// OpenTween - Client of Twitter // Copyright (c) 2007-2011 kiri_feather (@kiri_feather) // (c) 2008-2011 Moz (@syo68k) // (c) 2008-2011 takeshik (@takeshik) // (c) 2010-2011 anis774 (@anis774) // (c) 2010-2011 fantasticswallow (@f_swallow) // (c) 2011 Egtra (@egtra) // (c) 2013 kim_upsilon (@kim_upsilon) // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of OpenTween. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) // any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License // for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program. If not, see , or write to // the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, // Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Web; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Linq; using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using OpenTween.Api; using OpenTween.Connection; namespace OpenTween { public class Twitter : IDisposable { #region Regexp from twitter-text-js // The code in this region code block incorporates works covered by // the following copyright and permission notices: // // Copyright 2011 Twitter, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you // may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You // may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at: // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or // implied. See the License for the specific language governing // permissions and limitations under the License. //Hashtag用正規表現 private const string LATIN_ACCENTS = @"\u00c0-\u00d6\u00d8-\u00f6\u00f8-\u00ff\u0100-\u024f\u0253\u0254\u0256\u0257\u0259\u025b\u0263\u0268\u026f\u0272\u0289\u028b\u02bb\u1e00-\u1eff"; private const string NON_LATIN_HASHTAG_CHARS = @"\u0400-\u04ff\u0500-\u0527\u1100-\u11ff\u3130-\u3185\uA960-\uA97F\uAC00-\uD7AF\uD7B0-\uD7FF"; //private const string CJ_HASHTAG_CHARACTERS = @"\u30A1-\u30FA\uFF66-\uFF9F\uFF10-\uFF19\uFF21-\uFF3A\uFF41-\uFF5A\u3041-\u3096\u3400-\u4DBF\u4E00-\u9FFF\u20000-\u2A6DF\u2A700-\u2B73F\u2B740-\u2B81F\u2F800-\u2FA1F"; private const string CJ_HASHTAG_CHARACTERS = @"\u30A1-\u30FA\u30FC\u3005\uFF66-\uFF9F\uFF10-\uFF19\uFF21-\uFF3A\uFF41-\uFF5A\u3041-\u309A\u3400-\u4DBF\p{IsCJKUnifiedIdeographs}"; private const string HASHTAG_BOUNDARY = @"^|$|\s|「|」|。|\.|!"; private const string HASHTAG_ALPHA = "[a-z_" + LATIN_ACCENTS + NON_LATIN_HASHTAG_CHARS + CJ_HASHTAG_CHARACTERS + "]"; private const string HASHTAG_ALPHANUMERIC = "[a-z0-9_" + LATIN_ACCENTS + NON_LATIN_HASHTAG_CHARS + CJ_HASHTAG_CHARACTERS + "]"; private const string HASHTAG_TERMINATOR = "[^a-z0-9_" + LATIN_ACCENTS + NON_LATIN_HASHTAG_CHARS + CJ_HASHTAG_CHARACTERS + "]"; public const string HASHTAG = "(" + HASHTAG_BOUNDARY + ")(#|#)(" + HASHTAG_ALPHANUMERIC + "*" + HASHTAG_ALPHA + HASHTAG_ALPHANUMERIC + "*)(?=" + HASHTAG_TERMINATOR + "|" + HASHTAG_BOUNDARY + ")"; //URL正規表現 private const string url_valid_preceding_chars = @"(?:[^A-Za-z0-9@@$##\ufffe\ufeff\uffff\u202a-\u202e]|^)"; public const string url_invalid_without_protocol_preceding_chars = @"[-_./]$"; private const string url_invalid_domain_chars = @"\!'#%&'\(\)*\+,\\\-\.\/:;<=>\?@\[\]\^_{|}~\$\u2000-\u200a\u0009-\u000d\u0020\u0085\u00a0\u1680\u180e\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufffe\ufeff\uffff\u202a-\u202e"; private const string url_valid_domain_chars = @"[^" + url_invalid_domain_chars + "]"; private const string url_valid_subdomain = @"(?:(?:" + url_valid_domain_chars + @"(?:[_-]|" + url_valid_domain_chars + @")*)?" + url_valid_domain_chars + @"\.)"; private const string url_valid_domain_name = @"(?:(?:" + url_valid_domain_chars + @"(?:-|" + url_valid_domain_chars + @")*)?" + url_valid_domain_chars + @"\.)"; private const string url_valid_GTLD = @"(?:(?:aero|asia|biz|cat|com|coop|edu|gov|info|int|jobs|mil|mobi|museum|name|net|org|pro|tel|travel|xxx)(?=[^0-9a-zA-Z]|$))"; private const string url_valid_CCTLD = @"(?:(?:ac|ad|ae|af|ag|ai|al|am|an|ao|aq|ar|as|at|au|aw|ax|az|ba|bb|bd|be|bf|bg|bh|bi|bj|bm|bn|bo|br|bs|bt|bv|bw|by|bz|ca|cc|cd|cf|cg|ch|ci|ck|cl|cm|cn|co|cr|cs|cu|cv|cx|cy|cz|dd|de|dj|dk|dm|do|dz|ec|ee|eg|eh|er|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fk|fm|fo|fr|ga|gb|gd|ge|gf|gg|gh|gi|gl|gm|gn|gp|gq|gr|gs|gt|gu|gw|gy|hk|hm|hn|hr|ht|hu|id|ie|il|im|in|io|iq|ir|is|it|je|jm|jo|jp|ke|kg|kh|ki|km|kn|kp|kr|kw|ky|kz|la|lb|lc|li|lk|lr|ls|lt|lu|lv|ly|ma|mc|md|me|mg|mh|mk|ml|mm|mn|mo|mp|mq|mr|ms|mt|mu|mv|mw|mx|my|mz|na|nc|ne|nf|ng|ni|nl|no|np|nr|nu|nz|om|pa|pe|pf|pg|ph|pk|pl|pm|pn|pr|ps|pt|pw|py|qa|re|ro|rs|ru|rw|sa|sb|sc|sd|se|sg|sh|si|sj|sk|sl|sm|sn|so|sr|ss|st|su|sv|sy|sz|tc|td|tf|tg|th|tj|tk|tl|tm|tn|to|tp|tr|tt|tv|tw|tz|ua|ug|uk|us|uy|uz|va|vc|ve|vg|vi|vn|vu|wf|ws|ye|yt|za|zm|zw)(?=[^0-9a-zA-Z]|$))"; private const string url_valid_punycode = @"(?:xn--[0-9a-z]+)"; private const string url_valid_domain = @"(?" + url_valid_subdomain + "*" + url_valid_domain_name + "(?:" + url_valid_GTLD + "|" + url_valid_CCTLD + ")|" + url_valid_punycode + ")"; public const string url_valid_ascii_domain = @"(?:(?:[a-z0-9" + LATIN_ACCENTS + @"]+)\.)+(?:" + url_valid_GTLD + "|" + url_valid_CCTLD + "|" + url_valid_punycode + ")"; public const string url_invalid_short_domain = "^" + url_valid_domain_name + url_valid_CCTLD + "$"; private const string url_valid_port_number = @"[0-9]+"; private const string url_valid_general_path_chars = @"[a-z0-9!*';:=+,.$/%#\[\]\-_~|&" + LATIN_ACCENTS + "]"; private const string url_balance_parens = @"(?:\(" + url_valid_general_path_chars + @"+\))"; private const string url_valid_path_ending_chars = @"(?:[+\-a-z0-9=_#/" + LATIN_ACCENTS + "]|" + url_balance_parens + ")"; private const string pth = "(?:" + "(?:" + url_valid_general_path_chars + "*" + "(?:" + url_balance_parens + url_valid_general_path_chars + "*)*" + url_valid_path_ending_chars + ")|(?:@" + url_valid_general_path_chars + "+/)" + ")"; private const string qry = @"(?\?[a-z0-9!?*'();:&=+$/%#\[\]\-_.,~|]*[a-z0-9_&=#/])?"; public const string rgUrl = @"(?" + url_valid_preceding_chars + ")" + "(?(?https?://)?" + "(?" + url_valid_domain + ")" + "(?::" + url_valid_port_number + ")?" + "(?/" + pth + "*)?" + qry + ")"; #endregion /// /// Twitter API のステータスページのURL /// public const string ServiceAvailabilityStatusUrl = "https://status.io.watchmouse.com/7617"; /// /// ツイートへのパーマリンクURLを判定する正規表現 /// public static readonly Regex StatusUrlRegex = new Regex(@"https?://([^.]+\.)?twitter\.com/(#!/)?(?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/status(es)?/(?[0-9]+)(/photo)?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); /// /// FavstarやaclogなどTwitter関連サービスのパーマリンクURLからステータスIDを抽出する正規表現 /// public static readonly Regex ThirdPartyStatusUrlRegex = new Regex(@"https?://(?:[^.]+\.)?(?: favstar\.fm/users/[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/status/ # Favstar | favstar\.fm/t/ # Favstar (short) | aclog\.koba789\.com/i/ # aclog | frtrt\.net/solo_status\.php\?status= # RtRT )(?[0-9]+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace); /// /// DM送信かどうかを判定する正規表現 /// public static readonly Regex DMSendTextRegex = new Regex(@"^DM? +(?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+) +(?.+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline); public TwitterConfiguration Configuration { get; private set; } delegate void GetIconImageDelegate(PostClass post); private readonly object LockObj = new object(); private List followerId = new List(); private bool _GetFollowerResult = false; private long[] noRTId = new long[0]; private bool _GetNoRetweetResult = false; private int _followersCount = 0; private int _friendsCount = 0; private int _statusesCount = 0; private string _location = ""; private string _bio = ""; //プロパティからアクセスされる共通情報 private string _uname; private bool _restrictFavCheck; private bool _readOwnPost; private List _hashList = new List(); //max_idで古い発言を取得するために保持(lists分は個別タブで管理) private long minHomeTimeline = long.MaxValue; private long minMentions = long.MaxValue; private long minDirectmessage = long.MaxValue; private long minDirectmessageSent = long.MaxValue; //private FavoriteQueue favQueue; private HttpTwitter twCon = new HttpTwitter(); //private List _deletemessages = new List(); public Twitter() { this.Configuration = TwitterConfiguration.DefaultConfiguration(); } public TwitterApiAccessLevel AccessLevel { get { return MyCommon.TwitterApiInfo.AccessLevel; } } protected void ResetApiStatus() { MyCommon.TwitterApiInfo.Reset(); } public string Authenticate(string username, string password) { this.ResetApiStatus(); HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.AuthUserAndPass(username, password, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; _uname = username.ToLower(); if (SettingCommon.Instance.UserstreamStartup) this.ReconnectUserStream(); return ""; } public string StartAuthentication(ref string pinPageUrl) { //OAuth PIN Flow this.ResetApiStatus(); try { var res = twCon.AuthGetRequestToken(ref pinPageUrl); if (!res) return "Err:Failed to access auth server."; } catch(Exception) { return "Err:" + "Failed to access auth server."; } return ""; } public string Authenticate(string pinCode) { this.ResetApiStatus(); HttpStatusCode res; try { res = twCon.AuthGetAccessToken(pinCode); } catch(Exception) { return "Err:" + "Failed to access auth acc server."; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, null); if (err != null) return err; _uname = Username.ToLower(); if (SettingCommon.Instance.UserstreamStartup) this.ReconnectUserStream(); return ""; } public void ClearAuthInfo() { Twitter.AccountState = MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Invalid; this.ResetApiStatus(); twCon.ClearAuthInfo(); } public void VerifyCredentials() { HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.VerifyCredentials(ref content); } catch(Exception) { return; } if (res == HttpStatusCode.OK) { Twitter.AccountState = MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid; TwitterUser user; try { user = TwitterUser.ParseJson(content); } catch(SerializationException) { return; } twCon.AuthenticatedUserId = user.Id; } } public void Initialize(string token, string tokenSecret, string username, long userId) { //OAuth認証 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenSecret) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(username)) { Twitter.AccountState = MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Invalid; } this.ResetApiStatus(); twCon.Initialize(token, tokenSecret, username, userId); _uname = username.ToLower(); if (SettingCommon.Instance.UserstreamStartup) this.ReconnectUserStream(); } public string PreProcessUrl(string orgData) { int posl1; var posl2 = 0; //var IDNConveter = new IdnMapping(); var href = " -1) { var urlStr = ""; // IDN展開 posl1 = orgData.IndexOf(href, posl2, StringComparison.Ordinal); posl1 += href.Length; posl2 = orgData.IndexOf("\"", posl1, StringComparison.Ordinal); urlStr = orgData.Substring(posl1, posl2 - posl1); if (!urlStr.StartsWith("http://") && !urlStr.StartsWith("https://") && !urlStr.StartsWith("ftp://")) { continue; } var replacedUrl = MyCommon.IDNEncode(urlStr); if (replacedUrl == null) continue; if (replacedUrl == urlStr) continue; orgData = orgData.Replace("]+>)(?[^<]+)(?)", "${text}")); } // htmlの簡易サニタイズ(詳細表示に不要なタグの除去) private string SanitizeHtml(string orgdata) { var retdata = orgdata; retdata = Regex.Replace(retdata, "<(script|object|applet|image|frameset|fieldset|legend|style).*" + "", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); retdata = Regex.Replace(retdata, "<(frame|link|iframe|img)>", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); return retdata; } private string AdjustHtml(string orgData) { var retStr = orgData; //var m = Regex.Match(retStr, "]+>[#|#](?<1>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)"); //while (m.Success) //{ // lock (LockObj) // { // _hashList.Add("#" + m.Groups(1).Value); // } // m = m.NextMatch; //} retStr = Regex.Replace(retStr, "]*href=\"/", ""); // CRLF, CR, LF は全て
