// Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Kazuhiro Fujieda // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Windows.Forms; using KancolleSniffer.Model; using static System.Math; namespace KancolleSniffer.View { [DesignerCategory("Code")] public abstract class ShipLabel : GrowLeftLabel { private Color _initialBackColor; public override Color BackColor { get => base.BackColor; set { if (_initialBackColor == Color.Empty) _initialBackColor = value; base.BackColor = value; } } protected ShipLabel() { UseMnemonic = false; } public abstract void Set(ShipStatus status); public abstract void Reset(); public new sealed class Name : ShipLabel { private SlotStatus _slotStatus, _prevSlotStatus; private ShipStatus _status; public static Font LatinFont { get; set; } public static Font BaseFont { get; set; } private readonly ShipNameWidth _defaultWidth; private int _nameWidth; public void AdjustWidth(int adjust, bool update = false) { _nameWidth = (int)_defaultWidth + Max(-24, adjust); if (update && _status != null) Set(_status); } public Name(Point location, ShipNameWidth nameWidth) { _defaultWidth = nameWidth; _nameWidth = (int)nameWidth; Location = location; AutoSize = true; } [Flags] private enum SlotStatus { Equipped = 0, SemiEquipped = 1, NormalEmpty = 2, ExtraEmpty = 4 } public override void Set(ShipStatus status) { SetName(status, _nameWidth); } public override void Reset() { SetName(""); } public void SetName(ShipStatus status, ShipNameWidth width) { SetName(status, (int)width); } private void SetName(ShipStatus status, int width) { _status = status; var slotStatus = GetSlotStatus(status); var dcName = DameConName(status); var sp = SpecialAttack(status); SetName((status.Escaped ? "[避]" : dcName) + sp, status.Name, slotStatus, width); } private static SlotStatus GetSlotStatus(ShipStatus status) { if (status.Empty) return SlotStatus.Equipped; var slots = status.Slot.Take(status.Spec.SlotNum).ToArray(); var normal = slots.Any(item => item.Empty) ? slots.All(item => item.Empty) ? SlotStatus.NormalEmpty : SlotStatus.SemiEquipped : SlotStatus.Equipped; var extra = status.SlotEx.Empty ? SlotStatus.ExtraEmpty : SlotStatus.Equipped; return normal | extra; } private string DameConName(ShipStatus status) { switch (status.PreparedDamageControl) { case 42: return "[ダ]"; case 43: return "[メ]"; default: return ""; } } private string SpecialAttack(ShipStatus status) { switch (status.SpecialAttack) { case ShipStatus.Attack.Fire: return "+"; case ShipStatus.Attack.Fired: return "-"; default: return ""; } } public void SetName(string name) { Set(new ShipStatus{Spec = new ShipSpec{Name = name}}); } private void SetName(string prefix, string name, SlotStatus slotStatus, int width) { _slotStatus = slotStatus; ChangeFont(name); var realWidth = width == int.MaxValue ? width : Scaler.ScaleWidth(width); Text = prefix + StringTruncator.Truncate(name, "", realWidth, Font); if (_prevSlotStatus != _slotStatus) Invalidate(); // OnPaintを実行させるため _prevSlotStatus = _slotStatus; } private void ChangeFont(string name) { var lu = StartWithLetter(name); var shift = Scaler.ScaleHeight(1); if (lu && !Font.Equals(LatinFont)) { Location += new Size(0, -shift); Font = LatinFont; } else if (!lu && Font.Equals(LatinFont)) { Location += new Size(0, shift); Font = BaseFont; } } public static bool StartWithLetter(string name) { return Regex.IsMatch(name, @"^\p{Lu}"); } protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); if ((_slotStatus & SlotStatus.NormalEmpty) != 0) { e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, new Rectangle(Scaler.Move(ClientSize.Width, 0, -3, 0), Scaler.Scale(2, 5))); } else if ((_slotStatus & SlotStatus.SemiEquipped) != 0) { e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, Scaler.Move(ClientSize.Width, 0, -1, 0), Scaler.Move(ClientSize.Width, 0, -1, 5)); } if ((_slotStatus & SlotStatus.ExtraEmpty) != 0) { e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, new Rectangle(Scaler.Move(ClientSize.Width, 0, -3, 8), Scaler.Scale(2, 3))); } } } public sealed class Hp : ShipLabel { private bool _hpPercent; private ShipStatus _status; public Hp() { } public Hp(Point location, int height) { Location = location; MinimumSize = new Size(0, height); TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; GrowLeft = true; Cursor = Cursors.Hand; } public override void Reset() { _status = null; Text = ""; BackColor = _initialBackColor; } public override void Set(ShipStatus status) { _status = status; Text = _hpPercent ? $"{(int)Floor(status.NowHp * 100.0 / status.MaxHp):D}%" : $"{status.NowHp:D}/{status.MaxHp:D}"; BackColor = DamageColor(status); } public void ToggleHpPercent() { _hpPercent = !_hpPercent; if (_status != null) Set(_status); } public void SetHp(int now, int max) { Set(new ShipStatus {NowHp = now, MaxHp = max}); } private Color DamageColor(ShipStatus status) { return status.DamageLevel switch { ShipStatus.Damage.Sunk => Color.CornflowerBlue, ShipStatus.Damage.Badly => status.Escaped ? CUDColors.LightGray : CUDColors.Red, ShipStatus.Damage.Half => CUDColors.Orange, ShipStatus.Damage.Small => Color.FromArgb(240, 240, 0), _ => _initialBackColor }; } public void SetColor(ShipStatus status) { BackColor = DamageColor(status); } } public sealed class Cond : ShipLabel { public Cond(Point location, int height) { Location = location; Size = new Size(24, height); TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; } public override void Reset() { Text = ""; BackColor = _initialBackColor; } public override void Set(ShipStatus status) { var cond = status.Cond; Text = cond.ToString("D"); BackColor = cond >= 50 ? CUDColors.Yellow : cond >= 30 ? _initialBackColor : cond >= 20 ? CUDColors.Orange : CUDColors.Red; } } public sealed class Level : ShipLabel { public Level(Point location, int height) { Location = location; Size = new Size(24, height); TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; } public override void Reset() { Text = ""; } public override void Set(ShipStatus status) { Text = status.Level.ToString("D"); } } public sealed class Exp : ShipLabel { public Exp(Point location, int height) { Location = location; Size = new Size(42, height); TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; } public override void Reset() { Text = ""; } public override void Set(ShipStatus status) { Text = status.ExpToNext.ToString("D"); } } public sealed class Fleet : ShipLabel { public Fleet(Point location) { Location = location; AutoSize = true; } public override void Reset() { Text = ""; } public override void Set(ShipStatus status) { Text = status.Fleet == null ? "" : new[] {"1", "2", "3", "4"}[status.Fleet.Number]; } } public sealed class RepairTime : ShipLabel { public RepairTime(Point location) { Location = location; AutoSize = true; } public override void Reset() { Text = ""; } public override void Set(ShipStatus status) { SetRepairTime(status.RepairTime); } private void SetRepairTime(TimeSpan span) { Text = $@"{(int)span.TotalHours:d2}:{span:mm\:ss}"; } } } }