top page contents<%else%>other pages contents<%endif%> * ex. <%if(ShowBlogs,cstik|bmode|stick|amont|tmplt,1|all|23|5|myTemplate)%><%endif%> * is <%ShowBlogs(myTemplate,5,all,,,23,,,,1)%> * cahnge prev/next pagelink label class * and page label to BlogOption * 2.66.4 fix catformat * 2.66.3 fix display offset * 2.66.2 fix display Item when $q_amount=0 * 2.66.1 fix sticky mode * 2.66 default argument bug fix * 2.65 add AD code control * add Category mode * fix stickies bug * 2.64 fix page switch URL generate * 2.62 security fix and tag related * 2.61 security fix * 2.6 security fix * **************************************************************************** * * THESE PLUG-INS ARE DEDICATED TO ALL THOSE NucleusCMS USERS * WHO FIGHT CORRUPTION AND IRRATIONAL IN EVERY DAY OF THEIR LIVES. * ****************************************************************************/ class NP_ShowBlogs extends NucleusPlugin { function getName() { return 'Show Blogs'; } function getMinNucleusVersion() { return '322'; } function getAuthor() { return 'Taka + nakahara21 + kimitake + shizuki'; } function getURL() { return ''; } function getVersion() { return '2.7'; } function getDescription() { return _SHOWB_DESC; } function supportsFeature($what) { switch($what){ case 'SqlTablePrefix': return 1; default: return 0; } } function getEventList() { return array( 'InitSkinParse' ); } function init() { $language = ereg_replace( '[\\|/]', '', getLanguageName()); if (file_exists($this->getDirectory() . $language . '.php')) { include_once($this->getDirectory() . $language . '.php'); }else { include_once($this->getDirectory() . 'english.php'); } } function install() { $this->createOption('catformat', _CAT_FORMAT, 'text', '<%category%> on <%blogname%>'); $this->createOption('stickmode', _STICKMODE, 'select', '1', _STICKSELECT); $this->createOption('ads', _ADCODE_1, 'textarea', '' . "\n"); $this->createOption('ads2', _ADCODE_2, 'textarea', '' . "\n"); $this->createOption('tagMode', _TAG_MODE, 'select', '2', _TAG_SELECT); $this->createBlogOption('nextLabel', _SB_NEXTL, 'text', 'Next»'); $this->createBlogOption('prevLabel', _SB_PREVL, 'text', '«Prev'); /* todo can't install ? only warning ? * douyatte 'desc' ni keikoku wo daseba iinoka wakaranai desu $ver_min = (getNucleusVersion() < $this->getMinNucleusVersion()); $pat_min = ((getNucleusVersion() == $this->getMinNucleusVersion()) && (getNucleusPatchLevel() < $this->getMinNucleusPatchLevel())); if ($ver_min) { // || $pat_min) { global $DIR_LIBS; // uninstall plugin again... include_once($DIR_LIBS . 'ADMIN.php'); $admin = new ADMIN(); $admin->deleteOnePlugin($this->getID()); // ...and show error $admin->error(_ERROR_NUCLEUSVERSIONREQ . $this->getMinNucleusVersion() . ' patch ' . $this->getMinNucleusPatchLevel()); } */ // } function doSkinVar($skinType, $template = 'default/index', $amount = 10, // amount/page $bmode = '', // show or hide Blogs $type = 1, // pagw switch type $sort = 'DESC', // item sort mode (DESC or ASC) $sticky = '', // sticky item id $sticktemplate = '', $catmode = 'all', // show or hide categories $showAdCode = 1, // AdCode switch $catStick = 0 // show sticky item when category selected ? ) { global $manager; if ($skinType == 'item' && !