に置換する //半角スペースを置換(Thanks @anis774) var ret = false; do { ret = EscapeSpace(ref retStr); } while (!ret); return SanitizeHtml(retStr); } private bool EscapeSpace(ref string html) { //半角スペースを置換(Thanks @anis774) var isTag = false; for (int i = 0; i < html.Length; i++) { if (html[i] == '<') { isTag = true; } if (html[i] == '>') { isTag = false; } if ((!isTag) && (html[i] == ' ')) { html = html.Remove(i, 1); html = html.Insert(i, " "); return false; } } return true; } private struct PostInfo { public string CreatedAt; public string Id; public string Text; public string UserId; public PostInfo(string Created, string IdStr, string txt, string uid) { CreatedAt = Created; Id = IdStr; Text = txt; UserId = uid; } public bool Equals(PostInfo dst) { if (this.CreatedAt == dst.CreatedAt && this.Id == dst.Id && this.Text == dst.Text && this.UserId == dst.UserId) { return true; } else { return false; } } } static private PostInfo _prev = new PostInfo("", "", "", ""); private bool IsPostRestricted(TwitterStatus status) { var _current = new PostInfo("", "", "", ""); _current.CreatedAt = status.CreatedAt; _current.Id = status.IdStr; if (status.Text == null) { _current.Text = ""; } else { _current.Text = status.Text; } _current.UserId = status.User.IdStr; if (_current.Equals(_prev)) { return true; } _prev.CreatedAt = _current.CreatedAt; _prev.Id = _current.Id; _prev.Text = _current.Text; _prev.UserId = _current.UserId; return false; } public string PostStatus(string postStr, long? reply_to, List mediaIds = null) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; if (mediaIds == null && Twitter.DMSendTextRegex.IsMatch(postStr)) { return SendDirectMessage(postStr); } HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.UpdateStatus(postStr, reply_to, mediaIds, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message; } // 投稿に成功していても404が返ることがあるらしい: https://dev.twitter.com/discussions/1213 if (res == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return ""; var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; TwitterStatus status; try { status = TwitterStatus.ParseJson(content); } catch(SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Err:Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)"; } catch(Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Err:Invalid Json!"; } _followersCount = status.User.FollowersCount; _friendsCount = status.User.FriendsCount; _statusesCount = status.User.StatusesCount; _location = status.User.Location; _bio = status.User.Description; if (IsPostRestricted(status)) { return "OK:Delaying?"; } return ""; } public string PostStatusWithMedia(string postStr, long? reply_to, FileInfo mediaFile) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.UpdateStatusWithMedia(postStr, reply_to, mediaFile, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message; } // 投稿に成功していても404が返ることがあるらしい: https://dev.twitter.com/discussions/1213 if (res == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return ""; var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; TwitterStatus status; try { status = TwitterStatus.ParseJson(content); } catch(SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Err:Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)"; } catch(Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Err:Invalid Json!"; } _followersCount = status.User.FollowersCount; _friendsCount = status.User.FriendsCount; _statusesCount = status.User.StatusesCount; _location = status.User.Location; _bio = status.User.Description; if (IsPostRestricted(status)) { return "OK:Delaying?"; } return ""; } public string PostStatusWithMultipleMedia(string postStr, long? reply_to, List mediaFiles) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; if (Twitter.DMSendTextRegex.IsMatch(postStr)) { return SendDirectMessage(postStr); } var mediaIds = new List(); foreach (var mediaFile in mediaFiles) { long? mediaId = null; var err = UploadMedia(mediaFile, ref mediaId); if (!mediaId.HasValue || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(err)) return err; mediaIds.Add(mediaId.Value); } if (mediaIds.Count == 0) return "Err:Invalid Files!"; return PostStatus(postStr, reply_to, mediaIds); } public string UploadMedia(FileInfo mediaFile, ref long? mediaId) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.UploadMedia(mediaFile, ref content); } catch (Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; TwitterUploadMediaResult status; try { status = TwitterUploadMediaResult.ParseJson(content); } catch (SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Err:Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)"; } catch (Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Err:Invalid Json!"; } mediaId = status.MediaId; return ""; } public string SendDirectMessage(string postStr) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; if (this.AccessLevel == TwitterApiAccessLevel.Read || this.AccessLevel == TwitterApiAccessLevel.ReadWrite) { return "Auth Err:try to re-authorization."; } var mc = Twitter.DMSendTextRegex.Match(postStr); HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.SendDirectMessage(mc.Groups["body"].Value, mc.Groups["id"].Value, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; TwitterDirectMessage status; try { status = TwitterDirectMessage.ParseJson(content); } catch(SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Err:Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)"; } catch(Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Err:Invalid Json!"; } _followersCount = status.Sender.FollowersCount; _friendsCount = status.Sender.FriendsCount; _statusesCount = status.Sender.StatusesCount; _location = status.Sender.Location; _bio = status.Sender.Description; return ""; } public string RemoveStatus(long id) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; try { res = twCon.DestroyStatus(id); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message; } return this.CheckStatusCode(res, null) ?? ""; } public string PostRetweet(long id, bool read) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; //データ部分の生成 var target = id; var post = TabInformations.GetInstance()[id]; if (post == null) { return "Err:Target isn't found."; } if (TabInformations.GetInstance()[id].RetweetedId != null) { target = TabInformations.GetInstance()[id].RetweetedId.Value; //再RTの場合は元発言をRT } HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.RetweetStatus(target, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; TwitterStatus status; try { status = TwitterStatus.ParseJson(content); } catch(SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Err:Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)"; } catch(Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Err:Invalid Json!"; } //ReTweetしたものをTLに追加 post = CreatePostsFromStatusData(status); if (post == null) return "Invalid Json!"; //二重取得回避 lock (LockObj) { if (TabInformations.GetInstance().ContainsKey(post.StatusId)) return ""; } //Retweet判定 if (post.RetweetedId == null) return "Invalid Json!"; //ユーザー情報 post.IsMe = true; post.IsRead = read; post.IsOwl = false; if (_readOwnPost) post.IsRead = true; post.IsDm = false; TabInformations.GetInstance().AddPost(post); return ""; } public string RemoveDirectMessage(long id, PostClass post) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; if (this.AccessLevel == TwitterApiAccessLevel.Read || this.AccessLevel == TwitterApiAccessLevel.ReadWrite) { return "Auth Err:try to re-authorization."; } //if (post.IsMe) // _deletemessages.Add(post) //} HttpStatusCode res; try { res = twCon.DestroyDirectMessage(id); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message; } return this.CheckStatusCode(res, null) ?? ""; } public string PostFollowCommand(string screenName) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.CreateFriendships(screenName, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message; } return this.CheckStatusCode(res, content) ?? ""; } public string PostRemoveCommand(string screenName) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.DestroyFriendships(screenName, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")"; } return this.CheckStatusCode(res, content) ?? ""; } public string PostCreateBlock(string screenName) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.CreateBlock(screenName, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")"; } return this.CheckStatusCode(res, content) ?? ""; } public string PostDestroyBlock(string screenName) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.DestroyBlock(screenName, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")"; } return this.CheckStatusCode(res, content) ?? ""; } public string PostReportSpam(string screenName) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.ReportSpam(screenName, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")"; } return this.CheckStatusCode(res, content) ?? ""; } public string GetFriendshipInfo(string screenName, ref bool isFollowing, ref bool isFollowed) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.ShowFriendships(_uname, screenName, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")"; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; try { var friendship = TwitterFriendship.ParseJson(content); isFollowing = friendship.Relationship.Source.Following; isFollowed = friendship.Relationship.Source.FollowedBy; return ""; } catch(SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Err:Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)"; } catch(Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Err:Invalid Json!"; } } public string GetUserInfo(string screenName, ref TwitterUser user) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; user = null; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.ShowUserInfo(screenName, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")"; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; try { user = TwitterUser.ParseJson(content); } catch (SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Err:Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)"; } catch (Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Err:Invalid Json!"; } return ""; } public string GetStatus_Retweeted_Count(long StatusId, ref int retweeted_count) { if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.ShowStatuses(StatusId, ref content); } catch (Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; TwitterStatus status; try { status = TwitterStatus.ParseJson(content); } catch (SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)"; } catch (Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Invalid Json!"; } retweeted_count = status.RetweetCount; return ""; } public string PostFavAdd(long id) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; //if (this.favQueue == null) this.favQueue = new FavoriteQueue(this) //if (this.favQueue.Contains(id)) this.favQueue.Remove(id) HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.CreateFavorites(id, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { //this.favQueue.Add(id) //return "Err:->FavoriteQueue:" + ex.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")"; return "Err:" + ex.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")"; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; if (!_restrictFavCheck) return ""; //http://twitter.com/statuses/show/id.xml APIを発行して本文を取得 try { res = twCon.ShowStatuses(id, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message; } err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; TwitterStatus status; try { status = TwitterStatus.ParseJson(content); } catch (SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Err:Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)"; } catch (Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Err:Invalid Json!"; } if (status.Favorited == true) { return ""; } else { return "NG(Restricted?)"; } } public string PostFavRemove(long id) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; //if (this.favQueue == null) this.favQueue = new FavoriteQueue(this) //if (this.favQueue.Contains(id)) // this.favQueue.Remove(id) // return ""; //} HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.DestroyFavorites(id, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message; } return this.CheckStatusCode(res, content) ?? ""; } public TwitterUser PostUpdateProfile(string name, string url, string location, string description) { if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) throw new WebApiException("AccountState invalid"); HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.UpdateProfile(name, url, location, description, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new WebApiException("Err:" + ex.Message, content, ex); } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) throw new WebApiException(err, content); try { return TwitterUser.ParseJson(content); } catch (SerializationException e) { var ex = new WebApiException("Err:Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)", content, e); MyCommon.TraceOut(ex); throw ex; } catch (Exception e) { var ex = new WebApiException("Err:Invalid Json!", content, e); MyCommon.TraceOut(ex); throw ex; } } public string PostUpdateProfileImage(string filename) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.UpdateProfileImage(new FileInfo(filename), ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")"; } return this.CheckStatusCode(res, content) ?? ""; } public string Username { get { return twCon.AuthenticatedUsername; } } public long UserId { get { return twCon.AuthenticatedUserId; } } public string Password { get { return twCon.Password; } } private static MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE _accountState = MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid; public static MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE AccountState { get { return _accountState; } set { _accountState = value; } } public bool RestrictFavCheck { set { _restrictFavCheck = value; } } #region "バージョンアップ" public string GetTweenBinary(string strVer) { try { //本体 if (!(new HttpVarious()).GetDataToFile("http://tween.sourceforge.jp/Tween" + strVer + ".gz?" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss") + Environment.TickCount.ToString(), Path.Combine(MyCommon.settingPath, "TweenNew.exe"))) { return "Err:Download failed"; } //英語リソース if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(MyCommon.settingPath, "en"))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(MyCommon.settingPath, "en")); } if (!(new HttpVarious()).GetDataToFile("http://tween.sourceforge.jp/TweenResEn" + strVer + ".gz?" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss") + Environment.TickCount.ToString(), Path.Combine(Path.Combine(MyCommon.settingPath, "en"), "Tween.resourcesNew.dll"))) { return "Err:Download failed"; } //その他言語圏のリソース。取得失敗しても継続 //UIの言語圏のリソース var curCul = ""; if (!Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.IsNeutralCulture) { var idx = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name.LastIndexOf('-'); if (idx > -1) { curCul = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name.Substring(0, idx); } else { curCul = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name; } } else { curCul = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(curCul) && curCul != "en" && curCul != "ja") { if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(MyCommon.settingPath, curCul))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(MyCommon.settingPath, curCul)); } if (!(new HttpVarious()).GetDataToFile("http://tween.sourceforge.jp/TweenRes" + curCul + strVer + ".gz?" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss") + Environment.TickCount.ToString(), Path.Combine(Path.Combine(MyCommon.settingPath, curCul), "Tween.resourcesNew.dll"))) { //return "Err:Download failed"; } } //スレッドの言語圏のリソース string curCul2; if (!Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.IsNeutralCulture) { var idx = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name.LastIndexOf('-'); if (idx > -1) { curCul2 = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name.Substring(0, idx); } else { curCul2 = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name; } } else { curCul2 = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(curCul2) && curCul2 != "en" && curCul2 != curCul) { if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(MyCommon.settingPath, curCul2))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(MyCommon.settingPath, curCul2)); } if (!(new HttpVarious()).GetDataToFile("http://tween.sourceforge.jp/TweenRes" + curCul2 + strVer + ".gz?" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss") + Environment.TickCount.ToString(), Path.Combine(Path.Combine(MyCommon.settingPath, curCul2), "Tween.resourcesNew.dll"))) { //return "Err:Download failed"; } } //アップデータ if (!(new HttpVarious()).GetDataToFile("http://tween.sourceforge.jp/TweenUp3.gz?" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss") + Environment.TickCount.ToString(), Path.Combine(MyCommon.settingPath, "TweenUp3.exe"))) { return "Err:Download failed"; } //シリアライザDLL if (!(new HttpVarious()).GetDataToFile("http://tween.sourceforge.jp/TweenDll" + strVer + ".gz?" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss") + Environment.TickCount.ToString(), Path.Combine(MyCommon.settingPath, "TweenNew.XmlSerializers.dll"))) { return "Err:Download failed"; } return ""; } catch(Exception) { return "Err:Download failed"; } } #endregion public bool ReadOwnPost { get { return _readOwnPost; } set { _readOwnPost = value; } } public int FollowersCount { get { return _followersCount; } } public int FriendsCount { get { return _friendsCount; } } public int StatusesCount { get { return _statusesCount; } } public string Location { get { return _location; } } public string Bio { get { return _bio; } } public string GetTimelineApi(bool read, MyCommon.WORKERTYPE gType, bool more, bool startup) { if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; var count = SettingCommon.Instance.CountApi; if (gType == MyCommon.WORKERTYPE.Reply) count = SettingCommon.Instance.CountApiReply; if (SettingCommon.Instance.UseAdditionalCount) { if (more && SettingCommon.Instance.MoreCountApi != 0) { count = SettingCommon.Instance.MoreCountApi; } else if (startup && SettingCommon.Instance.FirstCountApi != 0 && gType == MyCommon.WORKERTYPE.Timeline) { count = SettingCommon.Instance.FirstCountApi; } } try { if (gType == MyCommon.WORKERTYPE.Timeline) { if (more) { res = twCon.HomeTimeline(count, this.minHomeTimeline, null, ref content); } else { res = twCon.HomeTimeline(count, null, null, ref content); } } else { if (more) { res = twCon.Mentions(count, this.minMentions, null, ref content); } else { res = twCon.Mentions(count, null, null, ref content); } } } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; if (gType == MyCommon.WORKERTYPE.Timeline) { return CreatePostsFromJson(content, gType, null, read, count, ref this.minHomeTimeline); } else { return CreatePostsFromJson(content, gType, null, read, count, ref this.minMentions); } } public string GetUserTimelineApi(bool read, int count, string userName, TabClass tab, bool more) { if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; if (count == 0) count = 20; try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) { var target = tab.User; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(target)) return ""; userName = target; res = twCon.UserTimeline(null, target, count, null, null, ref content); } else { if (more) { res = twCon.UserTimeline(null, userName, count, tab.OldestId, null, ref content); } else { res = twCon.UserTimeline(null, userName, count, null, null, ref content); } } } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message; } if (res == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return "Err:@" + userName + "'s Tweets are