\ how to test SD_CARD driver on your launchpad: \ remove the jumpers RX, TX of programming port (don't remove GND, TST, RST and VCC) \ wire PL2303TA/HXD: GND <-> GND, RX <-- TX, TX --> RX \ connect it to your PC on a free USB port \ connect the PL2303TA/HXD cable to your PC on another free USB port \ configure TERATERM as indicated in forthMSP430FR.asm \ if you have a MSP-EXP430FR5994 launchpad, program it with MSP_EXP430FR5994_3Mbds_SD_CARD.txt \ to do, drag and drop this file onto prog.bat \ nothing else to do! \ else edit forthMSP430FR.asm with scite editor \ uncomment your target, copy it \ paste it into (SHIFT+F8) param1 \ set DTC .equ 1 \ FREQUENCY .equ 16 \ THREADS .equ 16 \ TERMINALBAUDRATE .equ 3000000 \ \ uncomment: CONDCOMP \ MSP430ASSEMBLER \ SD_CARD_LOADER \ SD_CARD_READ_WRITE \ \ compile for your target (CTRL+0) \ \ program your target via TI interface (CTRL+1) \ \ then wire your SD_Card module as described in your MSP430-FORTH\target.pat file \ format FAT16 or FAT32 a SD_CARD memory (max 64GB) with "FRxxxx" in the disk name \ drag and drop \CONDCOMP\MISC folder on the root of this SD_CARD memory (FastForth doesn't do yet) \ put it in your target SD slot \ if no reset, type COLD from the console input (teraterm) to reset FAST FORTH \ with MSP430FR5xxx or MSP430FR6xxx targets, you can first set RTC: \ by downloading RTC.f with SendSourceFileToTarget.bat \ then terminal input asks you to type (with spaces) (DMY), then (HMS) (or (HM)), \ So, subsequent copied files will be dated: \ with CopySourceFileToTarget_SD_Card.bat (or better, from scite editor, menu tools): \ copy TESTASM.4TH to \MISC\TESTASM.4TH (add path \MISC in the window opened by TERATERM) \ copy TSTWORDS.4TH to \TSTWORDS.4TH \ copy CORETEST_xMPY.4TH to \CORETEST.4TH (x=S for FR4133, else x=H; suppr _xMPY in the window opened by TERATERM) \ copy SD_TOOLS.f to \SD_TOOLS.4TH \ copy SD_TEST.f to \SD_TEST.4TH \ copy PROG10k.f to \PROG10k.4TH \ copy RTC.f to \RTC.4TH ( doesn't work with if FR2xxx or FR4xxx) : SD_TEST ECHO CR ." 1 Load ANS core tests" CR ." 2 Load, compile and run a 10k program " ." from its source file (quiet mode)" CR ." 3 Read only this source file (quiet mode)" CR ." 4 Write a dump of the FORTH kernel to yourfile.txt" CR ." 5 append a dump of the FORTH kernel to yourfile.txt" CR ." 6 Load truc (test error)" CR ." 7 Set date and time" CR ." your choice : " KEY 48 - DUP 1 = IF . LOAD" CORETEST.4TH" ELSE DUP 2 = IF . LOAD" PROG10K.4TH" ELSE DUP 3 = IF . READ" PROG10K.4TH" BEGIN READ \ sequentially read 512 bytes UNTIL \ prog10k.4TH is closed ELSE DUP 4 = IF . DEL" YOURFILE.TXT" WRITE" YOURFILE.TXT" ['] SD_EMIT IS EMIT PROGRAMSTART HERE OVER - DUMP ['] (EMIT) IS EMIT CLOSE ELSE DUP 5 = IF . WRITE" YOURFILE.TXT" ['] SD_EMIT IS EMIT PROGRAMSTART HERE OVER - DUMP ['] (EMIT) IS EMIT CLOSE ELSE DUP 6 = IF . LOAD" truc" ELSE DUP 7 = IF . LOAD" RTC.4TH" ELSE DROP ." ?" CR ." loading TSTWORDS.4TH..." LOAD" TSTWORDS.4TH" THEN THEN THEN THEN THEN THEN THEN ; ; It's done..." SD_TEST