\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ UTILITY.f \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ TARGET SELECTION \ MSP_EXP430FR5739 MSP_EXP430FR5969 MSP_EXP430FR5994 MSP_EXP430FR6989 \ MSP_EXP430FR4133 MSP_EXP430FR2433 MSP_EXP430FR2355 CHIPSTICK_FR2433 \ must be preprocessed with yourtarget.pat file because PSTACK,CONTEXT,INI_THREAD \ REGISTERS USAGE \ rDODOES to rEXIT must be saved before use and restored after \ scratch registers Y to S are free for use \ under interrupt, IP is free for use \ PUSHM order : PSP,TOS, IP, S, T, W, X, Y, rEXIT,rDOVAR,rDOCON, rDODOES, R3, SR,RSP, PC \ PUSHM order : R15,R14,R13,R12,R11,R10, R9, R8, R7 , R6 , R5 , R4 , R3, R2, R1, R0 \ example : PUSHM #6,IP pushes IP,S,T,W,X,Y registers to return stack \ \ POPM order : PC,RSP, SR, R3, rDODOES,rDOCON,rDOVAR,rEXIT, Y, X, W, T, S, IP,TOS,PSP \ POPM order : R0, R1, R2, R3, R4 , R5 , R6 , R7 , R8, R9,R10,R11,R12,R13,R14,R15 \ example : POPM #6,IP pop Y,X,W,T,S,IP registers from return stack \ FORTH conditionnals: unary{ 0= 0< 0> }, binary{ = < > U< } \ ASSEMBLER conditionnal usage with IF UNTIL WHILE S< S>= U< U>= 0= 0<> 0>= \ ASSEMBLER conditionnal usage with ?JMP ?GOTO S< S>= U< U>= 0= 0<> <0 PWR_STATE \ [DEFINED] {TOOLS} [IF] {TOOLS} [THEN] \ remove {UTILITY} if outside core \ [UNDEFINED] {TOOLS} [IF] \ don't replicate {UTILITY} if inside core \ MARKER {TOOLS} \ [UNDEFINED] ? [IF] \ \ https://forth-standard.org/standard/tools/q \ ? adr -- display the content of adr CODE ? MOV @TOS,TOS MOV #U.,PC \ goto U. ENDCODE [THEN] \ [UNDEFINED] .S [IF] \ \ https://forth-standard.org/standard/tools/DotS \ .S -- display of param Stack and stack contents if not empty CODE .S MOV TOS,-2(PSP) \ -- TOS ( tos x x ) MOV PSP,TOS SUB #2,TOS \ to take count that TOS is first cell MOV TOS,-6(PSP) \ -- TOS ( tos x PSP ) MOV #PSTACK,TOS \ -- P0 ( tos x PSP ) SUB #2,TOS \ to take count that TOS is first cell BW1 MOV TOS,-4(PSP) \ -- S0 ( tos S0 SP ) SUB #6,PSP \ -- S0 SP S0 SUB @PSP,TOS \ -- S0 SP S0-SP RRA TOS \ -- S0 SP #cells COLON $3C EMIT \ char '<' . \ display #cells $08 EMIT \ backspace $3E EMIT SPACE \ char '>' SPACE OVER OVER > \ 0= IF DROP DROP EXIT THEN DO I @ U. 2 +LOOP ; [THEN] \ [UNDEFINED] .RS [IF] \ \ .RS -- display of Return Stack and stack contents if not empty CODE .RS MOV TOS,-2(PSP) \ -- TOS ( tos x x ) MOV RSP,-6(PSP) \ -- TOS ( tos x RSP ) MOV #RSTACK,TOS \ -- R0 ( tos x RSP ) GOTO BW1 ENDCODE [THEN] \ [UNDEFINED] WORDS [IF] \ [UNDEFINED] AND [IF] \ \ https://forth-standard.org/standard/core/AND \ C AND x1 x2 -- x3 logical AND CODE AND AND @PSP+,TOS MOV @IP+,PC ENDCODE \ [THEN] \ [UNDEFINED] PAD [IF] \ \ https://forth-standard.org/standard/core/PAD \ C PAD -- addr PAD_ORG CONSTANT PAD \ [THEN] \ \ https://forth-standard.org/standard/tools/WORDS \ list all words of vocabulary first in CONTEXT. : WORDS \ -- \ \ vvvvvvvv may be skipped vvvvvvvv \ BASE @ \ -- BASE \ #10 BASE ! \ CR ." " \ INI_THREAD @ DUP \ 1 = IF DROP ." monothread" \ ELSE . ." threads" \ THEN ." vocabularies" \ BASE ! \ -- \ \ ^^^^^^^^ may be skipped ^^^^^^^^ CR ." " \ CONTEXT @ \ -- VOC_BODY MOVE all threads of VOC_BODY in PAD PAD INI_THREAD @ DUP + \ -- VOC_BODY PAD THREAD*2 MOVE \ BEGIN \ -- \ 0 DUP \ -- ptr=0 MAX=0 select the MAX of NFAs in all vocabulary threads 0. \ -- ptr=0 MAX=0 INI_THREAD @ DUP + 0 \ -- ptr=0 MAX=0 THREADS*2 0 DO \ -- ptr MAX I = PAD_ptr = thread*2 DUP I PAD + @ \ -- ptr MAX MAX NFAx U< IF \ -- ptr MAX if MAX U< NFAx DROP DROP \ -- drop ptr and MAX I DUP PAD + @ \ -- new_ptr new_MAX THEN \ 2 +LOOP \ -- ptr MAX ?DUP \ -- ptr MAX MAX | -- ptr 0 WHILE \ -- ptr MAX replace it by its LFA DUP \ -- ptr MAX MAX 2 - @ \ -- ptr MAX [LFA] ROT \ -- MAX [LFA] ptr PAD + \ -- MAX [LFA] thread ! \ -- MAX [LFA]=new_NFA --> PAD+ptr type it in 16 chars format DUP \ -- MAX MAX COUNT $7F AND \ -- MAX addr count (with suppr. of immediate bit) TYPE \ -- MAX C@ $0F AND \ -- count_of_chars $10 SWAP - SPACES \ -- complete with spaces to 16 chars REPEAT \ -- ptr DROP \ -- ; [THEN] \ [UNDEFINED] MAX [IF] \ MAX and MIN are defined in {ANS_COMP} CODE MAX \ n1 n2 -- n3 signed maximum CMP @PSP,TOS \ n2-n1 S< ?GOTO FW1 \ n2= 2) >R <# 0 # #S #> R> OVER - 0 MAX SPACES TYPE ; [THEN] \ [UNDEFINED] DUMP [IF] \ \ https://forth-standard.org/standard/tools/DUMP CODE DUMP \ adr n -- dump memory PUSH IP PUSH &BASE \ save current base MOV #$10,&BASE \ HEX base ADD @PSP,TOS \ -- ORG END LO2HI SWAP OVER OVER \ -- END ORG END ORG U. U. \ -- END ORG display org end $FFF0 AND \ -- END ORG_modulo_16 DO CR \ generate line I 7 U.R SPACE \ generate address I $10 + I \ display 16 bytes DO I C@ 3 U.R LOOP SPACE SPACE I $10 + I \ display 16 chars DO I C@ $7E MIN BL MAX EMIT LOOP $10 +LOOP R> BASE ! \ restore current base ; [THEN] \ [THEN] \ PWR_HERE ECHO : BS 8 EMIT ; \ 8 EMIT = BackSpace EMIT : ESC #27 EMIT ; : specs \ to see Fast Forth specifications PWR_STATE \ remove specs definition when running, and before bytes free processing 6 0 DO BS LOOP \ to reach start of line ESC ." [7m" \ set reverse video ." FastForth " INI_THREAD @ U. BS ." Threads " \ vocabularies threads ." DeviceID=$" $10 BASE ! $1A04 @ U. #10 BASE ! FREQ_KHZ @ 0 1000 UM/MOD U. ?DUP IF BS ." ," U. THEN BS ." MHz " \ MCLK FRAM_FULL HERE - U. ." bytes free" ESC ." [0m" \ reset reverse video ; \ specs