protected."; var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; TwitterStatus[] items; try { items = TwitterStatus.ParseJsonArray(content); } catch(SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)"; } catch(Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Invalid Json!"; } foreach (var status in items) { var item = CreatePostsFromStatusData(status); if (item == null) continue; if (item.StatusId < tab.OldestId) tab.OldestId = item.StatusId; item.IsRead = read; if (item.IsMe && !read && _readOwnPost) item.IsRead = true; if (tab != null) item.RelTabName = tab.TabName; //非同期アイコン取得&StatusDictionaryに追加 TabInformations.GetInstance().AddPost(item); } return ""; } public string GetStatusApi(bool read, Int64 id, ref PostClass post) { if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.ShowStatuses(id, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message; } if (res == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden) return "Err:protected user's tweet"; var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; TwitterStatus status; try { status = TwitterStatus.ParseJson(content); } catch(SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)"; } catch(Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Invalid Json!"; } var item = CreatePostsFromStatusData(status); if (item == null) return "Err:Can't create post"; item.IsRead = read; if (item.IsMe && !read && _readOwnPost) item.IsRead = true; post = item; return ""; } public string GetStatusApi(bool read, Int64 id, TabClass tab) { PostClass post = null; var r = this.GetStatusApi(read, id, ref post); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(r)) { if (tab != null) post.RelTabName = tab.TabName; //非同期アイコン取得&StatusDictionaryに追加 TabInformations.GetInstance().AddPost(post); } return r; } private PostClass CreatePostsFromStatusData(TwitterStatus status) { var post = new PostClass(); TwitterEntities entities; post.StatusId = status.Id; if (status.RetweetedStatus != null) { var retweeted = status.RetweetedStatus; post.CreatedAt = MyCommon.DateTimeParse(retweeted.CreatedAt); //Id post.RetweetedId = retweeted.Id; //本文 post.TextFromApi = retweeted.Text; entities = retweeted.MergedEntities; //Source取得(htmlの場合は、中身を取り出し) post.Source = retweeted.Source; //Reply先 post.InReplyToStatusId = retweeted.InReplyToStatusId; post.InReplyToUser = retweeted.InReplyToScreenName; post.InReplyToUserId = status.InReplyToUserId; //幻覚fav対策 var tc = TabInformations.GetInstance().GetTabByType(MyCommon.TabUsageType.Favorites); post.IsFav = tc.Contains(retweeted.Id); if (retweeted.Coordinates != null) post.PostGeo = new PostClass.StatusGeo { Lng = retweeted.Coordinates.Coordinates[0], Lat = retweeted.Coordinates.Coordinates[1] }; //以下、ユーザー情報 var user = retweeted.User; if (user == null || user.ScreenName == null || status.User.ScreenName == null) return null; post.UserId = user.Id; post.ScreenName = user.ScreenName; post.Nickname = user.Name.Trim(); post.ImageUrl = user.ProfileImageUrlHttps; post.IsProtect = user.Protected; //Retweetした人 post.RetweetedBy = status.User.ScreenName; post.RetweetedByUserId = status.User.Id; post.IsMe = post.RetweetedBy.ToLower().Equals(_uname); } else { post.CreatedAt = MyCommon.DateTimeParse(status.CreatedAt); //本文 post.TextFromApi = status.Text; entities = status.MergedEntities; //Source取得(htmlの場合は、中身を取り出し) post.Source = status.Source; post.InReplyToStatusId = status.InReplyToStatusId; post.InReplyToUser = status.InReplyToScreenName; post.InReplyToUserId = status.InReplyToUserId; if (status.Coordinates != null) post.PostGeo = new PostClass.StatusGeo { Lng = status.Coordinates.Coordinates[0], Lat = status.Coordinates.Coordinates[1] }; //以下、ユーザー情報 var user = status.User; if (user == null || user.ScreenName == null) return null; post.UserId = user.Id; post.ScreenName = user.ScreenName; post.Nickname = user.Name.Trim(); post.ImageUrl = user.ProfileImageUrlHttps; post.IsProtect = user.Protected; post.IsMe = post.ScreenName.ToLower().Equals(_uname); //幻覚fav対策 var tc = TabInformations.GetInstance().GetTabByType(MyCommon.TabUsageType.Favorites); post.IsFav = tc.Contains(post.StatusId) && TabInformations.GetInstance()[post.StatusId].IsFav; } //HTMLに整形 string textFromApi = post.TextFromApi; post.Text = CreateHtmlAnchor(textFromApi, post.ReplyToList, entities, post.Media); post.TextFromApi = textFromApi; post.TextFromApi = this.ReplaceTextFromApi(post.TextFromApi, entities); post.TextFromApi = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(post.TextFromApi); post.TextFromApi = post.TextFromApi.Replace("<3", "\u2661"); //Source整形 CreateSource(post); post.IsReply = post.ReplyToList.Contains(_uname); post.IsExcludeReply = false; if (post.IsMe) { post.IsOwl = false; } else { if (followerId.Count > 0) post.IsOwl = !followerId.Contains(post.UserId); } post.IsDm = false; return post; } private string CreatePostsFromJson(string content, MyCommon.WORKERTYPE gType, TabClass tab, bool read, int count, ref long minimumId) { TwitterStatus[] items; try { items = TwitterStatus.ParseJsonArray(content); } catch(SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)";; } catch(Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Invalid Json!"; } foreach (var status in items) { PostClass post = null; post = CreatePostsFromStatusData(status); if (post == null) continue; if (minimumId > post.StatusId) minimumId = post.StatusId; //二重取得回避 lock (LockObj) { if (tab == null) { if (TabInformations.GetInstance().ContainsKey(post.StatusId)) continue; } else { if (TabInformations.GetInstance().ContainsKey(post.StatusId, tab.TabName)) continue; } } //RT禁止ユーザーによるもの if (post.RetweetedByUserId != null && this.noRTId.Contains(post.RetweetedByUserId.Value)) continue; post.IsRead = read; if (post.IsMe && !read && _readOwnPost) post.IsRead = true; if (tab != null) post.RelTabName = tab.TabName; //非同期アイコン取得&StatusDictionaryに追加 TabInformations.GetInstance().AddPost(post); } return ""; } private string CreatePostsFromSearchJson(string content, TabClass tab, bool read, int count, ref long minimumId, bool more) { TwitterSearchResult items; try { items = TwitterSearchResult.ParseJson(content); } catch (SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)"; } catch (Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Invalid Json!"; } foreach (var result in items.Statuses) { PostClass post = null; post = CreatePostsFromStatusData(result); if (post == null) { // Search API は相変わらずぶっ壊れたデータを返すことがあるため、必要なデータが欠如しているものは取得し直す var ret = this.GetStatusApi(read, result.Id, ref post); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ret)) continue; } if (minimumId > post.StatusId) minimumId = post.StatusId; if (!more && post.StatusId > tab.SinceId) tab.SinceId = post.StatusId; //二重取得回避 lock (LockObj) { if (tab == null) { if (TabInformations.GetInstance().ContainsKey(post.StatusId)) continue; } else { if (TabInformations.GetInstance().ContainsKey(post.StatusId, tab.TabName)) continue; } } post.IsRead = read; if ((post.IsMe && !read) && this._readOwnPost) post.IsRead = true; if (tab != null) post.RelTabName = tab.TabName; //非同期アイコン取得&StatusDictionaryに追加 TabInformations.GetInstance().AddPost(post); } return ""; } public string GetListStatus(bool read, TabClass tab, bool more, bool startup) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; int count; if (SettingCommon.Instance.UseAdditionalCount) { count = SettingCommon.Instance.ListCountApi; if (count == 0) { if (more && SettingCommon.Instance.MoreCountApi != 0) { count = SettingCommon.Instance.MoreCountApi; } else if (startup && SettingCommon.Instance.FirstCountApi != 0) { count = SettingCommon.Instance.FirstCountApi; } else { count = SettingCommon.Instance.CountApi; } } } else { count = SettingCommon.Instance.CountApi; } try { if (more) { res = twCon.GetListsStatuses(tab.ListInfo.UserId, tab.ListInfo.Id, count, tab.OldestId, null, SettingCommon.Instance.IsListsIncludeRts, ref content); } else { res = twCon.GetListsStatuses(tab.ListInfo.UserId, tab.ListInfo.Id, count, null, null, SettingCommon.Instance.IsListsIncludeRts, ref content); } } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; return CreatePostsFromJson(content, MyCommon.WORKERTYPE.List, tab, read, count, ref tab.OldestId); } /// /// startStatusId からリプライ先の発言を辿る。発言は posts 以外からは検索しない。 /// /// posts の中から検索されたリプライチェインの末端 internal static PostClass FindTopOfReplyChain(IDictionary posts, Int64 startStatusId) { if (!posts.ContainsKey(startStatusId)) throw new ArgumentException("startStatusId (" + startStatusId + ") が posts の中から見つかりませんでした。"); var nextPost = posts[startStatusId]; while (nextPost.InReplyToStatusId != null) { if (!posts.ContainsKey(nextPost.InReplyToStatusId.Value)) break; nextPost = posts[nextPost.InReplyToStatusId.Value]; } return nextPost; } public string GetRelatedResult(bool read, TabClass tab) { var rslt = ""; var relPosts = new Dictionary(); if (tab.RelationTargetPost.TextFromApi.Contains("@") && tab.RelationTargetPost.InReplyToStatusId == null) { //検索結果対応 var p = TabInformations.GetInstance()[tab.RelationTargetPost.StatusId]; if (p != null && p.InReplyToStatusId != null) { tab.RelationTargetPost = p; } else { rslt = this.GetStatusApi(read, tab.RelationTargetPost.StatusId, ref p); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rslt)) return rslt; tab.RelationTargetPost = p; } } relPosts.Add(tab.RelationTargetPost.StatusId, tab.RelationTargetPost.Clone()); // in_reply_to_status_id を使用してリプライチェインを辿る var nextPost = FindTopOfReplyChain(relPosts, tab.RelationTargetPost.StatusId); var loopCount = 1; while (nextPost.InReplyToStatusId != null && loopCount++ <= 20) { var inReplyToId = nextPost.InReplyToStatusId.Value; var inReplyToPost = TabInformations.GetInstance()[inReplyToId]; if (inReplyToPost != null) { inReplyToPost = inReplyToPost.Clone(); } else { var errorText = this.GetStatusApi(read, inReplyToId, ref inReplyToPost); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorText)) { rslt = errorText; break; } } relPosts.Add(inReplyToPost.StatusId, inReplyToPost); nextPost = FindTopOfReplyChain(relPosts, nextPost.StatusId); } //MRTとかに対応のためツイート内にあるツイートを指すURLを取り込む var text = tab.RelationTargetPost.Text; var ma = Twitter.StatusUrlRegex.Matches(text).Cast() .Concat(Twitter.ThirdPartyStatusUrlRegex.Matches(text).Cast()); foreach (var _match in ma) { Int64 _statusId; if (Int64.TryParse(_match.Groups["StatusId"].Value, out _statusId)) { if (relPosts.ContainsKey(_statusId)) continue; PostClass p = null; var _post = TabInformations.GetInstance()[_statusId]; if (_post == null) { this.GetStatusApi(read, _statusId, ref p); } else { p = _post.Clone(); } if (p != null) relPosts.Add(p.StatusId, p); } } relPosts.Values.ToList().ForEach(p => { if (p.IsMe && !read && this._readOwnPost) p.IsRead = true; else p.IsRead = read; p.RelTabName = tab.TabName; TabInformations.GetInstance().AddPost(p); }); return rslt; } public string GetSearch(bool read, TabClass tab, bool more) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; long? maxId = null; long? sinceId = null; var count = 100; if (SettingCommon.Instance.UseAdditionalCount && SettingCommon.Instance.SearchCountApi != 0) { count = SettingCommon.Instance.SearchCountApi; } else { count = SettingCommon.Instance.CountApi; } if (more) { maxId = tab.OldestId - 1; } else { sinceId = tab.SinceId; } try { // TODO:一時的に40>100件に 件数変更UI作成の必要あり res = twCon.Search(tab.SearchWords, tab.SearchLang, count, maxId, sinceId, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message; } switch (res) { case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: return "Invalid query"; case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: return "Invalid query"; case HttpStatusCode.PaymentRequired: //API Documentには420と書いてあるが、該当コードがないので402にしてある return "Search API Limit?"; case HttpStatusCode.OK: break; default: return "Err:" + res.ToString() + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")"; } if (!TabInformations.GetInstance().ContainsTab(tab)) return ""; return this.CreatePostsFromSearchJson(content, tab, read, count, ref tab.OldestId, more); } private string CreateDirectMessagesFromJson(string content, MyCommon.WORKERTYPE gType, bool read) { TwitterDirectMessage[] item; try { if (gType == MyCommon.WORKERTYPE.UserStream) { item = new[] { TwitterStreamEventDirectMessage.ParseJson(content).DirectMessage }; } else { item = TwitterDirectMessage.ParseJsonArray(content); } } catch(SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)"; } catch(Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Invalid Json!"; } foreach (var message in item) { var post = new PostClass(); try { post.StatusId = message.Id; if (gType != MyCommon.WORKERTYPE.UserStream) { if (gType == MyCommon.WORKERTYPE.DirectMessegeRcv) { if (minDirectmessage > post.StatusId) minDirectmessage = post.StatusId; } else { if (minDirectmessageSent > post.StatusId) minDirectmessageSent = post.StatusId; } } //二重取得回避 lock (LockObj) { if (TabInformations.GetInstance().GetTabByType(MyCommon.TabUsageType.DirectMessage).Contains(post.StatusId)) continue; } //sender_id //recipient_id post.CreatedAt = MyCommon.DateTimeParse(message.CreatedAt); //本文 var textFromApi = message.Text; //HTMLに整形 post.Text = CreateHtmlAnchor(textFromApi, post.ReplyToList, message.Entities, post.Media); post.TextFromApi = this.ReplaceTextFromApi(textFromApi, message.Entities); post.TextFromApi = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(post.TextFromApi); post.TextFromApi = post.TextFromApi.Replace("<3", "\u2661"); post.IsFav = false; //以下、ユーザー情報 TwitterUser user; if (gType == MyCommon.WORKERTYPE.UserStream) { if (twCon.AuthenticatedUsername.Equals(message.Recipient.ScreenName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { user = message.Sender; post.IsMe = false; post.IsOwl = true; } else { user = message.Recipient; post.IsMe = true; post.IsOwl = false; } } else { if (gType == MyCommon.WORKERTYPE.DirectMessegeRcv) { user = message.Sender; post.IsMe = false; post.IsOwl = true; } else { user = message.Recipient; post.IsMe = true; post.IsOwl = false; } } post.UserId = user.Id; post.ScreenName = user.ScreenName; post.Nickname = user.Name.Trim(); post.ImageUrl = user.ProfileImageUrlHttps; post.IsProtect = user.Protected; } catch(Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); MessageBox.Show("Parse Error(CreateDirectMessagesFromJson)"); continue; } post.IsRead = read; if (post.IsMe && !read && _readOwnPost) post.IsRead = true; post.IsReply = false; post.IsExcludeReply = false; post.IsDm = true; TabInformations.GetInstance().AddPost(post); } return ""; } public string GetDirectMessageApi(bool read, MyCommon.WORKERTYPE gType, bool more) { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; if (this.AccessLevel == TwitterApiAccessLevel.Read || this.AccessLevel == TwitterApiAccessLevel.ReadWrite) { return "Auth Err:try to re-authorization."; } HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { if (gType == MyCommon.WORKERTYPE.DirectMessegeRcv) { if (more) { res = twCon.DirectMessages(20, minDirectmessage, null, ref content); } else { res = twCon.DirectMessages(20, null, null, ref content); } } else { if (more) { res = twCon.DirectMessagesSent(20, minDirectmessageSent, null, ref content); } else { res = twCon.DirectMessagesSent(20, null, null, ref content); } } } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; return CreateDirectMessagesFromJson(content, gType, read); } static int page_ = 1; public string GetFavoritesApi(bool read, MyCommon.WORKERTYPE gType, bool more) { if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return ""; var count = SettingCommon.Instance.CountApi; if (SettingCommon.Instance.UseAdditionalCount && SettingCommon.Instance.FavoritesCountApi != 0) { count = SettingCommon.Instance.FavoritesCountApi; } // 前ページ取得の場合はページカウンタをインクリメント、それ以外の場合はページカウンタリセット if (more) { page_++; } else { page_ = 1; } HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.Favorites(count, page_, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")"; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; TwitterStatus[] item; try { item = TwitterStatus.ParseJsonArray(content); } catch(SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)"; } catch(Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Invalid Json!"; } foreach (var status in item) { var post = new PostClass(); TwitterEntities entities; try { post.StatusId = status.Id; //二重取得回避 lock (LockObj) { if (TabInformations.GetInstance().GetTabByType(MyCommon.TabUsageType.Favorites).Contains(post.StatusId)) continue; } //Retweet判定 if (status.RetweetedStatus != null) { var retweeted = status.RetweetedStatus; post.CreatedAt = MyCommon.DateTimeParse(retweeted.CreatedAt); //Id post.RetweetedId = post.StatusId; //本文 post.TextFromApi = retweeted.Text; entities = retweeted.MergedEntities; //Source取得(htmlの場合は、中身を取り出し) post.Source = retweeted.Source; //Reply先 post.InReplyToStatusId = retweeted.InReplyToStatusId; post.InReplyToUser = retweeted.InReplyToScreenName; post.InReplyToUserId = retweeted.InReplyToUserId; post.IsFav = true; //以下、ユーザー情報 var user = retweeted.User; post.UserId = user.Id; post.ScreenName = user.ScreenName; post.Nickname = user.Name.Trim(); post.ImageUrl = user.ProfileImageUrlHttps; post.IsProtect = user.Protected; //Retweetした人 post.RetweetedBy = status.User.ScreenName; post.IsMe = post.RetweetedBy.ToLower().Equals(_uname); } else { post.CreatedAt = MyCommon.DateTimeParse(status.CreatedAt); //本文 post.TextFromApi = status.Text; entities = status.MergedEntities; //Source取得(htmlの場合は、中身を取り出し) post.Source = status.Source; post.InReplyToStatusId = status.InReplyToStatusId; post.InReplyToUser = status.InReplyToScreenName; post.InReplyToUserId = status.InReplyToUserId; post.IsFav = true; //以下、ユーザー情報 var user = status.User; post.UserId = user.Id; post.ScreenName = user.ScreenName; post.Nickname = user.Name.Trim(); post.ImageUrl = user.ProfileImageUrlHttps; post.IsProtect = user.Protected; post.IsMe = post.ScreenName.ToLower().Equals(_uname); } //HTMLに整形 string textFromApi = post.TextFromApi; post.Text = CreateHtmlAnchor(textFromApi, post.ReplyToList, entities, post.Media); post.TextFromApi = textFromApi; post.TextFromApi = this.ReplaceTextFromApi(post.TextFromApi, entities); post.TextFromApi = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(post.TextFromApi); post.TextFromApi = post.TextFromApi.Replace("<3", "\u2661"); //Source整形 CreateSource(post); post.IsRead = read; post.IsReply = post.ReplyToList.Contains(_uname); post.IsExcludeReply = false; if (post.IsMe) { post.IsOwl = false; } else { if (followerId.Count > 0) post.IsOwl = !followerId.Contains(post.UserId); } post.IsDm = false; } catch(Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); continue; } TabInformations.GetInstance().AddPost(post); } return ""; } private string ReplaceTextFromApi(string text, TwitterEntities entities) { if (entities != null) { if (entities.Urls != null) { foreach (var m in entities.Urls) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.DisplayUrl)) text = text.Replace(m.Url, m.DisplayUrl); } } if (entities.Media != null) { foreach (var m in entities.Media) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.DisplayUrl)) text = text.Replace(m.Url, m.DisplayUrl); } } } return text; } /// /// フォロワーIDを更新します /// /// public void RefreshFollowerIds() { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return; var cursor = -1L; var newFollowerIds = new List(); do { var ret = this.GetFollowerIdsApi(ref cursor); newFollowerIds.AddRange(ret.Ids); cursor = ret.NextCursor; } while (cursor != 0); this.followerId = newFollowerIds; TabInformations.GetInstance().RefreshOwl(this.followerId); this._GetFollowerResult = true; } public bool GetFollowersSuccess { get { return _GetFollowerResult; } } private TwitterIds GetFollowerIdsApi(ref long cursor) { if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) throw new WebApiException("AccountState invalid"); HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.FollowerIds(cursor, ref content); } catch(Exception e) { throw new WebApiException("Err:" + e.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")", e); } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) throw new WebApiException(err, content); try { var ret = TwitterIds.ParseJson(content); if (ret.Ids == null) { var ex = new WebApiException("Err: ret.id == null (GetFollowerIdsApi)", content); MyCommon.ExceptionOut(ex); throw ex; } return ret; } catch(SerializationException e) { var ex = new WebApiException("Err:Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)", content, e); MyCommon.TraceOut(ex); throw ex; } catch(Exception e) { var ex = new WebApiException("Err:Invalid Json!", content, e); MyCommon.TraceOut(ex); throw ex; } } /// /// RT 非表示ユーザーを更新します /// /// public void RefreshNoRetweetIds() { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return; this.noRTId = this.NoRetweetIdsApi(); this._GetNoRetweetResult = true; } private long[] NoRetweetIdsApi() { if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) throw new WebApiException("AccountState invalid"); HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.NoRetweetIds(ref content); } catch(Exception e) { throw new WebApiException("Err:" + e.