// Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015 Kazuhiro Fujieda // // This program is part of KancolleSniffer. // // KancolleSniffer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, see . using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using Codeplex.Data; using Fiddler; namespace KancolleSniffer { public partial class MainForm : Form { private readonly Sniffer _sniffer = new Sniffer(); private readonly Config _config = new Config(); private readonly ConfigDialog _configDialog; private int _currentFleet; private readonly Label[] _labelCheckFleets; private readonly ShipLabels _shipLabels; private readonly ShipListForm _shipListForm; private readonly NoticeQueue _noticeQueue; private bool _started; private string _debugLogFile; private IEnumerator _playLog; private LogServer _logServer; private readonly ProxyConfig _prevProxy = new ProxyConfig(); public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); FiddlerApplication.BeforeRequest += FiddlerApplication_BeforeRequest; FiddlerApplication.AfterSessionComplete += FiddlerApplication_AfterSessionComplete; _configDialog = new ConfigDialog(_config, this); _labelCheckFleets = new[] {labelCheckFleet1, labelCheckFleet2, labelCheckFleet3, labelCheckFleet4}; // この時点でAutoScaleDimensions == CurrentAutoScaleDimensionsなので、 // MainForm.Designer.csのAutoScaleDimensionsの6f,12fを使う。 ShipLabel.ScaleFactor = new SizeF(CurrentAutoScaleDimensions.Width / 6f, CurrentAutoScaleDimensions.Height / 12f); SetupFleetClick(); _shipLabels = new ShipLabels(); _shipLabels.CreateAkashiTimers(panelShipInfo); _shipLabels.CreateLabels(panelShipInfo, ShowShipOnShipList); _shipLabels.CreateDamagedShipList(panelDamagedShipList); _shipLabels.CreateNDockLabels(panelDock); _shipListForm = new ShipListForm(_sniffer, _config) {Owner = this}; _noticeQueue = new NoticeQueue(Ring); } private void FiddlerApplication_BeforeRequest(Session oSession) { var path = oSession.PathAndQuery; var proxy = _config.Proxy; if (proxy.UseUpstream && (path.StartsWith("/kcsapi/api_") || // この二つはMyFleetGirlsに必要 path.StartsWith("/kcs/resources/") || path.StartsWith("/kcs/sound/"))) oSession["x-overrideGateway"] = string.Format("localhost:{0:D}", proxy.UpstreamPort); // 上流プロキシを設定する if (!path.StartsWith("/kcsapi/api_")) // 艦これのAPI以外は無視する oSession.Ignore(); } private void FiddlerApplication_AfterSessionComplete(Session oSession) { if (!oSession.bHasResponse || !oSession.uriContains("/kcsapi/api_")) return; Invoke(new Action(ProcessRequest), oSession); } private void ProcessRequest(Session session) { var response = session.GetResponseBodyAsString(); if (!response.StartsWith("svdata=")) return; response = response.Remove(0, "svdata=".Length); var json = DynamicJson.Parse(response); var request = session.GetRequestBodyAsString(); if (_debugLogFile != null) { File.AppendAllText(_debugLogFile, string.Format("url: {0}\nrequest: {1}\nresponse: {2}\n", session.url, request, json.ToString())); } UpdateInfo(_sniffer.Sniff(session.url, request, json)); } private void UpdateInfo(Sniffer.Update update) { if (update == Sniffer.Update.Start) { labelLogin.Visible = false; _started = true; return; } if (!_started) return; if ((update & Sniffer.Update.Item) != 0) UpdateItemInfo(); if ((update & Sniffer.Update.Timer) != 0) UpdateTimers(); if ((update & Sniffer.Update.NDock) != 0) UpdateNDocLabels(); if ((update & Sniffer.Update.Mission) != 0) UpdateMissionLabels(); if ((update & Sniffer.Update.QuestList) != 0) UpdateQuestList(); if ((update & Sniffer.Update.Ship) != 0) UpdateShipInfo(); if ((update & Sniffer.Update.Battle) != 0) UpdateBattleInfo(); } private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _config.Load(); RestoreLocation(); if (_config.HideOnMinimized && WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) ShowInTaskbar = false; ApplyConfig(); ApplyDebugLogSetting(); ApplyLogSetting(); _sniffer.LoadState(); StartProxy(); } private void StartProxy() { if (_config.Proxy.Auto) FiddlerApplication.Startup(0, FiddlerCoreStartupFlags.RegisterAsSystemProxy); else FiddlerApplication.Startup(_config.Proxy.Listen, FiddlerCoreStartupFlags.None); _prevProxy.Auto = _config.Proxy.Auto; _prevProxy.Listen = _config.Proxy.Listen; } private void MainForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = false; _config.Location = (WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal ? Bounds : RestoreBounds).Location; _config.Save(); ShutdownProxy(); if (_logServer != null) _logServer.Stop(); } private void ShutdownProxy() { FiddlerApplication.Shutdown(); } private void MainForm_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowInTaskbar = !(_config.HideOnMinimized && WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized); } private void notifyIconMain_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { NotifyIconOpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender, e); } private void NotifyIconOpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowInTaskbar = true; WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; Activate(); } private void ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Close(); } private void ConfigToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_configDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) ApplyConfig(); } private void RestoreLocation() { if (_config.Location.X == int.MinValue) return; var newBounds = Bounds; newBounds.Location = _config.Location; if (IsVisibleOnAnyScreen(newBounds)) Location = _config.Location; } private void ApplyConfig() { _shipListForm.TopMost = TopMost = _config.TopMost; _sniffer.Item.MarginShips = _config.MarginShips; _sniffer.Item.MarginEquips = _config.MarginEquips; _sniffer.Achievement.ResetHours = _config.ResetHours; } public void ApplyDebugLogSetting() { _debugLogFile = _config.DebugLogging ? _config.DebugLogFile : null; } public void ApplyProxySetting() { if (_config.Proxy.Auto == _prevProxy.Auto && _config.Proxy.Listen == _prevProxy.Listen) return; ShutdownProxy(); StartProxy(); } public void ApplyLogSetting() { if (_logServer != null && (!_config.Log.ServerOn || _config.Log.Listen != _logServer.Port)) { _logServer.Stop(); _logServer = null; } if (_logServer == null && _config.Log.ServerOn) { _logServer = new LogServer(_config.Log.Listen); _logServer.Start(); } if (_logServer != null) _logServer.OutputDir = _config.Log.OutputDir; _sniffer.EnableLog(_config.Log.On ? LogType.All : LogType.None); _sniffer.MaterialLogInterval = _config.Log.MaterialLogInterval; _sniffer.LogOutputDir = _config.Log.OutputDir; } public static bool IsVisibleOnAnyScreen(Rectangle rect) { return Screen.AllScreens.Any(screen => screen.WorkingArea.IntersectsWith(rect)); } private void timerMain_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_started) UpdateTimers(); if (_playLog == null || _configDialog.Visible) { labelPlayLog.Visible = false; return; } PlayLog(); } public void SetPlayLog(string file) { _playLog = File.ReadLines(file).GetEnumerator(); } private void PlayLog() { var lines = new List(); foreach (var s in new[] {"url: ", "request: ", "response: "}) { if (!_playLog.MoveNext() || !_playLog.Current.StartsWith(s)) { labelPlayLog.Visible = false; return; } lines.Add(_playLog.Current.Substring(s.Count())); } labelPlayLog.Visible = !labelPlayLog.Visible; var json = DynamicJson.Parse(lines[2]); UpdateInfo(_sniffer.Sniff(lines[0], lines[1], json)); } private void ShowShipOnShipList(object sender, EventArgs ev) { if (!_shipListForm.Visible) return; var idx = (int)((Control)sender).Tag; var statuses = _sniffer.GetShipStatuses(_currentFleet); if (statuses.Length <= idx) return; _shipListForm.ShowShip(statuses[idx].Id); } private void UpdateItemInfo() { UpdateNumOfShips(); UpdateNumOfEquips(); labelNumOfBuckets.Text = _sniffer.Item.MaterialHistory[(int)Material.Bucket].Now.ToString("D"); UpdateBucketHistory(); var ac = _sniffer.Achievement.Value; if (ac >= 10000) ac = 9999; labelAchievement.Text = ac >= 1000 ? ((int)ac).ToString("D") : ac.ToString("F1"); toolTipAchievement.SetToolTip(labelAchievement, "今月 " + _sniffer.Achievement.ValueOfMonth.ToString("F1")); UpdateMaterialHistry(); if (_shipListForm.Visible) _shipListForm.UpdateList(); } private void UpdateNumOfShips() { var item = _sniffer.Item; labelNumOfShips.Text = string.Format("{0:D}/{1:D}", item.NowShips, item.MaxShips); labelNumOfShips.ForeColor = item.TooManyShips ? Color.Red : Color.Black; if (item.RingShips) { var message = string.Format("残り{0:D}隻", _sniffer.Item.MaxShips - _sniffer.Item.NowShips); _noticeQueue.Enqueue("艦娘が多すぎます", message, _config.MaxShipsSoundFile); item.RingShips = false; } } private void UpdateNumOfEquips() { var item = _sniffer.Item; labelNumOfEquips.Text = string.Format("{0:D}/{1:D}", item.NowEquips, item.MaxEquips); labelNumOfEquips.ForeColor = item.TooManyEquips ? Color.Red : Color.Black; if (item.RingEquips) { var message = string.Format("残り{0:D}個", _sniffer.Item.MaxEquips - _sniffer.Item.NowEquips); _noticeQueue.Enqueue("装備が多すぎます", message, _config.MaxEquipsSoundFile); item.RingEquips = false; } } private void UpdateBucketHistory() { var count = _sniffer.Item.MaterialHistory[(int)Material.Bucket]; var day = count.Now - count.BegOfDay; var week = count.Now - count.BegOfWeek; if (day >= 1000) day = 999; if (week >= 1000) week = 999; labelBucketHistory.Text = string.Format("{0:+#;-#;±0} 今日\n{1:+#;-#;±0} 今週", day, week); } private void UpdateMaterialHistry() { var labels = new[] {labelFuelHistory, labelBulletHistory, labelSteelHistory, labelBouxiteHistory}; var text = new[] {"燃料", "弾薬", "鋼材", "ボーキ"}; for (var i = 0; i < labels.Length; i++) { var count = _sniffer.Item.MaterialHistory[i]; var day = count.Now - count.BegOfDay; if (day >= 100000) day = 99999; var week = count.Now - count.BegOfWeek; if (week >= 100000) week = 99999; labels[i].Text = string.Format("{0}\n{1:+#;-#;±0}\n{2:+#;-#;±0}", text[i], day, week); } } private void UpdateShipInfo() { UpdatePanelShipInfo(); NotifyDamagedShip(); UpdateChargeInfo(); UpdateDamagedShipList(); if (_shipListForm.Visible) _shipListForm.UpdateList(); } private void UpdatePanelShipInfo() { var statuses = _sniffer.GetShipStatuses(_currentFleet); _shipLabels.SetShipInfo(statuses); labelFighterPower.Text = _sniffer.GetFighterPower(_currentFleet).ToString("D"); UpdateAkashiTimer(); UpdateLoS(); UpdateCondTimers(); } private void NotifyDamagedShip() { if (_sniffer.Battle.HasDamagedShip) _noticeQueue.Enqueue("大破した艦娘がいます", string.Join(" ", _sniffer.Battle.DamagedShipNames), _config.DamagedShipSoundFile); } private void NotifyAkashiTimer() { var msgs = _sniffer.GetAkashiTimerNotice(); if (msgs.Length == 0) return; if (msgs[0] == "20分経過しました。") { _noticeQueue.Enqueue("泊地修理", msgs[0], _config.Akashi20MinSoundFile); return; } var fn = new[] {"第一艦隊", "第二艦隊", "第三艦隊", "第四艦隊"}; for (var i = 0; i < fn.Length; i++) { if (msgs[i] == "") continue; _noticeQueue.Enqueue("泊地修理 " + fn[i], msgs[i], _config.AkashiProgressSoundFile); } } private void UpdateLoS() { labelLoS.Text = _sniffer.GetFleetLineOfSights(_currentFleet).ToString("F1"); } private void UpdateBattleInfo() { labelFormation.Text = ""; labelEnemyFighterPower.Text = ""; labelFighterPower.ForeColor = DefaultForeColor; labelResultRank.Text = "判定"; panelBattleInfo.Visible = _sniffer.Battle.InBattle; if (!_sniffer.Battle.InBattle) return; panelBattleInfo.BringToFront(); var battle = _sniffer.Battle; var color = new[] { DefaultForeColor, DefaultForeColor, Color.Blue, Color.Green, Color.Orange, Color.Red }; labelFormation.Text = battle.Formation; labelEnemyFighterPower.Text = battle.EnemyFighterPower.ToString("D"); labelFighterPower.ForeColor = color[battle.AirControlLevel + 1]; if (_config.AlwaysShowResultRank) ShowResultRank(); } private void ShowResultRank() { var result = new[] { "完全S", "勝利S", "勝利A", "勝利B", "敗北C", "敗北D", "敗北E" }; labelResultRank.Text = result[(int)_sniffer.Battle.ResultRank]; } private void labelResultRank_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowResultRank(); } private void UpdateChargeInfo() { var fuelSq = new[] {labelFuelSq1, labelFuelSq2, labelFuelSq3, labelFuelSq4}; var bullSq = new[] {labelBullSq1, labelBullSq2, labelBullSq3, labelBullSq4}; for (var i = 0; i < fuelSq.Length; i++) { var stat = _sniffer.ChargeStatuses[i]; fuelSq[i].ImageIndex = stat.Fuel; bullSq[i].ImageIndex = stat.Bull; } } private void UpdateNDocLabels() { _shipLabels.SetNDockLabels(_sniffer.NDock); } private void UpdateMissionLabels() { foreach (var entry in new[] {labelMissionName1, labelMissionName2, labelMissionName3}.Zip(_sniffer.Missions, (label, mission) => new {label, mission.Name})) entry.label.Text = entry.Name; } private void UpdateTimers() { foreach (var entry in new[] {labelMission1, labelMission2, labelMission3}.Zip(_sniffer.Missions, (label, mission) => new {label, mission.Name, mission.Timer})) { entry.Timer.Update(); SetTimerColor(entry.label, entry.Timer); var rest = entry.Timer.Rest; entry.label.Text = rest.Days == 0 ? rest.