// Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015 Kazuhiro Fujieda // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using static System.Math; namespace KancolleSniffer { public class ItemSpec { public static bool IncreaceLandPowerTp = true; public int Id; public string Name; public int Type; public string TypeName; public int IconType; public int AntiAir; public int LoS; public int AntiSubmarine; public int Torpedo; public int Bomber; public int Interception; public int AntiBomber; public ItemSpec() { Id = -1; Name = ""; } public bool CanAirCombat { get { switch (Type) { case 6: // 艦戦 case 7: // 艦爆 case 8: // 艦攻 case 11: // 水爆 case 45: // 水戦 return true; } return false; } } // http://ja.kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/%E3%83%9E%E3%83%83%E3%83%97%E7%B4%A2%E6%95%B5 public double LoSScaleFactor { get { switch (Type) { case 8: // 艦攻 return 0.8; case 9: // 艦偵 return 1; case 10: // 水偵 return 1.2; case 11: // 水爆 return 1.1; default: return 0.6; } } } public bool IsAircraft { get { switch (Type) { case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 25: // オートジャイロ case 26: // 対潜哨戒機 case 41: // 大艇 case 45: case 47: // 陸上攻撃機 case 48: // 局地戦闘機 return true; } return false; } } public int RealAntiSubmarine { get { switch (Type) { case 1: // 小口径(12.7cm連装高角砲(後期型)) case 10: // 水偵 case 12: // 小型電探(22号対水上電探改四) case 45: // 水戦 return 0; default: return AntiSubmarine; } } } public bool IsSonar => Type == 14 || // ソナー Type == 40; // 大型ソナー public bool IsDepthCharge => Type == 15; public bool IsRepairFacility => Type == 31; public double ContactTriggerRate { get { switch (Type) { case 9: // 艦偵 case 10: // 水偵 case 41: // 大艇 return 0.04; default: return 0; } } } public double TransportPoint { get { switch (Id) { case 75: // ドラム缶(輸送用) return 5.0; case 68: // 大発動艇 return 8.0; case 166: // 大発動艇(八九式中戦車&陸戦隊) return IncreaceLandPowerTp ? 13.0 : 8.0; case 167: // 特二式内火艇 return IncreaceLandPowerTp ? 7.0 : 2.0; case 145: // 戦闘糧食 return 1.0; case 150: // 秋刀魚の缶詰 return 1.0; default: return 0; } } } public double AirDefenceBonus { get { switch (Type) { case 9: return LoS <= 7 ? 1.2 : 1.3; case 10: case 41: return LoS <= 7 ? 1.1 : LoS <= 8 ? 1.13 : 1.16; } return 1; } } public Color Color { get { switch (IconType) { case 1: case 2: case 3: // 主砲 case 13: // 徹甲弾 return Color.FromArgb(209, 89, 89); case 4: // 副砲 return Color.FromArgb(253, 233, 0); case 5: // 魚雷 return Color.FromArgb(88, 134, 170); case 6: // 艦戦 return Color.FromArgb(93, 179, 108); case 7: // 艦爆 return Color.FromArgb(223, 102, 102); case 8: // 艦攻 return Color.FromArgb(95, 173, 234); case 9: // 艦偵 return Color.FromArgb(254, 191, 0); case 10: // 水上機 return Color.FromArgb(142, 203, 152); case 11: // 電探 return Color.FromArgb(231, 153, 53); case 12: // 三式弾 return Color.FromArgb(69, 175, 88); case 14: // 応急修理要員 return Color.FromArgb(254, 254, 254); case 15: // 機銃 case 16: // 高角砲 return Color.FromArgb(102, 204, 118); case 17: // 爆雷 case 18: // ソナー return Color.FromArgb(126, 203, 215); case 19: // 缶 return Color.FromArgb(254, 195, 77); case 20: // 大発 case 36: // 特型内火艇 return Color.FromArgb(154, 163, 90); case 21: // オートジャイロ return Color.FromArgb(99, 203, 115); case 22: // 対潜哨戒機 return Color.FromArgb(125, 205, 217); case 23: // 追加装甲 return Color.FromArgb(152, 124, 172); case 24: // 探照灯 case 27: // 照明弾 return Color.FromArgb(254, 155, 0); case 25: // ドラム缶 return Color.FromArgb(161, 161, 160); case 26: // 艦艇修理施設 return Color.FromArgb(175, 156, 126); case 28: // 司令部施設 return Color.FromArgb(204, 172, 