// // ScreenshotListViewController.swift // KCD // // Created by Hori,Masaki on 2016/12/30. // Copyright © 2016年 Hori,Masaki. All rights reserved. // import Cocoa extension NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier { static let item = NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier("item") } final class ScreenshotListViewController: NSViewController { private static let maxImageSize = 800.0 private static let leftMergin = 8.0 + 1.0 private static let rightMergin = 8.0 + 1.0 var screenshots: ScreenshotModel = ScreenshotModel() @IBOutlet var screenshotsController: NSArrayController! @IBOutlet weak var collectionView: NSCollectionView! private var selectionObservation: NSKeyValueObservation? @objc dynamic var zoom: Double = UserDefaults.standard[.screenshotPreviewZoomValue] { didSet { collectionView.reloadData() UserDefaults.standard[.screenshotPreviewZoomValue] = zoom } } @objc dynamic var maxZoom: Double = 1.0 private var collectionVisibleDidChangeHandler: ((Set) -> Void)? private var reloadHandler: (() -> Void)? private var collectionSelectionDidChangeHandler: ((Int) -> Void)? private(set) var inLiveScrolling = false private var arrangedInformations: [ScreenshotInformation] { return screenshotsController.arrangedObjects as? [ScreenshotInformation] ?? [] } private var selectionInformations: [ScreenshotInformation] { return screenshotsController.selectedObjects as? [ScreenshotInformation] ?? [] } private var dirName: String { guard let name = Bundle.main.localizedInfoDictionary?["CFBundleName"] as? String, !name.isEmpty else { return "KCD" } return name } private var screenshotSaveDirectoryURL: URL { let parentURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: AppDelegate.shared.screenShotSaveDirectory) let url = parentURL.appendingPathComponent(dirName) let fm = FileManager.default var isDir: ObjCBool = false do { if !fm.fileExists(atPath: url.path, isDirectory: &isDir) { try fm.createDirectory(at: url, withIntermediateDirectories: false) } else if !isDir.boolValue { print("\(url) is regular file, not direcory.") return parentURL } } catch { print("Can not create screenshot save directory.") return parentURL } return url } var indexPathsOfItemsBeingDragged: Set? // MARK: - Function override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let nib = NSNib(nibNamed: ScreenshotCollectionViewItem.nibName, bundle: nil) collectionView.register(nib, forItemWithIdentifier: .item) screenshots.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(key: #keyPath(ScreenshotInformation.creationDate), ascending: false)] selectionObservation = collectionView.observe(\NSCollectionView.selectionIndexPaths) { [weak self] (_, _) in guard let `self` = self else { return } let selections = self.collectionView.selectionIndexPaths let selectionIndexes = selections.reduce(into: IndexSet()) { $0.insert($1.item) } self.screenshots.selectedIndexes = selectionIndexes selectionIndexes.first.map { self.collectionSelectionDidChangeHandler?($0) } } collectionView.postsFrameChangedNotifications = true let nc = NotificationCenter.default let scrollView = collectionView.enclosingScrollView nc.addObserver(forName: NSView.frameDidChangeNotification, object: collectionView, queue: nil, using: viewFrameDidChange) nc.addObserver(forName: NSScrollView.didLiveScrollNotification, object: collectionView.enclosingScrollView, queue: nil) { _ in let visibleItems = self.collectionView.indexPathsForVisibleItems() self.collectionVisibleDidChangeHandler?