// Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015 Kazuhiro Fujieda // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using KancolleSniffer.Util; namespace KancolleSniffer.Model { public class ItemInfo { private readonly ItemMaster _itemMaster; private readonly ItemInventory _itemInventory; public AlarmCounter Counter { get; } public ItemInfo(ItemMaster itemMaster, ItemInventory itemInventory) { _itemMaster = itemMaster; _itemInventory = itemInventory; Counter = new AlarmCounter(() => _itemInventory.Count) {Margin = 5}; } public void InspectBasic(dynamic json) { Counter.Max = (int)json.api_max_slotitem; } public void InspectMaster(dynamic json) { _itemMaster.InspectMaster(json); } public void InspectSlotItem(dynamic json, bool full = false) { if (!json.IsArray) json = new[] {json}; if (full) _itemInventory.Clear(); foreach (var entry in json) { var id = (int)entry.api_id; if (id == -1) continue; _itemInventory[id] = new ItemStatus(id) { Spec = _itemMaster[(int)entry.api_slotitem_id], Level = entry.api_level() ? (int)entry.api_level : 0, Alv = entry.api_alv() ? (int)entry.api_alv : 0 }; } } public void InspectCreateItem(dynamic json) { if (json.api_slot_item()) { InspectSlotItem(json.api_slot_item); } else if (json.api_get_items()) { InspectSlotItem(json.api_get_items); } } public void InspectGetShip(dynamic json) { if (json.api_slotitem == null) // まるゆにはスロットがない return; InspectSlotItem(json.api_slotitem); } public void InspectDestroyItem(string request, dynamic json) { var values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request); DeleteItems(values["api_slotitem_ids"].Split(',').Select(int.Parse).ToArray()); } public void InspectRemodelSlot(dynamic json) { if (json.api_after_slot()) InspectSlotItem(json.api_after_slot); if (!json.api_use_slot_id()) return; DeleteItems((int[])json.api_use_slot_id); } private void DeleteItems(IEnumerable ids) { _itemInventory.Remove(ids); } public ItemSpec GetSpecByItemId(int id) => _itemMaster[id]; public string GetName(int id) => GetStatus(id).Spec.Name; public ItemStatus GetStatus(int id) { return _itemInventory[id]; } public void ClearHolder() { foreach (var item in _itemInventory.AllItems) item.Holder = new ShipStatus(); } public ItemStatus[] ItemList => _itemInventory.AllItems.ToArray(); public string GetUseItemName(int id) => _itemMaster.GetUseItemName(id); public void InjectItemSpec(IEnumerable specs) { foreach (var spec in specs) _itemMaster[spec.Id] = spec; } public ItemStatus[] InjectItems(IEnumerable itemIds) { var id = _itemInventory.MaxId + 1; return itemIds.Select(itemId => { var spec = _itemMaster[itemId]; if (spec.Empty) { spec = new ItemSpec {Id = itemId}; _itemMaster[itemId] = spec; } var item = new ItemStatus {Id = id++, Spec = spec}; _itemInventory.Add(item); return item; }).ToArray(); } } }