// OpenTween - Client of Twitter // Copyright (c) 2013 kim_upsilon (@kim_upsilon) // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of OpenTween. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) // any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License // for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program. If not, see , or write to // the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, // Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Xunit; using Xunit.Extensions; namespace OpenTween { public class LRUCacheDictionaryTest { private static AnyOrderComparer collComparer = AnyOrderComparer.Instance; [Fact] public void InnerListTest() { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary { {"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"}, {"key3", "value3"}, }; var node = dict.innerList.First; Assert.Equal("key3", node.Value.Key); node = node.Next; Assert.Equal("key2", node.Value.Key); node = node.Next; Assert.Equal("key1", node.Value.Key); // 2 -> 3 -> 1 の順に値を参照 var x = dict["key2"]; x = dict["key3"]; x = dict["key1"]; // 直近に参照した順で並んでいるかテスト node = dict.innerList.First; Assert.Equal("key1", node.Value.Key); node = node.Next; Assert.Equal("key3", node.Value.Key); node = node.Next; Assert.Equal("key2", node.Value.Key); } [Theory] [InlineData(1)] [InlineData(2)] [InlineData(3)] [InlineData(4)] [InlineData(5)] public void TrimLimitTest(int trimLimit) { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary() { {"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"}, {"key3", "value3"}, }; dict.TrimLimit = trimLimit; var ret = dict.Trim(); if (trimLimit >= 3) { // trimLimit がアイテムの件数より大きい場合、Trim メソッドは動作せずに false を返す。 Assert.False(ret); Assert.Equal(3, dict.Count); } else { Assert.True(ret); Assert.Equal(trimLimit, dict.Count); } } [Fact] public void TrimOrderTest() { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary() { {"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"}, {"key3", "value3"}, {"key4", "value4"}, {"key5", "value5"}, }; // 4 -> 2 -> 3 -> 1 -> 5 の順で参照 var x = dict["key4"]; x = dict["key2"]; x = dict["key3"]; x = dict["key1"]; x = dict["key5"]; // 3 個までに縮小 dict.TrimLimit = 3; dict.Trim(); // 直近に参照された 3 -> 1 -> 5 のみ残っているはず Assert.True(dict.ContainsKey("key1")); Assert.False(dict.ContainsKey("key2")); Assert.True(dict.ContainsKey("key3")); Assert.False(dict.ContainsKey("key4")); Assert.True(dict.ContainsKey("key5")); } [Fact] public void AutoTrimTest() { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary(); dict.AutoTrimCount = 4; // 4アクセス毎に dict.TrimLimit = 3; // 3個を越えるアイテムを削除する dict["key1"] = "value1"; // 1アクセス目 dict["key2"] = "value2"; // 2アクセス目 dict["key3"] = "value3"; // 3アクセス目 dict["key4"] = "value4"; // 4アクセス目 (この直後にTrim) // 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 の順にアクセスしたため、直近 3 件の 2, 3, 4 だけが残る Assert.Equal>(new[] { "key2", "key3", "key4" }, dict.innerDict.Keys, collComparer); dict["key5"] = "value5"; // 5アクセス目 dict.Add("key6", "value6"); // 6アクセス目 var x = dict["key2"]; // 7アクセス目 dict.TryGetValue("key4", out x); // 8アクセス目 (この直後にTrim) // 5 -> 6 -> 2 -> 4 の順でアクセスしたため、直近 3 件の 6, 2, 4 だけが残る Assert.Equal>(new[] { "key6", "key2", "key4" }, dict.innerDict.Keys, collComparer); } [Fact] public void CacheRemovedEventTest() { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary(); dict["key1"] = "value1"; dict["key2"] = "value2"; dict["key3"] = "value3"; dict["key4"] = "value4"; // イベント設定 var removedList = new List(); dict.CacheRemoved += (s, e) => { removedList.Add(e.Item.Key); }; // 2 個までに縮小 dict.TrimLimit = 2; dict.Trim(); // 直近に参照された 3, 4 以外のアイテムに対してイベントが発生しているはず Assert.Equal>(new[] { "key1", "key2" }, removedList, collComparer); } // ここから下は IDictionary としての機能が正しく動作するかのテスト [Fact] public