(visibleItems) } nc.addObserver(forName: NSScrollView.willStartLiveScrollNotification, object: scrollView, queue: nil) { _ in self.inLiveScrolling = true } nc.addObserver(forName: NSScrollView.didEndLiveScrollNotification, object: scrollView, queue: nil) { _ in self.inLiveScrolling = false } collectionView.setDraggingSourceOperationMask([.move, .copy, .delete], forLocal: false) viewFrameDidChange(nil) DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.0001, execute: self.reloadData) } override func prepare(for segue: NSStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) { guard let vc = segue.destinationController as? NSViewController else { return } vc.representedObject = screenshots } func registerImage(_ image: NSImage?) { image?.tiffRepresentation .flatMap { NSBitmapImageRep(data: $0) } .map { registerScreenshot($0, fromOnScreen: .zero) } } func registerScreenshot(_ image: NSBitmapImageRep, fromOnScreen: NSRect) { let register = ScreenshotRegister(screenshotSaveDirectoryURL) register.registerScreenshot(image, name: dirName) { url in let info = ScreenshotInformation(url: url) self.screenshotsController.insert(info, atArrangedObjectIndex: 0) let set: Set = [NSIndexPath(forItem: 0, inSection: 0) as IndexPath] self.collectionView.selectionIndexPaths = set self.collectionView.scrollToItems(at: set, scrollPosition: .nearestHorizontalEdge) if UserDefaults.standard[.showsListWindowAtScreenshot] { self.view.window?.makeKeyAndOrderFront(nil) } } } func viewFrameDidChange(_ notification: Notification?) { maxZoom = calcMaxZoom() if zoom > maxZoom { zoom = maxZoom } } /// 画像の大きさの変化が自然になるようにzoom値から画像サイズを計算 private func sizeFrom(zoom: Double) -> CGFloat { if zoom < 0.5 { return CGFloat(type(of: self).maxImageSize * zoom * 0.6) } return CGFloat(type(of: self).maxImageSize * (0.8 * zoom * zoom * zoom + 0.2)) } /// ビューの幅に合わせたzoomの最大値を計算 private func calcMaxZoom() -> Double { let effectiveWidth = Double(collectionView.frame.size.width) - type(of: self).leftMergin - type(of: self).rightMergin if effectiveWidth < 240 { return effectiveWidth / type(of: self).maxImageSize / 0.6 } if effectiveWidth > 800 { return 1.0 } return pow((effectiveWidth / type(of: self).maxImageSize - 0.2) / 0.8, 1.0 / 3.0) } private func reloadData() { Promise<[ScreenshotInformation]>() .complete { Result(ScreenshotLoader(self.screenshotSaveDirectoryURL).merge(screenshots: [])) } .future .onSuccess { screenshots in DispatchQueue.main.async { self.screenshots.screenshots = screenshots self.collectionView.selectionIndexPaths = [NSIndexPath(forItem: 0, inSection: 0) as IndexPath] self.reloadHandler?() } } } } // MARK: - IBAction extension ScreenshotListViewController { @IBAction func reloadContent(_ sender: AnyObject?) { reloadData() } @IBAction func reloadData(_ sender: AnyObject?) { reloadData() } private func moveToTrash(_ urls: [URL]) { let list = urls.map { $0.path } .map { "(\"\($0)\" as POSIX file)" } .joined(separator: " , ") let script = "tell application \"Finder\"\n" + " delete { \(list) }\n" + "end tell" guard let aps = NSAppleScript(source: script) else { return } aps.executeAndReturnError(nil) } @IBAction func delete(_ sender: AnyObject?) { let selectionURLs = selectionInformations.map { $0.url } let selectionIndexes = screenshotsController.selectionIndexes screenshotsController.remove(atArrangedObjectIndexes: selectionIndexes) reloadHandler?() guard var index = selectionIndexes.first else { return } if arrangedInformations.count <= index { index = arrangedInformations.count - 1 } collectionView.selectionIndexPaths = [NSIndexPath(forItem: index, inSection: 0) as IndexPath] moveToTrash(selectionURLs) } @IBAction func revealInFinder(_ sender: AnyObject?) { let urls = selectionInformations.map { $0.url } NSWorkspace.shared.activateFileViewerSelecting(urls) } } extension ScreenshotListViewController: NSCollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout { func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: NSCollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> NSSize { let size = sizeFrom(zoom: zoom) return NSSize(width: size, height: size) } // Drag and Drop func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView, canDragItemsAt indexPaths: Set, with event: NSEvent) -> Bool { return true } func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView, pasteboardWriterForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> NSPasteboardWriting? { return arrangedInformations[indexPath.item].url.absoluteURL as NSURL } func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView, draggingSession session: NSDraggingSession, willBeginAt screenPoint: NSPoint, forItemsAt indexPaths: Set) { indexPathsOfItemsBeingDragged = indexPaths } func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView, draggingSession session: NSDraggingSession, endedAt screenPoint: NSPoint, dragOperation operation: NSDragOperation) { defer { indexPathsOfItemsBeingDragged = nil } guard let dragged = indexPathsOfItemsBeingDragged else { return } guard operation.contains(.move) || operation.contains(.delete) else { return } var indexes = IndexSet() dragged.forEach { indexes.insert($0.item) } screenshotsController.remove(atArrangedObjectIndexes: indexes) } } @available(OSX 10.12.2, *) private var kTouchBars: [Int: NSTouchBar] = [:] @available(OSX 10.12.2, *) private var kScrubbers: [Int: NSScrubber] = [:] @available(OSX 10.12.2, *) private var kPickers: [Int: NSSharingServicePickerTouchBarItem] = [:] @available(OSX 10.12.2, *) extension ScreenshotListViewController: NSTouchBarDelegate { static let ServicesItemIdentifier: NSTouchBarItem.Identifier = NSTouchBarItem.Identifier(rawValue: "com.masakih.sharingTouchBarItem") @IBOutlet var screenshotTouchBar: NSTouchBar! { get { return kTouchBars[hashValue] } set { kTouchBars[hashValue] = newValue } } @IBOutlet var scrubber: NSScrubber! { get { return kScrubbers[hashValue] } set { kScrubbers[hashValue] = newValue } } @IBOutlet var sharingItem: NSSharingServicePickerTouchBarItem! { get { return kPickers[hashValue] } set { kPickers[hashValue] = newValue } } override func makeTouchBar() -> NSTouchBar? { Bundle.main.loadNibNamed(NSNib.Name("ScreenshotTouchBar"), owner: self, topLevelObjects: nil) let identifiers = self.screenshotTouchBar.defaultItemIdentifiers + [type(of: self).ServicesItemIdentifier] screenshotTouchBar.defaultItemIdentifiers = identifiers if collectionVisibleDidChangeHandler == nil { collectionVisibleDidChangeHandler = { [weak self] in guard let `self` = self else { return } guard let index = $0.first else { return } let middle = index.item + $0.count / 2 if middle < self.arrangedInformations.count - 1 { self.scrubber.scrollItem(at: middle, to: .none) } } } if collectionSelectionDidChangeHandler == nil { collectionSelectionDidChangeHandler = { [weak self] in self?.scrubber.selectedIndex = $0 } } if reloadHandler == nil { reloadHandler = { [weak self] in self?.scrubber.reloadData() } } return screenshotTouchBar } func touchBar(_ touchBar: NSTouchBar, makeItemForIdentifier identifier: NSTouchBarItem.Identifier) -> NSTouchBarItem? { guard identifier == type(of: self).ServicesItemIdentifier else { return nil } if sharingItem == nil { sharingItem = NSSharingServicePickerTouchBarItem(identifier: identifier) if let w = view.window?.windowController as? NSSharingServicePickerTouchBarItemDelegate { sharingItem.delegate = w } } return sharingItem } } @available(OSX 10.12.2, *) extension ScreenshotListViewController: NSScrubberDataSource, NSScrubberDelegate { func numberOfItems(for scrubber: NSScrubber) -> Int { return arrangedInformations.count } func scrubber(_ scrubber: NSScrubber, viewForItemAt index: Int) -> NSScrubberItemView { guard case 0..