Class: IntGroup
Parent: Object
Includes: Enumerable


The class IntGroup represents an unordered set of non-negative integers.

Public Class methods

new(arg1, arg2,...)
new(arg1, arg2,...) {|i| ...}

Create a new integer group. If no arguments are given, an empty group is returned. The arguments are either IntGroup, Range, Enumerable, or Numeric. In either case, the non-negative integers included in the arguments are added to the result. If a block is given, the block is called with the each integer in the given arguments, and the integer group consisting with the returned integers is returned.

Public Instance methods

self[index] → Integer or nil

Get the index-th point in self. If the index is out of range, nil is returned.

add(IntGroup) → self

Add the points in the given group.

clear → self

Discard all integers included in self.

convolute(val) → (new)IntGroup

For each element n in self, get the n-th point in val, and return the result as a new group. If n is out of range, then that point is ignored.

See Also: IntGroup#deconvolute. If all points in self are within the range of val, then an equation self.convolute(val).deconvolute(val) == self holds.

deconvolute(val) → (new)IntGroup

For each element n in self, find the point n in val, and return the found indices as a new group. If n is not found in val, then that point is ignored.

See Also: IntGroup#convolute. If all points in self are found in val, then an equation self.deconvolute(val).convolute(val) == self holds.

delete(IntGroup) → self

Remove the points in the given group.

difference(val) → (new)IntGroup
self - val → (new)IntGroup

Returns a difference group.

each {|i| ...}

Call the block with each integer in self.

dup(IntGroup) → (new) IntGroup

(Deep) copy the given IntGroup.

inspect → String
to_s → String

Create a String in the form "IntGroup[...]".

intersection(val) → (new)IntGroup
self & val → (new)IntGroup

Returns an intersection group.

length → Integer
size → Integer

Returns the number of integers included in self.

member?(val) → bool
include?(val) → bool

Check whether the val is included in self.

offset(val) → self

Move all points by an integer value. A negative val is allowed, but it must be no smaller than -(self[0]), otherwise an exception is thrown.

range_at(val) → Range

Split self into consecutive chunks of integers, and return the val-th chunk as a Range. This method is relatively efficient, because it directly uses the internal representation of IntGroup.

sym_difference(val) → (new)IntGroup
self ^ val → (new)IntGroup

Returns a symmetric-difference group (i.e. a group containing elements that are included in either self or val but not both).

union(val) → (new)IntGroup
self + val → (new)IntGroup
self | val → (new)IntGroup

Returns a union group.