ezcomment2 * * * Revision 1.10 2008/07/08 16:14:57 shizuki * *Bug fix event_PreComment * *Correspondence preparations of NP_LatestWritebacks * * Revision 1.9 2008/07/08 15:14:27 shizuki * * Corresponds to event_PreComment. * * Fix typo. * * RC2 * * Revision 1.8 2008/07/07 15:42:54 shizuki * * The experimental society PHP Version: 5.2.6/MySQL Server Version (client): (5.1.25-rc-log 5.1.25-rc). * * The normal movement is confirmed. * * The SQL correction/behavior when installing, is changed a little. * * event_PostDeleteCommnent addition * It's corrected when being off login time and secret mode-lessly, so as not to take out a check box. * * NP_OpenId is indispensable in the present. * * NP_znSpecialTemplateParts is indispensable. * * It's expected to add the setting which will establish a password at the time of contribution without NP_OpenId and make it hidden from now on. * * It's RC edition, so please cooperate in the one with the environment. * * Revision 1.7 2008/07/07 10:24:00 shizuki * * Still, the human sacrifice test version. * * A template was separated for for index pages and item page. * * Subdivision of the showComment() function. * * It's changed so as not to fly to an indication part for indication in case of and OpenID of anything but the first item of an index page. * * A profile change part besides the first item of an index page is being adjusted. */ class NP_EzComment2 extends NucleusPlugin { // {{{ properties /** * The calling number of times by the index page. * * @var integer */ var $numcalled; /** * OpenID authentication module. * * @var object */ var $authOpenID; /** * Flag of the case that one is invoker. * * @var boolean */ var $callFlg; // }}} // {{{ getName() /** * Plugin Name * * @return string */ function getName() { return 'Ez Comment II'; } // }}} // {{{ getAuthor() /** * Author Name * * @return string */ function getAuthor() { return 'shizuki'; } // }}} // {{{ getURL() /** * I get a plug-in, the address of the possible site or author's mail address. * * @return string */ function getURL() { return 'http://japan.nucleuscms.org/wiki/plugins:ezcomment2'; } // }}} // {{{ getPluginDep() /** * Plugin Dependency. * * @return array */ function getPluginDep() { return array( // 'NP_OpenId', // 'NP_znSpecialTemplateParts', ); } // }}} // {{{ getVersion() /** * Plugin Version. * * @return string */ function getVersion() { return '$Date$ $Revision: 1.13 $'; } // }}} // {{{ getDescription() /** * Plugin Description * * @return string */ function getDescription() { return _NP_EZCOMMENT2_DESC; } // }}} // {{{ supportsFeature($what) /** * Supports Nucleus Feature * * @param string * @return boolean */ function supportsFeature($what) { switch ($what) { case 'SqlTablePrefix': return 1; default: return 0; } } // }}} // {{{ getEventList() /** * List of feature event * * @return array */ function getEventList() { global $manager; return array( 'FormExtra', 'PostAddComment', 'PostDeleteComment', 'PreComment', 'TemplateExtraFields', ); } // }}} // {{{ getTableList() /** * Database tables for plugin used * * @return array **/ function getTableList() { return array( sql_table('plug_ezcomment2'), ); } // }}} // {{{ install() /** * Install function * * @return void. */ function install() { if (!TEMPLATE::exists('EzCommentTemplate')) { global $DIR_LIBS; include_once($DIR_LIBS . 'skinie.php'); $importer = new SKINIMPORT(); $importer->reset(); $template = $this->getDirectory() . 'skinbackup.xml'; if (!@file_exists($template)) { $aErrors[] = 'Unable to import ' . $template . ' : file does not exist'; continue; } $error = $importer->readFile($template); if ($error) { $aErrors[] = 'Unable to import ' . $template . ' : ' . $error; continue; } $error = $importer->writeToDatabase(1); if ($error) { $aErrors[] = 'Unable to import ' . $template . ' : ' . $error; continue; } if ($aErrors) { $message = implode("
