// Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Kazuhiro Fujieda // // This program is part of KancolleSniffer. // // KancolleSniffer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, see . using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Web; namespace KancolleSniffer { [Flags] public enum LogType { None = 0, Mission = 1, Battle = 2, Material = 4, CreateItem = 8, CreateShip = 16, RemodelSlot = 32, All = 63, } public class Logger { private LogType _logType; private readonly ShipInfo _shipInfo; private readonly ItemInfo _itemInfo; private readonly BattleInfo _battleInfo; private Action _writer; private Func _nowFunc; public const string DateTimeFormat = @"yyyy\-MM\-dd HH\:mm\:ss"; private dynamic _battle; private dynamic _map; private dynamic _basic; private int _kdockId; private DateTime _prevTime; private int[] _currentMaterial; private int _materialLogInterval = 10; private bool _start; public int MaterialLogInterval { set { _materialLogInterval = value; } } public string OutputDir { set { _writer = new LogWriter(value).Write; } } public Logger(ShipInfo ship, ItemInfo item, BattleInfo battle) { _shipInfo = ship; _itemInfo = item; _battleInfo = battle; _writer = new LogWriter().Write; _nowFunc = () => DateTime.Now; } public void EnableLog(LogType type) { _logType = type; } public void SetWriter(Action writer, Func nowFunc) { _writer = writer; _nowFunc = nowFunc; } public void InspectMissionResult(dynamic json) { var r = (int)json.api_clear_result; var rstr = r == 2 ? "大成功" : r == 1 ? "成功" : "失敗"; var material = new int[7]; if (r != 0) ((int[])json.api_get_material).CopyTo(material, 0); foreach (var i in new[] {1, 2}) { var attr = "api_get_item" + i; if (!json.IsDefined(attr) || json[attr].api_useitem_id != -1) continue; var count = (int)json[attr].api_useitem_count; var flag = ((int[])json.api_useitem_flag)[i - 1]; if (flag == 1) material[(int)Material.Bucket] = count; else if (flag == 2) material[(int)Material.Burner + 2] = count; // 高速建造材と開発資材が反対なのでいつか直す else if (flag == 3) material[(int)Material.Development - 2] = count; } if ((_logType & LogType.Mission) != 0) { _writer("遠征報告書", string.Join(",", _nowFunc().ToString(DateTimeFormat), rstr, json.api_quest_name, string.Join(",", material)), "日付,結果,遠征,燃料,弾薬,鋼材,ボーキ,開発資材,高速修復材,高速建造材"); } } public void InspectMapStart(dynamic json) { _start = true; _map = json; } public void InspectMapNext(dynamic json) { _map = json; } public void InspectBattle(dynamic json) { if (_battle != null) // 通常の夜戦は無視する return; _battle = json; } public void InspectBattleResult(dynamic result) { if ((_logType & LogType.Battle) == 0 || _map == null || _battle == null) { _map = _battle = null; return; } var fships = new List(); var deck = _shipInfo.GetDeck(_battle.api_dock_id() ? (int)_battle.api_dock_id - 1 : 0); fships.AddRange(deck.Select(id => { if (id == -1) return ","; var s = _shipInfo.GetStatus(id); return $"{s.Name}(Lv{s.Level}),{s.NowHp}/{s.MaxHp}"; })); var estatus = _battleInfo.EnemyResultStatus; var edeck = ((int[])_battle.api_ship_ke).Skip(1).ToArray(); var eships = edeck.Select((id, i) => { if (id == -1) return ","; var s = estatus[i]; return $"{s.Name},{s.NowHp}/{s.MaxHp}"; }); var cell = (int)_map.api_no; var boss = ""; if (_start) boss = "出撃"; if (cell == (int)_map.api_bosscell_no || (int)_map.api_event_id == 5) boss = _start ? "出撃&ボス" : "ボス"; var