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss") : rest.ToString(@"d\.hh\:mm"); if (!entry.Timer.NeedRing) continue; _noticeQueue.Enqueue("遠征が終わりました", entry.Name, _config.MissionSoundFile); entry.Timer.NeedRing = false; } for (var i = 0; i < _sniffer.NDock.Length; i++) { var entry = _sniffer.NDock[i]; entry.Timer.Update(); _shipLabels.SetNDockTimer(i, entry.Timer); if (!entry.Timer.NeedRing) continue; _noticeQueue.Enqueue("入渠が終わりました", entry.Name, _config.NDockSoundFile); entry.Timer.NeedRing = false; } var kdock = new[] {labelConstruct1, labelConstruct2, labelConstruct3, labelConstruct4}; for (var i = 0; i < kdock.Length; i++) { var timer = _sniffer.KDock[i]; timer.Update(); SetTimerColor(kdock[i], timer); kdock[i].Text = timer.Rest.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss"); if (!timer.NeedRing) continue; _noticeQueue.Enqueue("建造が終わりました", string.Format("第{0:D}ドック", i + 1), _config.KDockSoundFile); timer.NeedRing = false; } UpdateCondTimers(); UpdateAkashiTimer(); } private void SetTimerColor(Label label, RingTimer timer) { label.ForeColor = timer.IsFinished ? Color.Red : Color.Black; } private void UpdateCondTimers() { var timer = _sniffer.GetConditionTimer(_currentFleet); var now = DateTime.Now; if (timer == DateTime.MinValue) { labelCondTimerTitle.Text = ""; labelCondTimer.Text = ""; return; } var span = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Ceiling((timer - now).TotalSeconds)); if (span >= TimeSpan.FromMinutes(9)) { labelCondTimerTitle.Text = "cond40まで"; labelCondTimer.Text = (span - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(9)).ToString(@"mm\:ss"); } else { labelCondTimerTitle.Text = "cond49まで"; labelCondTimer.Text = (span >= TimeSpan.Zero ? span : TimeSpan.Zero).ToString(@"mm\:ss"); } var notice = _sniffer.GetConditionNotice(); if (notice == null) return; var fn = new[] {"第一艦隊", "第二艦隊", "第三艦隊", "第四艦隊"}; for (var i = 0; i < fn.Length; i++) { if (!_config.NotifyConditions.Contains(notice[i])) return; _noticeQueue.Enqueue("疲労が回復しました", fn[i] + " cond" + notice[i].ToString("D"), _config.ConditionSoundFile); } } private void UpdateAkashiTimer() { _shipLabels.SetAkashiTimer(_sniffer.GetShipStatuses(_currentFleet), _sniffer.GetAkashiTimers(_currentFleet)); NotifyAkashiTimer(); } private void UpdateDamagedShipList() { _shipLabels.SetDamagedShipList(_sniffer.DamagedShipList); } private void UpdateQuestList() { var category = new[] { labelQuestColor1, labelQuestColor2, labelQuestColor3, labelQuestColor4, labelQuestColor5, labelQuestColor6 }; var name = new[] {labelQuest1, labelQuest2, labelQuest3, labelQuest4, labelQuest5, labelQuest6}; var progress = new[] {labelProgress1, labelProgress2, labelProgress3, labelProgress4, labelProgress5, labelProgress6}; var color = new[] { Color.FromArgb(60, 141, 76), Color.FromArgb(232, 57, 41), Color.FromArgb(136, 204, 120), Color.FromArgb(52, 147, 185), Color.FromArgb(220, 198, 126), Color.FromArgb(168, 111, 76), Color.FromArgb(200, 148, 231) }; var quests = _sniffer.Quests; for (var i = 0; i < name.Length; i++) { if (i < quests.Length) { category[i].BackColor = color[quests[i].Category - 1]; name[i].Text = quests[i].Name; progress[i].Text = string.Format("{0:D}%", quests[i].Progress); } else { category[i].BackColor = DefaultBackColor; name[i].Text = progress[i].Text = ""; } } } private class NoticeQueue { private readonly Action _ring; private readonly Queue> _queue = new Queue>(); private readonly Timer _timer = new Timer {Interval = 2000}; public NoticeQueue(Action ring) { _ring = ring; _timer.Tick += TimerOnTick; } private void TimerOnTick(object