\n", $aErrors); doError($message); } } $this->createBlogOption('secret', _NP_EZCOMMENT2_OP_SECRETMODE, 'yesno', 'yes'); $this->createBlogOption('secComment', _NP_EZCOMMENT2_OP_SUBSTIUTION, 'text', _NP_EZCOMMENT2_OP_SUBSTIUTION_VAL); $this->createBlogOption('secLabel', _NP_EZCOMMENT2_OP_CHECKLABEL, 'text', _NP_EZCOMMENT2_OP_CHECKLABEL_VAL); $this->createOption('tabledel', _NP_EZCOMMENT2_OP_DROPTABLE, 'yesno', 'yes'); $sql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (' . '`comid` int(11) NOT NULL, ' . '`secflg` tinyint(1) NULL, ' . '`module` varchar(15) NULL, ' . '`userID` varchar(255) NULL, ' . 'PRIMARY KEY(`comid`) );'; sql_query(sprintf($sql, sql_table('plug_ezcomment2'))); $this->updateTable(); } // }}} // {{{ uninstall() /** * Un Install function * * @return void. */ function uninstall() { if ($this->getOption('tabledel') == 'yes') sql_query('DROP TABLE '.sql_table('plug_ezcomment2')); } // }}} // {{{ init() /** * Initialize * * @return void. */ function init() { $this->languageInclude(); $this->numcalled = 0; $this->callFlg = false; global $manager; if ($manager->pluginInstalled('NP_OpenId') && !$this->authOpenID) { $this->authOpenID = $manager->getPlugin('NP_OpenId'); } } // }}} // {{{ event_TemplateExtraFields($data) /** * Extra template parts for plugin specified * * @param array * fields array * 'PLUGIN_NAME' array * 'TEMPLATE_PARTS_NAME' * 'TEMPLATE_PARTS_NAME' * 'TEMPLATE_PARTS_NAME'... * @return void */ function event_TemplateExtraFields($data) { $data['fields']['NP_EzComment2'] = array( '_NP_EZCOMMENT2_FORM_LOGGEDIN_IDX' => _NP_EZCOMMENT2_FORM_LOGGEDIN_IDX, '_NP_EZCOMMENT2_FORM_NOTLOGGEDIN_IDX' => _NP_EZCOMMENT2_FORM_NOTLOGGEDIN_IDX, '_NP_EZCOMMENT2_FORM_LOGGEDIN_ITM' => _NP_EZCOMMENT2_FORM_LOGGEDIN_ITM, '_NP_EZCOMMENT2_FORM_NOTLOGGEDIN_ITM' => _NP_EZCOMMENT2_FORM_NOTLOGGEDIN_ITM, 'COMMENTS_BODY_IDX' => _NP_EZCOMMENT2_COMMENTS_BODY_IDX, 'COMMENTS_FOOTER_IDX' => _NP_EZCOMMENT2_COMMENTS_FOOTER_IDX, 'COMMENTS_HEADER_IDX' => _NP_EZCOMMENT2_COMMENTS_HEADER_IDX, ); } // }}} // {{{ event_PostAddComment($data) /** * After adding a comment to the database. * * @param array * commentid integer * comment array * spamcheck array * @return void. */ function event_PostAddComment($data) { global $member; switch (true) { case $member->isLoggedin(): $userID = '"' . $member->getID() . '"'; $module = '"Nucleus"'; break; case ($this->authOpenID && $this->authOpenID->isLoggedin()): $userID = '"' . $this->authOpenID->loggedinUser['identity'] . '"'; $module = '"OpenID"'; break; default: $userID = 'NULL'; $module = 'NULL'; break; } if (postVar('EzComment2_Secret')) { $secCheck = 1; } else { $secCheck = 'NULL'; } $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . sql_table('plug_ezcomment2') . ' (`comid`, `secflg`, `module`, `userID`) VALUES (%d, %d, %s, %s)'; sql_query(sprintf($sql, $data['commentid'], $secCheck, $module, $userID)); } // }}} // {{{ event_PostDeleteComment($data) /** * After a comment has been