# My make-fu style is old and tired. I just want to have a few helper commands. TESTDIR = ./test00 VERSION = 0.1.0 .PHONY: clean sdist test docs clean: $(RM) -r Thun.egg-info/ dist/ build/ __pycache__/ $(TESTDIR) find . -name '*.pyc' | xargs $(RM) sdist: python ./setup.py sdist # In order to support testing the code as installed # create a virtualenv and install the source dist zip there. test: sdist $(RM) -r $(TESTDIR) virtualenv --system-site-packages --never-download $(TESTDIR) . $(TESTDIR)/bin/activate && \ pip install --no-cache-dir --no-index ./dist/Thun-$(VERSION).tar.gz echo "Type: source $(TESTDIR)/bin/activate" docs: cd ./docs && python -m nbconvert --to html *.ipynb cd ./docs && python -m nbconvert --to markdown *.ipynb cd ./docs && python -m nbconvert --to rst *.ipynb