dennco project Alpha 1.0 release for linux Date: June 1, 2012 - How to run: 1. Execute It will launch the "dennco engine" application. 2. Press [Choose Dir] button and choose the directory contains the dennco application content. 3. Press [Start] button. The application will be loaded into the engine and start runnig. - A sample containers are provided. They are under Samples/Samples. Following samples are provided: Sample1_SampleCells - demonstrate the functionalities of the cells. Sample2_SimpleStorageCells - demonstrate the persistent storage functionality. Sample3_Arduino1 - demonstrate the serial communication functionality. Arduino uno is expected to be used as the device communicate to. A sketch for arduino is provided under Arduino/sketch1 Sample4_Arduino2_PIDControl - demonstrate the serial communication functionality. This demo controls a motor. Arudino + Motor shield is used. This demo read analog3 input from Arduino and control motor with PID controller. Sample5_SimplePerceptron - A example to implement Perceptron neural network using dennco. To implement the logic. Following URL is referenced.