void AddTest() { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary(); dict.Add("key1", "value1"); Assert.Equal(1, dict.innerDict.Count); Assert.True(dict.innerDict.ContainsKey("key1")); var internalNode = dict.innerDict["key1"]; Assert.Equal("key1", internalNode.Value.Key); Assert.Equal("value1", internalNode.Value.Value); dict.Add("key2", "value2"); Assert.Equal(2, dict.innerDict.Count); Assert.True(dict.innerDict.ContainsKey("key2")); internalNode = dict.innerDict["key2"]; Assert.Equal("key2", internalNode.Value.Key); Assert.Equal("value2", internalNode.Value.Value); } [Fact] public void ContainsKeyTest() { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary { {"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"}, {"key3", "value3"}, }; Assert.True(dict.ContainsKey("key1")); Assert.True(dict.ContainsKey("key3")); Assert.False(dict.ContainsKey("value1")); Assert.False(dict.ContainsKey("hogehoge")); } [Fact] public void ContainsTest() { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary { {"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"}, {"key3", "value3"}, }; Assert.True(dict.Contains(new KeyValuePair("key1", "value1"))); Assert.False(dict.Contains(new KeyValuePair("key3", "value2"))); Assert.False(dict.Contains(new KeyValuePair("value3", "key3"))); Assert.False(dict.Contains(new KeyValuePair("hogehoge", "hogehoge"))); } [Fact] public void RemoveTest() { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary { {"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"}, {"key3", "value3"}, }; var ret = dict.Remove("key1"); Assert.True(ret); Assert.Equal(2, dict.innerDict.Count); Assert.Equal(2, dict.innerList.Count); Assert.False(dict.innerDict.ContainsKey("key1")); Assert.True(dict.innerDict.ContainsKey("key2")); Assert.True(dict.innerDict.ContainsKey("key3")); dict.Remove("key2"); dict.Remove("key3"); Assert.Empty(dict.innerDict); Assert.Empty(dict.innerList); ret = dict.Remove("hogehoge"); Assert.False(ret); } [Fact] public void Remove2Test() { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary { {"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"}, {"key3", "value3"}, }; var ret = dict.Remove(new KeyValuePair("key1", "value1")); Assert.True(ret); Assert.Equal(2, dict.innerDict.Count); Assert.Equal(2, dict.innerList.Count); Assert.False(dict.innerDict.ContainsKey("key1")); Assert.True(dict.innerDict.ContainsKey("key2")); Assert.True(dict.innerDict.ContainsKey("key3")); ret = dict.Remove(new KeyValuePair("key2", "hogehoge")); Assert.False(ret); dict.Remove(new KeyValuePair("key2", "value2")); dict.Remove(new KeyValuePair("key3", "value3")); Assert.Empty(dict.innerDict); Assert.Empty(dict.innerList); ret = dict.Remove(new KeyValuePair("hogehoge", "hogehoge")); Assert.False(ret); } public void GetterTest() { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary { {"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"}, {"key3", "value3"}, }; Assert.Equal("value1", dict["key1"]); Assert.Equal("value2", dict["key2"]); Assert.Equal("value3", dict["key3"]); Assert.Throws(() => { var x = dict["hogehoge"]; }); } [Fact] public void SetterTest() { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary { {"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"}, {"key3", "value3"}, }; dict["key1"] = "foo"; Assert.Equal("foo", dict.innerDict["key1"].Value.Value); dict["hogehoge"] = "bar"; Assert.True(dict.innerDict.ContainsKey("hogehoge")); Assert.Equal("bar", dict.innerDict["hogehoge"].Value.Value); } [Fact] public void TryGetValueTest() { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary { {"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"}, {"key3", "value3"}, }; string value; var ret = dict.TryGetValue("key1", out