$manager->pluginInstalled('NP_TagEX')) { return; } global $CONF, $blog, $blogid, $catid, $itemid, $archive, $subcatid; if (!$template) { $template = 'default/index'; } // initialize hide blogID $hide = array(); // initialize show blogID $show = array(); // limit number of pages(months) $pagelimit = 0; $monthlimit = 0; $catformat = $this->getOption('catformat'); $params = func_get_args(); switch ($amount) { case '0': $type = $amount; break; case 'all': $bmode = $amount; if (is_numeric($params[3]) ||is_float($params[3])) { $type = $params[3]; } break; } if (preg_match("/^(<>)?([0-9\/]+)$/", $bmode, $matches)) { if ($matches[1]) { $hide = explode("/", $matches[2]); $show = array(); } else { $hide = array(); $show = explode("/", $matches[2]); } $bmode = 'all'; } $type = (float) $type; $typeExp = intval(($type - floor($type))*10); //0 or 1 or 9 $this->showAdCode = $showAdCode; list ($pageamount, $offset) = sscanf($amount, '%d(%d)'); if (!$pageamount) { $pageamount = 10; } if ($sort != 'ASC') { $sort = 'DESC'; } /* if ($sort != 'ASC' && $sort != 'DESC') { $sticktemplate = $sticky; $sticky = $sort; $sort = 'DESC'; }*/ if (!empty($sticky) && empty($sticktemplate)) { $sticktemplate = $template; } if (preg_match("/^(<>)?([0-9\/]+)$/", $catmode, $matches)) { if ($matches[1]) { $hideCat = explode("/", $matches[2]); $showCat = array(); } else { $hideCat = array(); $showCat = explode("/", $matches[2]); } $catmode = 'all'; } if (!$template) { $template = 'default/index'; } if (!$amount) { $amount = 10; } if (!isset($type)) { $type = 1; } if (!$sort) { $sort = 'DESC'; } if (!$showAdCode) { $showAdCode = 1; } if (!$catStick) { $catStick = 0; } if ($blog) { $b =& $blog; } else { $b =& $manager->getBlog($CONF['DefaultBlog']); } $this->nowbid = $nowbid = intval($b->getID()); $where = ''; $catblogname = 0; if ($bmode != 'all') { $where .= ' AND i.iblog = ' . $nowbid; } elseif (isset($hide[0]) && $bmode == 'all') { foreach ($hide as $val) { if (!is_numeric($val)) { $val = getBlogIDFromName($val); } $where .= ' AND i.iblog != ' . intval($val); } } elseif (isset($show[0]) && $bmode == 'all') { foreach ($show as $val) { if (!is_numeric($val)) { $val = getBlogIDFromName($val); } $w[] = intval($val); } $where .= (count($w) > 0) ? ' AND i.iblog in (' . implode(',', $w) . ')' : ''; } if (isset($hideCat[0]) && $catmode == 'all') { foreach($hideCat as $val){ if(is_numeric($val)){ $where .= ' AND i.icat != ' . intval($val); } } } elseif (isset($showCat[0]) && $catmode == 'all') { foreach ($showCat as $val) { if (is_numeric($val)) { $w[] = intval($val); } } $where .= (count($w) > 0) ? ' AND i.icat in (' . implode(',', $w) . ')' : ''; $mcats = $w; } if ($bmode == 'all') { $catblogname = 1; } // echo $bmode; if ($skinType == 'item' || $skinType == 'index' || $skinType == 'archive') { $catformat = '"' . addslashes($catformat) . '"'; $nArr = array( '",c.cname,"', '",b.bname,"', '",c.cdesc,"' ); $fArr = array( '/<%category%>/', '/<%blogname%>/', '/<%catdesc%>/' ); $catformat = preg_replace($fArr, $nArr, $catformat); $mtable = ""; if ($manager->pluginInstalled('NP_TagEX')) { $t_where = $this->_getTagsInum($where, $skinType, $bmode, $amount); $where .= $t_where['where']; } if ($skinType == 'item') { $where .