dropType = result.api_get_ship() ? result.api_get_ship.api_ship_type : ""; if (result.api_get_useitem()) { if (dropType == "") dropType = "アイテム"; else dropType += "+アイテム"; } var dropName = result.api_get_ship() ? result.api_get_ship.api_ship_name : ""; if (result.api_get_useitem()) { var itemName = _itemInfo.GetUseItemName((int)result.api_get_useitem.api_useitem_id); if (dropName == "") dropName = itemName; else dropName += "+" + itemName; } _writer("海戦・ドロップ報告書", string.Join(",", _nowFunc().ToString(DateTimeFormat), result.api_quest_name, cell, boss, result.api_win_rank, BattleFormationName((int)_battle.api_formation[2]), FormationName(_battle.api_formation[0]), FormationName(_battle.api_formation[1]), result.api_enemy_info.api_deck_name, dropType, dropName, string.Join(",", fships), string.Join(",", eships)), "日付,海域,マス,ボス,ランク,艦隊行動,味方陣形,敵陣形,敵艦隊,ドロップ艦種,ドロップ艦娘," + "味方艦1,味方艦1HP,味方艦2,味方艦2HP,味方艦3,味方艦3HP,味方艦4,味方艦4HP,味方艦5,味方艦5HP,味方艦6,味方艦6HP," + "敵艦1,敵艦1HP,敵艦2,敵艦2HP,敵艦3,敵艦3HP,敵艦4,敵艦4HP,敵艦5,敵艦5HP,敵艦6,敵艦6HP" ); _map = _battle = null; _start = false; } private string FormationName(dynamic f) { if (f is string) // 連合艦隊のときは文字列 f = int.Parse(f); switch ((int)f) { case 1: return "単縦陣"; case 2: return "複縦陣"; case 3: return "輪形陣"; case 4: return "梯形陣"; case 5: return "単横陣"; case 11: return "第一警戒航行序列"; case 12: return "第二警戒航行序列"; case 13: return "第三警戒航行序列"; case 14: return "第四警戒航行序列"; default: return "単縦陣"; } } private static String BattleFormationName(int f) { switch (f) { case 1: return "同航戦"; case 2: return "反航戦"; case 3: return "T字戦(有利)"; case 4: return "T字戦(不利)"; default: return "同航戦"; } } public void InspectBasic(dynamic json) { _basic = json; } public void InspectCreateItem(string request, dynamic json) { if ((_logType & LogType.CreateItem) == 0) return; var values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request); var name = "失敗"; var type = ""; if (json.api_slot_item()) { var spec = _itemInfo.GetSpecByItemId((int)json.api_slot_item.api_slotitem_id); name = spec.Name; type = spec.TypeName; } _writer("開発報告書", _nowFunc().ToString(DateTimeFormat) + "," + string.Join(",", name, type, values["api_item1"], values["api_item2"], values["api_item3"], values["api_item4"], Secretary(), _basic.api_level), "日付,開発装備,種別,燃料,弾薬,鋼材,ボーキ,秘書艦,司令部Lv"); } public void InspectCreateShip(string request) { var values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request); _kdockId = int.Parse(values["api_kdock_id"]); } public void InspectKDock(dynamic json) { if ((_logType & LogType.CreateShip) == 0 || _basic == null || _kdockId == 0) return; var kdock = ((dynamic[])json).First(e => e.api_id == _kdockId); var material = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(i => (int)kdock["api_item" + i]).ToArray(); var ship = _shipInfo.GetSpec((int)kdock.api_created_ship_id); var avail = ((dynamic[])json).Count(e => (int)e.api_state == 0); _writer("建造報告書", _nowFunc().ToString(DateTimeFormat) + "," + string.Join(",", material.First() >= 1500 ? "大型艦建造" : "通常艦建造", ship.Name, ship.ShipTypeName, string.Join(",", material), avail, Secretary(), _basic.api_level), "日付,種類,名前,艦種,燃料,弾薬,鋼材,ボーキ,開発資材,空きドック,秘書艦,司令部Lv"); _kdockId = 0; } private string Secretary() { var ship = _shipInfo.GetShipStatuses(0)[0]; return ship.Name + "(" + ship.Level + ")"; } public void InspectMaterial(dynamic json) { if ((_logType & LogType.Material) == 0) return; var now = _nowFunc(); if (now - _prevTime < TimeSpan.FromMinutes(_materialLogInterval)) return; _prevTime = now; var material = new int[8]; foreach (var e in json) material[(int)e.api_id - 1] = (int)e.api_value; _writer("資材ログ", now.ToString(DateTimeFormat) + "," + string.Join(",", material), "日付,燃料,弾薬,鋼材,ボーキ,高速建造材,高速修復材,開発資材,改修資材"); } public void SetCurrentMaterial(int[] material) { _currentMaterial = material; } public void InspectRemodelSlot(string request, dynamic json) { if ((_logType & LogType.RemodelSlot) == 0) return; var now = _nowFunc(); var values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request); var id = int.Parse(values["api_slot_id"]); var name = _itemInfo.GetName(id); var level = _itemInfo.GetStatus(id).Level; var success = (int)json.api_remodel_flag == 1 ? "○" : "×"; var certain = int.Parse(values["api_certain_flag"]) == 1 ? "○" : ""; var useName = ""; var useNum = ""; if (json.api_use_slot_id()) { var use = (int[])json.api_use_slot_id; useName = _itemInfo.GetName(use[0]); useNum = use.Length.ToString(); } var after = (int[])json.api_after_material; var diff = new int[after.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < after.Length; i++) diff[i] = _currentMaterial[i] - after[i]; var ship1 = Secretary(); var ship2 = ""; var ships = _shipInfo.GetShipStatuses(0); if (ships.Length >= 2) ship2 = ships[1].Name + "(" + ships[1].Level + ")"; _writer("改修報告書", now.ToString(DateTimeFormat) + "," + string.Join(",", name, level, success, certain, useName, useNum, diff[(int)Material.Fuel], diff[(int)Material.Bullet], diff[(int)Material.Steal], diff[(int)Material.Bouxite], diff[(int)Material.Development], diff[(int)Material.Screw], ship1, ship2), "日付,改修装備,レベル,成功,確実化,消費装備,消費数,燃料,弾薬,鋼材,ボーキ,開発資材,改修資材,秘書艦,二番艦"); } } public class LogWriter { private readonly IFile _file; private readonly string _outputDir; public interface IFile { string ReadAllText(string path); void AppendAllText(string path, string text); void Delete(string path); bool Exists(string path); } private class FileWrapper : IFile { // Shift_JISでないとExcelで文字化けする private readonly Encoding _encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("Shift_JIS"); public string ReadAllText(string path) => File.ReadAllText(path, _encoding); public void AppendAllText(string path, string text) { File.AppendAllText(path, text, _encoding); } public void Delete(string path) { File.Delete(path); } public bool Exists(string path) => File.Exists(path); } public LogWriter(string outputDir = null, IFile file = null) { _outputDir = outputDir ?? AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; _file = file ?? new FileWrapper(); } public void Write(string file, string s, string header) { var path = Path.Combine(_outputDir, file); var csv = path + ".csv"; var tmp = path + ".tmp"; if (_file.Exists(tmp)) { try { _file.AppendAllText(csv, _file.ReadAllText(tmp)); _file.Delete(tmp); } catch (IOException) { } } if (!_file.Exists(csv)) s = header + "\r\n" + s; foreach (var f in new[] {csv, tmp}) { try { _file.AppendAllText(f, s + "\r\n"); break; } catch (IOException e) { if (f == tmp) throw new LogIOException("報告書の出力中にエラーが発生しました。", e); } } } } public class LogIOException : Exception { public LogIOException() { } public LogIOException(string message) : base(message) { } public LogIOException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { } } }