# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Options # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBUG ?= 0 NALYZE ?= 0 ASAN ?= 0 STATIC ?= 0 SHARED ?= 0 FLTO ?= 0 FPGO ?= 0 STRIP ?= 0 CPU ?= 0 THREAD ?= 1 $(info Options: DEBUG=$(DEBUG), NALYZE=$(NALYZE), ASAN=$(ASAN), STATIC=$(STATIC), SHARED=$(SHARED), FLTO=$(FLTO), FPGO=$(FPGO), STRIP=$(STRIP), CPU=$(CPU), THREAD=$(THREAD)) ifneq ($(SHARED),0) ifneq ($(STATIC),0) $(error Options SHARED=1 and STATIC=1 are mutually exclusive!) endif endif # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Directories # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBDIR_APP := frontend SUBDIR_LIB := libslunkcrypt # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Flags # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CFLAGS = -I$(SUBDIR_LIB)/include -std=gnu99 -Wall -pedantic ifneq (,$(firstword $(filter 32 64,$(CPU)))) CFLAGS += -m$(firstword $(CPU)) endif ifneq (,$(firstword $(TARGET))) CFLAGS += --target=$(firstword $(TARGET)) LDFLGS += --target=$(firstword $(TARGET)) endif ifneq (,$(firstword $(MARCH))) CFLAGS += -march=$(firstword $(MARCH)) endif ifneq (,$(firstword $(MTUNE))) CFLAGS += -mtune=$(firstword $(MTUNE)) endif ifneq ($(ASAN),0) CONFIG := _a CFLAGS += -O1 -g -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-optimize-sibling-calls else ifneq ($(DEBUG),0) CONFIG := _g CFLAGS += -Og -g else CFLAGS += -O3 -DNDEBUG ifneq ($(FLTO),0) CFLAGS += -flto endif ifneq ($(FPGO),0) CFLAGS += -fprofile-$(firstword $(FPGO)) endif endif endif ifneq ($(NALYZE),0) CFLAGS += -fanalyzer endif MACHINE := $(strip $(shell $(CC) -dumpmachine)) ifeq (,$(MACHINE)) $(error Failed to determine target machine, please check CC is working!) else $(info Target machine type: $(MACHINE)) endif ifneq (,$(firstword $(filter %mingw32 %-windows-gnu %-cygwin %-cygnus,$(MACHINE)))) EXE_SUFFIX := .exe LIB_SUFFIX := .$(if $(subst 0,,$(SHARED)),dll,lib) else LIB_SUFFIX := .$(if $(subst 0,,$(SHARED)),$(if $(findstring -apple-darwin,$(MACHINE)),dylib,so),a) endif ifneq (,$(firstword $(filter %-w64-mingw32 %w64-windows-gnu,$(MACHINE)))) LDFLGS += -mconsole -municode endif ifeq ($(STATIC),1) LDFLGS += -static endif ifneq ($(STRIP),0) LDFLGS += -s endif ifeq ($(THREAD),1) LDFLGS += -lpthread else CFLAGS += -DSLUNKBUILD_NOTHREADS endif ifneq (,$(firstword $(filter %-pc-haiku %-unknown-haiku,$(MACHINE)))) LDFLGS += -lbsd endif APP_CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) APP_LDFLGS = $(LDFLGS) -L$(SUBDIR_LIB)/lib -l$(VERSION_LIB) LIB_CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) LIB_LDFLGS = $(LDFLGS) ifneq ($(SHARED),0) LIB_CFLAGS += -fPIC ifneq (,$(firstword $(filter %-w64-mingw32 %w64-windows-gnu,$(MACHINE)))) LIB_LDFLGS = -Wl,--out-implib,"$@.a" $(LDFLGS) endif endif # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # File names # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION_LIB := slunkcrypt$(CONFIG)-1 OUTNAME_APP := slunkcrypt$(CONFIG)$(EXE_SUFFIX) OUTNAME_LIB := lib$(VERSION_LIB)$(LIB_SUFFIX) OUTPATH_APP := $(SUBDIR_APP)/bin/$(OUTNAME_APP) OUTPATH_LIB := $(SUBDIR_LIB)/lib/$(OUTNAME_LIB) SOURCES_APP := $(wildcard $(SUBDIR_APP)/src/*.c) OBJECTS_APP := $(patsubst $(SUBDIR_APP)/src/%.c,$(SUBDIR_APP)/obj/%$(CONFIG).o,$(SOURCES_APP)) SOURCES_LIB := $(wildcard $(SUBDIR_LIB)/src/*.c) OBJECTS_LIB := $(patsubst $(SUBDIR_LIB)/src/%.c,$(SUBDIR_LIB)/obj/%$(CONFIG).o,$(SOURCES_LIB)) ifneq ($(filter %-mingw32 %-windows-gnu %-cygwin %-cygnus,$(MACHINE)),) RCFILES_APP := $(wildcard $(SUBDIR_APP)/res/*.rc) OBJECTS_APP += $(patsubst $(SUBDIR_APP)/res/%.rc,$(SUBDIR_APP)/obj/%.rsrc.o,$(RCFILES_APP)) endif # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Targets # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: all build clean all: clean build build: $(OUTPATH_APP) $(OUTPATH_APP): $(OBJECTS_APP) $(OUTPATH_LIB) @mkdir -p $(@D) $(CC) $(APP_CFLAGS) $(OBJECTS_APP) -o $@ $(APP_LDFLGS) $(OUTPATH_LIB): $(OBJECTS_LIB) @mkdir -p $(@D) ifneq ($(SHARED),0) $(CC) $(LIB_CFLAGS) $^ -shared -o $@ $(LIB_LDFLGS) else $(AR) rcs $@ $^ endif $(SUBDIR_APP)/obj/%$(CONFIG).o: $(SUBDIR_APP)/src/%.c @mkdir -p $(@D) $(CC) $(APP_CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ $(SUBDIR_APP)/obj/%.rsrc.o: $(SUBDIR_APP)/res/%.rc @mkdir -p $(@D) windres -o $@ $< $(SUBDIR_LIB)/obj/%$(CONFIG).o: $(SUBDIR_LIB)/src/%.c @mkdir -p $(@D) $(CC) $(LIB_CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ clean: $(RM) $(SUBDIR_APP)/obj/* $(SUBDIR_APP)/lib/* $(SUBDIR_APP)/bin/* $(RM) $(SUBDIR_LIB)/obj/* $(SUBDIR_LIB)/lib/* $(SUBDIR_LIB)/bin/*