// Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Kazuhiro Fujieda // // This program is part of KancolleSniffer. // // KancolleSniffer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, see . using System.Collections.Generic; namespace KancolleSniffer { public class ShipMaster { public const int NumSlots = 5; private readonly Dictionary _shipSpecs = new Dictionary(); public void Inspect(dynamic json) { var dict = new Dictionary(); foreach (var entry in json.api_mst_stype) dict[entry.api_id] = entry.api_name; dict[8] = "高速戦艦" ; foreach (var entry in json.api_mst_ship) { var shipSpec = _shipSpecs[(int)entry.api_id] = new ShipSpec { Id = (int)entry.api_id, Name = ShipName(entry), FuelMax = entry.api_fuel_max() ? (int)entry.api_fuel_max : 0, BullMax = entry.api_bull_max() ? (int)entry.api_bull_max : 0, ShipType = (int)entry.api_stype, ShipTypeName = dict[entry.api_stype] }; int[] maxEq; shipSpec.MaxEq = entry.api_maxeq() ? entry.api_maxeq : MissingData.MaxEq.TryGetValue(shipSpec.Id, out maxEq) ? maxEq : null; } _shipSpecs[-1] = new ShipSpec(); } // 深海棲艦の名前にelite/flagshipを付ける private string ShipName(dynamic json) { var name = json.api_name; var flagship = json.api_yomi; if ((int)json.api_id <= 500 || flagship == "-" || flagship == "") return name; return name + "(" + flagship + ")"; } public ShipSpec this[int id] => _shipSpecs[id]; } public class ShipSpec { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public int FuelMax { get; set; } public int BullMax { get; set; } public int[] MaxEq { get; set; } public int ShipType { get; set; } public string ShipTypeName { get; set; } public ShipSpec() { Id = -1; Name = ""; MaxEq = new int[0]; } public double RepairWeight { get { switch (ShipType) { case 13: // 潜水艦 return 0.5; case 2: // 駆逐艦 case 3: // 軽巡洋艦 case 4: // 重雷装巡洋艦 case 14: // 潜水空母 case 16: // 水上機母艦 case 17: // 揚陸艦 case 21: // 練習巡洋艦 return 1.0; case 5: // 重巡洋艦 case 6: // 航空巡洋艦 case 7: // 軽空母 case 8: // 高速戦艦 case 20: // 潜水母艦 return 1.5; case 9: // 低速戦艦 case 10: // 航空戦艦 case 11: // 正規空母 case 18: // 装甲空母 case 19: // 工作艦 return 2.0; } return 1.0; } } public bool IsSubmarine => ShipType == 13 || ShipType == 14; public bool IsAircraftCarrier => ShipType == 7 || ShipType == 11 || ShipType == 18; public bool IsAntiSubmarine { get { switch (ShipType) { case 2: // 駆逐 case 3: // 軽巡 case 4: // 雷巡 case 6: // 航巡 case 7: // 軽空 case 10: // 航戦 case 16: // 水母 case 17: // 揚陸艦 case 21: // 練巡 case 22: // 補給艦 return true; } return false; } } } }