// Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015 Kazuhiro Fujieda // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using KancolleSniffer.Log; using KancolleSniffer.Model; using KancolleSniffer.Net; using KancolleSniffer.Util; using KancolleSniffer.View; using Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder; using static System.Math; using Timer = System.Windows.Forms.Timer; namespace KancolleSniffer { public partial class MainForm : Form { private readonly ConfigDialog _configDialog; private readonly ProxyManager _proxyManager; private readonly ResizableToolTip _toolTip = new ResizableToolTip(); private readonly ResizableToolTip _tooltipCopy = new ResizableToolTip {ShowAlways = false, AutomaticDelay = 0}; private int _currentFleet; private bool _combinedFleet; private readonly MainShipLabels _mainLabels = new MainShipLabels(); private readonly MainNDockLabels _ndockLabels = new MainNDockLabels(); private NumberAndHistory _numberAndHistory; private readonly ListForm _listForm; private readonly NotificationManager _notificationManager; private bool _started; private bool _timerEnabled; private string _debugLogFile; private IEnumerator _playLog; private DateTime _prev, _now; private readonly ErrorDialog _errorDialog = new ErrorDialog(); private readonly ErrorLog _errorLog; public Sniffer Sniffer { get; } = new Sniffer(); public Config Config { get; } = new Config(); public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); HttpProxy.AfterSessionComplete += HttpProxy_AfterSessionComplete; Config.Load(); _configDialog = new ConfigDialog(this); _listForm = new ListForm(this); _notificationManager = new NotificationManager(Alarm); SetupView(_notificationManager); _proxyManager = new ProxyManager(this); _proxyManager.UpdatePacFile(); _errorLog = new ErrorLog(Sniffer); LoadData(); Sniffer.RepeatingTimerController = new RepeatingTimerController(this); } private void SetupView(NotificationManager manager) { SetScaleFactorOfDpiScaling(); SetupFleetClick(); CreateMainLabels(); CreateNumberAndHistory(manager); labelPresetAkashiTimer.BackColor = CustomColors.ColumnColors.Bright; SetupQuestPanel(); panelRepairList.CreateLabels(panelRepairList_Click); PerformZoom(); } private void SetScaleFactorOfDpiScaling() { var autoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(6f, 12f); // AutoScaleDimensionの初期値 Scaler.Factor = new SizeF(CurrentAutoScaleDimensions.Width / autoScaleDimensions.Width, CurrentAutoScaleDimensions.Height / autoScaleDimensions.Height); } private void SetupQuestPanel() { int prevHeight = questPanel.Height; questPanel.CreateLabels(Config.QuestLines, labelQuest_DoubleClick); Height += questPanel.Height - prevHeight; } private void CreateMainLabels() { _mainLabels.CreateAllShipLabels(new MainShipPanels { PanelShipInfo = panelShipInfo, Panel7Ships = panel7Ships, PanelCombinedFleet = panelCombinedFleet, }, ShowShipOnShipList); _ndockLabels.Create(panelDock, labelNDock_Click); } private void CreateNumberAndHistory(NotificationManager manager) { _numberAndHistory = new NumberAndHistory(new NumberAndHistoryLabels { NumOfShips = labelNumOfShips, NumOfEquips = labelNumOfEquips, NumOfBuckets = labelNumOfBuckets, BucketHistory = labelBucketHistory, Achievement = labelAchievement, FuelHistory = labelFuelHistory, BulletHistory = labelBulletHistory, SteelHistory = labelSteelHistory, BauxiteHistory = labelBouxiteHistory, ToolTip = _toolTip }, Sniffer, new NotifySubmitter(manager)); } private class NotifySubmitter : INotifySubmitter { private readonly NotificationManager _manager; public NotifySubmitter(NotificationManager manager) { _manager = manager; } public void Flash() { _manager.Flash(); } public void Enqueue(string key, string subject) { _manager.Enqueue(key, subject); } } /// /// パネルのz-orderがくるうのを避ける /// https://stackoverflow.com/a/5777090/1429506 /// private void MainForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { // ReSharper disable once NotAccessedVariable IntPtr handle; foreach (var panel in new[] {panelShipInfo, panel7Ships, panelCombinedFleet}) // ReSharper disable once RedundantAssignment handle = panel.Handle; } private readonly FileSystemWatcher _watcher = new FileSystemWatcher { Path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite }; private readonly Timer _watcherTimer = new Timer {Interval = 1000}; private void LoadData() { var target = ""; Sniffer.LoadState(); _watcher.SynchronizingObject = this; _watcherTimer.Tick += (sender, ev) => { _watcherTimer.Stop(); switch (target) { case "status.xml": Sniffer.LoadState(); break; case "TP.csv": Sniffer.AdditionalData.LoadTpSpec(); break; } }; _watcher.Changed += (sender, ev) => { target = ev.Name; _watcherTimer.Stop(); _watcherTimer.Start(); }; _watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; } private class RepeatingTimerController : Sniffer.IRepeatingTimerController { private readonly NotificationManager _manager; private readonly Config _config; public RepeatingTimerController(MainForm main) { _manager = main._notificationManager; _config = main.Config; } public void Stop(string key) { _manager.StopRepeat(key, (key == "入渠終了" || key == "遠征終了") && (_config.Notifications[key].Flags & NotificationType.Cont) != 0); } public void Stop(string key, int fleet) => _manager.StopRepeat(key, fleet); public void Suspend(string exception = null) => _manager.SuspendRepeat(exception); public void Resume() => _manager.ResumeRepeat(); } private void HttpProxy_AfterSessionComplete(HttpProxy.Session session) { BeginInvoke(new Action(ProcessRequest), session); } private void ProcessRequest(HttpProxy.Session session) { var url = session.Request.PathAndQuery; if (!url.Contains("kcsapi/")) return; var request = session.Request.BodyAsString; var response = session.Response.BodyAsString; Privacy.Remove(ref url, ref request, ref response); if (response == null || !response.StartsWith("svdata=")) { WriteDebugLog(url, request, response); return; } response = UnEscapeString(response.Remove(0, "svdata=".Length)); WriteDebugLog(url, request, response); ProcessRequestMain(url, request, response); } private void ProcessRequestMain(string url, string request, string response) { try { UpdateInfo(Sniffer.Sniff(url, request, JsonParser.Parse(response))); _errorLog.CheckBattleApi(url, request, response); } catch (RuntimeBinderException e) { if (_errorDialog.ShowDialog(this, "艦これに仕様変更があったか、受信内容が壊れています。", _errorLog.GenerateErrorLog(url, request, response, e.ToString())) == DialogResult.Abort) Exit(); } catch (LogIOException e) { // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException if (_errorDialog.ShowDialog(this, e.Message, e.InnerException.ToString()) == DialogResult.Abort) Exit(); } catch (BattleResultError) { if (_errorDialog.ShowDialog(this, "戦闘結果の計算に誤りがあります。", _errorLog.GenerateBattleErrorLog()) == DialogResult.Abort) Exit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (_errorDialog.ShowDialog(this, "エラーが発生しました。", _errorLog.GenerateErrorLog(url, request, response, e.ToString())) == DialogResult.Abort) Exit(); } } private void Exit() { _proxyManager.Shutdown(); Environment.Exit(1); } private void WriteDebugLog(string url, string request, string response) { if (_debugLogFile != null) { File.AppendAllText(_debugLogFile, $"date: {DateTime.Now:g}\nurl: {url}\nrequest: {request}\nresponse: {response ?? "(null)"}\n"); } } private string UnEscapeString(string s) { try { var rx = new Regex(@"\\[uU]([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})"); return rx.Replace(s, match => ((char)int.Parse(match.Value.Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber)).ToString()); } catch (ArgumentException) { return s; } } private void UpdateInfo(Sniffer.Update update) { if (update == Sniffer.Update.Start) { labelLogin.Visible = false; linkLabelGuide.Visible = false; _started = true; _notificationManager.StopAllRepeat(); return; } if (!_started) return; if (_now == DateTime.MinValue) _now = DateTime.Now; if ((update & Sniffer.Update.Item) != 0) UpdateItemInfo(); if ((update & Sniffer.Update.Timer) != 0) UpdateTimers(); if ((update & Sniffer.Update.NDock) != 0) UpdateNDocLabels(); if ((update & Sniffer.Update.Mission) != 0) UpdateMissionLabels(); if ((update & Sniffer.Update.QuestList) != 0) UpdateQuestList(); if ((update & Sniffer.Update.Ship) != 0) UpdateShipInfo(); if ((update & Sniffer.Update.Battle) != 0) UpdateBattleInfo(); if ((update & Sniffer.Update.Cell) != 0) UpdateCellInfo(); } private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SuppressActivate.Start(); RestoreLocation(); if (Config.HideOnMinimized && WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) ShowInTaskbar = false; if (Config.ShowHpInPercent) _mainLabels.ToggleHpPercent(); if (Config.ShipList.Visible) _listForm.Show(); ApplyConfig(); ApplyDebugLogSetting(); ApplyLogSetting(); ApplyProxySetting(); CheckVersionUp((current, latest) => { if (latest == current) return; linkLabelGuide.Text = $"バージョン{latest}があります。"