// Copyright (C) 2016 Kazuhiro Fujieda // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace KancolleSniffer.View { public class AntiAirPanel : Panel { private const int LineHeight = 16; private readonly List _labelList = new List(); private readonly List _panelList = new List(); private readonly List _table = new List(); public void Update(Sniffer sniffer) { CreateTable(sniffer); SuspendLayout(); CreateLabels(); SetRecords(); ResumeLayout(); } private class Record { public string Fleet { get; set; } public string Ship { get; set; } public int Id { get; set; } public string Rate { get; set; } public string Diff { get; set; } public Record() { Fleet = Ship = Rate = Diff = ""; } } private void CreateTable(Sniffer sniffer) { _table.Clear(); var fn = new[] {"第一艦隊", "第二艦隊", "第三艦隊", "第四艦隊"}; foreach (var fleet in sniffer.Fleets) { var ships = fleet.ActualShips; var rawForFleet = ships.Sum(ship => ship.EffectiveAntiAirForFleet); var forFleet = new[] {1.0, 1.2, 1.6}.Select(r => (int)(rawForFleet * r) * 2 / 1.3).ToArray(); _table.Add(new Record { Fleet = fn[fleet.Number] + " : " + string.Join("/", forFleet.Select(x => x.ToString("f1"))) }); foreach (var ship in ships) { var rate = ship.EffectiveAntiAirForShip / 4.0; var diff = forFleet.Select(x => (x + ship.EffectiveAntiAirForShip) / 10.0); _table.Add(new Record { Ship = ship.Name + " Lv" + ship.Level + " : " + ship.EffectiveAntiAirForShip.ToString("d"), Id = ship.Id }); _table.Add(new Record { Rate = "割合: " + rate.ToString("f1") + "% ", Diff = "固定: " + string.Join("/", diff.Select(d => d.ToString("f1"))) }); } } } private void CreateLabels() { for (var i = _labelList.Count; i < _table.Count; i++) CreateLabels(i); } private void CreateLabels(int i) { var y = 1 + LineHeight * i; var lbp = new Panel { Location = new Point(0, y), Size = new Size(ListForm.PanelWidth, LineHeight), BackColor = ShipLabel.ColumnColors[(i + 1) % 2], Visible = false }; Scaler.Scale(lbp); lbp.Tag = lbp.Location.Y; var labels = new[] { new ShipLabel {Location = new Point(1, 3), AutoSize = true}, new ShipLabel {Location = new Point(10, 3), AutoSize = true}, new ShipLabel {Location = new Point(35, 3), AutoSize = true}, new ShipLabel {Location = new Point(100, 3), AutoSize = true} }; _labelList.Add(labels); _panelList.Add(lbp); // ReSharper disable once CoVariantArrayConversion lbp.Controls.AddRange(labels); Controls.Add(lbp); foreach (var label in labels) { Scaler.Scale(label); label.PresetColor = label.BackColor = ShipLabel.ColumnColors[(i + 1) % 2]; } } private void SetRecords() { for (var i = 0; i < _table.Count; i++) SetRecord(i); for (var i = _table.Count; i < _panelList.Count; i++) _panelList[i].Visible = false; } private void SetRecord(int i) { var lbp = _panelList[i]; if (!lbp.Visible) lbp.Location = new Point(lbp.Left, (int)lbp.Tag + AutoScrollPosition.Y); var column = _table[i]; var labels = _labelList[i]; labels[0].Text = column.Fleet; labels[1].SetName(column.Ship); labels[2].Text = column.Rate; labels[3].Text = column.Diff; lbp.Visible = true; } public void ShowShip(int id) { var i = _table.FindIndex(e => e.Id == id); if (i == -1) return; var y = Scaler.ScaleHeight(LineHeight * i); AutoScrollPosition = new Point(0, y); } } }