// Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Kazuhiro Fujieda // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using static System.Math; namespace KancolleSniffer { public partial class ListForm : Form { private readonly Sniffer _sniffer; private readonly Config _config; public const int PanelWidth = 217; public enum SortOrder { None, Cond, CondAscend = Cond, CondDescend, ExpToNext, ExpToNextAscend = ExpToNext, ExpToNextDescend, Repair } public ListForm(Sniffer sniffer, Config config) { InitializeComponent(); _sniffer = sniffer; _config = config; battleResultPanel.HpLabelClick += ToggleHpPercent; shipListPanel.HpLabelClick += ToggleHpPercent; var swipe = new SwipeScrollify(); swipe.AddShipListPanel(shipListPanel); swipe.AddTreeView(itemTreeView); swipe.AddPanel(fleetPanel); } /// /// パネルのz-orderがくるうのを避ける /// https://stackoverflow.com/a/5777090/1429506 /// private void ListForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { // ReSharper disable once NotAccessedVariable IntPtr handle; foreach (Control panel in Controls) // ReSharper disable once RedundantAssignment handle = panel.Handle; } public void UpdateList() { panelItemHeader.Visible = InItemList || InAntiAir || InBattleResult || InMiscText; panelGroupHeader.Visible = InGroupConfig; panelRepairHeader.Visible = InRepairList; panelFleetHeader.Visible = InFleetInfo; // SwipeScrollifyが誤作動するのでEnabledも切り替える shipListPanel.Visible = shipListPanel.Enabled = InShipStatus || InGroupConfig || InRepairList; itemTreeView.Visible = itemTreeView.Enabled = InItemList; fleetPanel.Visible = fleetPanel.Enabled = InFleetInfo; antiAirPanel.Visible = antiAirPanel.Enabled = InAntiAir; airBattleResultPanel.Visible = airBattleResultPanel.Enabled = battleResultPanel.Visible = battleResultPanel.Enabled = InBattleResult; richTextBoxMiscText.Visible = InMiscText; if (InItemList) { itemTreeView.SetNodes(_sniffer.ItemList); } else if (InFleetInfo) { fleetPanel.Update(_sniffer); } else if (InAntiAir) { antiAirPanel.Update(_sniffer); } else if (InMiscText) { richTextBoxMiscText.Text = _sniffer.MiscText; } else { SetHeaderSortOrder(); shipListPanel.Update(_sniffer, comboBoxGroup.Text, _config.ShipList.SortOrder, _config.ShipList.ShipType); } if (shipListPanel.GroupUpdated) { StoreShipGroupToConfig(); _config.Save(); shipListPanel.GroupUpdated = false; } } public void UpdateAirBattleResult() { airBattleResultPanel.ShowResultAutomatic = (_config.Spoilers & Spoiler.AirBattleResult) != 0; airBattleResultPanel.SetResult(_sniffer.Battle.AirBattleResults); } public void UpdateBattleResult() { battleResultPanel.Spoiler = (_config.Spoilers & Spoiler.BattleResult) != 0; battleResultPanel.Update(_sniffer); } private void SetHeaderSortOrder() { switch (_config.ShipList.SortOrder) { case SortOrder.None: labelHeaderCond.Text = "cond"; labelHeaderExp.Text = "Exp"; break; case SortOrder.CondAscend: labelHeaderCond.Text = "cond▴"; labelHeaderExp.Text = "Exp"; break; case SortOrder.CondDescend: labelHeaderCond.Text = "cond▾"; labelHeaderExp.Text = "Exp"; break; case SortOrder.ExpToNextAscend: labelHeaderCond.Text = "cond"; labelHeaderExp.Text = "Exp▴"; break; case SortOrder.ExpToNextDescend: labelHeaderCond.Text = "cond"; labelHeaderExp.Text = "Exp▾"; break; } } private bool InShipStatus => Array.Exists(new[] {"全員", "A", "B", "C", "D"}, x => comboBoxGroup.Text == x); private bool InGroupConfig => comboBoxGroup.Text == "分類"; private bool InRepairList => comboBoxGroup.Text == "修復"; private bool InItemList => comboBoxGroup.Text == "装備"; private bool InFleetInfo => comboBoxGroup.Text == "艦隊"; private bool InAntiAir => comboBoxGroup.Text == "対空"; private bool InBattleResult => comboBoxGroup.Text == "戦況"; private bool InMiscText => comboBoxGroup.Text == "情報"; private void ShipListForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { /* DPIではなくズームしたときにパネルは大きくなるがScrollBarはそのままなので隙間ができる。 そこでScrollBarの幅に合わせて全体の横幅を設定し直す。