; linkLabelGuide.LinkArea = new LinkArea(0, linkLabelGuide.Text.Length); linkLabelGuide.Click += (obj, ev) => { Process.Start("https://ja.osdn.net/rel/kancollesniffer/" + latest); }; }); } public async void CheckVersionUp(Action action) { var current = string.Join(".", Application.ProductVersion.Split('.').Take(2)); try { var latest = (await new WebClient().DownloadStringTaskAsync("http://kancollesniffer.osdn.jp/version")) .TrimEnd(); try { action(current, latest); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } } catch (WebException) { } } private void MainForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (!Config.ExitSilently) { using (var dialog = new ConfirmDialog()) { if (dialog.ShowDialog(this) != DialogResult.Yes) { e.Cancel = true; return; } } } Config.ShipList.Visible = _listForm.Visible && _listForm.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal; _listForm.Close(); Sniffer.FlashLog(); Config.Location = (WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal ? Bounds : RestoreBounds).Location; Config.ShowHpInPercent = _mainLabels.ShowHpInPercent; Config.Save(); Sniffer.SaveState(); _proxyManager.Shutdown(); } private void MainForm_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_listForm == null) // DPIが100%でないときにInitializeComponentから呼ばれるので return; SuppressActivate.Start(); if (WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) { if (Config.HideOnMinimized) ShowInTaskbar = false; } _listForm.ChangeWindowState(WindowState); } public TimeOutChecker SuppressActivate = new TimeOutChecker(); private void MainForm_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SuppressActivate.Check()) return; if (NeedRaise) RaiseBothWindows(); } private bool NeedRaise => _listForm.Visible && WindowState != FormWindowState.Minimized; private void RaiseBothWindows() { _listForm.Owner = null; Owner = _listForm; BringToFront(); Owner = null; } public class TimeOutChecker { private DateTime _lastCheck; private readonly TimeSpan _timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500); public void Start() { _lastCheck = DateTime.Now; } public bool Check() { var now = DateTime.Now; var last = _lastCheck; _lastCheck = now; return now - last < _timeout; } } private void notifyIconMain_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { NotifyIconOpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender, e); } private void NotifyIconOpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowInTaskbar = true; WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; TopMost = _listForm.TopMost = Config.TopMost; // 最前面に表示されなくなることがあるのを回避する } private void ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Close(); } private void ConfigToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_configDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { Config.Save(); ApplyConfig(); StopRepeatingTimer(_configDialog.RepeatSettingsChanged); } } private void StopRepeatingTimer(IEnumerable names) { foreach (var name in names) _notificationManager.StopRepeat(name); } private void PerformZoom() { if (Config.Zoom == 100) { ShipLabel.Name.BaseFont = Font; ShipLabel.Name.LatinFont = LatinFont(); return; } var prev = CurrentAutoScaleDimensions; foreach (var control in new Control[] { this, _listForm, labelLogin, linkLabelGuide, _configDialog, _configDialog.NotificationConfigDialog, contextMenuStripMain, _errorDialog }) { control.Font = ZoomFont(control.Font); } foreach (var toolTip in new[] {_toolTip, _tooltipCopy}) { toolTip.Font = ZoomFont(toolTip.Font); } ShipLabel.Name.BaseFont = Font; ShipLabel.Name.LatinFont = LatinFont(); var cur = CurrentAutoScaleDimensions; Scaler.Factor = Scaler.Scale(cur.Width / prev.Width, cur.Height / prev.Height); } private Font ZoomFont(Font font) { return new Font(font.FontFamily, font.Size * Config.Zoom / 100); } private Font LatinFont() { return new Font("Tahoma", 8f * Config.Zoom / 100); } private void RestoreLocation() { if (Config.Location.X == int.MinValue) return; if (IsTitleBarOnAnyScreen(Config.Location)) Location = Config.Location; } private void ApplyConfig() { if (TopMost != Config.TopMost) TopMost = _listForm.TopMost = Config.TopMost; Sniffer.ShipCounter.Margin = Config.MarginShips; _numberAndHistory.UpdateNumOfShips(); Sniffer.ItemCounter.Margin = Config.MarginEquips; _numberAndHistory.UpdateNumOfEquips(); Sniffer.Achievement.ResetHours = Config.ResetHours; labelAkashiRepair.Visible = labelAkashiRepairTimer.Visible = labelPresetAkashiTimer.Visible = Config.UsePresetAkashi; Sniffer.WarnBadDamageWithDameCon = Config.WarnBadDamageWithDameCon; } public void ApplyDebugLogSetting() { _debugLogFile = Config.DebugLogging ? Config.DebugLogFile : null; } public bool ApplyProxySetting() { return _proxyManager.ApplyConfig(); } public void ApplyLogSetting() { LogServer.OutputDir = Config.Log.OutputDir; LogServer.LogProcessor = new LogProcessor(Sniffer.Material.MaterialHistory, Sniffer.MapDictionary); Sniffer.EnableLog(Config.Log.On ? LogType.All : LogType.None); Sniffer.MaterialLogInterval = Config.Log.MaterialLogInterval; Sniffer.LogOutputDir = Config.Log.OutputDir; } public static bool IsTitleBarOnAnyScreen(Point location) { var rect = new Rectangle( new Point(location.X + SystemInformation.IconSize.Width + SystemInformation.HorizontalFocusThickness, location.Y + SystemInformation.CaptionHeight), new Size(60, 1)); return Screen.AllScreens.Any(screen => screen.WorkingArea.Contains(rect)); } private void timerMain_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_timerEnabled) { try { _now = DateTime.Now; UpdateTimers(); NotifyTimers(); _prev = _now; } catch (Exception ex) { if (_errorDialog.ShowDialog(this, "エラーが発生しました。", ex.ToString()) == DialogResult.Abort) Exit(); } } if (_playLog == null || _configDialog.Visible) { labelPlayLog.Visible = false; return; } PlayLog(); } public void SetPlayLog(string file) { _playLog = File.ReadLines(file).GetEnumerator(); } private void PlayLog() { var lines = new List(); foreach (var s in new[] {"url: ", "request: ", "response: "}) { do { if (!_playLog.MoveNext() || _playLog.Current == null) { labelPlayLog.Visible = false; return; } } while (!_playLog.Current.StartsWith(s)); lines.Add(_playLog.Current.Substring(s.Length)); } labelPlayLog.Visible = !labelPlayLog.Visible; ProcessRequestMain(lines[0], lines[1], lines[2]); } private void ShowShipOnShipList(object sender, EventArgs ev) { if (!_listForm.Visible) return; var idx = (int)((Control)sender).Tag; var ship = (_combinedFleet ? Sniffer.Fleets[0].Ships.Concat(Sniffer.Fleets[1].Ships).ToArray() : Sniffer.Fleets[_currentFleet].Ships)[idx]; if (!ship.Empty) _listForm.ShowShip(ship.Id); } private void UpdateItemInfo() { _numberAndHistory.Update(); if (_listForm.Visible) _listForm.UpdateList(); } private void UpdateShipInfo() { SetCurrentFleet(); SetCombined(); UpdatePanelShipInfo(); NotifyDamagedShip(); UpdateChargeInfo(); UpdateRepairList(); UpdateMissionLabels(); if (_listForm.Visible) _listForm.UpdateList(); } private bool _inSortie; private void SetCurrentFleet() { var inSortie = Sniffer.InSortie; if (_inSortie || inSortie == -1) { _inSortie = inSortie == -1; return; } _inSortie = true; if (inSortie == 10) { _combinedFleet = true; _currentFleet = 0; } else { _combinedFleet = false; _currentFleet = inSortie; } } private bool _prevCombined; private void SetCombined() { if (Sniffer.IsCombinedFleet && !_prevCombined) { _combinedFleet = true; _currentFleet = 0; } _prevCombined = Sniffer.IsCombinedFleet; } private void UpdatePanelShipInfo() { var ships = Sniffer.Fleets[_currentFleet].ActualShips; panel7Ships.Visible = ships.Count == 7; _mainLabels.SetShipLabels(ships); ShowCombinedFleet(); ShowCurrentFleetNumber(); UpdateAkashiTimer(); UpdateFighterPower(IsCombinedFighterPower); UpdateLoS(); UpdateCondTimers(); } private void ShowCombinedFleet() { if (!Sniffer.IsCombinedFleet) _combinedFleet = false; labelFleet1.Text = _combinedFleet ? CombinedName : "第一"; panelCombinedFleet.Visible = _combinedFleet; if (_combinedFleet) _mainLabels.SetCombinedShipLabels(Sniffer.Fleets[0].ActualShips, Sniffer.Fleets[1].ActualShips); } private void ShowCurrentFleetNumber() { var labels = new[] {labelCheckFleet1, labelCheckFleet2, labelCheckFleet3, labelCheckFleet4}; for (var i = 0; i < labels.Length; i++) labels[i].Visible = _currentFleet == i; } private bool IsCombinedFighterPower => _combinedFleet && (Sniffer.Battle.BattleState == BattleState.None || Sniffer.Battle.EnemyIsCombined); private string CombinedName { get { switch (Sniffer.Fleets[0].CombinedType) { case CombinedType.Carrier: return "機動"; case CombinedType.Surface: return "水上"; case CombinedType.Transport: return "輸送"; default: return "連合"; } } } private void NotifyDamagedShip() { if (!Sniffer.BadlyDamagedShips.Any()) return; _notificationManager.StopRepeat("大破警告"); SetNotification("大破警告", string.Join(" ", Sniffer.BadlyDamagedShips)); _notificationManager.Flash(); } public void UpdateFighterPower(bool combined) { var fleets = Sniffer.Fleets; var fp = combined ? fleets[0].FighterPower + fleets[1].FighterPower : fleets[_currentFleet].FighterPower; labelFighterPower.Text = fp.Min.ToString("D"); var cr = combined ? fleets[0].ContactTriggerRate + fleets[1].ContactTriggerRate : fleets[_currentFleet].ContactTriggerRate; var text = "制空: " + (fp.Diff ? fp.RangeString : fp.Min.ToString()) + $" 触接: {cr * 100:f1}"; _toolTip.SetToolTip(labelFighterPower, text); _toolTip.SetToolTip(labelFighterPowerCaption, text); } private void UpdateLoS() { var fleet = Sniffer.Fleets[_currentFleet]; labelLoS.Text = RoundDown(fleet.GetLineOfSights(1)).ToString("F1"); var text = $"係数2: {RoundDown(fleet.GetLineOfSights(2)):F1}\r\n" + $"係数3: {RoundDown(fleet.GetLineOfSights(3)):F1}\r\n" + $"係数4: {RoundDown(fleet.GetLineOfSights(4)):F1}"; _toolTip.SetToolTip(labelLoS, text); _toolTip.SetToolTip(labelLoSCaption, text); } private double RoundDown(double number) { return Floor(number * 10) / 10.0; } private void UpdateBattleInfo() { ResetBattleInfo(); _listForm.UpdateBattleResult(); _listForm.UpdateAirBattleResult(); if (Sniffer.Battle.BattleState == BattleState.None) return; panelBattleInfo.BringToFront(); var battle = Sniffer.Battle; labelFormation.Text = new[] {"同航戦", "反航戦", "T字有利", "T字不利"}[battle.Formation[2] - 1]; UpdateBattleFighterPower(); if ((Config.Spoilers & Spoiler.ResultRank) != 0) ShowResultRank(); } private void UpdateCellInfo() { _listForm.UpdateCellInfo(); } private void ResetBattleInfo() { labelFormation.Text = ""; labelEnemyFighterPower.Text = ""; labelFighterPower.ForeColor = DefaultForeColor; labelResultRank.Text = "判定"; panelBattleInfo.Visible = Sniffer.Battle.BattleState != BattleState.None; } private void UpdateBattleFighterPower() { UpdateEnemyFighterPower(); var battle = Sniffer.Battle; labelFighterPower.ForeColor = battle.BattleState == BattleState.Night ? DefaultForeColor : AirControlLevelColor(battle.AirControlLevel); if (battle.BattleState == BattleState.AirRaid) { UpdateAirRaidFighterPower(); } else { UpdateFighterPower(Sniffer.IsCombinedFleet && battle.EnemyIsCombined); } } private void UpdateEnemyFighterPower() { var fp = Sniffer.Battle.EnemyFighterPower; labelEnemyFighterPower.Text = fp.AirCombat + fp.UnknownMark; var toolTip = fp.AirCombat == fp.Interception ? "" : "防空: " + fp.Interception + fp.UnknownMark; _toolTip.SetToolTip(labelEnemyFighterPower, toolTip); _toolTip.SetToolTip(labelEnemyFighterPowerCaption, toolTip); } private void UpdateAirRaidFighterPower() { var fp = Sniffer.Battle.FighterPower; labelFighterPower.Text = fp.Min.ToString(); var toolTop = fp.Diff ? fp.RangeString : ""; _toolTip.SetToolTip(labelFighterPower, toolTop); _toolTip.SetToolTip(labelFighterPowerCaption, toolTop); } private static Color AirControlLevelColor(int level) { var colors = new[] { DefaultForeColor, DefaultForeColor, CUDColors.Blue, CUDColors.Green, CUDColors.Orange, CUDColors.Red }; return colors[level + 1]; } private void ShowResultRank() { var result = new[] {"完全S", "勝利S", "勝利A", "勝利B", "敗北C", "敗北D", "敗北E"}; labelResultRank.Text = result[(int)Sniffer.Battle.ResultRank]; } private void labelResultRank_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowResultRank(); } private void UpdateChargeInfo() { var fuelSq = new[] {labelFuelSq1, labelFuelSq2, labelFuelSq3, labelFuelSq4}; var bullSq = new[] {labelBullSq1, labelBullSq2, labelBullSq3, labelBullSq4}; for (var i = 0; i < fuelSq.Length; i++) { var stat = Sniffer.Fleets[i].ChargeStatus; fuelSq[i].ImageIndex = stat.Fuel; bullSq[i].ImageIndex = stat.Bull; var text = stat.Empty ? "" : $"燃{stat.FuelRatio * 100:f1}% 弾{stat.BullRatio * 100:f1}%"; _toolTip.SetToolTip(fuelSq[i], text); _toolTip.SetToolTip(bullSq[i], text); } } private void UpdateNDocLabels() { _ndockLabels.SetName(Sniffer.NDock); SetNDockLabel(); } private void SetNDockLabel() { labelNDock.Text = (Config.ShowEndTime & TimerKind.NDock) != 0 ? "入渠終了" : "入渠"; } private void labelNDock_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Config.ShowEndTime ^= TimerKind.NDock; SetNDockLabel(); UpdateTimers(); } private void UpdateMissionLabels() { var nameLabels = new[] {labelMissionName1, labelMissionName2, labelMissionName3}; var paramsLabels = new[] {labelMissionParams1, labelMissionParams2, labelMissionParams3}; var names = Sniffer.Missions.Select(mission => mission.Name).ToArray(); for (var i = 0; i < ShipInfo.FleetCount - 1; i++) { var fleetParams = Sniffer.Fleets[i + 1].MissionParameter; var inPort = string.IsNullOrEmpty(names[i]); paramsLabels[i].Visible = inPort; paramsLabels[i].Text = fleetParams; nameLabels[i].Text = names[i]; _toolTip.SetToolTip(nameLabels[i], inPort ? "" : fleetParams); } SetMissionLabel(); } private void SetMissionLabel() { labelMission.Text = (Config.ShowEndTime & TimerKind.Mission) != 0 ? "遠征終了" : "遠征"; } private void labelMission_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Config.ShowEndTime ^= TimerKind.Mission; SetMissionLabel(); UpdateTimers(); } private void UpdateTimers() { var mission = new[] {labelMission1, labelMission2, labelMission3}; for (var i = 0; i < mission.Length; i++) { var entry = Sniffer.Missions[i]; SetTimerColor(mission[i], entry.Timer, _now); mission[i].Text = entry.Timer.ToString(_now, (Config.ShowEndTime & TimerKind.Mission) != 0); } for (var i = 0; i < Sniffer.NDock.Length; i++) { var entry = Sniffer.NDock[i]; _ndockLabels.SetTimer(i, entry.Timer, _now, (Config.ShowEndTime & TimerKind.NDock) != 0); } var kdock = new[] {labelConstruct1, labelConstruct2, labelConstruct3, labelConstruct4}; for (var i = 0; i < kdock.Length; i++) { var timer = Sniffer.KDock[i]; SetTimerColor(kdock[i], timer, _now); kdock[i].Text = timer.ToString(_now); } UpdateCondTimers(); UpdateAkashiTimer(); _timerEnabled = true; } private void NotifyTimers() { for (var i = 0; i < Sniffer.Missions.Length; i++) { var entry = Sniffer.Missions[i]; if (entry.Name == "前衛支援任務" || entry.Name == "艦隊決戦支援任務") continue; CheckAlarm("遠征終了", entry.Timer, i + 1, entry.Name); } for (var i = 0; i < Sniffer.NDock.Length; i++) { var entry = Sniffer.NDock[i]; CheckAlarm("入渠終了", entry.Timer, i, entry.Name); } for (var i = 0; i < Sniffer.KDock.Length; i++) { var timer = Sniffer.KDock[i]; CheckAlarm("建造完了", timer, i, ""); } NotifyCondTimers(); NotifyAkashiTimer(); _notificationManager.Flash(); } private void CheckAlarm(string key, AlarmTimer timer, int fleet, string subject) { if (timer.CheckAlarm(_prev, _now)) { SetNotification(key, fleet, subject); return; } var pre = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Config.Notifications[key].PreliminaryPeriod); if (pre == TimeSpan.Zero) return; if (timer.CheckAlarm(_prev + pre, _now + pre)) SetPreNotification(key, fleet, subject); } private void SetTimerColor(Label label, AlarmTimer timer, DateTime now) { label.ForeColor = timer.IsFinished(now) ? CUDColors.Red : Color.Black; } private void UpdateCondTimers() { DateTime timer; if (_combinedFleet) { var timer1 = Sniffer.GetConditionTimer(0); var timer2 = Sniffer.GetConditionTimer(1); timer = timer2 > timer1 ? timer2 : timer1; } else { timer = Sniffer.GetConditionTimer(_currentFleet); } if (timer == DateTime.MinValue) { labelCondTimerTitle.Text = ""; labelCondTimer.Text = ""; return; } var span = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Ceiling((timer - _now).TotalSeconds)); if (span >= TimeSpan.FromMinutes(9) && Config.NotifyConditions.Contains(40)) { labelCondTimerTitle.Text = "cond40まで"; labelCondTimer.Text = (span - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(9)).ToString(@"mm\:ss"); labelCondTimer.ForeColor = DefaultForeColor; } else { labelCondTimerTitle.Text = "cond49まで"; labelCondTimer.Text = (span >= TimeSpan.Zero ? span : TimeSpan.Zero).ToString(@"mm\:ss"); labelCondTimer.ForeColor = span <= TimeSpan.Zero ? CUDColors.Red : DefaultForeColor; } } private void NotifyCondTimers() { var notice = Sniffer.GetConditionNotice(_prev, _now); var pre = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Config.Notifications["疲労回復"].PreliminaryPeriod); var preNotice = pre == TimeSpan.Zero ? new int[ShipInfo.FleetCount] : Sniffer.GetConditionNotice(_prev + pre, _now + pre); for (var i = 0; i < ShipInfo.FleetCount; i++) { if (Config.NotifyConditions.Contains(notice[i])) { SetNotification("疲労回復" + notice[i], i, "cond" + notice[i]); } else if (Config.NotifyConditions.Contains(preNotice[i])) { SetPreNotification("疲労回復" + preNotice[i], i, "cond" + notice[i]); } } } private void UpdateAkashiTimer() { if (Config.UsePresetAkashi) UpdatePresetAkashiTimer(); _mainLabels.SetAkashiTimer(Sniffer.Fleets[_currentFleet].ActualShips, Sniffer.AkashiTimer.GetTimers(_currentFleet, _now)); } private void UpdatePresetAkashiTimer() { var akashi = Sniffer.AkashiTimer; var span = akashi.GetPresetDeckTimer(_now); var color = span == TimeSpan.Zero && akashi.CheckPresetRepairing() ? CUDColors.Red : DefaultForeColor; var text = span == TimeSpan.MinValue ? "" : span.ToString(@"mm\:ss"); labelAkashiRepairTimer.ForeColor = color; labelAkashiRepairTimer.Text = text; if (akashi.CheckPresetRepairing() && !akashi.CheckRepairing(_currentFleet, _now)) { labelPresetAkashiTimer.ForeColor = color; labelPresetAkashiTimer.Text = text; } else { labelPresetAkashiTimer.ForeColor = DefaultForeColor; labelPresetAkashiTimer.Text = ""; } } private void NotifyAkashiTimer() { var akashi = Sniffer.AkashiTimer; var msgs = akashi.GetNotice(_prev, _now); if (msgs.Length == 0) { _notificationManager.StopRepeat("泊地修理"); return; } if (!akashi.CheckRepairing(_now) && !