// Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015 Kazuhiro Fujieda // // This program is part of KancolleSniffer. // // KancolleSniffer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, see . using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using static System.Math; namespace KancolleSniffer { public class ShipStatus { private readonly ItemInfo _itemInfo; public int Id { get; set; } public int Fleet { get; set; } // ShipListだけで使う public ShipSpec Spec { get; set; } public string Name => Spec.Name; public int Level { get; set; } public int ExpToNext { get; set; } public int MaxHp { get; set; } public int NowHp { get; set; } public int Cond { get; set; } public int Fuel { get; set; } public int Bull { get; set; } public int[] OnSlot { get; set; } public ItemStatus[] Slot { get; set; } public ItemStatus SlotEx { get; set; } public int LoS { get; set; } public int Firepower { get; set; } public int AntiSubmarine { get; set; } public bool Escaped { get; set; } public Damage DamageLevel => CalcDamage(NowHp, MaxHp); public ShipStatus(ItemInfo itemInfo = null) { _itemInfo = itemInfo; Id = -1; Spec = new ShipSpec(); OnSlot = new int[0]; Slot = new ItemStatus[0]; SlotEx = new ItemStatus(); } public enum Damage { Minor, Small, Half, Badly } public static Damage CalcDamage(int now, int max) { var ratio = max == 0 ? 1 : (double)now / max; return ratio > 0.75 ? Damage.Minor : ratio > 0.5 ? Damage.Small : ratio > 0.25 ? Damage.Half : Damage.Badly; } public TimeSpan RepairTime => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(CalcRepairSec(MaxHp - NowHp) + 30); public int CalcRepairSec(int damage) => (int)(RepairSecPerHp * damage); public double RepairSecPerHp { get { var weight = Spec.RepairWeight; var level = Level < 12 ? Level * 10 : Level * 5 + Floor(Sqrt(Level - 11)) * 10 + 50; return level * weight; } } public void CalcMaterialsToRepair(out int fuel, out int steal) { var damage = MaxHp - NowHp; fuel = (int)(Spec.FuelMax * 0.2 * 0.16 * damage); steal = (int)(Spec.FuelMax * 0.2 * 0.3 * damage); } public int RealFirepower { get { if (Spec.IsSubmarine) return 0; if (!Spec.IsAircraftCarrier) return Firepower + 5; var specs = (from item in Slot let spec = _itemInfo.GetStatus(item.Id).Spec where spec.IsAircraft select new {torpedo = spec.Torpedo, bomber = spec.Bomber}).ToArray(); var torpedo = specs.Sum(s => s.torpedo); var bomber = specs.Sum(s => s.bomber); if (torpedo == 0 && bomber == 0) return 0; return (int)((Firepower + torpedo) * 1.5 + bomber * 2 + 55); } } public int RealAntiSubmarine { get { if (!Spec.IsAntiSubmarine) return 0; if (Spec.IsAircraftCarrier && RealFirepower == 0) // 砲撃戦に参加しない return 0; var sonar = 0; var dc = 0; var aircraft = 0; var all = 0; var vanilla = AntiSubmarine; foreach (var spec in Slot.Select(item => _itemInfo.GetStatus(item.Id).Spec)) { vanilla -= spec.AntiSubmarine; if (spec.IsReconSeaplane) // 水偵は除外 continue; if (spec.IsSonar) sonar += spec.AntiSubmarine; else if (spec.IsDepthCharge) dc += spec.AntiSubmarine; else if (spec.IsAircraft) aircraft += spec.AntiSubmarine; all += spec.AntiSubmarine; } if (vanilla == 0 && aircraft == 0) // 素対潜0で航空機なしは対潜攻撃なし return 0; var bonus = sonar > 0 && dc > 0 ? 1.15 : 1.0; return (int)(bonus * (vanilla / 5 + all * 2 + (aircraft > 0 ? 10 : 25))); } } } public struct ChargeStatus { public int Fuel { get; set; } public int Bull { get; set; } public ChargeStatus(ShipStatus status) : this() { Fuel = CalcChargeState(status.Fuel, status.Spec.FuelMax); Bull = CalcChargeState(status.Bull, status.Spec.BullMax); } public ChargeStatus(int fuel, int bull) : this() { Fuel = fuel; Bull = bull; } private int CalcChargeState(int now, int full) { if (full == 0 || now == full) return 0; var ratio = (double)now / full; if (ratio >= 7.0 / 9) return 1; if (ratio >= 3.0 / 9) return 2; if (ratio > 0) return 3; return 4; } } public class ShipInfo { public const int FleetCount = 4; public const int MemberCount = 6; private readonly int[][] _decks = new int[FleetCount][]; private readonly Dictionary _shipInfo = new Dictionary(); private readonly ShipMaster _shipMaster = new ShipMaster(); private readonly ItemInfo _itemInfo; private readonly bool[] _inMission = new bool[FleetCount]; private readonly bool[] _inSortie = new bool[FleetCount]; private int _hqLevel; private readonly List _escapedShips = new List(); private int _combinedFleetType; public ShipInfo(ItemInfo itemInfo) { _itemInfo = itemInfo; for (var fleet = 0; fleet < FleetCount; fleet++) { var deck = new int[MemberCount]; for (var i = 0; i < deck.Length; i++) deck[i] = -1; _decks[fleet] = deck; } ClearShipInfo(); } public void InspectMaster(dynamic json) { _shipMaster.Inspect(json); } public void InspectShip(dynamic json) { if (json.api_deck_port()) // port { ClearShipInfo(); for (var i = 0; i < FleetCount; i++) _inSortie[i] = false; InspectDeck(json.api_deck_port); InspectShipData(json.api_ship); InspectBasic(json.api_basic); _combinedFleetType = json.api_combined_flag() ? (int)json.api_combined_flag : 0; _itemInfo.NowShips = ((object[])json.api_ship).Length; } else if (json.api_data()) // ship2 { ClearShipInfo(); InspectDeck(json.api_data_deck); InspectShipData(json.api_data); _itemInfo.NowShips = ((object[])json.api_data).Length; } else if (json.api_ship_data()) // ship3とship_deck { // 一隻分のデータしか来ないことがあるので艦娘数を数えない InspectDeck(json.api_deck_data); InspectShipData(json.api_ship_data); } else if (json.api_ship()) // getship { InspectShipData(new[] {json.api_ship}); } } private void ClearShipInfo() { _shipInfo.Clear(); _shipInfo[-1] = new ShipStatus(); } public void InspectDeck(dynamic json) { foreach (var entry in json) { var fleet = (int)entry.api_id - 1; var deck = _decks[fleet]; for (var i = 0; i < deck.Length; i++) deck[i] = (int)entry.api_ship[i]; _inMission[fleet] = (int)entry.api_mission[0] != 0; } } private void InspectShipData(dynamic json) { foreach (var entry in json) { _shipInfo[(int)entry.api_id] = new ShipStatus(_itemInfo) { Id = (int)entry.api_id, Spec = _shipMaster[(int)entry.api_ship_id], Level = (int)entry.api_lv, ExpToNext = (int)entry.api_exp[1], MaxHp = (int)entry.api_maxhp, NowHp = (int)entry.api_nowhp, Cond = (int)entry.api_cond, Fuel = (int)entry.api_fuel, Bull = (int)entry.api_bull, OnSlot = (int[])entry.api_onslot, Slot = ((int[])entry.api_slot).Select(id => new ItemStatus(id)).ToArray(), SlotEx = entry.api_slot_ex() ? new ItemStatus((int)entry.api_slot_ex) : new ItemStatus(), LoS = (int)entry.api_sakuteki[0], Firepower = (int)entry.api_karyoku[0], AntiSubmarine = (int)entry.api_taisen[0] }; _itemInfo.CountNewItems((int[])entry.api_slot); } } private void InspectBasic(dynamic json) { _hqLevel = (int)json.api_level; } public void InspectCharge(dynamic json) { foreach (var entry in json.api_ship) { var status = _shipInfo[(int)entry.api_id]; status.Bull = (int)entry.api_bull; status.Fuel = (int)entry.api_fuel; status.OnSlot = (from num in (dynamic[])entry.api_onslot select (int)num).ToArray(); } } public void InspectChange(string request) { var values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request); var fleet = int.Parse(values["api_id"]) - 1; var idx = int.Parse(values["api_ship_idx"]); var ship = int.Parse(values["api_ship_id"]); if (idx == -1) { var deck = _decks[fleet]; for (var i = 1; i < deck.Length; i++) deck[i] = -1; return; } if (ship == -1) { WithdrowShip(fleet, idx); return; } int oi; var of = FindFleet(ship, out oi); var orig = _decks[fleet][idx]; _decks[fleet][idx] = ship; if (of == -1) return; // 入れ替えの場合 if ((_decks[of][oi] = orig) == -1) WithdrowShip(of, oi); } private int FindFleet(int ship, out int idx) { for (var f = 0; f < _decks.Length; f++) { idx = Array.FindIndex(_decks[f], id => id == ship); if (idx < 0) continue; return f; } idx = -1; return -1; } private void WithdrowShip(int fleet, int idx) { var deck = _decks[fleet]; for (var i = idx; i < deck.Length - 1; i++) deck[i] = deck[i + 1]; deck[deck.Length - 1] = -1; } public void InspectPowerup(string request, dynamic json) { var values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request); var ships = values["api_id_items"].Split(','); _itemInfo.NowShips -= ships.Length; _itemInfo.DeleteItems(ships.SelectMany(s => _shipInfo[int.Parse(s)].Slot).ToArray()); foreach (var ship in ships) _shipInfo.Remove(int.Parse(ship)); InspectDeck(json.api_deck); InspectShip(json.api_ship); } public void InspectSlotExchange(string request, dynamic json) { var values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request); var ship = int.Parse(values["api_id"]); _shipInfo[ship].Slot = ((int[])json.api_slot).Select(id => new ItemStatus(id)).ToArray(); } public void InspectDestroyShip(string request, dynamic json) { var values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request); var ship = int.Parse(values["api_ship_id"]); _itemInfo.NowShips--; _itemInfo.DeleteItems(_shipInfo[ship].Slot); int oi; var of = FindFleet(ship, out oi); if (of != -1) WithdrowShip(of, oi); _shipInfo.Remove(ship); } public void StartSortie(string request) { var values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request); var fleet = int.Parse(values["api_deck_id"]) - 1; if (_combinedFleetType == 0) { _inSortie[fleet] = true; } else { _inSortie[0] = _inSortie[1] = true; } } public void RepairShip(int id) { var s = _shipInfo[id]; s.NowHp = s.MaxHp; s.Cond = Max(40, s.Cond); } public ShipStatus[] GetShipStatuses(int fleet) { return _decks[fleet].Where(id => id != -1).Select(GetStatus).ToArray(); } public int[] GetDeck(int fleet) => _decks[fleet]; public ShipStatus GetStatus(int id) { var s = _shipInfo[id]; s.Slot = (from item in s.Slot select _itemInfo.GetStatus(item.Id)).ToArray(); s.SlotEx = _itemInfo.GetStatus(s.SlotEx.Id); s.Escaped = _escapedShips.Contains(id); return s; } public ShipSpec GetSpec(int id) => _shipMaster[id]; public bool InMission(int fleet) => _inMission[fleet]; public bool InSortie(int fleet) => _inSortie[fleet]; public ShipStatus[] ShipList => _shipInfo.Values.Where(s => s.Level != 0).Select(s => { int oi; var f = FindFleet(s.Id, out oi); s.Fleet = f; s.Escaped = _escapedShips.Contains(s.Id); return s; }).ToArray(); public ChargeStatus[] ChargeStatuses => (from deck in _decks let flag = new ChargeStatus(_shipInfo[deck[0]]) let others = (from id in deck.Skip(1) select new ChargeStatus(_shipInfo[id])) .Aggregate( (result, next) => new ChargeStatus(Max(result.Fuel, next.Fuel), Max(result.Bull, next.Bull))) select new ChargeStatus(flag.Fuel != 0 ? flag.Fuel : others.Fuel + 5, flag.Bull != 0 ? flag.Bull : others.Bull + 5)).ToArray(); public int GetFighterPower(int fleet, bool withBonus) => GetShipStatuses(fleet).Where(s => !s.Escaped).SelectMany(ship => ship.Slot.Zip(ship.OnSlot, (slot, onslot) => { var item = _itemInfo.GetStatus(slot.Id); if (!item.Spec.CanAirCombat) return 0; var bonus = onslot != 0 && withBonus ? item.AlvBonus : 0; return (int)Floor(item.Spec.AntiAir * Sqrt(onslot)) + bonus; })).Sum(); public ShipStatus[] GetDamagedShipList(DockInfo dockInfo) => (from s in ShipList where s.NowHp < s.MaxHp && !dockInfo.InNDock(s.Id) select s).OrderByDescending(s => s.RepairTime).ToArray(); public double GetLineOfSights(int fleet) { var result = 0.0; foreach (var s in _decks[fleet].Select(id => _shipInfo[id])) { var items = 0; foreach (var spec in s.Slot.Select(item => _itemInfo.GetStatus(item.Id).Spec)) { items += spec.LoS; result += spec.LoS * spec.LoSScaleFactor(); } result += Sqrt(s.LoS - items) * 1.6841056; } return result > 0 ? result + (_hqLevel + 4) / 5 * 5 * -0.6142467 : 0.0; } public void SetEscapedShips(List ships) { _escapedShips.AddRange(ships); } public void ClearEscapedShips() { _escapedShips.Clear(); } } }