// OpenTween - Client of Twitter // Copyright (c) 2014 kim_upsilon (@kim_upsilon) // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of OpenTween. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) // any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License // for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program. If not, see , or write to // the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, // Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using OpenTween.Api.DataModel; using Xunit; using Xunit.Extensions; namespace OpenTween { public class TweetFormatterTest { [Fact] public void FormatUrlEntity_Test() { var text = "http://t.co/6IwepKCM0P"; var entities = new[] { new TwitterEntityUrl { Indices = new[] { 0, 22 }, DisplayUrl = "example.com", ExpandedUrl = "http://example.com/", Url = "http://t.co/6IwepKCM0P", }, }; var expected = """example.com"""; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void FormatUrlEntity_TwitterComTest() { var text = "https://t.co/0Ko1I27m0a"; var entities = new[] { new TwitterEntityUrl { Indices = new[] { 0, 23 }, DisplayUrl = "twitter.com/twitterapi", ExpandedUrl = "https://twitter.com/twitterapi", Url = "https://t.co/0Ko1I27m0a", }, }; // twitter.com 宛のリンクは t.co を経由せずにリンクする var expected = """twitter.com/twitterapi"""; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void FormatHashtagEntity_Test() { var text = "#OpenTween"; var entities = new[] { new TwitterEntityHashtag { Indices = new[] { 0, 10 }, Text = "OpenTween", }, }; var expected = """#OpenTween"""; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void FormatMentionEntity_Test() { var text = "@TwitterAPI"; var entities = new[] { new TwitterEntityMention { Indices = new[] { 0, 11 }, Id = 6253282L, Name = "Twitter API", ScreenName = "twitterapi", }, }; var expected = """@TwitterAPI"""; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void FormatMediaEntity_Test() { var text = "http://t.co/h5dCr4ftN4"; var entities = new[] { new TwitterEntityMedia { Indices = new[] { 0, 22 }, Sizes = new TwitterMediaSizes { Large = new TwitterMediaSizes.Size { Resize = "fit", Height = 329, Width = 1024 }, Medium = new TwitterMediaSizes.Size { Resize = "fit", Height = 204, Width = 600 }, Small = new TwitterMediaSizes.Size { Resize = "fit", Height = 116, Width = 340 }, Thumb = new TwitterMediaSizes.Size { Resize = "crop", Height = 150, Width = 150 }, }, Type = "photo", Id = 426404550379986940L, MediaUrlHttps = "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BerkrewCYAAV4Kf.png", Url = "http://t.co/h5dCr4ftN4", DisplayUrl = "pic.twitter.com/h5dCr4ftN4", ExpandedUrl = "http://twitter.com/kim_upsilon/status/426404550371598337/photo/1", }, }; var expected = """pic.twitter.com/h5dCr4ftN4"""; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void FormatMediaEntity_AltTextTest() { var text = "http://t.co/h5dCr4ftN4"; var entities = new[] { new TwitterEntityMedia { Indices = new[] { 0, 22 }, Sizes = new TwitterMediaSizes { Large = new TwitterMediaSizes.Size { Resize = "fit", Height = 329, Width = 1024 }, Medium = new TwitterMediaSizes.Size { Resize = "fit", Height = 204, Width = 600 }, Small = new TwitterMediaSizes.Size { Resize = "fit", Height = 116, Width = 340 }, Thumb = new TwitterMediaSizes.Size { Resize = "crop", Height = 150, Width = 150 }, }, Type = "photo", Id = 426404550379986940L, MediaUrlHttps = "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BerkrewCYAAV4Kf.png", Url = "http://t.co/h5dCr4ftN4", DisplayUrl = "pic.twitter.com/h5dCr4ftN4", ExpandedUrl = "http://twitter.com/kim_upsilon/status/426404550371598337/photo/1", AltText = "ATOKの推測変換候補のスクリーンショット", }, }; var expected = """pic.twitter.com/h5dCr4ftN4"""; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void FormatEmojiEntity_Test() { var text = "🍣"; var entities = new[] { new TwitterEntityEmoji { Indices = new[] { 0, 1 }, Text = "🍣", Url = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twemoji/14.0.2/72x72/1f363.png", }, }; var expected = """🍣"""; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void FormatEmojiEntity_EmptyUrlTest() { // 余分な U+FE0F があった場合に Url が空の絵文字エンティティが渡される var text = "\uFE0F"; var entities = new[] { new TwitterEntityEmoji { Indices = new[] { 0, 1 }, Text = "", Url = "", }, }; var expected = ""; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void AutoLinkHtml_EntityNullTest() { var text = "てすとてすとー"; TwitterEntities? entities = null; var expected = "てすとてすとー"; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void AutoLinkHtml_EntityNullTest2() { var text = "てすとてすとー"; var entities = new TwitterEntities { Urls = null, Hashtags = null, UserMentions = null, Media = null, }; var expected = "てすとてすとー"; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void AutoLinkHtml_EntityNullTest3() { var text = "てすとてすとー"; IEnumerable? entities = null; var expected = "てすとてすとー"; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void AutoLinkHtml_EscapeTest() { // Twitter APIの中途半端なエスケープの対象とならない「"」や「'」に対するエスケープ処理を施す