(akashi.CheckPresetRepairing() && Config.UsePresetAkashi)) { _notificationManager.StopRepeat("泊地修理"); return; } var skipPreliminary = false; if (msgs[0].Proceeded == "20分経過しました。") { SetNotification("泊地修理20分経過", msgs[0].Proceeded); msgs[0].Proceeded = ""; skipPreliminary = true; // 修理完了がいるかもしれないので続ける } for (var i = 0; i < ShipInfo.FleetCount; i++) { if (msgs[i].Proceeded != "") SetNotification("泊地修理進行", i, msgs[i].Proceeded); if (msgs[i].Completed != "") SetNotification("泊地修理完了", i, msgs[i].Completed); } var pre = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Config.Notifications["泊地修理20分経過"].PreliminaryPeriod); if (skipPreliminary || pre == TimeSpan.Zero) return; if ((msgs = akashi.GetNotice(_prev + pre, _now + pre))[0].Proceeded == "20分経過しました。") SetPreNotification("泊地修理20分経過", 0, msgs[0].Proceeded); } private void SetNotification(string key, string subject) { SetNotification(key, 0, subject); } private void SetNotification(string key, int fleet, string subject) { var spec = Config.Notifications[_notificationManager.KeyToName(key)]; _notificationManager.Enqueue(key, fleet, subject, (spec.Flags & Config.NotificationFlags & NotificationType.Repeat) == 0 ? 0 : spec.RepeatInterval); } private void SetPreNotification(string key, int fleet, string subject) { var spec = Config.Notifications[_notificationManager.KeyToName(key)]; if ((spec.Flags & NotificationType.Preliminary) != 0) _notificationManager.Enqueue(key, fleet, subject, 0, true); } private void UpdateRepairList() { panelRepairList.SetRepairList(Sniffer.RepairList); _toolTip.SetToolTip(label31, new RepairShipCount(Sniffer.RepairList).ToString()); } private void UpdateQuestList() { questPanel.Update(Sniffer.Quests); labelQuestCount.Text = Sniffer.Quests.Length.ToString(); SetQuestNotification(); } private void SetQuestNotification() { Sniffer.GetQuestNotifications(out var notify, out var stop); foreach (var questName in notify) SetNotification("任務達成", 0, questName); foreach (var questName in stop) _notificationManager.StopRepeat("任務達成", questName); _notificationManager.Flash(); } private void Alarm(string balloonTitle, string balloonMessage, string name) { var flags = Config.Notifications[name].Flags; var effective = Config.NotificationFlags & Config.Notifications[name].Flags; if ((effective & NotificationType.FlashWindow) != 0) Win32API.FlashWindow(Handle); if ((effective & NotificationType.ShowBaloonTip) != 0) notifyIconMain.ShowBalloonTip(20000, balloonTitle, balloonMessage, ToolTipIcon.Info); if ((effective & NotificationType.PlaySound) != 0) PlaySound(Config.Sounds[name], Config.Sounds.Volume); if (Config.Pushbullet.On && (flags & NotificationType.Push) != 0) { Task.Run(() => { PushNotification.PushToPushbullet(Config.Pushbullet.Token, balloonTitle, balloonMessage); }); } if (Config.Pushover.On && (flags & NotificationType.Push) != 0) { Task.Run(() => { PushNotification.PushToPushover(Config.Pushover.ApiKey, Config.Pushover.UserKey, balloonTitle, balloonMessage); }); } } [DllImport("winmm.dll")] private static extern int mciSendString(String command, StringBuilder buffer, int bufferSize, IntPtr hWndCallback); // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming // ReSharper disable once IdentifierTypo private const int MM_MCINOTIFY = 0x3B9; private const int MCI_NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL = 1; // ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming public void PlaySound(string file, int volume) { if (!File.Exists(file)) return; mciSendString("close sound", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); if (mciSendString("open \"" + file + "\" type mpegvideo alias sound", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero) != 0) return; mciSendString("setaudio sound volume to " + volume * 10, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); mciSendString("play sound notify", null, 0, Handle); } protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { if (m.Msg == MM_MCINOTIFY && (int)m.WParam == MCI_NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL) mciSendString("close sound", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); base.WndProc(ref m); } private void SetupFleetClick() { var labels = new[] { new[] {labelFleet1, labelFleet2, labelFleet3, labelFleet4}, new[] {labelFuelSq1, labelFuelSq2, labelFuelSq3, labelFuelSq4}, new[] {labelBullSq1, labelBullSq2, labelBullSq3, labelBullSq4} }; foreach (var a in labels) { a[0].Tag = 0; a[0].Click += labelFleet1_Click; a[0].DoubleClick += labelFleet1_DoubleClick; for (var fleet = 1; fleet < labels[0].Length; fleet++) { a[fleet].Tag = fleet; a[fleet].Click += labelFleet_Click; a[fleet].DoubleClick += labelFleet_DoubleClick; } } } private void labelFleet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!_started) return; var fleet = (int)((Label)sender).Tag; if (_currentFleet == fleet) return; _combinedFleet = false; _currentFleet = fleet; UpdatePanelShipInfo(); } private readonly SemaphoreSlim _clickSemaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(1); private readonly SemaphoreSlim _doubleClickSemaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(0); private async void labelFleet1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!