= ' and i.inumber != ' . intval($itemid); } else { $sticCatFlag = (!$catid || (!empty($catStick) && $sticktemplate != '')); // if (!$catid && $sticky != '') { if ($sticCatFlag && $sticky != '') { $stickys = explode('/', $sticky); foreach ($stickys as $stickynumber) { $where .= ' AND i.inumber <> ' . intval($stickynumber); } } // $hidden = ''; $temp = $y = $m = $d = ''; if ($archive) { sscanf($archive, '%d-%d-%d', $y, $m, $d); if ($d) { $timestamp_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y); $timestamp_end = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d+1, $y); $date_str = 'SUBSTRING(i.itime, 1, 10)'; } else { $timestamp_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $y); $timestamp_end = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m+1, 1, $y); $date_str = 'SUBSTRING(i.itime,1,7)'; } $where .= ' AND i.itime >= ' . mysqldate($timestamp_start) . ' AND i.itime < ' . mysqldate($timestamp_end); } elseif (!empty($monthlimit)) { $timestamp_end = mysqldate($b->getCorrectTime()); sscanf($timestamp_end, '"%d-%d-%d %s"', $y, $m, $d, $temp); $timestamp_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m-$monthlimit, $d, $y); $where .= ' AND i.itime >= ' . mysqldate($timestamp_start) . ' AND i.itime <= ' . $timestamp_end; } else { $where .= ' AND i.itime <= ' . mysqldate($b->getCorrectTime()); } if (!empty($catid)) { if ($manager->pluginInstalled('NP_MultipleCategories')) { $mcat_query = $this->_getSubcategoriesWhere($catid); $mtable = $mcat_query['m']; $where .= $mcat_query['w']; } else { $where .= ' AND i.icat=' . intval($catid); } $linkparams['catid'] = $todayparams['catid'] = intval($catid); } if ($type >= 1) { $page_switch = $this->PageSwitch($type, $pageamount, $offset, $where, $sort, $mtable); if ($typeExp != 9 && $skinType != 'item') { echo $page_switch['buf']; } } } $sh_query = 'SELECT ' . 'i.inumber as itemid, ' . 'i.ititle as title, ' . 'i.ibody as body, ' . 'm.mname as author, ' . 'm.mrealname as authorname, ' . 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(i.itime) as timestamp, ' . 'i.itime, ' . 'i.imore as more, ' . 'm.mnumber as authorid,'; if (!$catblogname) { $sh_query .= ' c.cname as category,'; } else { $sh_query .= ' concat(' . $catformat . ') as category,'; } $sh_query .= ' i.icat as catid,' . ' i.iclosed as closed' . ' FROM ' . sql_table('member') . ' as m, ' . sql_table('category') . ' as c, ' . sql_table('item') . ' as i' . $mtable; if ($bmode == 'all') { $sh_query .= ', ' . sql_table('blog') . ' as b '; } $sh_query .= ' WHERE i.iauthor = m.mnumber' . ' AND i.icat = c.catid'; if ($bmode == 'all') { $sh_query .= ' AND b.bnumber = c.cblog'; } // if ($page_switch['startpos'] == 0 && !$catid && $sticky != '' && $skinType != 'item' && !$this->tagSelected) { $ads = 0; $sticCatFlag = ($page_switch['startpos'] == 0 && (!$catid || (!empty($catStick) && $sticktemplate != ''))); if ($sticCatFlag && $sticky != '' && $skinType != 'item' && !$this->tagSelected) { foreach ($stickys as $stickynumber) { $sticky_query = $sh_query; $tempblogid = getBlogIDFromItemID($stickynumber); if ($bmode != 'all' && $this->getOption('stickmode') == 1) { $sticky_query .= ' AND i.iblog = ' . $nowbid; } $sticky_query .