deleted from the database. * * @param array * commentid integer * @return void. */ function event_PostDeleteComment($data) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . sql_table('plug_ezcomment2') . ' WHERE `comid` = %d LIMIT 1'; sql_query(sprintf($sql, $data['commentid'])); } // }}} // {{{ event_FormExtra(&$data) /** * Inside one of the comment, membermail or account activation forms. * * @param array * type string * @return void. */ function event_FormExtra(&$data) { global $member, $blogid; $this->numcalled++; if ($blogid && $this->getBlogOption($blogid, 'secret') == 'yes' && ($member->isLoggedin() || ($this->authOpenID && $this->authOpenID->isLoggedin()))) { echo '
'; echo '
'; } // if ($this->authOpenID) { // $this->plugOpenIDdoSkinVar($this->commentSkinType, $this->commentItemId); // } } // }}} // {{{ event_PreComment(&$data) /** * Inside one of the comment, membermail or account activation forms. * * @param array * comment array * @return void. */ function event_PreComment(&$data) { if ($this->callFlg) return; $sql = 'SELECT secflg, userID FROM ' . sql_table('plug_ezcomment2') . ' WHERE comid = ' . intval($data['comment']['commentid']); $res = sql_query($sql); $flg = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); if (!$flg['secflg']) return; $data['comment']['identity'] = $flg['userID']; global $manager, $member; $bid = intval($data['comment']['blogid']); $b = $manager->getBlog($bid); $judge = $this->setSecretJudge($bid, $member, $b); $data['comment'] = $this->JudgementCommentSecrets($data['comment'], $judge); // print_r($data); } // }}} // {{{ doTemplateVar() /** * Basically the same as doSkinVar, * but this time for calls of the <%plugin(...)%>-var in templates (item header/body/footer and dateheader/footer). * * @param object item object(refarence) * @param string * @param string * @param string * @param string * @param string * @return void. */ function doTemplateVar(&$item, $showType = '', $showMode = '5/1/1', $destinationurl = '', $formTemplate = 'EzCommentTemplate', $listTemplate = 'EzCommentTemplate') { $this->doSkinVar('template', $showType, $showMode, $destinationurl, $formTemplate, $listTemplate, $item); } // }}} // {{{ doSkinVar() /** * When plugins are called using the <%plugin(...)%>-skinvar, this method will be called. * * @param string * @param string * @param string * @param string * @param string * @param string * @param object item object(refarence) * @return void. */ function doSkinVar($skinType, $showType = '', $showMode = '5/1/1', $destinationurl = '', $formTemplate = 'EzCommentTemplate', $listTemplate = 'EzCommentTemplate', &$commentItem = '') { if ($skinType != 'item' && $skinType != 'template') return; global $manager, $member, $itemid; if (!$commentItem && $itemid) { $commentItem = $manager->getItem($itemid, 0, 0); if (is_array($commentItem)) { $commentItem = (object)$commentItem; } } if (!$commentItem || $commentItem->closed) { echo _ERROR_ITEMCLOSED; return 0; } if (is_numeric($showType) || strpos($showType, '/') !== false) $showMode = $showType; if ($showType != 'list' && $showType != 'form') { $showType = ''; } if (!$showMode) { $showMode = '5/1/1'; } list($maxToShow, $sortOrder, $commentOrder) = explode('/', $showMode); if (!$maxToShow) $maxToShow = 5; if (!$sortOrder) $sortOrder = 1; if ($commentOrder > 0) { $commentOrder = true; } else { $commentOrder = false; } if (!$formTemplate) $formTemplate = 'EzCommentTemplate'; if (!