_started) return; if (_currentFleet != 0) { labelFleet_Click(sender, e); return; } if (!_clickSemaphore.Wait(0)) return; try { if (await _doubleClickSemaphore.WaitAsync(SystemInformation.DoubleClickTime)) return; } finally { _clickSemaphore.Release(); } _combinedFleet = Sniffer.IsCombinedFleet && !_combinedFleet; UpdatePanelShipInfo(); } private void labelFleet1_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e) { labelFleet1.Text = _currentFleet == 0 && Sniffer.IsCombinedFleet && !_combinedFleet ? "連合" : "第一"; } private void labelFleet1_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { labelFleet1.Text = _combinedFleet ? CombinedName : "第一"; } private void labelFleet_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!_started) return; var fleet = (int)((Label)sender).Tag; var text = TextGenerator.GenerateFleetData(Sniffer, fleet); CopyFleetText(text, (Label)sender); } private void labelFleet1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!_started) return; _doubleClickSemaphore.Release(); var text = TextGenerator.GenerateFleetData(Sniffer, 0); if (_combinedFleet) text += TextGenerator.GenerateFleetData(Sniffer, 1); CopyFleetText(text, (Label)sender); } private void CopyFleetText(string text, Label fleetButton) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) return; Clipboard.SetText(text); _tooltipCopy.Active = true; _tooltipCopy.Show("コピーしました。", fleetButton); Task.Run(async () => { await Task.Delay(1000); _tooltipCopy.Active = false; }); } private void labelBucketHistoryButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (labelBucketHistory.Visible) { labelBucketHistory.Visible = false; labelBucketHistoryButton.BackColor = DefaultBackColor; } else { labelBucketHistory.Visible = true; labelBucketHistory.BringToFront(); labelBucketHistoryButton.BackColor = CustomColors.ActiveButtonColor; } } private void labelBucketHistory_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { labelBucketHistory.Visible = false; labelBucketHistoryButton.BackColor = DefaultBackColor; } private void labelMaterialHistoryButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (panelMaterialHistory.Visible) { panelMaterialHistory.Visible = false; labelMaterialHistoryButton.BackColor = DefaultBackColor; } else { panelMaterialHistory.Visible = true; panelMaterialHistory.BringToFront(); labelMaterialHistoryButton.BackColor = CustomColors.ActiveButtonColor; } } private void panelMaterialHistory_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { panelMaterialHistory.Visible = false; labelMaterialHistoryButton.BackColor = DefaultBackColor; } public void ResetAchievement() { Sniffer.Achievement.Reset(); UpdateItemInfo(); } private void labelRepairListButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (panelRepairList.Visible) { panelRepairList.Visible = false; labelRepairListButton.BackColor = DefaultBackColor; } else { panelRepairList.Visible = true; panelRepairList.BringToFront(); labelRepairListButton.BackColor = CustomColors.ActiveButtonColor; } } private void panelRepairList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { panelRepairList.Visible = false; labelRepairListButton.BackColor = DefaultBackColor; } private void ShipListToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _listForm.UpdateList(); _listForm.Show(); if (_listForm.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) _listForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; _listForm.Activate(); } private void LogToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Process.Start("http://localhost:" + Config.Proxy.Listen + "/"); } private void labelClearQuest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Sniffer.ClearQuests(); UpdateQuestList(); } private void labelClearQuest_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { labelClearQuest.BackColor = CustomColors.ActiveButtonColor; } private void labelClearQuest_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { labelClearQuest.BackColor = DefaultBackColor; } private void labelQuest_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { var label = (Label)sender; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(label.Text)) return; Clipboard.SetText(label.Text); _tooltipCopy.Active = true; _tooltipCopy.Show("コピーしました。", label); Task.Run(async () => { await Task.Delay(1000); _tooltipCopy.Active = false; }); } private void CaptureToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var proc = new ProcessStartInfo("BurageSnap.exe") {WorkingDirectory = "Capture"}; Process.Start(proc); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { } catch (Win32Exception) { } } } }