// Copyright (C) 2017 Kazuhiro Fujieda // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Windows.Forms; using KancolleSniffer.Model; using static System.Math; namespace KancolleSniffer.View { public class BattleResultPanel : PanelWithToolTip { private const int LineHeight = 16; private readonly List _friendLabels = new List(); private readonly List _enemyLabels = new List(); private readonly List _panelList = new List(); private readonly List _hpLabels = new List(); private readonly BattleInfo.BattleResult[] _result = new BattleInfo.BattleResult[2]; private Label _phaseLabel, _rankLabel, _cellLabel; private readonly BattleResultRank[] _rank = new BattleResultRank[2]; private readonly InformationPanel _informationPanel; private CellInfo _cellInfo; public Spoiler Spoilers { get; set; } public BattleResultPanel() { SuspendLayout(); CreateLabels(); _informationPanel = new InformationPanel(); Controls.Add(_informationPanel); ResumeLayout(); } public event Action HpLabelClick; private void HpLabelClickHandler(object sender, EventArgs ev) { HpLabelClick?.Invoke(); } public void ToggleHpPercent() { foreach (var label in _hpLabels) label.ToggleHpPercent(); } public void Update(Sniffer sniffer) { var state = sniffer.Battle.BattleState; _cellInfo = sniffer.CellInfo; switch (sniffer.Battle.BattleState) { case BattleState.None: if (_result[0] == null && _result[1] == null) return; ClearResult(); SetPhase("結果"); UpdateCellInfo(_cellInfo); return; case BattleState.Day: case BattleState.SpNight: _result[0] = _result[1] = null; break; case BattleState.Result: case BattleState.Unknown: return; } if ((Spoilers & Spoiler.BattleResult) != 0) { ShowResult(sniffer.Battle.Result); ShowResultRank(sniffer.Battle.ResultRank); switch (state) { case BattleState.Day: _result[0] = sniffer.Battle.Result; _rank[0] = sniffer.Battle.ResultRank; SetPhase("昼戦"); break; case BattleState.Night: case BattleState.SpNight: _result[1] = sniffer.Battle.Result; _rank[1] = sniffer.Battle.ResultRank; SetPhase("夜戦"); break; } _informationPanel.Visible = true; } else { ClearResult(); SetPhase("結果"); switch (state) { case BattleState.Day: _result[0] = sniffer.Battle.Result; _rank[0] = sniffer.Battle.ResultRank; break; case BattleState.Night: case BattleState.SpNight: _result[1] = sniffer.Battle.Result; _rank[1] = sniffer.Battle.ResultRank; break; } } _informationPanel.SetInformation(sniffer.Battle); } private void PhaseLabelClick(object sender, EventArgs ev) { switch (_phaseLabel.Text) { case "結果": if (_result[0] != null) { ShowResult(_result[0]); ShowResultRank(_rank[0]); SetPhase("昼戦"); } else if (_result[1] != null) { ShowResult(_result[1]); ShowResultRank(_rank[1]); SetPhase("夜戦"); } break; case "昼戦": if (_result[1] != null) { ShowResult(_result[1]); ShowResultRank(_rank[1]); SetPhase("夜戦"); } break; case "夜戦": if (_result[0] != null) { ShowResult(_result[0]); ShowResultRank(_rank[0]); SetPhase("昼戦"); } break; } } private void SetPhase(string phase) { _phaseLabel.Text = phase; if (phase == "結果" || _result[0] != null && _result[1] != null) { _phaseLabel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; _phaseLabel.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; } else { _phaseLabel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; _phaseLabel.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } } private Point _scrollPosition; private void ClearResult() { _scrollPosition = AutoScrollPosition; foreach (var panel in _panelList) panel.Visible = false; _informationPanel.Visible = false; _rankLabel.Text = ""; } private void ShowResult(BattleInfo.BattleResult result) { SuspendLayout(); AutoScrollPosition = _scrollPosition; var friend = result.Friend; var enemy = result.Enemy; for (var i = 0; i < friend.Main.Length; i++) { var labels = _friendLabels[i]; var ship = friend.Main[i]; labels[0].SetHp(ship); labels[1].SetName(ship, ShipNameWidth.BattleResult); ToolTip.SetToolTip(labels[1], GetEquipString(ship)); } if (friend.Guard.Length > 0) { _friendLabels[friend.Main.Length][1].Text = "護衛"; _friendLabels[friend.Main.Length][0].SetHp(null); for (var i = 0; i < friend.Guard.Length; i++) { var labels = _friendLabels[friend.Main.Length + 1 + i]; var ship = friend.Guard[i]; labels[0].SetHp(ship); labels[1].SetName(ship, ShipNameWidth.BattleResult); ToolTip.SetToolTip(labels[1], GetEquipString(ship)); } } var friendLines = friend.Main.Length + (friend.Guard.Length > 0 ? friend.Guard.Length + 1 : 0); for (var i = friendLines; i < _friendLabels.Count; i++) { _friendLabels[i][0].SetHp(null); _friendLabels[i][1].SetName(""); } for (var i = 0; i < enemy.Main.Length; i++) { var labels = _enemyLabels[i]; var ship = enemy.Main[i]; labels[0].SetHp(ship); labels[1].SetName(ShortenName(ship.Name)); ToolTip.SetToolTip(labels[1], GetEquipString(ship)); } if (enemy.Guard.Length > 0) { _enemyLabels[enemy.Main.Length][1].Text = "護衛"; _enemyLabels[enemy.Main.Length][0].SetHp(null); for (var i = 0; i < enemy.Guard.Length; i++) { var labels = _enemyLabels[enemy.Main.Length + 1 + i]; var ship = enemy.Guard[i]; labels[0].SetHp(ship); labels[1].SetName(ShortenName(ship.Name)); ToolTip.SetToolTip(labels[1], GetEquipString(ship)); } } var enemyLines = enemy.Main.Length + (enemy.Guard.Length > 0 ? enemy.Guard.Length + 1 : 0); for (var i = enemyLines; i < _enemyLabels.Count; i++) { _enemyLabels[i][0].SetHp(null); _enemyLabels[i][1].SetName(""); } var lines = Max(friendLines, enemyLines); for (var i = 0; i < lines; i++) { var panel = _panelList[i]; if (panel.Visible) continue; panel.Location = new Point(AutoScrollPosition.X, (int)Round((int)panel.Tag * ShipLabel.ScaleFactor.Height) + AutoScrollPosition.Y); panel.Visible = true; } for (var i = lines; i < _panelList.Count; i++) _panelList[i].Visible = false; ResumeLayout(); // スクロールバーの有無を決定する var panelWidth = Max(ClientSize.Width, // スクロールバーの有無を反映した横幅 _enemyLabels[0][1].Location.X + _enemyLabels.Max(labels => labels[1].Size.Width) - 1); // 敵の名前の右端 for (var i = 0; i < lines; i++) _panelList[i].Width = panelWidth; _informationPanel.Location = new Point( (int)Round(0 * ShipLabel.ScaleFactor.Width) + AutoScrollPosition.X, (int)Round(20 * ShipLabel.ScaleFactor.Height) + AutoScrollPosition.Y); _informationPanel.Visible = true; UpdateCellInfo(_cellInfo); } private string GetEquipString(ShipStatus ship) { var result = (from i in Enumerable.Range(0, ship.Slot.Count) let item = ship.Slot[i] where !item.Empty select item.Spec.Name + (item.Spec.IsAircraft && ship.OnSlot.Length > 0 && ship.Spec.MaxEq.Length > 0 ? $"{ship.OnSlot[i]}/{ship.Spec.MaxEq[i]}" : "")); if (ship.SlotEx.Id > 0) result = result.Concat(new[] {ship.SlotEx.Spec.Name}); return string.Join("\r\n", result); } private string ShortenName(string name) { return new Regex(@"\(elite\)|\(flagship\)").Replace(name, match => match.Value == "(elite)" ? "(e)" : "(f)"); } private void ShowResultRank(BattleResultRank rank) { var result = new[] {"完全S", "勝利S", "勝利A", "勝利B", "敗北C", "敗北D", "敗北E"}; _rankLabel.Text = result[(int)rank]; } public void UpdateCellInfo(CellInfo cellInfo) { _cellLabel.Text = (Spoilers & Spoiler.NextCell) == 0 ? cellInfo.Current : cellInfo.Next; _cellLabel.Location = new Point(ClientSize.Width - _cellLabel.Width - 2, 4); } private void CreateLabels() { _phaseLabel = new Label { Location = new Point(4, 4), Size = new Size(31, 14) }; _phaseLabel.Click += PhaseLabelClick; Controls.Add(_phaseLabel); _rankLabel = new Label { Location = new Point(37, 4), Size = new Size(42, 12) }; Controls.Add(_rankLabel); _cellLabel = new Label { Location = new Point(0, 4), AutoSize = true }; Controls.Add(_cellLabel); for (var i = 0; i < 13; i++) { var y = LineHeight * i + 38; var panel = new Panel { Location = new Point(0, y), Size = new Size(0, LineHeight), BackColor = ShipLabel.ColumnColors[i % 2], Visible = false, Tag = y }; _panelList.Add(panel); var friend = new[] { new ShipLabel { Location = new Point(101, 0), AutoSize = true, AnchorRight = true, MinimumSize = new Size(0, LineHeight), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft, Cursor = Cursors.Hand }, new ShipLabel {Location = new Point(1, 2), AutoSize = true} }; _friendLabels.Add(friend); _hpLabels.Add(friend[0]); friend[0].Click += HpLabelClickHandler; var enemy = new[] { new ShipLabel { Location = new Point(119, 0), AutoSize = true, MinimumSize = new Size(0, LineHeight), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft }, new ShipLabel {Location = new Point(164, 2), AutoSize = true} }; _enemyLabels.Add(enemy); foreach (var label in friend.Concat(enemy)) { panel.Controls.Add(label); label.BackColor = label.PresetColor = ShipLabel.ColumnColors[i % 2]; } Controls.Add(panel); } } protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e) { if (VScroll && (ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift) { VScroll = false; OnMouseWheel(e); VScroll = true; return; } base.OnMouseWheel(e); } private class InformationPanel : PanelWithToolTip { private readonly Label[] _formation; private readonly Label[] _fighterPower; public InformationPanel() { Visible = false; Size = new Size(206, 16); Controls.AddRange(_formation = new[] { new Label { Location = new Point(47, 2), Size = new Size(29, 12) }, new Label { Location = new Point(75, 2), Size = new Size(29, 12) }, new Label { Location = new Point(1, 2), Size = new Size(48, 12), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter } }); Controls.AddRange(_fighterPower = new[] { new Label { Location = new Point(162, 2), Size = new Size(23, 12), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight }, new Label { Location = new Point(183, 2), Size = new Size(23, 12), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight }, new Label { Location = new Point(110, 2), Size = new Size(53, 12) } }); // ReSharper disable once VirtualMemberCallInConstructor BackColor = ShipLabel.ColumnColors[1]; } public void SetInformation(BattleInfo battleInfo) { _formation[0].Text = FormationName(battleInfo.Formation[0]); _formation[1].Text = FormationName(battleInfo.Formation[1]); _formation[2].Text = new[] {"同航戦", "反航戦", "T字有利", "T字不利"}[battleInfo.Formation[2] - 1]; if (battleInfo.AirControlLevel == -1) { if (battleInfo.BattleState == BattleState.Night) return; foreach (var label in _fighterPower) label.Visible = false; return; } var fp = battleInfo.FighterPower; _fighterPower[0].Text = fp[0].ToString("D"); ToolTip.SetToolTip(_fighterPower[0], fp[0] == fp[1] ? "" : $"{fp[0]}~{fp[1]}"); var efp = battleInfo.EnemyFighterPower; _fighterPower[1].Text = efp.AirCombat + efp.UnknownMark; ToolTip.SetToolTip(_fighterPower[1], efp.AirCombat == efp.Interception ? "" : "防空:" + efp.Interception + efp.UnknownMark); _fighterPower[2].Text = new[] {"", "制空均衡", "制空確保", "航空優勢", "航空劣勢", "制空喪失"}[battleInfo.AirControlLevel + 1]; foreach (var label in _fighterPower) label.Visible = true; } private string FormationName(int formation) { switch (formation) { case 1: return "単縦"; case 2: return "複縦"; case 3: return "輪形"; case 4: return "梯形"; case 5: return "単横"; case 6: return "警戒"; case 11: return "第一"; case 12: return "第二"; case 13: return "第三"; case 14: return "第四"; default: return ""; } } } } }