$listTemplate) $listTemplate = 'EzCommentTemplate'; switch ($showType) { case 'list': $listTemplate = TEMPLATE::read($listTemplate); $this->showComment($commentItem, $listTemplate, $maxToShow, $commentOrder, $skinType); break; case 'form': $formTemplate = TEMPLATE::read($formTemplate); $this->showForm($commentItem, $formTemplate, $destinationurl, $skinType); break; default: $listTemplate = TEMPLATE::read($listTemplate); $formTemplate = TEMPLATE::read($formTemplate); if ($sortOrder) { $this->showComment($commentItem, $listTemplate, $maxToShow, $commentOrder, $skinType); $this->showForm($commentItem, $formTemplate, $destinationurl, $skinType); } else { $this->showForm($commentItem, $formTemplate, $destinationurl, $skinType); $this->showComment($commentItem, $listTemplate, $maxToShow, $commentOrder, $skinType); } break; } } // }}} // {{{ languageInclude() /** * Include language file * * @return void. */ function languageInclude() { $language = ereg_replace( '[\\|/]', '', getLanguageName()); if (file_exists($this->getDirectory() . 'language/' . $language . '.php')) { include_once($this->getDirectory() . 'language/' . $language . '.php'); } else { include_once($this->getDirectory() . 'language/english.php'); } } // }}} // {{{ updateTable() /** * Update database table * * @return void. */ function updateTable() { $sql = 'SELECT c.cnumber as cid FROM ' . sql_table('comment') . ' as c ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . sql_table('plug_ezcomment2') . ' as s ' . 'ON c.cnumber=s.comid WHERE s.comid IS NULL'; $res = sql_query($sql); $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . sql_table('plug_ezcomment2') . '(`comid`) VALUES (%d)'; while ($cid = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { sql_query(sprintf($sql, $cid['cid'])); } } // }}} // {{{ plugOpenIDdoSkinVar() /** * Overwride NP_OpenId's doSkinVar() * * @param string * @param integer * @return void. * function plugOpenIDdoSkinVar($skinType, $iid = 0) { global $CONF, $manager, $member; if ($member->isLoggedIn()) return; $authOpenID = $this->authOpenID; if (!$authOpenID) return; $externalauth = array ( 'source' => $authOpenID->getName() ); $manager->notify('ExternalAuth', array ('externalauth' => &$externalauth)); if (isset($externalauth['result']) && $externalauth['result'] == true) return; $templateEngine = $authOpenID->_getTemplateEngine(); $aVars = array(); $aVars['PluginURL'] = $CONF['PluginURL']; if ($authOpenID->isLoggedin()) { // Loggedin if ($skinType == 'template') { require_once 'cles/Template.php'; $templateDirectory = rtrim($this->getDirectory(), '/'); $templateEngine =& new cles_Template($templateDirectory); $templateEngine->defaultLang = 'english'; $aVars['itemid'] = intval($iid); } $nowURL = 'http://' . serverVar("HTTP_HOST") . serverVar("REQUEST_URI"); $aVars['url'] = $authOpenID->getAdminURL() . 'rd.php?action=rd' . '&url=' . urlencode($nowURL); $aVars['nick'] = $authOpenID->loggedinUser['nick']; $aVars['email'] = $authOpenID->loggedinUser['email']; $aVars['ts'] = $authOpenID->loggedinUser['ts']; $aVars['identity'] = $authOpenID->loggedinUser['identity']; $aVars['visible'] = $aVars['nick'] ? 'false' : 'true' ; $actionUrl = parse_url($CONF['ActionURL']); $aVars['updateUrl'] = $actionUrl['path']; if ($skinType == 'item' || ($skinType == 'template' && $this->numcalled == 0)) { echo $templateEngine->fetchAndFill('yui', $aVars, 'np_openid'); echo $templateEngine->fetchAndFill('form', $aVars, 'np_openid'); } echo $templateEngine->fetchAndFill('loggedin', $aVars, 'np_openid'); } elseif (!