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")", e); } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) throw new WebApiException(err, content); try { return MyCommon.CreateDataFromJson(content); } catch(SerializationException e) { var ex = new WebApiException("Err:Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)", content, e); MyCommon.TraceOut(ex); throw ex; } catch(Exception e) { var ex = new WebApiException("Err:Invalid Json!", content, e); MyCommon.TraceOut(ex); throw ex; } } public bool GetNoRetweetSuccess { get { return _GetNoRetweetResult; } } /// /// t.co の文字列長などの設定情報を更新します /// /// public void RefreshConfiguration() { this.Configuration = this.ConfigurationApi(); } private TwitterConfiguration ConfigurationApi() { HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.GetConfiguration(ref content); } catch(Exception e) { throw new WebApiException("Err:" + e.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")", e); } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) throw new WebApiException(err, content); try { return TwitterConfiguration.ParseJson(content); } catch(SerializationException e) { var ex = new WebApiException("Err:Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)", content, e); MyCommon.TraceOut(ex); throw ex; } catch(Exception e) { var ex = new WebApiException("Err:Invalid Json!", content, e); MyCommon.TraceOut(ex); throw ex; } } public string GetListsApi() { if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; IEnumerable lists; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.GetLists(this.Username, ref content); } catch (Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")"; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; try { lists = TwitterList.ParseJsonArray(content) .Select(x => new ListElement(x, this)); } catch (SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Err:Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)"; } catch (Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Err:Invalid Json!"; } try { res = twCon.GetListsSubscriptions(this.Username, ref content); } catch (Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")"; } err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; try { lists = lists.Concat(TwitterList.ParseJsonArray(content) .Select(x => new ListElement(x, this))); } catch (SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Err:Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)"; } catch (Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Err:Invalid Json!"; } TabInformations.GetInstance().SubscribableLists = lists.ToList(); return ""; } public string DeleteList(string list_id) { HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.DeleteListID(this.Username, list_id, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")"; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; return ""; } public string EditList(string list_id, string new_name, bool isPrivate, string description, ref ListElement list) { HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.UpdateListID(this.Username, list_id, new_name, isPrivate, description, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")"; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; try { var le = TwitterList.ParseJson(content); var newList = new ListElement(le, this); list.Description = newList.Description; list.Id = newList.Id; list.IsPublic = newList.IsPublic; list.MemberCount = newList.MemberCount; list.Name = newList.Name; list.SubscriberCount = newList.SubscriberCount; list.Slug = newList.Slug; list.Nickname = newList.Nickname; list.Username = newList.Username; list.UserId = newList.UserId; return ""; } catch(SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Err:Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)"; } catch(Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Err:Invalid Json!"; } } public string GetListMembers(string list_id, List lists, ref long cursor) { if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.GetListMembers(this.Username, list_id, cursor, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; try { var users = TwitterUsers.ParseJson(content); Array.ForEach( users.Users, u => lists.Add(new UserInfo(u))); cursor = users.NextCursor; return ""; } catch(SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Err:Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)"; } catch(Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Err:Invalid Json!"; } } public string CreateListApi(string listName, bool isPrivate, string description) { if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.CreateLists(listName, isPrivate, description, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")"; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; try { var le = TwitterList.ParseJson(content); TabInformations.GetInstance().SubscribableLists.Add(new ListElement(le, this)); return ""; } catch(SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + content); return "Err:Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)"; } catch(Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); return "Err:Invalid Json!"; } } public string ContainsUserAtList(string listId, string user, ref bool value) { value = false; if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return ""; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = this.twCon.ShowListMember(listId, user, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")"; } if (res == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { value = false; return ""; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; try { TwitterUser.ParseJson(content); value = true; return ""; } catch(Exception) { value = false; return ""; } } public string AddUserToList(string listId, string user) { HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.CreateListMembers(listId, user, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")"; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; return ""; } public string RemoveUserToList(string listId, string user) { HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.DeleteListMembers(listId, user, ref content); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Err:" + ex.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")"; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return err; return ""; } private class range { public int fromIndex { get; set; } public int toIndex { get; set; } public range(int fromIndex, int toIndex) { this.fromIndex = fromIndex; this.toIndex = toIndex; } } public async Task CreateHtmlAnchorAsync(string Text, List AtList, Dictionary media) { if (Text == null) return null; var retStr = Text.Replace(">", "<<<<>>>>").Replace("<", "<<<<>>>>"); //uriの正規表現 //const string url_valid_domain = "(?(?:[^\p{P}\s][\.\-_](?=[^\p{P}\s])|[^\p{P}\s]){1,}\.[a-z]{2,}(?::[0-9]+)?)" //const string url_valid_general_path_chars = "[a-z0-9!*';:=+$/%#\[\]\-_,~]" //const string url_balance_parens = "(?:\(" + url_valid_general_path_chars + "+\))" //const string url_valid_url_path_ending_chars = "(?:[a-z0-9=_#/\-\+]+|" + url_balance_parens + ")" //const string pth = "(?:" + url_balance_parens + // "|@" + url_valid_general_path_chars + "+/" + // "|[.,]?" + url_valid_general_path_chars + "+" + // ")" //const string pth2 = "(/(?:" + // pth + "+" + url_valid_url_path_ending_chars + "|" + // pth + "+" + url_valid_url_path_ending_chars + "?|" + // url_valid_url_path_ending_chars + // ")?)?" //const string qry = "(?\?[a-z0-9!*'();:&=+$/%#\[\]\-_.,~]*[a-z0-9_&=#])?" //const string rgUrl = "(?(?:[^\""':!=#]|^|\:/))" + // "(?(?https?://)" + // url_valid_domain + // pth2 + // qry + // ")" //const string rgUrl = "(?(?:[^\""':!=#]|^|\:/))" + // "(?(?https?://|www\.)" + // url_valid_domain + // pth2 + // qry + // ")" //絶対パス表現のUriをリンクに置換 retStr = await new Regex(rgUrl, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).ReplaceAsync(retStr, async mu => { var sb = new StringBuilder(mu.Result("${before}
").Append(url).Append(""); if (media != null && !media.ContainsKey(url)) media.Add(url, title); return sb.ToString(); }); //@先をリンクに置換(リスト) retStr = Regex.Replace(retStr, @"(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9_/])([@@]+)([a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,20}/[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\p{IsLatin-1Supplement}\-]{0,79})", "$1$2$3"); var m = Regex.Match(retStr, "(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9_])[@@]([a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,20})"); while (m.Success) { if (!AtList.Contains(m.Result("$2").ToLower())) AtList.Add(m.Result("$2").ToLower()); m = m.NextMatch(); } //@先をリンクに置換 retStr = Regex.Replace(retStr, "(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9_/])([@@])([a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,20})", "$1$2$3"); //ハッシュタグを抽出し、リンクに置換 var anchorRange = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < retStr.Length; i++) { var index = retStr.IndexOf(" -1 && index < retStr.Length) { i = index; var toIndex = retStr.IndexOf("", index); if (toIndex > -1) { anchorRange.Add(new range(index, toIndex + 3)); i = toIndex; } } } //retStr = Regex.Replace(retStr, // "(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9/&])([##])([0-9a-zA-Z_]*[a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff]*)", // new MatchEvaluator(Function(mh As Match) // foreach (var rng in anchorRange) // { // if (mh.Index >= rng.fromIndex && // mh.Index <= rng.toIndex) return mh.Result("$0"); // } // if (IsNumeric(mh.Result("$3"))) return mh.Result("$0"); // lock (LockObj) // { // _hashList.Add("#" + mh.Result("$3")) // } // return mh.Result("$1") + "" + mh.Result("$2$3") + ""; // }), // RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) retStr = Regex.Replace(retStr, HASHTAG, new MatchEvaluator(mh => { foreach (var rng in anchorRange) { if (mh.Index >= rng.fromIndex && mh.Index <= rng.toIndex) return mh.Result("$0"); } lock (LockObj) { _hashList.Add("#" + mh.Result("$3")); } return mh.Result("$1") + "" + mh.Result("$2$3") + ""; }), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); retStr = Regex.Replace(retStr, "(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9_/&##@@>=.