)");\r
3267       } );\r
3268     } );\r
3269       describe("a beginElement method and an endElement method", function() {\r
3270         var $animate, ele, frame, p;\r
3271         beforeEach( function() {\r
3272           $animate = base("$calcMode").$attribute.$setElement.$animateElement.up();\r
3273           p = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");\r
3274           ele = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "animate");\r
3275           p.appendChild(ele);\r
3276           frame = base("$frame");\r
3277           frame.timelines.length = 0; //配列の初期化\r
3278           frame.setFrame(0);\r
3279           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "begin", "indefinite");\r
3280           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "dur", "1s");\r
3281           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "dur", "1s");\r
3282           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "attributeName", "fill");\r
3283           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "freeze");\r
3284           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "from", "rgb(0,0,0)");\r
3285           ele.setAttributeNS(null, "to", "rgb(10,10,1)");\r
3286           $animate.init(ele);\r
3287         } );\r
3288         /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis)*/\r
3289         it("should be this for the value  (limit value analysis)", function() {\r
3290           expect(ele.beginElement()).toBeUndefined();\r
3291           var cur = frame.currentFrame,\r
3292               begin = frame.$begin.$1;\r
3293           expect(begin.string).toBe("indefinite");\r
3294           expect(begin.begin).toBe(cur);\r
3295           expect(ele.endElement()).toBeUndefined();\r
3296         } );\r
3297         /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion)*/\r
3298         it("should be this for the value (the valid partion )", function() {\r
3299           ele.addEventListener("beginEvent", function(evt){\r
3300             expect(evt.target.nodeName).toBe("animate");\r
3301           }, false );\r
3302           ele.beginElement();\r
3303         } );\r
3304       });\r
3305     } );\r
3306 } );\r