$authOpenID->isLoggedin()) { // Not loggedin $aVars['url'] = $authOpenID->getAdminURL() . 'rd.php?action=doauth' . '&return_url=' . urlencode(createItemLink(intval($iid))); echo $templateEngine->fetchAndFill('notloggedin', $aVars, 'np_openid'); } } // }}}*/ // {{{ checkDestinationurl($destinationurl) /** * Destinationurl check * * @param string * @return string */ function checkDestinationurl($destinationurl, $iid, $cid = 0, $scid = 0) { if (stristr($destinationurl, 'action.php') || empty($destinationurl)) { if (stristr($destinationurl, 'action.php')) { $logMessage = 'actionurl is not longer a parameter on commentform skinvars.' . ' Moved to be a global setting instead.'; ACTIONLOG::add(WARNING, $logMessage); } if ($cid) { $linkparams['catid'] = intval($cid); } global $manager; if ($manager->pluginInstalled('NP_MultipleCategories') && $scid) { $linkparams['subcatid'] = intval($scid); } $destinationurl = createItemLink(intval($iid), $linkparams); } else { $destinationurl = preg_replace('|[^a-z0-9-~+_.?#=&;,/:@%]|i', '', $destinationurl); } return $destinationurl; } // }}} // {{{ getCommentatorInfo() /** * Get commentator info. * * @return array */ function getCommentatorInfo() { global $CONF; $user = cookieVar($CONF['CookiePrefix'] .'comment_user'); if (!$user) { $user = postVar('user'); } $userid = cookieVar($CONF['CookiePrefix'] .'comment_userid'); if (!$userid) { $userid = postVar('userid'); } $email = cookieVar($CONF['CookiePrefix'] .'comment_email'); if (!$email) { $email = postVar('email'); } $body = postVar('body'); return array( $user, $userid, $email, $body ); } // {{{ showForm() /** * Show comment form * * @param object * @param string * @param string * @param string * @return void. */ function showForm($commentItem, $template, $destinationurl, $skinType) { global $CONF, $manager, $member, $catid, $subcatid; $bid = getBlogIDFromItemID($commentItem->itemid); $b =& $manager->getBlog($bid); $b->readSettings(); if (!$member->isLoggedIn() && !$b->commentsEnabled()) { return; } $destinationurl = $this->checkDestinationurl($destinationurl, $commentItem->itemid, $catid, $subcatid); list($user, $userid, $email, $body) = $this->getCommentatorInfo(); $checked = cookieVar($CONF['CookiePrefix'] .'comment_user') ? 'checked="checked" ' : ''; $formdata = array( 'self' => $this->_hsc(serverVar('REQUEST_URI')), 'destinationurl' => $this->_hsc($destinationurl), 'actionurl' => $this->_hsc($CONF['ActionURL']), 'itemid' => intval($commentItem->itemid), 'user' => $this->_hsc($user), 'userid' => $this->_hsc($userid), 'email' => $this->_hsc($email), 'body' => $this->_hsc($body), // 'membername' => $this->_hsc($membername), 'rememberchecked' => $checked ); if ($skinType == 'item') { $formFlg = '_ITM'; } else { $formFlg = '_IDX'; } if ($member && $member->isLoggedIn()) { $formType = '_NP_EZCOMMENT2_FORM_LOGGEDIN' . $formFlg; $loginMember = $member->createFromID($member->getID()); $formdata['membername'] = $this->_hsc($loginMember->getDisplayName()); } else { $formType = '_NP_EZCOMMENT2_FORM_NOTLOGGEDIN' . $formFlg; } // if ($this->authOpenID && ($skinType == 'item' || $this->numcalled == 0)) { // $this->plugOpenIDdoSkinVar($skinType, intval($commentItem->itemid)); // } $this->commentItemId = intval($commentItem->itemid); $this->commentSkinType = $skinType; $contents = $template[$formType]; include_once($this->getDirectory() . 