value); Assert.True(ret); Assert.Equal("value1", value); ret = dict.TryGetValue("hogehoge", out value); Assert.False(ret); Assert.Null(value); } [Fact] public void KeysTest() { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary { {"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"}, {"key3", "value3"}, }; Assert.Equal(new[] { "key1", "key2", "key3" }, dict.Keys, collComparer); dict.Add("foo", "bar"); Assert.Equal(new[] { "key1", "key2", "key3", "foo" }, dict.Keys, collComparer); dict.Remove("key2"); Assert.Equal(new[] { "key1", "key3", "foo" }, dict.Keys, collComparer); dict.Clear(); Assert.Empty(dict.Keys); } [Fact] public void ValuesTest() { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary { {"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"}, {"key3", "value3"}, }; Assert.Equal(new[] { "value1", "value2", "value3" }, dict.Values, collComparer); dict.Add("foo", "bar"); Assert.Equal(new[] { "value1", "value2", "value3", "bar" }, dict.Values, collComparer); dict.Remove("key2"); Assert.Equal(new[] { "value1", "value3", "bar" }, dict.Values, collComparer); dict.Clear(); Assert.Empty(dict.Values); } [Fact] public void CountTest() { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary(); Assert.Equal(0, dict.Count); dict.Add("key1", "value1"); Assert.Equal(1, dict.Count); dict.Add("key2", "value2"); Assert.Equal(2, dict.Count); dict.Remove("key1"); Assert.Equal(1, dict.Count); dict.Clear(); Assert.Equal(0, dict.Count); } [Fact] public void CopyToTest() { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary { {"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"}, {"key3", "value3"}, }; var array = new KeyValuePair[5]; dict.CopyTo(array, 0); Assert.Equal(new KeyValuePair("key1", "value1"), array[0]); Assert.Equal(new KeyValuePair("key2", "value2"), array[1]); Assert.Equal(new KeyValuePair("key3", "value3"), array[2]); Assert.Equal(new KeyValuePair(), array[3]); Assert.Equal(new KeyValuePair(), array[4]); array = new KeyValuePair[5]; dict.CopyTo(array, 1); Assert.Equal(new KeyValuePair(), array[0]); Assert.Equal(new KeyValuePair("key1", "value1"), array[1]); Assert.Equal(new KeyValuePair("key2", "value2"), array[2]); Assert.Equal(new KeyValuePair("key3", "value3"), array[3]); Assert.Equal(new KeyValuePair(), array[4]); array = new KeyValuePair[5]; Assert.Throws(() => dict.CopyTo(array, 3)); Assert.Throws(() => dict.CopyTo(array, 5)); Assert.Throws(() => dict.CopyTo(array, -1)); Assert.Throws(() => dict.CopyTo(null, 0)); } [Fact] public void IsReadOnlyTest() { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary(); Assert.False(dict.IsReadOnly); } [Fact] public void EnumeratorTest() { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary { {"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"}, {"key3", "value3"}, }; var enumerator = dict.GetEnumerator(); Assert.True(enumerator.MoveNext()); Assert.Equal(new KeyValuePair("key1", "value1"), enumerator.Current); Assert.True(enumerator.MoveNext()); Assert.Equal(new KeyValuePair("key2", "value2"), enumerator.Current); Assert.True(enumerator.MoveNext()); Assert.Equal(new KeyValuePair("key3", "value3"), enumerator.Current); Assert.False(enumerator.MoveNext()); } [Fact] public void Enumerator2Test() { var dict = new LRUCacheDictionary { {"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"}, {"key3", "value3"}, }; var enumerator = ((IEnumerable)dict).GetEnumerator(); Assert.True(enumerator.MoveNext()); Assert.Equal(new KeyValuePair("key1", "value1"), enumerator.Current); Assert.True(enumerator.MoveNext()); Assert.Equal(new KeyValuePair("key2", "value2"), enumerator.Current); Assert.True(enumerator.MoveNext()); Assert.Equal(new KeyValuePair("key3", "value3"), enumerator.Current); Assert.False(enumerator.MoveNext()); } } }