// Copyright (C) 2017 Kazuhiro Fujieda // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using static System.Math; namespace KancolleSniffer { public class ShipStatus : ICloneable { public int Id { get; set; } public int Fleet { get; set; } public ShipSpec Spec { get; set; } public string Name => Spec.Name; public int Level { get; set; } public int ExpToNext { get; set; } public int MaxHp { get; set; } public int NowHp { get; set; } public int Cond { get; set; } public int Fuel { get; set; } public int Bull { get; set; } public int[] OnSlot { get; set; } public ItemStatus[] Slot { get; set; } public ItemStatus SlotEx { get; set; } public int NdockTime { get; set; } public int[] NdockItem { get; set; } public int LoS { get; set; } public int Firepower { get; set; } public int Torpedo { get; set; } public int AntiSubmarine { get; set; } public int AntiAir { get; set; } public int Lucky { get; set; } public bool Locked { get; set; } public bool Escaped { get; set; } public Damage DamageLevel => CalcDamage(NowHp, MaxHp); public int CombinedFleetType { get; set; } public IEnumerable AllSlot => SlotEx.Id == 0 ? Slot : Slot.Concat(new[] {SlotEx}); public ShipStatus() { Id = -1; Fleet = -1; Spec = new ShipSpec(); OnSlot = new int[0]; Slot = new ItemStatus[0]; SlotEx = new ItemStatus(); } public enum Damage { Minor, Small, Half, Badly, Sunk } public static Damage CalcDamage(int now, int max) { if (now == 0 && max > 0) return Damage.Sunk; var ratio = max == 0 ? 1 : (double)now / max; return ratio > 0.75 ? Damage.Minor : ratio > 0.5 ? Damage.Small : ratio > 0.25 ? Damage.Half : Damage.Badly; } public TimeSpan RepairTime => TimeSpan.FromSeconds((int)(RepairTimePerHp.TotalSeconds * (MaxHp - NowHp)) + 30); public TimeSpan RepairTimePerHp => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Spec.RepairWeight * (Level < 12 ? Level * 10 : Level * 5 + Floor(Sqrt(Level - 11)) * 10 + 50)); public double EffectiveFirepower { get { if (Spec.IsSubmarine) return 0; var isRyuseiAttack = Spec.Id == 352 && // 速吸改 Slot.Any(item => item.Spec.Type == 8); // 艦攻装備 var levelBonus = AllSlot.Sum(item => item.FirePowerLevelBonus); if (!Spec.IsAircraftCarrier && !isRyuseiAttack) return Firepower + levelBonus + CombinedFleetFirepowerBonus + 5; var specs = (from item in Slot where item.Spec.IsAircraft select item.Spec).ToArray(); var torpedo = specs.Sum(s => s.Torpedo); var bomber = specs.Sum(s => s.Bomber); if (torpedo == 0 && bomber == 0) return 0; return (int)((Firepower + torpedo + levelBonus + (int)(bomber * 1.3) + CombinedFleetFirepowerBonus) * 1.5) + 55; } } private int CombinedFleetFirepowerBonus { get { switch (CombinedFleetType) { case 0: return 0; case 1: // 機動 return Fleet == 0 ? 2 : 10; case 2: // 水上 return Fleet == 0 ? 10 : -5; case 3: // 輸送 return Fleet == 0 ? -5 : 10; default: return 0; } } } public double EffectiveTorpedo { get { if (Spec.IsAircraftCarrier || Torpedo == 0) return 0; return Torpedo + AllSlot.Sum(item => item.TorpedoLevelBonus) + CombinedFleetTorpedoPenalty + 5; } } private int CombinedFleetTorpedoPenalty => CombinedFleetType > 0 && Fleet == 1 ? -5 : 0; public double EffectiveAntiSubmarine { get { if (!Spec.IsAntiSubmarine) return 0; // ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator if (Spec.IsAircraftCarrier && EffectiveFirepower == 0 && !CanOpeningAntiSubmarineAttack) return 0; var sonar = false; var projector = false; var depthCharge = false; var aircraft = false; var all = 0.0; var vanilla = AntiSubmarine; foreach (var spec in Slot.Select(item => item.Spec)) { vanilla -= spec.AntiSubmarine; if (spec.IsSonar) { sonar = true; } else if (spec.IsDepthCharge) { if (spec.Name.EndsWith("投射機")) projector = true; if (spec.Name.EndsWith("爆雷")) depthCharge = true; } else if (spec.IsAircraft) { aircraft = true; } all += spec.EffectiveAntiSubmarine; } if (vanilla == 0 && !aircraft) // 素対潜0で航空機なしは対潜攻撃なし return 0; var bonus = 1.0; if (sonar && projector) bonus = 1.15; if (sonar && depthCharge) bonus = 1.1; if (projector && depthCharge) bonus = 1.15; if (sonar && projector && depthCharge) bonus = 1.15 * 1.25; var levelBonus = Slot.Sum(item => item.AntiSubmarineLevelBonus); return bonus * (Sqrt(vanilla) * 2 + all * 1.5 + levelBonus + (aircraft ? 8 : 13)); } } public bool CanOpeningAntiSubmarineAttack { get { if (Name == "五十鈴改二") return true; switch (Name) { case "大鷹": return Slot.Any(item => item.Spec.Name.Contains("九三一空")) && AntiSubmarine >= 65; case "大鷹改": case "大鷹改二": return Slot.Any(item => item.Spec.IsAircraft && item.Spec.EffectiveAntiSubmarine > 0); default: return Spec.ShipType == 1 ? Slot.Sum(item => item.Spec.AntiSubmarine) >= 4 && AntiSubmarine >= 75 || HaveSonar && AntiSubmarine >= 60 : HaveSonar && AntiSubmarine >= 100; } } } private bool HaveSonar => Slot.Any(item => item.Spec.IsSonar); public double NightBattlePower { get { if (Spec.IsAircraftCarrier && Spec.Id != 353 && Spec.Id != 432) // Graf Zeppelin以外の空母 return 0; return Firepower + Torpedo + Slot.Sum(item => item.NightBattleLevelBonus); } } public int PreparedDamageControl => DamageLevel != Damage.Badly ? -1 : SlotEx.Spec.Id == 42 || SlotEx.Spec.Id == 43 ? SlotEx.Spec.Id : Slot.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Spec.Id == 42 || item.Spec.Id == 43)?.Spec.Id ?? -1; public double TransportPoint => Spec.TransportPoint + AllSlot.Sum(item => item.Spec.TransportPoint); public int EffectiveAntiAirForShip { get { if (AllSlot.All(item => item.Id == -1 || item.Id == 0)) return AntiAir; var vanilla = AntiAir - AllSlot.Sum(item => item.Spec.AntiAir); var x = vanilla + AllSlot.Sum(item => item.EffectiveAntiAirForShip); return (int)(x / 2) * 2; } } public int EffectiveAntiAirForFleet => (int)AllSlot.Sum(item => item.EffectiveAntiAirForFleet); public object Clone() { var r = (ShipStatus)MemberwiseClone(); r.Slot = r.Slot.ToArray(); // 戦闘中のダメコンの消費が見えないように複製する return r; } } }