// Copyright (C) 2016 Kazuhiro Fujieda // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Linq; using KancolleSniffer.Util; namespace KancolleSniffer.Model { public class AirBase { private readonly ItemInfo _itemInfo; private List _relocatingPlanes = new List(); public AirBase(ItemInfo item) { _itemInfo = item; } public BaseInfo[] AllAirCorps { get; set; } public class BaseInfo { public int AreaId { get; set; } public string AreaName => AreaId == 6 ? "中部海域" : "限定海域"; public AirCorpsInfo[] AirCorps { get; set; } } public class Distance { public int Base { get; set; } public int Bonus { get; set; } public override string ToString() => Bonus > 0 ? $"{Base}+{Bonus}" : Base.ToString(); } public class AirCorpsInfo { public Distance Distance { get; set; } public int Action { get; set; } public PlaneInfo[] Planes { get; set; } public string ActionName { get { switch (Action) { case 0: return "待機"; case 1: return "出撃"; case 2: return "防空"; case 3: return "退避"; case 4: return "休息"; default: return ""; } } } public AirBaseParams[] CalcFighterPower() { var reconPlaneBonus = Planes.Aggregate(new AirBaseParams(), (max, plane) => { var bonus = plane.Slot.Spec.ReconPlaneAirBaseBonus; return AirBaseParams.Max(max, bonus); }); return Planes.Aggregate(new[] {new AirBaseParams(), new AirBaseParams()}, (previous, plane) => { if (plane.State != 1) return previous; var current = plane.Slot.CalcFighterPowerInBase(plane.Count); return new[] { previous[0] + current[0], previous[1] + current[1] }; }).Select(param => (param * reconPlaneBonus).Floor()).ToArray(); } public int[] CostForSortie => Planes.Aggregate(new[] {0, 0}, (prev, plane) => { if (plane.State != 1) return prev; int fuel, bull; if (plane.Slot.Spec.Type == 47) { fuel = (int)Math.Ceiling(plane.Count * 1.5); bull = (int)(plane.Count * 0.7); } else { fuel = plane.Count; bull = (int)Math.Ceiling(plane.Count * 0.6); } return new[] {prev[0] + fuel, prev[1] + bull}; }); } public class PlaneInfo { public int State { get; set; } public ItemStatus Slot { get; set; } public int Count { get; set; } public int MaxCount { get; set; } public string StateName { get { switch (State) { case 0: return "未配備"; case 1: return "配備中"; case 2: return "配置転換中"; default: return ""; } } } public AirBaseParams[] FighterPower => Slot.CalcFighterPowerInBase(Count); } public void Inspect(dynamic json) { AllAirCorps = (from entry in (dynamic[])json group new AirCorpsInfo { Distance = CreateDistance(entry.api_distance), Action = (int)entry.api_action_kind, Planes = (from plane in (dynamic[])entry.api_plane_info select new PlaneInfo { Slot = _itemInfo.GetStatus((int)plane.api_slotid), State = (int)plane.api_state, Count = plane.api_count() ? (int)plane.api_count : 0, MaxCount = plane.api_max_count() ? (int)plane.api_max_count : 0 }).ToArray() } by entry.api_area_id() ? (int)entry.api_area_id : 0 into grp select new BaseInfo {AreaId = grp.Key, AirCorps = grp.ToArray()}).ToArray(); } public void InspectSetPlane(string request, dynamic json) { if (AllAirCorps == null) return; var values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request); var airCorps = GetBaseInfo(values).AirCorps[int.Parse(values["api_base_id"]) - 1]; if (json.api_distance()) // 2016春イベにはない airCorps.Distance = CreateDistance(json.api_distance); foreach (var planeInfo in json.api_plane_info) { var planeId = (int)planeInfo.api_squadron_id - 1; var prev = airCorps.Planes[planeId]; if (!prev.Slot.Empty) _relocatingPlanes.Add(prev.Slot.Id); airCorps.Planes[planeId] = new PlaneInfo { Slot = _itemInfo.GetStatus((int)planeInfo.api_slotid), State = (int)planeInfo.api_state, Count = planeInfo.api_count() ? (int)planeInfo.api_count : 0, MaxCount = planeInfo.api_max_count() ? (int)planeInfo.api_max_count : 0 }; } } private Distance CreateDistance(dynamic distance) => distance is double // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidCastException ? new Distance {Base = (int)distance} : new Distance {Base = (int)distance.api_base, Bonus = (int)distance.api_bonus}; public void InspectSupply(string request, dynamic json) { InspectSetPlane(request, json); } public void InspectSetAction(string request) { if (AllAirCorps == null) return; var values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request); var airCorps = GetBaseInfo(values).AirCorps; foreach (var entry in values["api_base_id"].Split(',') .Zip(values["api_action_kind"].Split(','), (b, a) => new {baseId = b, action = a})) { airCorps[int.Parse(entry.baseId) - 1].Action = int.Parse(entry.action); } } public void InspectExpandBase(string request, dynamic json) { var values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request); var baseInfo = GetBaseInfo(values); var airCorps = baseInfo.AirCorps; Array.Resize(ref airCorps, airCorps.Length + 1); baseInfo.AirCorps = airCorps; airCorps[airCorps.Length - 1] = new AirCorpsInfo { Planes = ((dynamic[])json[0].api_plane_info).Select(plane => new PlaneInfo {Slot = new ItemStatus()}).ToArray() }; } private BaseInfo GetBaseInfo(NameValueCollection values) { var areaId = int.Parse(values["api_area_id"] ?? "0"); // 古いAPIに対応するため return AllAirCorps.First(b => b.AreaId == areaId); } public void InspectPlaneInfo(dynamic json) { _relocatingPlanes = json.api_base_convert_slot() ? new List((int[])json.api_base_convert_slot) : new List(); } public void InspectEventObject(dynamic json) { InspectPlaneInfo(json); } public void SetItemHolder() { if (AllAirCorps == null) return; var name = new[] {"第一", "第二", "第三"}; foreach (var baseInfo in AllAirCorps.Select((data, i) => new {data, i})) { var areaName = baseInfo.data.AreaName; foreach (var airCorps in baseInfo.data.AirCorps.Select((data, i) => new {data, i})) { var ship = new ShipStatus { Id = 10000 + baseInfo.i * 1000 + airCorps.i, Spec = new ShipSpec {Name = areaName + " " + name[airCorps.i] + "航空隊"} }; foreach (var plane in airCorps.data.Planes) { if (plane.State != 1) continue; _itemInfo.GetStatus(plane.Slot.Id).Holder = ship; } } } if (_relocatingPlanes == null) return; var relocating = new ShipStatus {Id = 1500, Spec = new ShipSpec {Name = "配置転換中"}}; foreach (var id in _relocatingPlanes) _itemInfo.GetStatus(id).Holder = relocating; } } }