================================================================================== portsreinstall - ports upgrading utility for massive forced reinstalltion Version 1.0.0, March 3, 2011 Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Mamoru Sakaue, MwGhennndo, All Rights Reserved. ================================================================================== This software is a ports management tool for FreeBSD designed to be suitable for reinstallation of all packages after major version upgrade of the system or very long absence of ports upgrade. The executable command is "portsreinstall". Short and long helps are shown by "portsreinstall -h" and "portsreinstall -H", respectively. The manual page is shown by "man portsreinstall". The superuser privillege is required for operations by this executable. Entire reinstalltion of all installed packages starts by execution without argument or options. The process can be interupped by CTRL+C at any stages and restarted from there by execution without argument or options. Temporal databases are constructed under /var/tmp/portsreinstall.db/ which must be preserved until you complete or give up the reinstallation work. The database can be cleaned by executing "portsreinstall clean". The all files in this package are distributed under the 2-Clause BSD License as described in COPYRIGHT. Follow the descriptions in INSTALL for installation.