= ' AND i.inumber = ' . intval($stickynumber) . ' AND i.itime <= ' . mysqldate($b->getCorrectTime()) . ' AND i.idraft = 0'; if ($catid) { $sticky_query .= ' AND i.icat = ' . intval($catid); } if ($subcatid) { $sticky_query .= ' AND p.subcategories = ' . intval($subcatid); } /* $sticky_query .= $stickWhere; if ($bmode == 'all') { $b->showUsingQuery($sticktemplate, $sticky_query, 0, 1, 0); } elseif ($this->getOption('stickmode') == 1 && intval($nowbid) == $tempblogid) { $b->showUsingQuery($sticktemplate, $sticky_query, 0, 1, 0); } elseif (!$this->getOption('stickmode')) { $b->showUsingQuery($sticktemplate, $sticky_query, 0, 1, 0); }*/ if ( ($bmode == 'all') || ($this->getOption('stickmode') == 1 && intval($nowbid) == $tempblogid) || (!$this->getOption('stickmode')) ) { $b->showUsingQuery($sticktemplate, $sticky_query, 0, 1, 0); } //echo $stickynumber; if ($showAdCode > 0 && mysql_num_rows(sql_query($sticky_query))) { if ($ads == 0) { echo $this->getOption('ads'); } elseif ($ads == 1) { echo $this->getOption('ads2'); } elseif ($ads >= 2) { } $ads++; } } } $sh_query .= ' AND i.idraft = 0' . $where; if ($skinType == 'item') { $sh_query .= ' ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(i.inumber,\'' . @join(',', $t_where['inumsres']) . '\')'; } else { $sh_query .= ' ORDER BY i.itime ' . $sort; } if ($skinType != 'item') { $pStartPos = $page_switch['startpos']; if ($offset && $type < 1) { $pStartPos += intval($offset); } $this->_showUsingQuery($template, $sh_query, $pStartPos, $pageamount, $b, $ads); if ($type >= 1 && $typeExp != 1) echo $page_switch['buf']; } elseif ($skinType == 'item') { $sh_query .= ' LIMIT 0, ' . $pageamount; $b->showUsingQuery($template, $sh_query, 0, 1, 1); } } } function _showUsingQuery($template, $showQuery, $q_startpos, $q_amount, $b, $ads) { global $catid; $onlyone_query = $showQuery . ' LIMIT ' . intval($q_startpos) .', 1'; $b->showUsingQuery($template, $onlyone_query, 0, 1, 1); if (intval($ads) == 0 && $this->showAdCode > 0) { echo $this->getOption('ads'); // } //------------SECOND AD CODE------------- } elseif (intval($ads) == 1 && $this->showAdCode > 0) { echo $this->getOption('ads2'); } $q_startpos++; $q_amount--; if ($q_amount <= 0) return; $onlyone_query = $showQuery . ' LIMIT ' . intval($q_startpos) . ', 1'; $b->showUsingQuery($template, $onlyone_query, 0, 1, 1); if (mysql_num_rows(sql_query($onlyone_query)) && empty($ads) && $this->showAdCode > 0) { echo $this->getOption('ads2'); } //------------SECOND AD CODE END------------- $q_startpos++; $q_amount--; if ($q_amount <= 0) return; $second_query = $showQuery . ' LIMIT ' . intval($q_startpos) . ',' . intval($q_amount); $b->showUsingQuery($template, $second_query, 0, 1, 1); } function event_InitSkinParse($data) { global $CONF, $manager; $this->skintype = $data['type']; $usePathInfo = ($CONF['URLMode'] == 'pathinfo'); if (serverVar('REQUEST_URI') == '') { $uri = (serverVar('QUERY_STRING')) ? serverVar('SCRIPT_NAME') . serverVar('QUERY_STRING') : serverVar('SCRIPT_NAME'); } else { $uri = serverVar('REQUEST_URI'); } $page_str = ($usePathInfo) ? 