using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; namespace FDK { public unsafe class Cxa : SoundDecoder //, IDisposable { //static byte[] FOURCC = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("1DWK"); // KWD1 (little endian) public CWin32.WAVEFORMATEX waveformatex; private string filename; private byte[] srcBuf = null; private short[] pcmbuf = null; //private int nHandle = -1; private bjxa.Decoder bjxa = new bjxa.Decoder(); private bjxa.Format format = null; private FileStream fs; public override int Open(string filename) { this.filename = filename; #region [ Reading XA headers, then store it ] fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); // Need to set FileShare flag, to avoid locking after Closer() format = bjxa.ReadHeader(fs); //string xaid = Encoding.ASCII.GetString( ); #region [ Debug info ] //Debug.WriteLine( "**XAHEADER**" ); //Debug.WriteLine( "id= " + "X8" ) ); //Debug.WriteLine( "nDataLen= " + xaheader.nDataLen.ToString( "X8" ) ); //Debug.WriteLine( "nSamples= " + xaheader.nSamples.ToString( "X8" ) ); //Debug.WriteLine( "nSamplesPerSec= " + xaheader.nSamplesPerSec.ToString( "X4" ) ); //Debug.WriteLine( "nBits= " + xaheader.nBits.ToString( "X2" ) ); //Debug.WriteLine( "nChannels= " + xaheader.nChannels.ToString( "X2" ) ); //Debug.WriteLine( "nLoopPtr= " + xaheader.nLoopPtr.ToString( "X8" ) ); //Debug.WriteLine( "befL[0]= " + xaheader.befL[ 0 ].ToString( "X4" ) ); //Debug.WriteLine( "befL[1]= " + xaheader.befL[ 1 ].ToString( "X4" ) ); //Debug.WriteLine( "befR[0]= " + xaheader.befR[ 0 ].ToString( "X4" ) ); //Debug.WriteLine( "befR[1]= " + xaheader.befR[ 1 ].ToString( "X4" ) ); #endregion #endregion #region [ Getting WAVEFORMEX info ] waveformatex = new CWin32.WAVEFORMATEX(); waveformatex.wFormatTag = (ushort)format.WaveFormatPcm; waveformatex.nChannels = (ushort)format.Channels; waveformatex.nSamplesPerSec = format.SamplesRate; waveformatex.nAvgBytesPerSec = format.WaveByteRate; waveformatex.nBlockAlign = (ushort)format.WaveBlockAlign; waveformatex.wBitsPerSample = (ushort)format.SampleBits; waveformatex.cbSize = 0; #region [ Debug info ] //Debug.WriteLine( "**WAVEFORMATEX**" ); //Debug.WriteLine( "wFormatTag= " + waveformatex.wFormatTag.ToString( "X4" ) ); //Debug.WriteLine( "nChannels = " + waveformatex.nChannels.ToString( "X4" ) ); //Debug.WriteLine( "nSamplesPerSec= " + waveformatex.nSamplesPerSec.ToString( "X8" ) ); //Debug.WriteLine( "nAvgBytesPerSec= " + waveformatex.nAvgBytesPerSec.ToString( "X8" ) ); //Debug.WriteLine( "nBlockAlign= " + waveformatex.nBlockAlign.ToString( "X4" ) ); //Debug.WriteLine( "wBitsPerSample= " + waveformatex.wBitsPerSample.ToString( "X4" ) ); //Debug.WriteLine( "cbSize= " + waveformatex.cbSize.ToString( "X4" ) ); #endregion #endregion return 0x7FFFFFFF; // Anyway, return non-zero value } public override int GetFormat(int nHandle, ref CWin32.WAVEFORMATEX wfx) { #region [ Copying WAVEFORMATEX structure data ] wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec = waveformatex.nAvgBytesPerSec; wfx.wBitsPerSample = waveformatex.wBitsPerSample; wfx.nBlockAlign = waveformatex.nBlockAlign; wfx.nChannels = waveformatex.nChannels; wfx.wFormatTag = waveformatex.wFormatTag; wfx.nSamplesPerSec = waveformatex.nSamplesPerSec; return 0; #endregion } public override uint GetTotalPCMSize(int nHandle) { #region [ Getting PCM length ] uint dlen = (uint)format.DataLengthPcm; #region [ Debug info ] //Debug.WriteLine( "**INTERNAL VALUE**" ); //Debug.WriteLine( "dlen= " + dlen ); #endregion #endregion return dlen; } public override int Seek(int nHandle, uint dwPosition) { return 0; } public override int Decode(int nHandle, IntPtr pDest, uint