var text = "\"\'@twitterapi\'\""; var entities = new[] { new TwitterEntityMention { Indices = new[] { 2, 13 }, Id = 6253282L, Name = "Twitter API", ScreenName = "twitterapi", }, }; var expected = """"'@twitterapi'""""; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void AutoLinkHtml_EscapeTest2() { // 「<」や「>」についてはエスケープされた状態でAPIからテキストが返されるため、二重エスケープとならないように考慮する var text = "<b> @twitterapi </b>"; var entities = new[] { new TwitterEntityMention { Indices = new[] { 10, 21 }, Id = 6253282L, Name = "Twitter API", ScreenName = "twitterapi", }, }; var expected = """<b> @twitterapi </b>"""; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void AutoLinkHtml_EscapeTest3() { // 万が一「<」や「>」がエスケープされていない状態のテキストを受け取っても適切にエスケープが施されるようにする var text = " @twitterapi "; var entities = new[] { new TwitterEntityMention { Indices = new[] { 4, 15 }, Id = 6253282L, Name = "Twitter API", ScreenName = "twitterapi", }, }; var expected = """<b> @twitterapi </b>"""; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void AutoLinkHtml_EscapeUrlTest() { // 日本語ハッシュタグのリンク先URLを適切にエスケープする var text = "#ぜんぶ雪のせいだ"; var entities = new[] { new TwitterEntityHashtag { Indices = new[] { 0, 9 }, Text = "ぜんぶ雪のせいだ", }, }; var expected = """#ぜんぶ雪のせいだ"""; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void AutoLinkHtml_SurrogatePairTest() { // UTF-16 で 4 バイトで表される文字を含むツイート // 参照: https://sourceforge.jp/ticket/browse.php?group_id=6526&tid=33079 var text = "🐬🐬 @irucame 🐬🐬"; var entities = new[] { new TwitterEntityMention { Indices = new[] { 3, 11 }, Id = 89942943L, ScreenName = "irucame", }, }; var expected = """🐬🐬 @irucame 🐬🐬"""; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void AutoLinkHtml_SurrogatePairTest2() { // 現時点では存在しないものの、ハッシュタグなどエンティティ内にサロゲートペアが含まれる場合も考慮する var text = "🐬🐬 #🐬🐬 🐬🐬 #🐬🐬 🐬🐬"; var entities = new[] { new TwitterEntityHashtag { Indices = new[] { 3, 6 }, Text = "🐬🐬", }, new TwitterEntityHashtag { Indices = new[] { 10, 13 }, Text = "🐬🐬", }, }; var expected = """🐬🐬 #🐬🐬 """ + """🐬🐬 #🐬🐬 🐬🐬"""; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void AutoLinkHtml_CompositeCharacterTest() { // 合成文字 é ( \u00e9 ) を含むツイート // 参照: https://dev.twitter.com/issues/251 var text = "Caf\u00e9 #test"; var entities = new[] { new TwitterEntityHashtag { Indices = new[] { 5, 10 }, Text = "test", }, }; var expected = "Caf\u00e9 " + """#test"""; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void AutoLinkHtml_CombiningCharacterSequenceTest() { // 結合文字列 é ( e + \u0301 ) を含むツイート // 参照: https://dev.twitter.com/issues/251 var text = "Cafe\u0301 #test"; var entities = new[] { new TwitterEntityHashtag { Indices = new[] { 6, 11 }, Text = "test", }, }; var expected = "Cafe\u0301 " + """#test"""; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void AutoLinkHtml_BreakLineTest() { var text = "てすと\nてすと\nてすと"; TwitterEntities? entities = null; var expected = "てすと
てすと"; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } [Fact] public void AutoLinkHtml_WhitespaceTest() { // 連続する半角スペースを表示するため 1 文字おきに   に変換する var text = "a a a a a"; var expected = "a a  a   a    a"; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities: null)); } [Fact] public void AutoLinkHtml_OverlappedEntitiesTest() { // extended_entities で追加される、区間が重複したエンティティを考慮 // 参照: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/multiple-media-extended-entities var text = "\"I hope you'll keep...building bonds of friendship that will enrich your lives & enrich our world\" \u2014FLOTUS in China, http://t.co/fxmuQN9JL9"; var entities = new[] { new TwitterEntityMedia { DisplayUrl = "pic.twitter.com/fxmuQN9JL9", ExpandedUrl = "http://twitter.com/FLOTUS/status/449660889793581056/photo/1", Indices = new[] { 121, 143 }, MediaUrlHttps = "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bj2EH6yIQAEYvxu.jpg", Url = "http://t.co/fxmuQN9JL9", }, new TwitterEntityMedia { DisplayUrl = "pic.twitter.com/fxmuQN9JL9", ExpandedUrl = "http://twitter.com/FLOTUS/status/449660889793581056/photo/1", Indices = new[] { 121, 143 }, MediaUrlHttps = "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bj2EHxAIIAE8dtg.jpg", Url = "http://t.co/fxmuQN9JL9", }, new TwitterEntityMedia { DisplayUrl = "pic.twitter.com/fxmuQN9JL9", ExpandedUrl = "http://twitter.com/FLOTUS/status/449660889793581056/photo/1", Indices = new[] { 121, 143 }, MediaUrlHttps = "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bj2EH3pIYAE4LQn.jpg", Url = "http://t.co/fxmuQN9JL9", }, new TwitterEntityMedia { DisplayUrl = "pic.twitter.com/fxmuQN9JL9", ExpandedUrl = "http://twitter.com/FLOTUS/status/449660889793581056/photo/1", Indices = new[] { 121, 143 }, MediaUrlHttps = "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bj2EL3DIEAAzGAX.jpg", Url = "http://t.co/fxmuQN9JL9", }, }; var expected = ""I hope you'll keep...building bonds of friendship that will enrich your lives & enrich our world" \u2014FLOTUS in China, " + """pic.twitter.com/fxmuQN9JL9"""; Assert.Equal(expected, TweetFormatter.AutoLinkHtml(text, entities)); } } }