'page/' : 'page='; if ( $manager->pluginInstalled('NP_CustomURL') || $manager->pluginInstalled('NP_Magical') || $manager->pluginInstalled('NP_MagicalURL2') ) { $page_str = 'page_'; } if (strpos($uri, 'page/')) { list($org_uri, $currPage) = explode('page/', $uri, 2); } elseif (strpos($uri, 'page_')) { list($org_uri, $currPage) = explode('page_', $uri, 2); } // list($org_uri, $currPage) = explode($page_str, $uri, 2); if (getVar('page')) { $currPage = intGetVar('page'); } $_GET['page'] = intval($currPage); $this->currPage = intval($currPage); $this->pagestr = $page_str; } function PageSwitch($type, $pageamount, $offset, $where, $sort, $mtable = '') { global $CONF, $manager, $archive, $catid, $subcatid; // initialize $startpos = 0; $catid = intval($catid); $subcatid = intval($subcatid); $usePathInfo = ($CONF['URLMode'] == 'pathinfo'); $pageamount = intval($pageamount); $offset = intval($offset); if ($archive) { $y = $m = $d = ''; sscanf($archive, '%d-%d-%d', $y, $m, $d); if (!empty($d)) { $archive = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $y, $m, $d); } else { $archive = sprintf('%04d-%02d', $y, $m); } } $page_str = $this->pagestr; $currentpage = $this->currPage; // createBaseURL if (!empty($catid)) { $catrequest = ($usePathInfo) ? $CONF['CategoryKey'] : 'catid'; if (!empty($subcatid)) { $mplugin =& $manager->getPlugin('NP_MultipleCategories'); $subrequest = $mplugin->getRequestName(array()); if (!empty($archive)) { $linkParam = array( $catrequest => $catid, $subrequest => $subcatid ); $pagelink = createArchiveLink($archive, $linkParam); } else { $linkParam = array( $subrequest => $subcatid ); $pagelink = createCategoryLink($catid, $linkParam); } } else { if (!empty($archive)) { $linkParam = array( $catrequest => $catid, ); $pagelink = createArchiveLink($archive, $linkParam); } else { $pagelink = createCategoryLink($catid); } } } else { if (!empty($archive)) { $pagelink = createArchiveLink($this->nowbid, $archive); } else { $pagelink = createBlogidLink($this->nowbid); } } if ($manager->pluginInstalled('NP_TagEX')) { $tplugin =& $manager->getPlugin('NP_TagEX'); $requestTag = $tplugin->getNoDecodeQuery('tag'); if (!empty($requestTag)) { $requestTarray = $tplugin->splitRequestTags($requestTag); $tag = array_shift($requestTarray['and']); $tag = $tplugin->_rawdecode($tag); if (!empty($requestTarray['and'])) { $requestT = implode('+', $requestTarray['and']); } if (!empty($requestTarray['or'])) { $requestTor = implode(':', $requestTarray['or']); } if (!empty($requestT)) { if (!empty($requestTor)) { $reqtags = $requestT . ':' . $requestTor; $pagelink = $tplugin->creatTagLink($tag, $this->getOption('tagMode'), $reqtags, '+'); } else { $pagelink = $tplugin->creatTagLink($tag, $this->getOption('tagMode'), $requestT, '+'); } } elseif (empty($requestT) && !empty($requestTor)) { $pagelink = $tplugin->creatTagLink($tag, $this->getOption('tagMode'), $requestTor, ':'); } else { $pagelink = $tplugin->creatTagLink($tag, $this->getOption('tagMode')); } } } $uri = parse_url($pagelink); if (!$usePathInfo) { if ($pagelink == $CONF['BlogURL']) { // add $pagelink .= '?'; } elseif ($uri['query']) { $pagelink .= '&'; } $pagelink = str_replace('&&', '&', $pagelink); } elseif ($usePathInfo && substr($pagelink, -1) != '/') { if ($uri['query']) { $pagelink .= '&'; $page_str = 'page='; } else { $pagelink .