obj, EventArgs e) { if (_queue.Count == 0) { _timer.Stop(); return; } var notice = _queue.Dequeue(); _ring(notice.Item1, notice.Item2, notice.Item3); } public void Enqueue(string title, string message, string soundFile) { if (_timer.Enabled) { _queue.Enqueue(new Tuple(title, message, soundFile)); } else { _ring(title, message, soundFile); _timer.Start(); } } } private void Ring(string baloonTitle, string baloonMessage, string soundFile) { if (_config.FlashWindow) Win32API.FlashWindow(Handle); if (_config.ShowBaloonTip) notifyIconMain.ShowBalloonTip(20000, baloonTitle, baloonMessage, ToolTipIcon.Info); if (_config.PlaySound) PlaySound(soundFile, _config.SoundVolume); } [DllImport("winmm.dll")] private static extern int mciSendString(String command, StringBuilder buffer, int bufferSize, IntPtr hwndCallback); // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming private const int MM_MCINOTIFY = 0x3B9; private const int MCI_NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL = 1; // ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming public void PlaySound(string file, int volume) { if (!File.Exists(file)) return; mciSendString("close sound", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); if (mciSendString("open \"" + file + "\" type mpegvideo alias sound", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero) != 0) return; mciSendString("setaudio sound volume to " + volume * 10, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); mciSendString("play sound notify", null, 0, Handle); } protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { if (m.Msg == MM_MCINOTIFY && (int)m.WParam == MCI_NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL) mciSendString("close sound", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); base.WndProc(ref m); } private void SetupFleetClick() { var labels = new[] { new[] {labelFleet1, labelFleet2, labelFleet3, labelFleet4}, new[] {labelFuelSq1, labelFuelSq2, labelFuelSq3, labelFuelSq4}, new[] {labelBullSq1, labelBullSq2, labelBullSq3, labelBullSq4} }; foreach (var a in labels) { for (var fleet = 0; fleet < labels[0].Length; fleet++) { a[fleet].Tag = fleet; a[fleet].Click += labelFleet_Click; } } } private void labelFleet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var fleet = (int)((Label)sender).Tag; if (_currentFleet == fleet) return; _currentFleet = fleet; foreach (var label in _labelCheckFleets) label.Visible = false; _labelCheckFleets[fleet].Visible = true; if (!_started) return; UpdatePanelShipInfo(); } private void labelBucketHistoryButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (labelBucketHistory.Visible) { labelBucketHistory.Visible = false; labelBucketHistoryButton.BackColor = DefaultBackColor; } else { labelBucketHistory.Visible = true; labelBucketHistory.BringToFront(); labelBucketHistoryButton.BackColor = SystemColors.ActiveCaption; } } private void labelMaterialHistoryButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (panelMaterialHistory.Visible) { panelMaterialHistory.Visible = false; labelMaterialHistoryButton.BackColor = DefaultBackColor; } else { panelMaterialHistory.Visible = true; panelMaterialHistory.BringToFront(); labelMaterialHistoryButton.BackColor = SystemColors.ActiveCaption; } } public void ResetAchievemnt() { _sniffer.Achievement.Reset(); UpdateItemInfo(); } private void labelDamgedShipListButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (panelDamagedShipList.Visible) { panelDamagedShipList.Visible = false; labelDamgedShipListButton.BackColor = DefaultBackColor; } else { panelDamagedShipList.Visible = true; panelDamagedShipList.BringToFront(); labelDamgedShipListButton.BackColor = SystemColors.ActiveCaption; } } private void ShipListToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _shipListForm.UpdateList(); _shipListForm.Show(); if (_shipListForm.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) _shipListForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; _shipListForm.Activate(); } private void LogToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Process.Start("http://localhost:" + _config.Log.Listen + "/"); } } }