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[xkeymacs/xkeymacs.git] / xkeymacsdll / Utils.h
1 // Utils.h: interface for the CUtils class.\r
2 //\r
3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r
4 \r
5 #if !defined(AFX_UTILS_H__D64BCD3F_F2E2_41F7_AD58_0F32E2D46942__INCLUDED_)\r
6 #define AFX_UTILS_H__D64BCD3F_F2E2_41F7_AD58_0F32E2D46942__INCLUDED_\r
7 \r
8 #if _MSC_VER > 1000\r
9 #pragma once\r
10 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000\r
11 \r
12 #include "AppName.h"\r
13 \r
14 class AFX_EXT_CLASS CUtils  \r
15 {\r
16 public:\r
17         static bool IsConsole();\r
18         static BOOL GetFindDialogTitle(CString *szDialogTitle);\r
19         static BOOL IsAtok();\r
20         static BOOL IsLunascape();\r
21         static int GetWindowTextType(CString strWindowText);\r
22         static BOOL IsThunderbird();\r
23         static BOOL IsOpenJane();\r
24         static BOOL IsVisualSlickEdit();\r
25         static BOOL IsMSDN();\r
26         static BOOL IsJavaW();\r
27         static BOOL Run(CString szCommandLine, BOOL isWait = FALSE);\r
28         static BOOL IsBorlandCppBuilder();\r
29         static BOOL IsLispWorksPersonalEdition();\r
30         static BOOL IsTeraPad();\r
31         static BOOL IsPHPEditor();\r
32         static BOOL IsFirefox();\r
33         static BOOL IsPdksh();\r
34         static BOOL IsZsh();\r
35         static BOOL IsTcsh();\r
36         static BOOL IsezHTML();\r
37         static BOOL IsIPMessenger();\r
38         static BOOL IsDana();\r
39         static BOOL IsJmEditor();\r
40         static BOOL IsEdLeaf();\r
41         static BOOL IsShuriken();\r
42         static BOOL IsAutla();\r
43         static BOOL OpenClipboard();\r
44         static BOOL IsOedit();\r
45         static BOOL IsTuruKameMail();\r
46         static BOOL IsOpenOffice();\r
47         static BOOL IsAdobeReader();\r
48         static BOOL IsHusen();\r
49         static BOOL IsTOF();\r
50         static BOOL IsEOF();\r
51         static BOOL IsCorelDRAW();\r
52         static BOOL IsNami2000();\r
53         static BOOL IsStoryEditor();\r
54         static BOOL IseMemoPad();\r
55         static BOOL IsCodeWarrior();\r
56         static BOOL IsVisualBasicEditor();\r
57         static BOOL IsEudora();\r
58         static BOOL IsDialog();\r
59         static BOOL IsEclipse();\r
60         static BOOL IsFindDialog();\r
61         static BOOL IsVisualBasic();\r
62         static BOOL IsProject();\r
63         static BOOL IsAccess();\r
64         static BOOL IsVisualStudio();\r
65         static BOOL IsCsh();\r
66         static BOOL IsSh();\r
67         static BOOL IsBash();\r
68         static void Log(LPCTSTR fmt, ...);\r
69         static BOOL IsSleipnir();\r
70         static BOOL IsPaint();\r
71         static BOOL IsReget();\r
72         static BOOL IsMicrosoftPowerPoint();\r
73         static BOOL IsIllustrator();\r
74         static BOOL IsPhotoshop();\r
75         static BOOL IsFlash();\r
76         static BOOL IsDreamweaver();\r
77         static BOOL IsFireworks();\r
78         static BOOL IsExcel();\r
79         static BOOL IsDirector();\r
80         static BOOL IsEggExplorer();\r
81         static BOOL IsK2Editor();\r
82         static BOOL IsDWFM();\r
83         static BOOL IsDefaultIgnoreApplication();\r
84         static BOOL IsXWin();\r
85         static BOOL IsEmacs();\r
86         static BOOL SetClipboardText(const CString& text);\r
87         static BOOL GetClipboardText(CString& text);\r
88         static BOOL IsXyzzy();\r
89         static BOOL IsWordpad();\r
90         static BOOL IsVisualCpp();\r
91         static BOOL IsTeraTermPro();\r
92         static BOOL IsSakuraEditor();\r
93         static BOOL IsOutlookExpress();\r
94         static BOOL IsOutlook();\r
95         static BOOL IsOpera();\r
96         static BOOL IsNotepad();\r
97         static BOOL IsNotepadPP();\r
98         static BOOL IsNetscape();\r
99         static BOOL IsMuleForWin32();\r
100         static BOOL IsMozilla();\r
101         static BOOL IsMicrosoftWord();\r
102         static BOOL IsMicrosoftFrontPage();\r
103         static BOOL IsMeadow();\r
104         static BOOL IsLotusWordPro();\r
105         static BOOL IsLotusNotes();\r
106         static BOOL IsLotus123();\r
107         static BOOL IsInternetExplorer();\r
108         static BOOL IsHidemaru();\r
109         static BOOL IsExplorer();\r
110         static BOOL IsBecky();\r
111         static BOOL IsAstecX();\r
112         static BOOL IsXkeymacs();\r
113         static BOOL IsChrome();\r
114 private:\r
115         static BOOL IsTOForEOF();\r
116 };\r
117 \r
118 #endif // !defined(AFX_UTILS_H__D64BCD3F_F2E2_41F7_AD58_0F32E2D46942__INCLUDED_)\r