= '/'; } } if (strstr ($pagelink, '//')) { $pagelink = preg_replace("/([^:])\/\//", "$1/", $pagelink); } if (substr($pagelink, -5) == '.html') { $pagelink = substr($pagelink, 0, -5) . '_'; } if ($currentpage > 0) { $startpos = ($currentpage - 1) * $pageamount; } else { $currentpage = 1; } $totalamount = 0; if (is_numeric($where)) { $totalamount = $where; } elseif (is_array($where)) { $totalamount = count($where); } else { $p_query = 'SELECT COUNT(i.inumber) FROM %s as i%s WHERE i.idraft = 0%s'; $p_query = sprintf($p_query, sql_table('item'), $mtable, $where); // $p_query = 'SELECT COUNT(i.inumber) FROM ' . sql_table('item') . ' as i' . $mtable . ' WHERE i.idraft=0' . $where; $entries = sql_query($p_query); if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($entries)) { $totalamount = $row[0]; } } $totalamount = intval($totalamount); if (!$archive && !empty($pagelimit) && ($pagelimit * $pageamount < $totalamount)) { $totalamount = intval($pagelimit) * $pageamount; } if ($offset) { $startpos += $offset; $totalamount -= $offset; } if ($this->maxamount && $this->maxamount < $totalamount) { $totalamount = intval($this->maxamount); } $totalpages = ceil($totalamount / $pageamount); $totalpages = intval($totalpages); if ($startpos > $totalamount) { $currentpage = $totalpages; $startpos = $totalamount - $pageamount; } $prevpage = ($currentpage > 1) ? $currentpage - 1 : 0; $nextpage = $currentpage + 1; $firstpagelink = $pagelink . $page_str . '1'; if ($page_str == 'page_') { $firstpagelink .= '.html'; } $lastpagelink = $pagelink . $page_str . $totalpages; if ($page_str == 'page_') { $lastpagelink .= '.html'; } $nextLinkLabel = $this->getBlogOption($this->nowbid, 'nextLabel') ? $this->getBlogOption($this->nowbid, 'nextLabel') : 'Next»'; $prevLinkLabel = $this->getBlogOption($this->nowbid, 'prevLabel') ? $this->getBlogOption($this->nowbid, 'prevLabel') : '«Prev'; if ($type >= 1) { $buf .= '
' . "\n"; // $buf .= "<TOP> | \n"; if (!empty($prevpage)) { $prevpagelink = $pagelink . $page_str . $prevpage; if ($page_str == 'page_') { $prevpagelink .= '.html'; } $buf .= '' . '' . $prevLinkLabel . ' |'; } elseif ($type >= 2) { $buf .= $prevLinkLabel . " |"; } if (intval($type) == 1) { $buf .= "\n"; } if (intval($type) == 2) { $sepstr = '·'; $buf .= "|"; for ($i=1; $i<=$totalpages; $i++) { $i_pagelink = $pagelink . $page_str . $i; if ($page_str == 'page_') { $i_pagelink .= '.html'; } if ($i == $currentpage) { $buf .= ' ' . $i . ' |' . "\n"; } elseif ($totalpages<10 || $i<4 || $i>$totalpages-3) { $buf .= ' ' . $i . ' |' . "\n"; } else { if ($i<$currentpage-1 || $i>$currentpage+1) { if (($i == 4 && ($currentpage > 5 || $currentpage == 1)) || $i == $currentpage + 2) { $buf = rtrim($buf); $buf .= "...|\n"; } } else { $buf .= ' ' . $i . ' |' . "\n"; } } } $buf = rtrim($buf); } if (intval($type) == 3) { $buf .= '|'; $sepstr = '·'; for ($i = 1; $i <= $totalpages; $i++) { $i_pagelink = $pagelink . $page_str . $i; if ($page_str == 'page_') { $i_pagelink .= '.html'; } $paging = 5; if ($i == $currentpage) { $buf .= ' ' . $i . ' ' . $sepstr . "\n"; } elseif ($totalpages < 10 || ($i < ($currentpage + $paging) && ($currentpage - $paging) < $i)) { $buf .= ' ' . $i . ' ' . $sepstr . "\n"; } elseif ($currentpage - $paging == $i) { $buf = rtrim($buf); $buf .= ' ...'."\n"; } elseif ($currentpage + $paging == $i) { $buf = rtrim($buf); $buf = preg_replace('/$sepstr$/', '', $buf); $buf .= "... |\n"; } } } if ($totalpages >= $nextpage) { $nextpagelink = $pagelink . $page_str . $nextpage; if ($page_str == 'page_') { $nextpagelink .= '.html'; } $buf .= '| ' . '' . $nextLinkLabel . '' . "\n"; } elseif ($type >= 2) { $buf .= "| " . $nextLinkLabel . "\n"; } // $buf .= " | <LAST>\n"; $buf .= "
