# Verify that the software builds on Linux either with English or Japanese # enabled. name: test-linux-build on: push: branches: [ 'macos-develop', 'macos-2-2-1', 'macos-1-6-2' ] pull_request: jobs: english: name: English runs-on: ubuntu-latest env: # This will be passed to all invocations of configure for this test. # Could drop --disable-net if libcurl is installed. DEFAULT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS: --disable-japanese --disable-net steps: - name: Clone Project uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: true # Requires automake and autoconf; install those via apt-get. - name: Install Build Dependencies run: | sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install autoconf automake - name: Build run: | ./bootstrap ./configure ${{ env.DEFAULT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS }} make # Use make distcheck to verify that configure.ac and the Makefile.am # files properly list all the dependencies and that a build outside of # of the source tree works. - name: Distcheck run: | ./bootstrap ./configure ${{ env.DEFAULT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS }} make DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS="${{ env.DEFAULT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS }} --disable-pch" \ distcheck # Unless building 1.6.2; make distcheck will not work with the Japanese # build (the preprocessing to change the source encoding modifies the source # tree) so don't test that for the Japanese build. japanese: name: Japanese runs-on: ubuntu-latest env: # This will be passed to all invocations of configure for this test. DEFAULT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS: --disable-pch steps: - name: Clone Project uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: true # Requires automake, autoconf, and, unless building the 1.6.2 version, # nkf. Hengband 3.0.0 now requires libcurl if not configured with # --disable-net. Install those via apt-get. - name: Install Build Dependencies run: | sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install automake autoconf nkf libcurl4-openssl-dev - name: Build run: | ./bootstrap ./configure ${{ env.DEFAULT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS }} make