szDestSize, int bLoop) { #region [ Decodig xa data ] srcBuf = new byte[format.Blocks * format.BlockSizeXa]; pcmbuf = new short[format.Blocks * format.BlockSizePcm]; if (fs.Read(srcBuf, 0, srcBuf.Length) != srcBuf.Length) { string s = Path.GetFileName(filename); throw new Exception( $"Failed to load xa data: {s}"); } int ret = bjxa.Decode(srcBuf, pcmbuf, out long pcmBufLength); Marshal.Copy(pcmbuf, 0, pDest, (int)format.DataLengthPcm/2); #region [ alternative copy way ] // if you can't use Marshal.Copy, try this. //unsafe //{ // short* pWavBuf = (short*)pDest; // for (int i = 0; i < format.DataLengthPcm/2; i++) // { // *pWavBuf++ = pcmbuf[i]; // } //} #endregion //string shortpath = Path.GetFileName(filename); //Trace.TraceInformation($"libbjxa: decode succeeded: {shortpath} = {szDestSize}"); //SaveWav(filename); pcmbuf = null; #region [ Debug info ] //Debug.WriteLine( "**XASTREAMHEADER**" ); //Debug.WriteLine( "nSrcLen= " + xastreamheader.nSrcLen ); //Debug.WriteLine( "nSrcUsed= " + xastreamheader.nSrcUsed ); //Debug.WriteLine( "nDstLen= " + xastreamheader.nDstLen ); //Debug.WriteLine( "nDstUsed= " + xastreamheader.nDstUsed ); #endregion #endregion return 0; } public override void Close(int nHandle) { srcBuf = null; fs.Close(); } private void SaveWav(string filename) { long _TotalPCMSize = (uint)format.DataLengthPcm; CWin32.WAVEFORMATEX _wfx = waveformatex; string outfile = Path.GetFileName(filename); var fs2 = new FileStream(outfile + ".wav", FileMode.Create); var st = new BinaryWriter(fs2); st.Write(new byte[] { 0x52, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46 }, 0, 4); // 'RIFF' st.Write((int)_TotalPCMSize + 44 - 8); // filesize - 8 [byte];今は不明なので後で上書きする。 st.Write(new byte[] { 0x57, 0x41, 0x56, 0x45 }, 0, 4); // 'WAVE' st.Write(new byte[] { 0x66, 0x6D, 0x74, 0x20 }, 0, 4); // 'fmt ' st.Write(new byte[] { 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 4); // chunk size 16bytes st.Write(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 }, 0, 2); // formatTag 0001 PCM st.Write((short)_wfx.nChannels); // channels st.Write((int)_wfx.nSamplesPerSec); // samples per sec st.Write((int)_wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec); // avg bytesper sec st.Write((short)_wfx.nBlockAlign); // blockalign = 16bit * mono/stereo st.Write((short)_wfx.wBitsPerSample); // bitspersample = 16bits st.Write(new byte[] { 0x64, 0x61, 0x74, 0x61 }, 0, 4); // 'data' st.Write((int)_TotalPCMSize); // datasize //var pcmbuf = new short[format.Blocks * format.BlockSizePcm]; //if (fs.Read(srcBuf, 0, srcBuf.Length) != srcBuf.Length) //{ // string s = Path.GetFileName(filename); // throw new Exception($"Failed to load xa data: {s}"); //} //int ret = bjxa.Decode(srcBuf, pcmbuf, out long pcmBufLength); int shortsize = (int)(format.Blocks * format.BlockSizePcm); var pcmbuf_bytes = new byte[shortsize * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < shortsize; i++) { var b = BitConverter.GetBytes(pcmbuf[i]); pcmbuf_bytes[i * 2] = b[0]; pcmbuf_bytes[i * 2 + 1] = b[1]; } st.Write(pcmbuf_bytes); Trace.TraceInformation($"wrote ({outfile}.wav) " + fs2.Length); st.Dispose(); fs2.Dispose(); } #region [ IDisposable implementatitons ] //----------------- private bool bDisposed = false; // Public implementation of Dispose pattern callable by consumers. public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } // Protected implementation of Dispose pattern. protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (this.bDisposed) return; if (srcBuf != null) srcBuf = null; if (bjxa != null) bjxa = null; if (disposing) { fs.Dispose(); } this.bDisposed = true; } //----------------- #endregion } }