\n"; return array('buf' => $buf, 'startpos' => intval($startpos)); } } function _getSubcategoriesWhere($catid) { global $manager; $subcatTable = sql_table('plug_multiple_categories_sub'); $mwhere = ''; $mwhere = ' AND ((i.inumber = p.item_id' . ' AND (p.categories REGEXP "(^|,)' . intval($catid) . '(,|$)"' . ' OR i.icat = ' . intval($catid) . '))' . ' OR (i.icat = ' . intval($catid) . ' AND p.item_id IS NULL))'; $mtable = ' LEFT JOIN ' . sql_table('plug_multiple_categories') . ' as p' . ' ON i.inumber = p.item_id'; $mplugin =& $manager->getPlugin('NP_MultipleCategories'); if (method_exists($mplugin, 'getRequestName')) { $mplugin->event_PreSkinParse(array()); global $subcatid; if ($subcatid) { $subcatid = intval($subcatid); $mque = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE scatid = %d'; $tres = sql_query(sprintf($mque, $subcatTable, $subcatid)); // $tres = sql_query('SELECT * FROM ' . sql_table('plug_multiple_categories_sub') . // ' WHERE scatid = ' . intval($subcatid)); $ra = mysql_fetch_array($tres, MYSQL_ASSOC); if (array_key_exists('parentid', $ra)) { $Children = array(); $Children = explode('/', $subcatid . $this->getChildren($subcatid)); } if ($Children[1]) { for ($i=0;$i $mwhere, 'm' => $mtable ); } function getParents($subcat_id) { $subcatTable = sql_table('plug_multiple_categories_sub'); $que = 'SELECT scatid, parentid, sname FROM %s WHERE scatid = %d'; $que = sprintf($que, $subcatTable, intval($subcat_id)); $res = sql_query($que); list($sid, $parent, $sname) = mysql_fetch_row($res); if ($parent != 0) { $r = $this->getParent(intval($parent)) . '/' . intval($sid); } else { $r = intval($sid); } return $r; } function getChildren($subcat_id) { $subcatTable = sql_table('plug_multiple_categories_sub'); $que = 'SELECT scatid, parentid, sname FROM %s WHERE parentid = %d'; $que = sprintf($que, $subcatTable, intval($subcat_id)); $res = sql_query($que); while ($so = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $r .= $this->getChildren(intval($so->scatid)) . '/' . intval($so->scatid); } return $r; } function _getTagsInum($where, $skin_type, $bmode, $p_amount) { global $manager, $itemid; $tagTable = sql_table('plug_tagex'); $tplugin =& $manager->getPlugin('NP_TagEX'); $requestTag = $tplugin->getNoDecodeQuery('tag'); if (!empty($requestTag) || $skin_type == 'item') { $this->tagSelected = TRUE; if ($bmode=='all') { $allTags = $tplugin->scanExistTags(0); } else { $allTags = $tplugin->scanExistTags(2); } $arr = $tplugin->splitRequestTags($requestTag); if ($skin_type == 'item') { $item =& $manager->getItem(intval($itemid), 0, 0); $q = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE inum = %d'; $res = sql_query(sprintf($q, $tagTable, intval($itemid))); while ($o = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $temp_tags_array = preg_split('/[\n,]+/', trim($o->itags)); for ($i=0; $i < count($temp_tags_array); $i++) { $arr['or'][] = trim($temp_tags_array[$i]); } } } if ($skin_type != 'item') { for ($i=0; $i < count($arr['and']); $i++) { $deTag = $tplugin->_rawdecode($arr['and'][$i]); if ($allTags[$deTag]) { if (empty($inumsand)) { $inumsand = $allTags[$deTag]; } else { $inumsand = array_intersect($inumsand, $allTags[$deTag]); } } else { $inumsand = array(); } if (empty($inumsand)) { break; } } if (!empty($inumsand)) { $inumsres = array_values($inumsand); unset($inumsand); } } $inumsor = array(); for ($i=0; $i < count($arr['or']); $i++) { if ($skin_type == 'item') { $deTag = $arr['or'][$i]; } else { $deTag = $tplugin->_rawdecode($arr['or'][$i]); } if ($allTags[$deTag]) { $inumsor = array_merge($inumsor, $allTags[$deTag]); } } if ($inumsres && $inumsor) { $inumsres = array_merge($inumsres, $inumsor); $inumsres = array_unique($inumsres); } elseif (!$inumsres && $inumsor) { $inumsres = array_unique($inumsor); } if ($inumsres) { if ($skin_type == 'item') { foreach ($inumsres as $resinum) { $iTags = array(); $q = 'SELECT itags FROM %s WHERE inum = %d'; $q = sprintf($q, $tagTable, intval($resinum)); $res = sql_query($q); while ($o = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $resTags = preg_split("/[\n,]+/", trim($o->itags)); for ($i=0; $i < count($resTags); $i++) { $iTags[] = trim($resTags[$i]); } } $relatedTags = array_intersect($arr['or'], $iTags); $tagCount[$resinum] = count($relatedTags); } asort($tagCount); $inumsres = array(); foreach ($tagCount as $resinum => $val) { $relatedInums[] = intval($resinum); } for ($i=0; $i <= $p_amount; $i++) { $inumsres[$i] = array_pop($relatedInums); } } $where .= ' and i.inumber IN ('. @join(',', $inumsres) . ')'; } else { $where .= ' and i.inumber=0'; } } $retArray = array( 'where' => $where, 'inumsres' => $inumsres ); return $retArray; } function doIf($key, $val = '') { if (strpos($key, '|') && strpos($val, '|')) { $keys = explode('|', $key); $vals = explode('|', $val); if (count($keys) <> count($vals)) { return; } $sbArgs = array(); for ($i = 0; count($keys) > $i; $i++) { $sbArgs[$keys[$i]] = $vals[$i]; } $tmplt = $sbArgs['tmplt'] ? $sbArgs['tmplt'] : 'default/index'; // template $amont = $sbArgs['amont'] ? $sbArgs['amont'] : 10; // amount/page $bmode = $sbArgs['bmode'] ? $sbArgs['bmode'] : ''; // show or hide Blogs $type = $sbArgs['type'] ? $sbArgs['type'] : 1; // pagw switch type $sort = $sbArgs['sort'] ? $sbArgs['sort'] : 'DESC'; // item sort mode (DESC or ASC) $stick = $sbArgs['stick'] ? $sbArgs['stick'] : ''; // sticky item id $stplt = $sbArgs['stplt'] ? $sbArgs['stplt'] : ''; // sticky template $cmode = $sbArgs['cmode'] ? $sbArgs['cmode'] : 'all'; // show or hide categories $acode = $sbArgs['acode'] ? $sbArgs['acode'] : 1; // AdCode switch $cstik = $sbArgs['cstik'] ? $sbArgs['cstik'] : 0; // show sticky item when category selected ? $this->doSkinVar($this->skintype, $tmplt, $amont, $bmode, $type, $sort, $stick, $stplt, $cmode, $acode, $cstik); return TRUE; } elseif ($key == 'page') { if ($value) { if ($this->currPage == intval($value)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } elseif ($this->currPage > 1) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } } }