## This is a directory/file filter for WinMerge ## This filter lets through only files ASP.NET developers care about name: Exclude Source Control desc: Exclude Source Control files and directories ## This is an inclusive (loose) filter ## (it lets through everything not specified) def: include ## Filters for filenames begin with f: ## Filters for directories begin with d: ## (Inline comments begin with " ##" and extend to the end of the line) ## f: \.bzrignore$ ## Bazaar ignore file ## f: \.cvsignore$ ## CVS ignore file ## f: \.gitignore$ ## Git ignore file ## f: \.hgignore$ ## Mercurial ignore file ## f: \.svnignore$ ## Subversion ignore file f: \.(vs[sp])?scc$ ## Visual SourceSafe files d: \\\.svn$ ## Subversion working copy d: \\_svn$ ## Subversion working copy ASP.NET Hack d: \\cvs$ ## CVS control directory d: \\\.git$ ## Git directory d: \\\.bzr$ ## Bazaar branch d: \\\.hg$ ## Mercurial repository