// Copyright (C) 2015 Kazuhiro Fujieda // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace KancolleSniffer { public class FleetPanel : Panel { private const int LineHeight = 14; private const int LabelHeight = 12; private Record[] _table; private readonly List _labelList = new List(); private readonly List _panelList = new List(); private readonly ResizableToolTip _toolTip = new ResizableToolTip {ShowAlways = true, AutoPopDelay = 10000}; private class Record { public string Fleet { get; set; } public string Fleet2 { get; set; } public string Ship { get; set; } public string Ship2 { get; set; } public int Id { get; set; } public string Equip { get; set; } public Color Color { get; set; } public string Spec { get; set; } public string Spec2 { get; set; } public string AircraftSpec { get; set; } public Record() { Fleet = Ship = Equip = AircraftSpec = ""; Color = DefaultBackColor; } } public void Update(Sniffer sniffer) { CreateTable(sniffer); SuspendLayout(); CreateLabels(); SetRecords(); ResumeLayout(); } private class Total { public int Drum; public int DrumShips; public int Level; public int FirePower; public int AntiSubmarine; public int AntiAir; public int LoS; public int Fuel; public int Bull; public void Add(ShipStatus s) { var drum = s.Slot.Count(item => item.Spec.Name == "ドラム缶(輸送用)"); DrumShips += drum != 0 ? 1 : 0; Drum += drum; Level += s.Level; FirePower += s.Firepower; AntiSubmarine += s.MissionAntiSubmarine; AntiAir += s.AntiAir; LoS += s.LoS; Fuel += s.EffectiveFuelMax; Bull += s.EffectiveBullMax; } } private void CreateTable(Sniffer sniffer) { var list = new List(); var fn = new[] {"第一", "第二", "第三", "第四"}; for (var f = 0; f < fn.Length; f++) { var total = new Total(); var ships = new List(); foreach (var s in sniffer.GetShipStatuses(f)) { var equips = new List(); for (var i = 0; i < s.Slot.Length; i++) { var item = s.Slot[i]; var onslot = s.OnSlot[i]; var max = s.Spec.MaxEq[i]; if (item.Id == -1) continue; var airspec = ""; if (item.Spec.IsDiveBomber) // 爆撃 { airspec = "航空戦 " + (25 + (int)((item.Spec.Bomber + item.BomberLevelBonus) * Math.Sqrt(onslot))); } else if (item.Spec.IsTorpedoBomber) { var normal = 25 + item.Spec.Torpedo * Math.Sqrt(onslot); airspec = "航空戦 " + (int)(normal * 0.8) + "/" + (int)(normal * 1.5); } equips.Add(new Record { Equip = GenEquipString(item), Spec = item.Spec.IsAircraft ? $"+{item.Alv} {onslot}/{max}" : "", AircraftSpec = airspec, Color = item.Spec.Color }); } if (s.SlotEx.Id > 0) { var item = s.SlotEx; equips.Add(new Record {Equip = GenEquipString(item), Color = item.Spec.Color}); } total.Add(s); var fire = s.EffectiveFirepower; var subm = s.EffectiveAntiSubmarine; var torp = s.EffectiveTorpedo; var night = s.NightBattlePower; var oasa = s.CanOpeningAntiSubmarineAttack ? "*" : ""; var ship = new Record { Ship = (s.Escaped ? "[避]" : "") + s.Name + " Lv" + s.Level, Ship2 = $"燃{s.EffectiveFuelMax} 弾{s.EffectiveBullMax}", Id = s.Id, Spec = HideIfZero("砲", fire) + HideIfZero(" 潜", subm) + oasa, Spec2 = (HideIfZero("雷", torp) + HideIfZero(" 夜", night)).TrimStart(' ') }; if (ship.Spec == "") { ship.Spec = ship.Spec2; ship.Spec2 = ""; } ships.Add(ship); ships.AddRange(equips); } var daihatsu = sniffer.GetDaihatsuBonus(f); var tp = sniffer.GetTransportPoint(f); if (sniffer.CombinedFleetType != 0 && f == 0) tp += sniffer.GetTransportPoint(1); list.Add(new Record { Fleet = fn[f] + HideIfZero(" Lv", total.Level) + HideIfZero(" ドラム缶", total.Drum) + HideIfZero("(", total.DrumShips, "隻)") + HideIfZero(" 大発", daihatsu * 100, "%"), Fleet2 = "計:" + "火" + CutOverFlow(total.FirePower) + " 空" + CutOverFlow(total.AntiAir) + " 潜" + CutOverFlow(total.AntiSubmarine) + " 索" + CutOverFlow(total.LoS) + "\r\n" + $"戦闘:燃{total.Fuel / 5}弾{total.Bull / 5} 支援:燃{total.Fuel / 2}弾{(int)(total.Bull * 0.8)}" + (sniffer.CombinedFleetType != 0 && f == 1 ? "" : $"\r\nTP:S{(int)tp} A{(int)(tp * 0.7)}") }); list.AddRange(ships); } if (sniffer.BaseAirCorps != null) { var name = new[] {"第一", "第二", "第三"}; foreach (var baseInfo in sniffer.BaseAirCorps) { list.Add(new Record {Fleet = baseInfo.AreaName + " 基地航空隊"}); var i = 0; foreach (var airCorps in baseInfo.AirCorps) { if (i >= name.Length) break; var corpsFp = airCorps.FighterPower; string spec; string spec2; if (airCorps.Action == 2) { spec = "制空:" + RangeString(corpsFp.Interception); spec2 = corpsFp.IsInterceptor ? "制空(出撃):" + RangeString(corpsFp.AirCombat) : ""; } else { spec = "制空:" + RangeString(corpsFp.AirCombat); spec2 = corpsFp.IsInterceptor ? "制空(防空):" + RangeString(corpsFp.Interception) : ""; } var cost = airCorps.CostForSortie; list.Add(new Record { Ship = name[i++] + " " + airCorps.ActionName, Ship2 = $"出撃コスト:燃{cost[0]}弾{cost[1]}", Spec = spec + " 距離:" + airCorps.Distance, Spec2 = spec2 }); list.AddRange(airCorps.Planes.Select(plane => { var planeFp = plane.FighterPower; return new Record { Equip = plane.State != 1 ? plane.StateName : GenEquipString(plane.Slot), Spec = plane.State != 1 ? "" : $"+{plane.Slot.Alv} {plane.Count}/{plane.MaxCount}", AircraftSpec = $"距離:{plane.Slot.Spec.Distance} 制空:{RangeString(planeFp.AirCombat)}" + (planeFp.IsInterceptor ? $" 防空:{RangeString(planeFp.Interception)}" : ""), Color = plane.Slot.Spec.Color }; })); } } } _table = list.ToArray(); } private string RangeString(int[] fp) => fp[0] == fp[1] ? fp[0].ToString() : $"{fp[0]}~{fp[1]}"; private int CutOverFlow(int value) => value > 999 ? 999 : value; private string HideIfZero(string name, double value, string suffix = "") { return value > 0 ? name + value.ToString("f1") + suffix : ""; } private string HideIfZero(string name, int value, string suffix = "") { return value > 0 ? name + value + suffix : ""; } private string GenEquipString(ItemStatus item) { var name = item.Spec.Name; var attr = item.Level == 0 ? "" : "★" + item.Level; var proposed = new Size(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue); var maxWidth = item.Spec.IsAircraft ? 132 : 180; var result = name + attr; if (TextRenderer.MeasureText(result, Font, proposed).Width <= maxWidth) return result; var truncated = ""; foreach (var ch in name) { var tmp = truncated + ch; if (TextRenderer.MeasureText(tmp + attr, Font, proposed).Width > maxWidth) break; truncated = tmp; } return truncated + attr; } private void CreateLabels() { for (var i = _labelList.Count; i < _table.Length; i++) CreateLabels(i); } private class FleetLabels : IEnumerable { public ShipLabel Fleet { get; set; } public ShipLabel Name { get; set; } public ShipLabel Equip { get; set; } public ShipLabel EquipColor { get; set; } public ShipLabel Spec { get; set; } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() => ((IEnumerable)new[] {Fleet, Name, Equip, EquipColor, Spec}).GetEnumerator(); IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator(); } private void CreateLabels(int i) { var y = 1 + LineHeight * i; var lbp = new Panel { Location = new Point(0, y), Size = new Size(ListForm.PanelWidth, LineHeight), BackColor = ShipLabel.ColumnColors[(i + 1) % 2], Visible = false }; lbp.Scale(ShipLabel.ScaleFactor); lbp.Tag = lbp.Location.Y; var labels = new FleetLabels { Fleet = new ShipLabel {Location = new Point(1, 2), AutoSize = true}, Name = new ShipLabel {Location = new Point(10, 2), AutoSize = true}, Equip = new ShipLabel {Location = new Point(38, 2), AutoSize = true}, EquipColor = new ShipLabel {Location = new Point(35, 2), Size = new Size(4, LabelHeight - 2)}, Spec = new ShipLabel {Location = new Point(217, 2), AutoSize = true, AnchorRight = true} }; _labelList.Add(labels); _panelList.Add(lbp); lbp.Controls.AddRange(labels.Cast().ToArray()); Controls.Add(lbp); foreach (var label in labels) { label.Scale(); label.PresetColor = label.BackColor = ShipLabel.ColumnColors[(i + 1) % 2]; } } private void SetRecords() { for (var i = 0; i < _table.Length; i++) SetRecord(i); for (var i = _table.Length; i < _labelList.Count; i++) _panelList[i].Visible = false; } private void SetRecord(int i) { var lbp = _panelList[i]; if (!lbp.Visible) lbp.Location = new Point(lbp.Left, (int)lbp.Tag + AutoScrollPosition.Y); var e = _table[i]; var labels = _labelList[i]; labels.Fleet.Text = e.Fleet; labels.Name.SetName(e.Ship); if (e.Ship2 != "") _toolTip.SetToolTip(labels.Name, e.Ship2); labels.Equip.Text = e.Equip; labels.EquipColor.Visible = e.Equip != ""; labels.EquipColor.BackColor = e.Color; labels.Spec.Text = e.Spec; if (e.Fleet != "" && e.Fleet2 != "") _toolTip.SetToolTip(labels.Fleet, e.Fleet2); _toolTip.SetToolTip(labels.Equip, e.AircraftSpec != "" ? e.AircraftSpec : ""); _toolTip.SetToolTip(labels.Spec, e.Spec2 != "" ? e.Spec2 : ""); lbp.Visible = true; } public void ShowShip(int id) { var i = Array.FindIndex(_table, e => e.Id == id); if (i == -1) return; var y = (int)Math.Round(ShipLabel.ScaleFactor.Height * LineHeight * i); AutoScrollPosition = new Point(0, y); } public void ShowFleet(string fn) { var i = Array.FindIndex(_table, e => e.Fleet.StartsWith(fn)); if (i == -1) return; var y = (int)Math.Round(ShipLabel.ScaleFactor.Height * LineHeight * i); AutoScrollPosition = new Point(0, y); } protected override void ScaleControl(SizeF factor, BoundsSpecified specified) { base.ScaleControl(factor, specified); if (factor.Height > 1) _toolTip.Font = new Font(_toolTip.Font.FontFamily, _toolTip.Font.Size * factor.Height); } } }