// Copyright (C) 2015 Kazuhiro Fujieda // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. using System.Collections.Generic; using static System.Math; namespace KancolleSniffer { public class MiscTextInfo { private const string GuideText = "[海域ゲージ情報]\r\n 海域選択画面に進むと表示します。\r\n[演習情報]\r\n 演習相手を選ぶと表示します。"; public string Text { get; private set; } = GuideText; public bool ClearFlag { private get; set; } public void ClearIfNeeded() { if (!ClearFlag) return; Text = GuideText; ClearFlag = false; } private readonly Dictionary _required = new Dictionary { {15, 4}, {16, 7}, {25, 4}, {35, 4}, {44, 4}, {45, 5}, {52, 4}, {53, 5}, {54, 5}, {55, 5}, {62, 3}, {63, 4} }; public void InspectMapInfo(dynamic json) { Text = "[海域ゲージ]\r\n"; foreach (var entry in json) { var map = (int)entry.api_id; if (entry.api_eventmap()) { var evmap = entry.api_eventmap; Text += $"{map / 10}-{map % 10} : HP {(int)evmap.api_now_maphp}/{(int)evmap.api_max_maphp}\r\n"; continue; } if (!entry.api_defeat_count()) continue; int req; var reqStr = _required.TryGetValue(map, out req) ? req.ToString() : "?"; Text += $"{map / 10}-{map % 10} : 撃破 {(int)entry.api_defeat_count}/{reqStr}\r\n"; } } private readonly int[] _expTable = { 0, 100, 300, 600, 1000, 1500, 2100, 2800, 3600, 4500, 5500, 6600, 7800, 9100, 10500, 12000, 13600, 15300, 17100, 19000, 21000, 23100, 25300, 27600, 30000, 32500, 35100, 37800, 40600, 43500, 46500, 49600, 52800, 56100, 59500, 63000, 66600, 70300, 74100, 78000, 82000, 86100, 90300, 94600, 99000, 103500, 108100, 112800, 117600, 122500, 127500, 132700, 138100, 143700, 149500, 155500, 161700, 168100, 174700, 181500, 188500, 195800, 203400, 211300, 219500, 228000, 236800, 245900, 255300, 265000, 275000, 285400, 296200, 307400, 319000, 331000, 343400, 356200, 369400, 383000, 397000, 411500, 426500, 442000, 458000, 474500, 491500, 509000, 527000, 545500, 564500, 584500, 606500, 631500, 661500, 701500, 761500, 851500, 1000000, 1000000, 1010000, 1011000, 1013000, 1016000, 1020000, 1025000, 1031000, 1038000, 1046000, 1055000, 1065000, 1077000, 1091000, 1107000, 1125000, 1145000, 1168000, 1194000, 1223000, 1255000, 1290000, 1329000, 1372000, 1419000, 1470000, 1525000, 1584000, 1647000, 1714000, 1785000, 1860000, 1940000, 2025000, 2115000, 2210000, 2310000, 2415000, 2525000, 2640000, 2760000, 2887000, 3021000, 3162000, 3310000, 3465000, 3628000, 3799000, 3978000, 4165000, 4360000, 4564000, 4777000, 4999000, 5230000, 5470000 }; public void InspectPracticeEnemyInfo(dynamic json) { Text = $"[演習情報]\r\n敵艦隊名 : {json.api_deckname}\r\n"; var ships = json.api_deck.api_ships; var s1 = (int)ships[0].api_id != -1 ? (int)ships[0].api_level : 1; var s2 = (int)ships[1].api_id != -1 ? (int)ships[1].api_level : 1; var raw = _expTable[Min(s1, _expTable.Length) - 1] / 100.0 + _expTable[Min(s2, _expTable.Length) - 1] / 300.0; var exp = raw >= 500 ? 500 + (int)Sqrt(raw - 500) : (int)raw; Text += $"獲得経験値 : {exp}\r\nS勝利 : {(int)(exp * 1.2)}"; } } }