About UltraMonkey-L7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome ======= UltraMonkey-L7 is a opensource layer-7 load balancing software. <<< Notes concerning the use of this software package >>> Due to a possible conflict with an U.S. patent owned by F5 Networks, the use of the cookie-based persistence module included in this package is restricted to Japan. System requirements =================== OS : Linux 2.6.9(or later)on x86 and x86_64 architecture We recommend to use Redhat Enterprise Linux. CPU : Intel x86 and x86_64 or compatible architecture processors Memory : 2 GB(recommended) Libraries : log4cxx(C++LoggingLibraries) boost(C++TemplateLibraries) License ======= UltraMonkey-L7 is distributed using LGPL License. Release plan in the future ========================== - Mar. 2008 * cookie-based persistence module: passive mode, etc... * GUI administration tool * more useful health monitors(log, SNMP, etc...) About UltraMonkey-L7 Project ============================ To get more information about UltraMonkey-L7, please visit our project Web Site. Project Web Site - http://ultramonkey-l7.sourceforge.jp/ Software repository - http://sourceforge.jp/projects/ultramonkey-l7/