## This is a directory/file filter for WinMerge ## This filter suppresses various binaries found in Visual C++ source trees name: Visual C++ loose desc: Suppresses various binaries found in Visual C++ source trees ## This is an inclusive (loose) filter ## (it lets through everything not specified) def: include ## Filters for filenames begin with f: ## Filters for directories begin with d: ## (Inline comments begin with " ##" and extend to the end of the line) f: \.aps$ ## VC Binary version of resource file, for quick loading f: \.bsc$ ## VC Browser database f: \.clw$ ## VC class-wizard status file f: \.dll$ ## Windows DLL f: \.exe$ ## Windows/DOS executable f: \.exp$ ## VC library export file f: ^BuildLog.htm$ ## VC build log file f: ^vc\d+\.idb$ ## VC Minimal rebuild dependency file f: \.ilk$ ## VC incremental linker memory file f: \.lib$ ## compiled libraries f: \.ncb$ ## VC parser information file (class view & component gallery stuff) f: \.obj$ ## VC object module file f: \.pch$ ## VC precompiled header file f: \.pdb$ ## VC program database file (debugging symbolic information) f: \.sbr$ ## VC source browser file (used to create bsc file) f: \.res$ ## VC compiled resources file (output of RC [resource compiler]) f: \.suo$ ## VC options file (binary) f: \.ncb$ ## VC Intellisense file f: \.opt$ ## VC project options file f: \.bak$ ## backup f: \.sdf$ ## SQL Server Compact Edition Database File f: \.VC.db$ ## VS Solution Database File f: \.idb$ ## VC Rebuild Dependency Information d: \\\.svn$ ## Subversion working copy d: \\_svn$ ## Subversion working copy ASP.NET Hack d: \\cvs$ ## CVS control directory d: \\\.git$ ## Git directory d: \\\.bzr$ ## Bazaar branch d: \\\.hg$ ## Mercurial repository d: \\\.vs$ ## A hidden folder that stores .suo and *.db files d: \\ipch$ ## Intellisense cache for precompiled header file