252); case 29: // 航空要員 return Color.FromArgb(206, 166, 108); case 30: // 高射装置 return Color.FromArgb(137, 153, 77); case 31: // 対地装備 return Color.FromArgb(253, 49, 49); case 32: // 水上艦要員 return Color.FromArgb(188, 238, 155); case 33: // 大型飛行艇 return Color.FromArgb(142, 203, 152); case 34: // 戦闘糧食 return Color.FromArgb(254, 254, 254); case 35: // 補給物資 return Color.FromArgb(90, 200, 155); case 37: // 陸上攻撃機 return Color.FromArgb(57, 182, 78); case 38: // 局地戦闘機 return Color.FromArgb(57, 182, 78); default: return SystemColors.Control; } } } } public class ItemStatus { public int Id { get; set; } public ItemSpec Spec { get; set; } = new ItemSpec(); public int Level { get; set; } public int Alv { get; set; } public ShipStatus Holder { get; set; } public ItemStatus() { Id = -1; } public ItemStatus(int id) { Id = id == 0 ? -1 : id; } private readonly double[] _alvBonusMin = { Sqrt(0.0), Sqrt(1.0), Sqrt(2.5), Sqrt(4.0), Sqrt(5.5), Sqrt(7.0), Sqrt(8.5), Sqrt(10.0) }; private readonly double[] _alvBonusMax = { Sqrt(0.9), Sqrt(2.4), Sqrt(3.9), Sqrt(5.4), Sqrt(6.9), Sqrt(8.4), Sqrt(9.9), Sqrt(12.0) }; private readonly Dictionary _alvTypeBonus = new Dictionary { {06, new[] {0, 0, 2, 5, 9, 14, 14, 22}}, // 艦戦 {07, new[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}, // 艦爆 {08, new[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}, // 艦攻 {11, new[] {0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 6}}, // 水爆 {45, new[] {0, 0, 2, 5, 9, 14, 14, 22}}, // 水戦 {48, new[] {0, 0, 2, 5, 9, 14, 14, 22}} // 局地戦闘機 }; public double[] AlvBonus { get { int[] table; if (!_alvTypeBonus.TryGetValue(Spec.Type, out table)) return new[] {0.0, 0.0}; return new[] {table[Alv] + _alvBonusMin[Alv], table[Alv] + _alvBonusMax[Alv]}; } } public double FighterPowerLevelBonus { get { if (Spec.Type == 6) return 0.2 * Level; if (Spec.Type == 7) // 改修可能なのは爆戦のみ return 0.25 * Level; return 0; } } public double LoSLevelBonus { get { switch (Spec.Type) { case 10: // 水偵 return 1.2 * Sqrt(Level); case 12: // 小型電探 case 13: // 大型電探 return 1.25 * Sqrt(Level); default: return 0; } } } public double FirePowerLevelBonus { get { switch (Spec.Type) { case 1: // 小口径 case 2: // 中口径 return Sqrt(Level); case 3: // 大口径 return 1.5 * Sqrt(Level); case 4: // 副砲 return Sqrt(Level); case 14: // ソナー case 15: // 爆雷 return 0.75 * Sqrt(Level); case 19: // 徹甲弾 return Sqrt(Level); default: return 0; } } } public double TorpedoLevelBonus { get { if (Spec.Type == 5) // 魚雷 return 1.2 * Sqrt(Level); if (Spec.Type == 21) // 機銃 return 1.2 * Sqrt(Level); return 0; } } public double AntiSubmarineLevelBonus { get { switch (Spec.Type) { case 14: case 15: return Sqrt(Level); default: return 0; } } } public double NightBattleLevelBonus { get { switch (Spec.Type) { case 1: // 小口径 case 2: // 中口径 case 3: // 大口径 return Sqrt(Level); case 4: // 副砲 return Sqrt(Level); case 5: // 魚雷 case 19: // 徹甲弾 case 29: // 探照灯 case 36: // 高射装置 case 42: // 大型探照灯 return Sqrt(Level); default: return 0; } } } } public class ItemInfo { private int _nowShips, _nowEquips; private readonly Dictionary _itemSpecs = new Dictionary(); private readonly Dictionary _itemInfo = new Dictionary(); private readonly Dictionary _useItemName = new Dictionary(); public int MaxShips { get; private set; } public int MarginShips { get; set; } public bool RingShips { get; set; } public int MaxEquips { get; private set; } public int MarginEquips { get; set; } public bool RingEquips { get; set; } public int NowShips { get { return _nowShips; } set { if (MaxShips != 0) { var limit = MaxShips - MarginShips; RingShips = RingShips || _nowShips < limit && value >= limit; } _nowShips = value; } } public bool TooManyShips => MaxShips != 0 && NowShips >= MaxShips - MarginShips; public int NowEquips { get { return _nowEquips; } private set { if (MaxEquips != 0) { var limit = MaxEquips - MarginEquips; RingEquips = RingEquips || _nowEquips < limit && value >= limit; } _nowEquips = value; } } public bool TooManyEquips => MaxEquips != 0 && NowEquips >= MaxEquips - MarginEquips; public ItemInfo() { MarginShips = 4; MarginEquips = 10; } public void InspectBasic(dynamic json) { MaxShips = (int)json.api_max_chara; var check = MaxEquips == 0; MaxEquips = (int)json.api_max_slotitem; if (check) RingEquips = NowEquips >= MaxEquips - MarginEquips; } public void InspectMaster(dynamic json) { var dict = new Dictionary(); foreach (var entry in json.api_mst_slotitem_equiptype) dict[(int)entry.api_id] = entry.api_name; foreach (var entry in json.api_mst_slotitem) { var type = (int)entry.api_type[2]; _itemSpecs[(int)entry.api_id] = new ItemSpec { Id = (int)entry.api_id, Name = (string)entry.api_name, Type = type, TypeName = dict[(int)entry.api_type[2]], IconType = (int)entry.api_type[3], AntiAir = (int)entry.api_tyku, LoS = (int)entry.api_saku, AntiSubmarine = (int)entry.api_tais, Torpedo = (int)entry.api_raig, Bomber = (int)entry.api_baku, Interception = type == 48 ? (int)entry.api_houk : 0, // 局地戦闘機は回避の値が迎撃 AntiBomber = type == 48 ? (int)entry.api_houm : 0 // 〃命中の値が対爆 }; } _itemSpecs[-1] = _itemSpecs[0] = new ItemSpec(); foreach (var entry in json.api_mst_useitem) _useItemName[(int)entry.api_id] = entry.api_name; } public void InspectSlotItem(dynamic json, bool full = false) { if (!json.IsArray) json = new[] {json}; if (full) { _itemInfo.Clear(); _itemInfo[-1] = new ItemStatus(); } foreach (var entry in json) { var id = (int)entry.api_id; _itemInfo[id] = new ItemStatus(id) { Spec = _itemSpecs[(int)entry.api_slotitem_id], Level = entry.api_level() ? (int)entry.api_level : 0, Alv = entry.api_alv() ? (int)entry.api_alv : 0 }; } NowEquips = _itemInfo.Count - 1; } public void InspectCreateItem(dynamic json) { if (!json.IsDefined("api_slot_item")) return; InspectSlotItem(json.api_slot_item); } public void InspectGetShip(dynamic json) { NowShips += 1; if (json.api_slotitem == null) // まるゆにはスロットがない return; InspectSlotItem(json.api_slotitem); } public void InspectDestroyItem(string request, dynamic json) { var values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request); DeleteItems(values["api_slotitem_ids"].Split(',').Select(int.Parse).ToArray()); } public void InspectRemodelSlot(dynamic json) { if (json.api_after_slot()) InspectSlotItem(json.api_after_slot); if (!json.api_use_slot_id()) return; DeleteItems((int[])json.api_use_slot_id); } public void DeleteItems(ItemStatus[] items) { DeleteItems(items.Select(item => item.Id)); } private void DeleteItems(IEnumerable ids) { foreach (var id in ids.Where(id => id != -1)) { _itemInfo.Remove(id); NowEquips--; } } public ItemSpec GetSpecByItemId(int id) => _itemSpecs[id]; public string GetName(int id) => GetStatus(id).Spec.Name; public ItemStatus GetStatus(int id) { ItemStatus item; return _itemInfo.TryGetValue(id, out item) ? item : new ItemStatus(id); } public void ClearHolder() { foreach (var item in _itemInfo.Values) item.Holder = new ShipStatus(); } public ItemStatus[] ItemList => (from e in _itemInfo where e.Key != -1 select e.Value).ToArray(); public string GetUseItemName(int id) => _useItemName[id]; } }