// Copyright (C) 2019 Kazuhiro Fujieda // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Xml.Serialization; using KancolleSniffer.Util; namespace KancolleSniffer.Model { public class QuestCount { public int Id { get; set; } public int Now { get; set; } public int[] NowArray { get; set; } [XmlIgnore] public QuestSpec Spec { get; set; } public bool AdjustCount(int progress) { if (!Spec.AdjustCount) return false; if (NowArray != null) { if (progress != 100) return false; NowArray = NowArray.Zip(Spec.MaxArray, Math.Max).ToArray(); return true; } var next = 0; switch (progress) { case 0: next = 50; break; case 50: next = 80; break; case 80: next = 100; break; case 100: next = 100000; break; } var now = Now + Spec.Shift; var max = Spec.Max + Spec.Shift; var low = (int)Math.Ceiling(max * progress / 100.0); if (low >= max && progress != 100) low = max - 1; var high = (int)Math.Ceiling(max * next / 100.0); if (now < low) { Now = low - Spec.Shift; return true; } if (now >= high) { Now = high - 1 - Spec.Shift; return true; } return false; } public override string ToString() { return Spec.MaxArray != null && Spec.MaxArray.All(x => x == 1) ? string.Join("\u200a", NowArray.Select(n => (n % 10).ToString())) : Spec.MaxArray != null ? string.Join(" ", NowArray.Zip(Spec.MaxArray, (n, m) => $"{n}/{m}")) : $"{Now}/{Spec.Max}"; } public QuestCount Clone() { var clone = (QuestCount)MemberwiseClone(); if (NowArray != null) clone.NowArray = (int[])NowArray.Clone(); return clone; } public bool Equals(QuestCount other) { if (Id != other.Id) return false; if (NowArray == null) return Now == other.Now; return NowArray.SequenceEqual(other.NowArray); } private static string MapString(int map) { return map switch { 721 => "7-2G", 722 => "7-2M", _ => $"{map / 10}-{map % 10}" }; } public string ToToolTip() { if (NowArray == null) return ""; if (Spec is QuestSortie spec && spec.Maps != null && spec.MaxArray != null) { return string.Join(" ", spec.Maps.Zip(NowArray, (map, n) => $"{MapString(map)}:{n}")); } return string.Join(" ", (Id switch { 426 => new[] {"警備任務", "対潜警戒任務", "海上護衛任務", "強硬偵察任務"}, 428 => new[] {"対潜警戒任務", "海峡警備行動", "長時間対潜警戒"}, 436 => new[] {"練習航海", "長距離練習航海", "警備任務", "対潜警戒任務", "強行偵察任務"}, 688 => new[] {"艦戦", "艦爆", "艦攻", "水偵"}, _ => new string[0] }).Zip(NowArray, (entry, n) => $"{entry}{n}")); } public bool Cleared => NowArray?.Zip(Spec.MaxArray, (n, m) => n >= m).All(x => x) ?? Spec.Max != 0 && Now >= Spec.Max; } public class QuestCounter { private readonly QuestInfo _questInfo; private readonly ItemInfo _itemInfo; private readonly BattleInfo _battleInfo; private readonly SortedDictionary _quests; private int _map; private bool _boss; private class ResultShipSpecs { public ShipSpec[] Specs { get; } public NameChecker Names { get; } public int[] Types { get; } public int[] Classes { get; } public ShipSpec Flagship { get; } public int FlagshipType { get; } public class NameChecker { private readonly string[] _names; public NameChecker(ShipSpec[] specs) { _names = specs.Select(spec => spec.Name).ToArray(); } public bool Contains(string demand) { return _names.Any(name => name.StartsWith(demand)); } public int Count(params string[] demands) { return demands.Sum(demand => _names.Count(name => name.StartsWith(demand))); } } public ResultShipSpecs(BattleInfo battleInfo) { Specs = battleInfo.Result?.Friend.Main.Where(s => s.NowHp > 0).Select(ship => ship.Spec).ToArray() ?? new ShipSpec[0]; Names = new NameChecker(Specs); Types = Specs.Select(spec => spec.ShipType).ToArray(); Classes = Specs.Select(spec => spec.ShipClass).ToArray(); Flagship = Specs.FirstOrDefault(); FlagshipType = Types.FirstOrDefault(); } } public QuestCounter(QuestInfo questInfo, ItemInfo itemInfo, BattleInfo battleInfo) { _questInfo = questInfo; _quests = questInfo.QuestDictionary; _itemInfo = itemInfo; _battleInfo = battleInfo; } private bool NeedSave { set => _questInfo.NeedSave = value; } public void InspectMapStart(dynamic json) { if (_quests.TryGetValue(214, out var ago)) // あ号 ago.Count.NowArray[0]++; InspectMapNext(json); } public void InspectMapNext(dynamic json) { _map = (int)json.api_maparea_id * 10 + (int)json.api_mapinfo_no; if (_map == 72) { var cell = json.api_no() ? (int)json.api_no : 0; _map *= 10; if (cell == 7) _map++; if (cell == 15) _map += 2; } _boss = (int)json.api_event_id == 5; if (_map != 16 || (int)json.api_event_id != 8) return; foreach (var count in _quests.Values.Select(q => q.Count)) { if (!(count.Spec is QuestSortie sortie)) continue; if (!FleetCheck(count.Id)) continue; if (sortie.Count(count, "S", _map, true)) NeedSave = true; } } public void InspectBattleResult(dynamic json) { var rank = json.api_win_rank; foreach (var count in _quests.Values.Select(q => q.Count)) { switch (count.Spec) { case QuestSortie sortie: if (!FleetCheck(count.Id)) continue; if (!_boss && count.Id == 216) { Increment(count); continue; } if (sortie.Count(count, rank, _map, _boss)) NeedSave = true; continue; case QuestEnemyType enemyType: var num = enemyType.CountResult( _battleInfo.Result.Enemy.Main.Concat(_battleInfo.Result.Enemy.Guard)); if (num > 0) Add(count, num); continue; } if (count.Id == 214) CountAgo(count, rank); } } private void CountAgo(QuestCount count, string rank) { if (QuestSortie.CompareRank(rank, "S") == 0) IncrementNth(count, 1); if (!_boss) return; IncrementNth(count, 2); if (QuestSortie.CompareRank(rank, "B") <= 0) IncrementNth(count, 3); } private bool FleetCheck(int id) { var specs = new ResultShipSpecs(_battleInfo); switch (id) { case 249: return specs.Names.Count("妙高", "那智", "羽黒") == 3; case 257: return specs.FlagshipType == 3 && specs.Types.Count(s => s == 3) <= 3 && specs.Types.All(s => s == 2 || s == 3); case 259: return specs.Types.Count(type => type == 3) > 0 && specs.Classes.Count(c => new[] { 2, // 伊勢型 19, // 長門型 26, // 扶桑型 37 // 大和型 }.Contains(c)) == 3; case 264: return specs.Types.Count(type => type == 2) >= 2 && specs.Specs.Count(spec => spec.IsAircraftCarrier) >= 2; case 266: return specs.FlagshipType == 2 && specs.Types.OrderBy(x => x).SequenceEqual(new[] {2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 5}); case 280: case 284: return specs.Types.Count(type => type == 1 || type == 2) >= 3 && specs.Types.Intersect(new[] {3, 4, 7, 21}).Any(); case 861: return specs.Types.Count(s => s == 10 || s == 22) == 2; case 862: return specs.Types.Count(s => s == 3) >= 2 && specs.Types.Count(s => s == 16) >= 1; case 873: return specs.Types.Count(type => type == 3) >= 1; case 875: return specs.Names.Contains("長波改二") && specs.Names.Count("朝霜改", "高波改", "沖波改") > 0; case 888: return specs.Names.Count("鳥海", "青葉", "衣笠", "加古", "古鷹", "天龍", "夕張") >= 4; case 894: return specs.Specs.Any(spec => spec.IsAircraftCarrier); case 903: return specs.Flagship.Name.StartsWith("夕張改二") && (specs.Names.Count("睦月", "如月", "弥生", "卯月", "菊月", "望月") >= 2 || specs.Names.Contains("由良改二")); case 904: return specs.Names.Count("綾波改二", "敷波改二") == 2; case 905: return specs.Types.Count(type => type == 1) >= 3 && specs.Types.Length <= 5; case 912: return specs.Flagship.Name.StartsWith("明石") && specs.Types.Count(type => type == 2) >= 3; case 914: return specs.Types.Count(type => type == 5) >= 3 && specs.Types.Count(type => type == 2) >= 1; case 318: return specs.Types.Count(type => type == 3) >= 2; case 330: return specs.Flagship.IsAircraftCarrier && specs.Specs.Count(spec => spec.IsAircraftCarrier) >= 2 && specs.Types.Count(type => type == 2) >= 2; case 337: return specs.Names.Count("陽炎", "不知火", "霰", "霞") == 4; case 339: return specs.Names.Count("磯波", "浦波", "綾波", "敷波") == 4; case 342: var t12 = specs.Types.Count(type => type == 1 || type == 2); return t12 >= 4 || t12 >= 3 && specs.Types.Intersect(new[] {3, 4, 7, 21}).Any(); default: return true; } } private int _questFleet; public void StartPractice(string request) { var values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request); _questFleet = int.Parse(values["api_deck_id"]) - 1; } public void InspectPracticeResult(dynamic json) { foreach (var count in _quests.Values.Select(q => q.Count)) { if (!FleetCheck(count.Id)) continue; if (count.Id == 318 && _questFleet != 0) continue; if (!(count.Spec is QuestPractice practice)) continue; if (practice.Check(json.api_win_rank)) Increment(count); } } private readonly int[] _missionId = new int[ShipInfo.FleetCount]; public void InspectDeck(dynamic json) { foreach (var entry in json) _missionId[(int)entry.api_id - 1] = (int)entry.api_mission[1]; } public void InspectMissionResult(string request, dynamic json) { var values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request); var deck = int.Parse(values["api_deck_id"]); if ((int)json.api_clear_result == 0) return; var mid = _missionId[deck - 1]; foreach (var count in _quests.Values.Select(q => q.Count)) { if (!(count.Spec is QuestMission mission)) continue; if (mission.Count(count, mid)) NeedSave = true; } } public void CountNyukyo() => Increment(503); public void CountCharge() => Increment(504); public void InspectCreateItem(string request) { var values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request); var count = values["api_multiple_flag"] == "1" ? 3 : 1; Add(605, count); Add(607, count); } public void CountCreateShip() { Increment(606); Increment(608); } public void InspectDestroyShip(string request) { Add(609, HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request)["api_ship_id"].Split(',').Length); } public void CountRemodelSlot() => Increment(619); public void InspectDestroyItem(string request, dynamic json) { var values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request); var items = values["api_slotitem_ids"].Split(',') .Select(id => _itemInfo.GetStatus(int.Parse(id)).Spec).ToArray(); Increment(613); // 613: 資源の再利用 foreach (var quest in _quests.Values) { var count = quest.Count; if (count.Spec is QuestDestroyItem destroy) { if (destroy.Count(count, items)) NeedSave = true; continue; } if (quest.Id == 680) { count.NowArray[0] += items.Count(spec => spec.Type == 21); count.NowArray[1] += items.Count(spec => spec.Type == 12 || spec.Type == 13); NeedSave = true; } } } public void InspectPowerUp(dynamic json) { if ((int)json.api_powerup_flag == 0) return; foreach (var quest in _quests.Values) { var count = quest.Count; if (!(count.Spec is QuestPowerUp)) continue; Increment(count); } } public void Increment(QuestCount count) { Add(count, 1); } public void Add(QuestCount count, int value) { count.Now += value; NeedSave = true; } public void Increment(int id) { Add(id, 1); } public void Add(int id, int value) { if (!_quests.TryGetValue(id, out var quest)) return; quest.Count.Now += value; NeedSave = true; } public void IncrementNth(QuestCount count, int n) { count.NowArray[n]++; NeedSave = true; } } }