// Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Kazuhiro Fujieda // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Xml.Serialization; namespace KancolleSniffer { public class ProxyConfig { public const int DefaultListenPort = 8080; public bool Auto { get; set; } public int Listen { get; set; } public bool UseUpstream { get; set; } public int UpstreamPort { get; set; } public ProxyConfig() { Auto = true; Listen = DefaultListenPort; UseUpstream = false; UpstreamPort = 8888; } } public class ShipListConfig { public bool Visible { get; set; } public Point Location { get; set; } public Size Size { get; set; } public string Mode { get; set; } public bool ShipType { get; set; } public bool ShowHpInPercent { get; set; } public ListForm.SortOrder SortOrder { get; set; } = ListForm.SortOrder.ExpToNext; public List> ShipGroup { get; set; } public ShipListConfig() { Location = new Point(int.MinValue, int.MinValue); ShipGroup = new List>(); } } public class LogConfig { public bool On { get; set; } public string OutputDir { get; set; } public int MaterialLogInterval { get; set; } public LogConfig() { On = true; OutputDir = ""; MaterialLogInterval = 10; } } public class KancolleDbConfig { public bool On { get; set; } public string Token { get; set; } = ""; } public class PushbulletConfig { public bool On { get; set; } public string Token { get; set; } = ""; } public class PushoverConfig { public bool On { get; set; } public string ApiKey { get; set; } = ""; public string UserKey { get; set; } = ""; } public class SoundConfig { public int Volume { get; set; } = 100; public string[] Files { get; set; } = { "ensei.mp3", "nyuukyo.mp3", "kenzou.mp3", "kanmusu.mp3", "soubi.mp3", "taiha.mp3", "20min.mp3", "syuuri.mp3", "syuuri2.mp3", "hirou.mp3" }; public string this[string name] { get => Files[Config.NotificationIndex[name]]; set => Files[Config.NotificationIndex[name]] = value; } } [Flags] public enum NotificationType { FlashWindow = 1, ShowBaloonTip = 1 << 1, PlaySound = 1 << 2, All = (1 << 3) - 1, Pushbullet = 1 << 3, Push = 1 << 4, Repeat = 1 << 5 } public class NotificationSpec { public string Name { get; set; } public NotificationType Flags { get; set; } public int RepeatInterval { get; set; } } public class NotificationConfig { public NotificationType[] Settings = Config.NotificationNames.Select(x => NotificationType.All).ToArray(); public int[] RepeatIntervals = Config.NotificationNames.Select(x => 0).ToArray(); public NotificationSpec this[string name] { get => new NotificationSpec { Name = name, Flags = Settings[Config.NotificationIndex[name]], RepeatInterval = RepeatIntervals[Config.NotificationIndex[name]] }; set { Settings[Config.NotificationIndex[name]] = value.Flags; RepeatIntervals[Config.NotificationIndex[name]] = value.RepeatInterval; } } } public class LocationPerMachine { public string MachineName { get; set; } public Point Location { get; set; } public int Zoom { get; set; } = 100; public Point ListLocation { get; set; } public Size ListSize { get; set; } } public class Config { private readonly string _baseDir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; private readonly string _configFileName; public Point Location { get; set; } = new Point(int.MinValue, int.MinValue); public bool TopMost { get; set; } public bool HideOnMinimized { get; set; } public bool ExitSilently { get; set; } public int Zoom { get; set; } = 100; public bool SaveLocationPerMachine { get; set; } public List LocationList { get; set; } = new List(); public bool ShowHpInPercent { get; set; } public bool FlashWindow { get; set; } = true; public bool ShowBaloonTip { get; set; } = true; public bool PlaySound { get; set; } = true; public NotificationType NotificationFlags { get; set; } = NotificationType.All; public NotificationConfig Notifications { get; set; } = new