*/ Width = (int)Round((PanelWidth + 12 /* PanelとFrameの内側 */) * ShipLabel.ScaleFactor.Width) + SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth + 2 /* 縁の幅 */ + Width - ClientSize.Width; MinimumSize = new Size(Width, 0); MaximumSize = new Size(Width, int.MaxValue); var config = _config.ShipList; checkBoxShipType.Checked = config.ShipType; if (config.ShowHpInPercent) { shipListPanel.ToggleHpPercent(); battleResultPanel.ToggleHpPercent(); } LoadShipGroupFromConfig(); comboBoxGroup.SelectedItem = config.Mode ?? "全員"; if (config.Location.X == int.MinValue) return; var bounds = new Rectangle(config.Location, config.Size); if (MainForm.IsTitleBarOnAnyScreen(bounds.Location)) Location = bounds.Location; Height = bounds.Height; } private void LoadShipGroupFromConfig() { var group = _config.ShipList.ShipGroup; for (var i = 0; i < ShipListPanel.GroupCount; i++) shipListPanel.GroupSettings[i] = i < group.Count ? new HashSet(group[i]) : new HashSet(); } private void ShipListForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = true; if (!Visible) return; var config = _config.ShipList; StoreShipGroupToConfig(); var bounds = WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal ? Bounds : RestoreBounds; config.Location = bounds.Location; config.Size = bounds.Size; config.Mode = (string)comboBoxGroup.SelectedItem; if (e.CloseReason != CloseReason.FormOwnerClosing) { Hide(); _config.Save(); } } private void StoreShipGroupToConfig() { var all = _sniffer.ShipList.Select(s => s.Id).ToArray(); var group = _config.ShipList.ShipGroup; group.Clear(); for (var i = 0; i < ShipListPanel.GroupCount; i++) { if (all.Length > 0) shipListPanel.GroupSettings[i].IntersectWith(all); group.Add(shipListPanel.GroupSettings[i].ToList()); } } public void ShowShip(int id) { if (InShipStatus) { shipListPanel.ShowShip(id); } else if (InFleetInfo) { fleetPanel.ShowShip(id); } else if (InAntiAir) { antiAirPanel.ShowShip(id); } } private void checkBoxShipType_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { _config.ShipList.ShipType = checkBoxShipType.Checked; UpdateList(); SetActiveControl(); } private void comboBoxGroup_DropDownClosed(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetActiveControl(); } private void comboBoxGroup_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateList(); SetActiveControl(); copyToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = InShipStatus | InItemList; } private void ShipListForm_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { var g = Array.FindIndex(new[] {'Z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'G', 'R', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'S', 'I'}, x => x == char.ToUpper(e.KeyChar)); if (g == -1) return; comboBoxGroup.SelectedIndex = g; e.Handled = true; } // マウスホイールでスクロールするためにコントロールにフォーカスを合わせる。 private void SetActiveControl() { if (InItemList) { ActiveControl = itemTreeView; } else if (InFleetInfo) { ActiveControl = fleetPanel; } else if (InAntiAir) { ActiveControl = antiAirPanel; } else { ActiveControl = shipListPanel; } } private void copyToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Clipboard.SetText(TextGenerator.GenerateItemList(_sniffer.ItemList)); } private void textToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Clipboard.SetText(TextGenerator.GenerateFleetData(_sniffer)); } private void deckBuilderToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Clipboard.SetText(TextGenerator.GenerateDeckBuilderData(_sniffer)); } private void labelHeaderCond_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var sl = _config.ShipList; switch (sl.SortOrder) { case SortOrder.CondAscend: sl.SortOrder = SortOrder.CondDescend; break; case SortOrder.CondDescend: sl.SortOrder = SortOrder.None; break; default: sl.SortOrder = SortOrder.CondAscend; break; } UpdateList(); } private void labelHeaderExp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var sl = _config.ShipList; switch (sl.SortOrder) { case SortOrder.ExpToNextAscend: sl.SortOrder = SortOrder.ExpToNextDescend; break; case SortOrder.ExpToNextDescend: sl.SortOrder = SortOrder.None; break; default: sl.SortOrder = SortOrder.ExpToNextAscend; break; } UpdateList(); } private void csvToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Clipboard.SetText(TextGenerator.GenerateShipList(shipListPanel.CurrentShipList)); } private void kantaiSarashiToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Clipboard.SetText(TextGenerator.GenerateKantaiSarashiData(shipListPanel.CurrentShipList)); } private void labelFleet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { fleetPanel.ShowFleet(((Label)sender).Text); } private void labelHeaderHp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ToggleHpPercent(); } private void ToggleHpPercent() { _config.ShipList.ShowHpInPercent = !_config.ShipList.ShowHpInPercent; shipListPanel.ToggleHpPercent(); battleResultPanel.ToggleHpPercent(); } } }