'EzCommentActions.php'); $formAction =& new EzCommentFormActions($skinType, $commentItem, $formdata, $loginMember); $parser =& new PARSER($formAction->getAllowedActions(), $formAction); $parser->parse(&$contents); } // }}} // {{{ showComment() /** * Show comments * * @param object * @param string * @param string * @param string * @param string * @return void. */ function showComment($commentItem, $template, $maxToShow, $commentOrder, $skinType) { global $manager, $member; $bid = getBlogIDFromItemID($commentItem->itemid); $b =& $manager->getBlog($bid); if (!$b->commentsEnabled()) return; if (!$maxToShow) { $maxToShow = $b->getMaxComments(); } $itemActions =& new ITEMACTIONS($b); $itemActions->setCurrentItem($commentItem); $commentObj =& new COMMENTS($commentItem->itemid); $commentObj->setItemActions($itemActions); $commentObj->commentcount = $commentObj->amountComments(); // create parser object & action handler include_once($this->getDirectory() . 'EzCommentActions.php'); $actions =& new EzCommentActions($commentObj); $parser =& new PARSER($actions->getAllowedActions(), $actions); $actions->setTemplate($template); $actions->setParser($parser); if ($commentObj->commentcount == 0) { $parser->parse($template['COMMENTS_NONE']); return 0; } $actions->setPostnum($commentObj->commentcount); if ($maxToShow && $maxToShow < $commentObj->commentcount && $commentOrder) { $startnum = $commentObj->commentcount - $maxToShow; } else { $startnum = 0; } $comments = $this->getComments($commentOrder, intval($commentItem->itemid), $maxToShow, $startnum); $viewnum = mysql_num_rows($comments); $actions->setViewnum($viewnum); if ($this->getBlogOption($bid, 'secret') == 'yes') { $judge = $this->setSecretJudge($bid, $member, $b); } $templateType = ''; if ($skinType == 'template') $templateType = '_IDX'; $blogURL = $b->getURL(); $substitution = $this->getBlogOption($bid, 'secComment'); $this->callFlg = true; $parser->parse($template['COMMENTS_HEADER' . $templateType]); while ($comment = mysql_fetch_assoc($comments)) { $comment['timestamp'] = strtotime($comment['ctime']); if ($judge && $comment['secret']) { $comment = $this->JudgementCommentSecrets($comment, $judge); } $actions->setCurrentComment($comment); $manager->notify('PreComment', array('comment' => &$comment)); $parser->parse($template['COMMENTS_BODY' . $templateType]); $manager->notify('PostComment', array('comment' => &$comment)); } $parser->parse($template['COMMENTS_FOOTER' . $templateType]); mysql_free_result($comments); } // }}} // {{{ setSecretJudge($bid) /** * Setting for judgment of whether it's a comment of a secret. * * @param intgre * @param object * @param object * @return array */ function setSecretJudge($bid, $member, $b) { $memberLoggedin = $member->isLoggedin(); $loginUser = $member->getID(); $blogAdmin = $member->blogAdminRights($bid); $blogURL = $b->getURL(); $substitution = $this->getBlogOption($bid, 'secComment'); if ($this->authOpenID) { $openIDLoggedin = $this->authOpenID->isLoggedin(); $openIDUser = $this->authOpenID->loggedinUser['identity']; } return array( 'memberLoggedin' => $memberLoggedin, 'loginUser' => $loginUser, 'blogAdmin' => $blogAdmin, 'blogURL' => $blogURL, 'substitution' => $substitution, 'openIDLoggedin' => $openIDLoggedin, 'openIDUser' => $openIDUser, ); } // }}} // {{{ JudgementCommentSecrets($comment, $judge) /** * Comment is secret ? * * @param array * @param array * @param string * @param string * @return array */ function JudgementCommentSecrets($comment, $judge) { /* if ($judge['memberLoggedin']) { echo 'member'; if ($judge['loginUser'] == intval($comment['identity'])) { echo 'commentator'; } elseif ($judge['blogAdmin']) { echo 'admin'; } } elseif ($judge['openIDLoggedin']) { // echo 'openid / '; echo $judge['openIDUser'].' / '; echo $comment['identity'].' / '; echo "honnnin"; }*/ if (!(($judge['memberLoggedin'] && ($judge['loginUser'] == intval($comment['identity']) || $judge['blogAdmin'])) || ($judge['openIDLoggedin'] && $judge['openIDUser'] == $comment['identity']))) { $this->changeCommentSet($comment, $judge); } return $comment; } // }}} // {{{ changeCommentSet($comment, $blogURL, $substitution) /** * Change secret comment contents * * @param array * @param string * @param string * @return array */ function changeCommentSet(&$comment, $judge) { global $manager; $comment['body'] = $judge['substitution']; $comment['short'] = $judge['substitution']; $comment['excerpt'] = $judge['substitution']; $comment['userid'] = $judge['blogURL']; $comment['memberid'] = 0; $comment['user'] = '#'; $comment['useremail'] = '#'; $comment['userwebsite'] = '#'; $comment['email'] = '#'; $comment['userlinkraw'] = '#'; $comment['userlink'] = '#'; $comment['host'] = ''; $comment['ip'] = ''; if ($manager->pluginInstalled('NP_LatestWritebacks')) { $comment['commentbody'] = $judge['substitution']; $comment['commentator'] = '#'; } return $comment; } // {{{ getComments($comment, $judge) /** * Change in the comment contents. * * @param boolean * @param integre * @param integre * @param integre * @return resouce */ function getComments($commentOrder, $iid, $maxToShow, $startnum) { $order = ($commentOrder) ? "DESC" : "ASC"; $query = 'SELECT ' . 'c.citem as itemid, ' . 'c.cnumber as commentid, ' . 'c.cbody as body, ' . 'c.cuser as user, ' . 'c.cmail as userid, ' . 'c.cemail as email, ' . 'c.cmember as memberid, ' . 'c.ctime, ' . 'c.chost as host, ' . 'c.cip as ip, ' . 'c.cblog as blogid, ' . 's.comid as cid, ' . 's.secflg as secret, ' . 's.module as modname, ' . 's.userID as identity ' . ' FROM ' . sql_table('comment') . ' as c ' . ' LEFT OUTER JOIN ' . sql_table('plug_ezcomment2') . ' as s ' . ' ON c.cnumber = s.comid ' . ' WHERE c.citem = ' . intval($iid) . ' ORDER BY c.ctime ' . $order; if ($maxToShow) { if ($order == "DESC") { $query .=' LIMIT ' . intval($maxToShow); } else { $query .=' LIMIT ' . intval($startnum) . ',' . intval($maxToShow); } } return sql_query($query); } // }}} // {{{ getTemplateParts() /** * Comment form/list template via NP_znSpecialTemplateParts * * @return array * function getTemplateParts() { $this->languageInclude(); return array( 'FORM_LOGGEDIN_IDX' => _NP_EZCOMMENT2_FORM_LOGGEDIN_IDX, 'FORM_NOTLOGGEDIN_IDX' => _NP_EZCOMMENT2_FORM_NOTLOGGEDIN_IDX, 'FORM_LOGGEDIN_ITM' => _NP_EZCOMMENT2_FORM_LOGGEDIN_ITM, 'FORM_NOTLOGGEDIN_ITM' => _NP_EZCOMMENT2_FORM_NOTLOGGEDIN_ITM, 'COMMENTS_BODY_IDX' => _NP_EZCOMMENT2_COMMENTS_BODY_IDX, 'COMMENTS_FOOTER_IDX' => _NP_EZCOMMENT2_COMMENTS_FOOTER_IDX, 'COMMENTS_HEADER_IDX' => _NP_EZCOMMENT2_COMMENTS_HEADER_IDX, ); } // }}} // {{{ _hsc() /** * HTML entity * * @param string * @return string */ function _hsc($str) { return htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_QUOTES, _CHARSET); } // }}} }