NotificationConfig(); public int MarginShips { get; set; } = 4; public int MarginEquips { get; set; } = 10; public List NotifyConditions { get; set; } public List ResetHours { get; set; } public bool AlwaysShowResultRank { get; set; } public bool UsePresetAkashi { get; set; } public SoundConfig Sounds { get; set; } = new SoundConfig(); public bool DebugLogging { get; set; } public string DebugLogFile { get; set; } = "log.txt"; public ProxyConfig Proxy { get; set; } = new ProxyConfig(); public ShipListConfig ShipList { get; set; } = new ShipListConfig(); public LogConfig Log { get; set; } = new LogConfig(); public KancolleDbConfig KancolleDb { get; set; } = new KancolleDbConfig(); public PushbulletConfig Pushbullet { get; set; } = new PushbulletConfig(); public PushoverConfig Pushover { get; set; } = new PushoverConfig(); public static readonly string[] NotificationNames = { "遠征終了", "入渠終了", "建造完了", "艦娘数超過", "装備数超過", "大破警告", "泊地修理20分経過", "泊地修理進行", "泊地修理完了", "疲労回復" }; public static readonly Dictionary NotificationIndex = NotificationNames.Select((name, i) => new {name, i}).ToDictionary(entry => entry.name, entry => entry.i); public Config() { _configFileName = Path.Combine(_baseDir, "config.xml"); ConvertPath(PrependBaseDir); } public void InitializeValues() { NotifyConditions = new List(new[] {40, 49}); ResetHours = new List(new[] {2}); } public void Load() { try { var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Config)); Config config; using (var file = File.OpenText(_configFileName)) config = (Config)serializer.Deserialize(file); foreach (var property in GetType().GetProperties()) property.SetValue(this, property.GetValue(config, null), null); var ns = Notifications.Settings; for (var i = 0; i < ns.Length; i++) { if ((ns[i] & NotificationType.Pushbullet) != 0) ns[i] = ns[i] ^ NotificationType.Pushbullet | NotificationType.Push; } ComposeNotificationFlags(); if (SaveLocationPerMachine) { foreach (var l in LocationList) { if (l.MachineName != Environment.MachineName) continue; Location = l.Location; Zoom = l.Zoom; ShipList.Location = l.ListLocation; ShipList.Size = l.ListSize; } } } catch (FileNotFoundException) { InitializeValues(); Save(); } ConvertPath(PrependBaseDir); } private void ComposeNotificationFlags() { NotificationFlags = (NotificationFlags & ~NotificationType.All) | (FlashWindow ? NotificationType.FlashWindow : 0) | (ShowBaloonTip ? NotificationType.ShowBaloonTip : 0) | (PlaySound ? NotificationType.PlaySound : 0); } public void Save() { if (SaveLocationPerMachine) { LocationList = LocationList.Where(l => l.MachineName != Environment.MachineName).ToList(); LocationList.Add(new LocationPerMachine { MachineName = Environment.MachineName, Location = Location, Zoom = Zoom, ListLocation = ShipList.Location, ListSize = ShipList.Size }); } else { LocationList = new List(); } DecomposeNotificationFlags(); ConvertPath(StripBaseDir); var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Config)); using (var file = File.CreateText(_configFileName)) serializer.Serialize(file, this); } private void DecomposeNotificationFlags() { FlashWindow = (NotificationFlags & NotificationType.FlashWindow) != 0; ShowBaloonTip = (NotificationFlags & NotificationType.ShowBaloonTip) != 0; PlaySound = (NotificationFlags & NotificationType.PlaySound) != 0; } private void ConvertPath(Func func) { DebugLogFile = func(DebugLogFile); Log.OutputDir = func(Log.OutputDir); for (var i = 0; i < Sounds.Files.Length; i++) Sounds.Files[i] = func(Sounds.Files[i]); } private string StripBaseDir(string path) { if (!path.StartsWith(_baseDir)) return path; path = path.Substring(_baseDir.Length); return path.StartsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()) ? path.Substring(1) : path; } private string PrependBaseDir(string path) => Path.IsPathRooted(path) ? path : Path.Combine(_baseDir, path); } }