~])(sm|nm)([0-9]{1,10})", "$1$2$3"); retStr = retStr.Replace("<<<<>>>>", ">").Replace("<<<<>>>>", "<"); //retStr = AdjustHtml(ShortUrl.Resolve(PreProcessUrl(retStr), true)) //IDN置換、短縮Uri解決、@リンクを相対→絶対にしてtarget属性付与 retStr = AdjustHtml(PreProcessUrl(retStr)); //IDN置換、短縮Uri解決、@リンクを相対→絶対にしてtarget属性付与 return retStr; } public async Task CreateHtmlAnchorAsync(string text, List AtList, TwitterEntities entities, List media) { if (entities != null) { if (entities.Urls != null) { foreach (var ent in entities.Urls) { ent.ExpandedUrl = await ShortUrl.Instance.ExpandUrlAsync(ent.ExpandedUrl) .ConfigureAwait(false); if (media != null && !media.Contains(ent.ExpandedUrl)) media.Add(ent.ExpandedUrl); } } if (entities.Hashtags != null) { lock (this.LockObj) { this._hashList.AddRange(entities.Hashtags.Select(x => "#" + x.Text)); } } if (entities.UserMentions != null) { foreach (var ent in entities.UserMentions) { var screenName = ent.ScreenName.ToLower(); if (!AtList.Contains(screenName)) AtList.Add(screenName); } } if (entities.Media != null) { if (media != null) { foreach (var ent in entities.Media) { if (!media.Contains(ent.MediaUrl)) media.Add(ent.MediaUrl); } } } } text = TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities); text = Regex.Replace(text, "(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9_/&##@@>=.~])(sm|nm)([0-9]{1,10})", "$1$2$3"); text = PreProcessUrl(text); //IDN置換 return text; } [Obsolete] public string CreateHtmlAnchor(string text, List AtList, TwitterEntities entities, List media) { return this.CreateHtmlAnchorAsync(text, AtList, entities, media).Result; } //Source整形 private void CreateSource(PostClass post) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.Source)) return; if (post.Source.StartsWith("<")) { if (!post.Source.Contains("")) { post.Source += ""; } var mS = Regex.Match(post.Source, ">(?.+)<"); if (mS.Success) { post.SourceHtml = ShortUrl.Instance.ExpandUrlHtml(PreProcessUrl(post.Source)); post.Source = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(mS.Result("${source}")); } else { post.Source = ""; post.SourceHtml = ""; } } else { if (post.Source == "web") { post.SourceHtml = Properties.Resources.WebSourceString; } else if (post.Source == "Keitai Mail") { post.SourceHtml = Properties.Resources.KeitaiMailSourceString; } else { post.SourceHtml = post.Source; } } } public TwitterApiStatus GetInfoApi() { if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) return null; if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return null; HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.RateLimitStatus(ref content); } catch (Exception) { this.ResetApiStatus(); return null; } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) return null; try { MyCommon.TwitterApiInfo.UpdateFromJson(content); return MyCommon.TwitterApiInfo; } catch (Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + content); MyCommon.TwitterApiInfo.Reset(); return null; } } /// /// ブロック中のユーザーを更新します /// /// public void RefreshBlockIds() { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return; var cursor = -1L; var newBlockIds = new List(); do { var ret = this.GetBlockIdsApi(cursor); newBlockIds.AddRange(ret.Ids); cursor = ret.NextCursor; } while (cursor != 0); newBlockIds.Remove(this.UserId); // 元のソースにあったので一応残しておく TabInformations.GetInstance().BlockIds = newBlockIds; } public TwitterIds GetBlockIdsApi(long cursor) { if (Twitter.AccountState != MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) throw new WebApiException("AccountState invalid"); HttpStatusCode res; var content = ""; try { res = twCon.GetBlockUserIds(ref content, cursor); } catch(Exception e) { throw new WebApiException("Err:" + e.Message + "(" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ")", e); } var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) throw new WebApiException(err, content); try { return TwitterIds.ParseJson(content); } catch(SerializationException e) { var ex = new WebApiException("Err:Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)", content, e); MyCommon.TraceOut(ex); throw ex; } catch(Exception e) { var ex = new WebApiException("Err:Invalid Json!", content, e); MyCommon.TraceOut(ex); throw ex; } } /// /// ミュート中のユーザーIDを更新します /// /// public async Task RefreshMuteUserIdsAsync() { if (MyCommon._endingFlag) return; var ids = await TwitterIds.GetAllItemsAsync(this.GetMuteUserIdsApiAsync) .ConfigureAwait(false); TabInformations.GetInstance().MuteUserIds = ids.ToList(); } public async Task GetMuteUserIdsApiAsync(long cursor) { var content = ""; try { var res = await Task.Run(() => twCon.GetMuteUserIds(ref content, cursor)) .ConfigureAwait(false); var err = this.CheckStatusCode(res, content); if (err != null) throw new WebApiException(err, content); return TwitterIds.ParseJson(content); } catch (WebException ex) { var ex2 = new WebApiException("Err:" + ex.Message, ex); MyCommon.TraceOut(ex2); throw ex2; } catch (SerializationException ex) { var ex2 = new WebApiException("Err:Json Parse Error(DataContractJsonSerializer)", content, ex); MyCommon.TraceOut(ex2); throw ex2; } } public string[] GetHashList() { string[] hashArray; lock (LockObj) { hashArray = _hashList.ToArray(); _hashList.Clear(); } return hashArray; } public string AccessToken { get { return twCon.AccessToken; } } public string AccessTokenSecret { get { return twCon.AccessTokenSecret; } } private string CheckStatusCode(HttpStatusCode httpStatus, string responseText, [CallerMemberName] string callerMethodName = "") { if (httpStatus == HttpStatusCode.OK) { Twitter.AccountState = MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid; return null; } // 404エラーの挙動が変なので無視: https://dev.twitter.com/discussions/1213 if (httpStatus == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return null; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(responseText)) { if (httpStatus == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) Twitter.AccountState = MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Invalid; return "Err:" + httpStatus + "(" + callerMethodName + ")"; } try { var errors = TwitterError.ParseJson(responseText).Errors; if (errors == null || !errors.Any()) { return "Err:" + httpStatus + "(" + callerMethodName + ")"; } foreach (var error in errors) { if (error.Code == TwitterErrorCode.InvalidToken || error.Code == TwitterErrorCode.SuspendedAccount) { Twitter.AccountState = MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Invalid; } } return "Err:" + string.Join(",", errors.Select(x => x.ToString())) + "(" + callerMethodName + ")"; } catch (SerializationException) { } return "Err:" + httpStatus + "(" + callerMethodName + ")"; } #region "UserStream" private string trackWord_ = ""; public string TrackWord { get { return trackWord_; } set { trackWord_ = value; } } private bool allAtReply_ = false; public bool AllAtReply { get { return allAtReply_; } set { allAtReply_ = value; } } public event EventHandler NewPostFromStream; public event EventHandler UserStreamStarted; public event EventHandler UserStreamStopped; public event EventHandler PostDeleted; public event EventHandler UserStreamEventReceived; private DateTime _lastUserstreamDataReceived; private TwitterUserstream userStream; public class FormattedEvent { public MyCommon.EVENTTYPE Eventtype { get; set; } public DateTime CreatedAt { get; set; } public string Event { get; set; } public string Username { get; set; } public string Target { get; set; } public Int64 Id { get; set; } public bool IsMe { get; set; } } public List storedEvent_ = new List(); public List StoredEvent { get { return storedEvent_; } set { storedEvent_ = value; } } private readonly IReadOnlyDictionary eventTable = new Dictionary { { "favorite", MyCommon.EVENTTYPE.Favorite }, { "unfavorite", MyCommon.EVENTTYPE.Unfavorite }, { "follow", MyCommon.EVENTTYPE.Follow }, { "list_member_added", MyCommon.EVENTTYPE.ListMemberAdded }, { "list_member_removed", MyCommon.EVENTTYPE.ListMemberRemoved }, { "block", MyCommon.EVENTTYPE.Block }, { "unblock", MyCommon.EVENTTYPE.Unblock }, { "user_update", MyCommon.EVENTTYPE.UserUpdate }, { "deleted", MyCommon.EVENTTYPE.Deleted }, { "list_created", MyCommon.EVENTTYPE.ListCreated }, { "list_destroyed", MyCommon.EVENTTYPE.ListDestroyed }, { "list_updated", MyCommon.EVENTTYPE.ListUpdated }, { "unfollow", MyCommon.EVENTTYPE.Unfollow }, { "list_user_subscribed", MyCommon.EVENTTYPE.ListUserSubscribed }, { "list_user_unsubscribed", MyCommon.EVENTTYPE.ListUserUnsubscribed }, { "mute", MyCommon.EVENTTYPE.Mute }, { "unmute", MyCommon.EVENTTYPE.Unmute } }; public bool IsUserstreamDataReceived { get { return DateTime.Now.Subtract(this._lastUserstreamDataReceived).TotalSeconds < 31; } } private void userStream_StatusArrived(string line) { this._lastUserstreamDataReceived = DateTime.Now; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) return; if (line.First() != '{' || line.Last() != '}') { MyCommon.TraceOut("Invalid JSON (StatusArrived):" + Environment.NewLine + line); return; } var isDm = false; try { using (var jsonReader = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(line), XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas.Max)) { var xElm = XElement.Load(jsonReader); if (xElm.Element("friends") != null) { Debug.WriteLine("friends"); return; } else if (xElm.Element("delete") != null) { Debug.WriteLine("delete"); Int64 id; if (xElm.Element("delete").Element("direct_message") != null && xElm.Element("delete").Element("direct_message").Element("id") != null) { id = 0; long.TryParse(xElm.Element("delete").Element("direct_message").Element("id").Value, out id); if (this.PostDeleted != null) this.PostDeleted(this, new PostDeletedEventArgs(id)); } else if (xElm.Element("delete").Element("status") != null && xElm.Element("delete").Element("status").Element("id") != null) { id = 0; long.TryParse(xElm.Element("delete").Element("status").Element("id").Value, out id); if (this.PostDeleted != null) this.PostDeleted(this, new PostDeletedEventArgs(id)); } else { MyCommon.TraceOut("delete:" + line); return; } for (int i = this.StoredEvent.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var sEvt = this.StoredEvent[i]; if (sEvt.Id == id && (sEvt.Event == "favorite" || sEvt.Event == "unfavorite")) { this.StoredEvent.RemoveAt(i); } } return; } else if (xElm.Element("limit") != null) { Debug.WriteLine(line); return; } else if (xElm.Element("event") != null) { Debug.WriteLine("event: " + xElm.Element("event").Value); CreateEventFromJson(line); return; } else if (xElm.Element("direct_message") != null) { Debug.WriteLine("direct_message"); isDm = true; } else if (xElm.Element("scrub_geo") != null) { try { TabInformations.GetInstance().ScrubGeoReserve(long.Parse(xElm.Element("scrub_geo").Element("user_id").Value), long.Parse(xElm.Element("scrub_geo").Element("up_to_status_id").Value)); } catch(Exception) { MyCommon.TraceOut("scrub_geo:" + line); } return; } } if (isDm) { CreateDirectMessagesFromJson(line, MyCommon.WORKERTYPE.UserStream, false); } else { long dummy = 0; CreatePostsFromJson("[" + line + "]", MyCommon.WORKERTYPE.Timeline, null, false, 0, ref dummy); } } catch(NullReferenceException) { MyCommon.TraceOut("NullRef StatusArrived: " + line); } if (this.NewPostFromStream != null) this.NewPostFromStream(this, EventArgs.Empty); } private void CreateEventFromJson(string content) { TwitterStreamEvent eventData = null; try { eventData = TwitterStreamEvent.ParseJson(content); } catch(SerializationException ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, "Event Serialize Exception!" + Environment.NewLine + content); } catch(Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, "Event Exception!" + Environment.NewLine + content); } var evt = new FormattedEvent(); evt.CreatedAt = MyCommon.DateTimeParse(eventData.CreatedAt); evt.Event = eventData.Event; evt.Username = eventData.Source.ScreenName; evt.IsMe = evt.Username.ToLower().Equals(this.Username.ToLower()); MyCommon.EVENTTYPE eventType; eventTable.TryGetValue(eventData.Event, out eventType); evt.Eventtype = eventType; switch (eventData.Event) { case "access_revoked": case "access_unrevoked": case "user_delete": case "user_suspend": return; case "follow": if (eventData.Target.ScreenName.ToLower().Equals(_uname)) { if (!this.followerId.Contains(eventData.Source.Id)) this.followerId.Add(eventData.Source.Id); } else { return; //Block後のUndoをすると、SourceとTargetが逆転したfollowイベントが帰ってくるため。 } evt.Target = ""; break; case "unfollow": evt.Target = "@" + eventData.Target.ScreenName; break; case "favorite": case "unfavorite": var tweetEvent = TwitterStreamEvent.ParseJson(content); evt.Target = "@" + tweetEvent.TargetObject.User.ScreenName + ":" + WebUtility.HtmlDecode(tweetEvent.TargetObject.Text); evt.Id = tweetEvent.TargetObject.Id; if (SettingCommon.Instance.IsRemoveSameEvent) { if (StoredEvent.Any(ev => { return ev.Username == evt.Username && ev.Eventtype == evt.Eventtype && ev.Target == evt.Target; })) return; } if (TabInformations.GetInstance().ContainsKey(tweetEvent.TargetObject.Id)) { var post = TabInformations.GetInstance()[tweetEvent.TargetObject.Id]; if (eventData.Event == "favorite") { if (evt.Username.ToLower().Equals(_uname)) { post.IsFav = true; TabInformations.GetInstance().GetTabByType(MyCommon.TabUsageType.Favorites).Add(post.StatusId, post.IsRead, false); } else { post.FavoritedCount++; if (!TabInformations.GetInstance().GetTabByType(MyCommon.TabUsageType.Favorites).Contains(post.StatusId)) { if (SettingCommon.Instance.FavEventUnread && post.IsRead) { post.IsRead = false; } TabInformations.GetInstance().GetTabByType(MyCommon.TabUsageType.Favorites).Add(post.StatusId, post.IsRead, false); } else { if (SettingCommon.Instance.FavEventUnread) { TabInformations.GetInstance().SetRead(false, TabInformations.GetInstance().GetTabByType(MyCommon.TabUsageType.Favorites).TabName, TabInformations.GetInstance().GetTabByType(MyCommon.TabUsageType.Favorites).IndexOf(post.StatusId)); } } } } else { if (evt.Username.ToLower().Equals(_uname)) { post.IsFav = false; } else { post.FavoritedCount--; if (post.FavoritedCount < 0) post.FavoritedCount = 0; } } } break; case "list_member_added": case "list_member_removed": case "list_created": case "list_destroyed": case "list_updated": case "list_user_subscribed": case "list_user_unsubscribed": var listEvent = TwitterStreamEvent.ParseJson(content); evt.Target = listEvent.TargetObject.FullName; break; case "block": if (!TabInformations.GetInstance().BlockIds.Contains(eventData.Target.Id)) TabInformations.GetInstance().BlockIds.Add(eventData.Target.Id); evt.Target = ""; break; case "unblock": if (TabInformations.GetInstance().BlockIds.Contains(eventData.Target.Id)) TabInformations.GetInstance().BlockIds.Remove(eventData.Target.Id); evt.Target = ""; break; case "user_update": evt.Target = ""; break; // Mute / Unmute case "mute": evt.Target = "@" + eventData.Target.ScreenName; if (!TabInformations.GetInstance().MuteUserIds.Contains(eventData.Target.Id)) { TabInformations.GetInstance().MuteUserIds.Add(eventData.Target.Id); } break; case "unmute": evt.Target = "@" + eventData.Target.ScreenName; if (TabInformations.GetInstance().MuteUserIds.Contains(eventData.Target.Id)) { TabInformations.GetInstance().MuteUserIds.Remove(eventData.Target.Id); } break; default: MyCommon.TraceOut("Unknown Event:" + evt.Event + Environment.NewLine + content); break; } this.StoredEvent.Insert(0, evt); if (this.UserStreamEventReceived != null) this.UserStreamEventReceived(this, new UserStreamEventReceivedEventArgs(evt)); } private void userStream_Started() { if (this.UserStreamStarted != null) this.UserStreamStarted(this, EventArgs.Empty); } private void userStream_Stopped() { if (this.UserStreamStopped != null) this.UserStreamStopped(this, EventArgs.Empty); } public bool UserStreamEnabled { get { return userStream == null ? false : userStream.Enabled; } } public void StartUserStream() { if (userStream != null) { StopUserStream(); } userStream = new TwitterUserstream(twCon); userStream.StatusArrived += userStream_StatusArrived; userStream.Started += userStream_Started; userStream.Stopped += userStream_Stopped; userStream.Start(this.AllAtReply, this.TrackWord); } public void StopUserStream() { if (userStream != null) userStream.Dispose(); userStream = null; if (!MyCommon._endingFlag) { if (this.UserStreamStopped != null) this.UserStreamStopped(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } public void ReconnectUserStream() { if (userStream != null) { this.StartUserStream(); } } private class TwitterUserstream : IDisposable { public event Action StatusArrived; public event Action Stopped; public event Action Started; private HttpTwitter twCon; private Thread _streamThread; private bool _streamActive; private bool _allAtreplies = false; private string _trackwords = ""; public TwitterUserstream(HttpTwitter twitterConnection) { twCon = (HttpTwitter)twitterConnection.Clone(); } public void Start(bool allAtReplies, string trackwords) { this.AllAtReplies = allAtReplies; this.TrackWords = trackwords; _streamActive = true; if (_streamThread != null && _streamThread.IsAlive) return; _streamThread = new Thread(UserStreamLoop); _streamThread.Name = "UserStreamReceiver"; _streamThread.IsBackground = true; _streamThread.Start(); } public bool Enabled { get { return _streamActive; } } public bool AllAtReplies { get { return _allAtreplies; } set { _allAtreplies = value; } } public string TrackWords { get { return _trackwords; } set { _trackwords = value; } } private void UserStreamLoop() { var sleepSec = 0; do { Stream st = null; StreamReader sr = null; try { if (!MyCommon.IsNetworkAvailable()) { sleepSec = 30; continue; } if (Started != null) { Started(); } var res = twCon.UserStream(ref st, _allAtreplies, _trackwords, Networking.GetUserAgentString()); switch (res) { case HttpStatusCode.OK: Twitter.AccountState = MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid; break; case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: Twitter.AccountState = MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Invalid; sleepSec = 120; continue; } if (st == null) { sleepSec = 30; //MyCommon.TraceOut("Stop:stream is null") continue; } sr = new StreamReader(st); while (_streamActive && !sr.EndOfStream && Twitter.AccountState == MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Valid) { if (StatusArrived != null) { StatusArrived(sr.ReadLine()); } //this.LastTime = Now; } if (sr.EndOfStream || Twitter.AccountState == MyCommon.ACCOUNT_STATE.Invalid) { sleepSec = 30; //MyCommon.TraceOut("Stop:EndOfStream") continue; } break; } catch(WebException ex) { if (ex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.Timeout) { sleepSec = 30; //MyCommon.TraceOut("Stop:Timeout") } else if (ex.Response != null && (int)((HttpWebResponse)ex.Response).StatusCode == 420) { //MyCommon.TraceOut("Stop:Connection Limit") break; } else { sleepSec = 30; //MyCommon.TraceOut("Stop:WebException " + ex.Status.ToString()) } } catch(ThreadAbortException) { break; } catch(IOException) { sleepSec = 30; //MyCommon.TraceOut("Stop:IOException with Active." + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message) } catch(ArgumentException ex) { //System.ArgumentException: ストリームを読み取れませんでした。 //サーバー側もしくは通信経路上で切断された場合?タイムアウト頻発後発生 sleepSec = 30; MyCommon.TraceOut(ex, "Stop:ArgumentException"); } catch(Exception ex) { MyCommon.TraceOut("Stop:Exception." + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); MyCommon.ExceptionOut(ex); sleepSec = 30; } finally { if (_streamActive) { if (Stopped != null) { Stopped(); } } twCon.RequestAbort(); if (sr != null) sr.Close(); if (sleepSec > 0) { var ms = 0; while (_streamActive && ms < sleepSec * 1000) { Thread.Sleep(500); ms += 500; } } sleepSec = 0; } } while (this._streamActive); if (_streamActive) { if (Stopped != null) { Stopped(); } } MyCommon.TraceOut("Stop:EndLoop"); } #region "IDisposable Support" private bool disposedValue; // 重複する呼び出しを検出するには // IDisposable protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!this.disposedValue) { if (disposing) { _streamActive = false; if (_streamThread != null && _streamThread.IsAlive) { _streamThread.Abort(); } } } this.disposedValue = true; } //protected Overrides void Finalize() //{ // // このコードを変更しないでください。クリーンアップ コードを上の Dispose(bool disposing) に記述します。 // Dispose(false) // MyBase.Finalize() //} // このコードは、破棄可能なパターンを正しく実装できるように Visual Basic によって追加されました。 public void Dispose() { // このコードを変更しないでください。クリーンアップ コードを上の Dispose(bool disposing) に記述します。 Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } #endregion } #endregion #region "IDisposable Support" private bool disposedValue; // 重複する呼び出しを検出するには // IDisposable protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!this.disposedValue) { if (disposing) { this.StopUserStream(); } } this.disposedValue = true; } //protected Overrides void Finalize() //{ // // このコードを変更しないでください。クリーンアップ コードを上の Dispose(bool disposing) に記述します。 // Dispose(false) // MyBase.Finalize() //} // このコードは、破棄可能なパターンを正しく実装できるように Visual Basic によって追加されました。 public void Dispose() { // このコードを変更しないでください。クリーンアップ コードを上の Dispose(bool disposing) に記述します。 Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } #endregion } public class PostDeletedEventArgs : EventArgs { public long StatusId { get { return this.statusId; } } private readonly long statusId; public PostDeletedEventArgs(long statusId) { this.statusId = statusId; } } public class UserStreamEventReceivedEventArgs : EventArgs { public Twitter.FormattedEvent EventData { get { return this.eventData; } } private readonly Twitter.FormattedEvent eventData; public UserStreamEventReceivedEventArgs(Twitter.FormattedEvent eventData) { this.eventData = eventData; } } }